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History and System of psychology 502

Assignment no 1


Maryam Noor Butt


Assignment Question:
Below are five examples related to the stages proposed by Al Ghazali for improving oneself
( Mashraqa, Muraqaba,Muhasaba,Mujahida, Mataba) which have been discussed in lacture no 5 of
your course. Please read these stages in detail to prepare your assignment.

Your task is to:

1 Identify the stage each example refers to

2 Justify your selection by providing an explanation (at least 2 points) of the identified stage.

Sr Examples Identification of Stage Justification

no 2*5 Marks 2*5 Marks

1 Hamza has always been shy and reserved Identity Formation 1 Exploration:
in social situations, often holding back
his opinions and thoughts. He starts Hamza’s active participation in
participating more actively in class class discussions and social
discussions and social gatherings, gatherings indicates that he is
pushing himself out of his comfort zone
to express himself more confidently exploring different aspects of
his identity, including
expressing his opinions and
thoughts more confidently. This
behaviour suggests that he is
actively seeking to understand
and define his identity.
2 Pushing out of comfort zone:
Hamza’s behaviour of pushing
himself out of his comfort zone
suggests that he is engaging in
the process of identity
formation, where individuals
often confront new experiences
and challenges to develop a
clearer sense of self. This
willingness to step outside his
comfort zone is characteristic
of the stage of identity
formation, where individuals
actively seek to establish their
Ali realises that he has a habit Contemplation” stage of 1 Awareness of Behaviour:
of interrupting others while the Trans theoretical Ali has become aware of his
they speak. After a Model of Change habit of interrupting others
conversation with a friend while they speak. This
who pointed it out , he starts awareness signifies that he is
reflecting on his behaviour moving beyond denial or
and makes a conscious effort ignorance about his behaviour.
to listen more attentively 2 Reflection and Conscious
without interrupting. Effort:
Ali is reflecting on his
behaviour and making a
conscious effort to change by
listening more attentively
without interrupting. This
demonstrates an active
engagement in the process of
change, which aligns with the
contemplation stage where
individuals start to seriously
consider making changes.
3 Ali has been struggling with Transtheoretical Model 1 Commitment to Action:
maintaining a healthy (TTM) of Ali has made a conscious
lifestyle due to his sedentary decision to change his lifestyle
job and fast- food habits. by joining a gym, exercising
After experiencing health regularly, and researching
issues like fatigue and weight healthier eating options. This
gain he decides to make a indicates that he has moved
change. Following his active beyond contemplation or
friends, he joins a gym and preparation stages and is
commits to exercising actively taking steps towards
regularly. He researches behaviour change.
healthier eating options and 2 Behaviour Change:
create a meal plan that Ali has started implementing
includes more fruits and specific actions such as
vegetables, and lean proteins exercising regularly and
ultimately transiting to health adopting a healthier diet. He
lifestyle. has created a meal plan that
includes more fruits,
vegetables, and lean proteins,
which demonstrates a
significant behavioural change
from his previous sedentary job
and fast-food habits. This
shows that he is actively
engaged in modifying his
behaviour to achieve his health
4 Huma frequently loses her Autonomy vs. Shame 1 Initiative:
temper with her siblings over and Doubt, according to Huma is taking initiative by
small issues. To improve her Erik Erikson’s theory of recognizing her behaviour
behaviour she imposes a psychosocial (losing temper) and actively
consequence on herself each development. trying to improve it by
time she gets angry, such as imposing consequences on
giving up a favourite activity herself. This shows an
for a set period. emerging sense of autonomy
and self-regulation.
2 Sense of Purpose:
By implementing consequences
for her actions, Huma is
developing a sense of purpose
and responsibility, which are
key components of Stage 2.
This stage is about developing a
balance between autonomy and
the limits set by others, which
Huma is exploring through her
self-imposed consequences.
5 Yumna realises that she has Good Interpersonal Yumna’s realization of her
been gossiping about her Relationships.” In this gossiping behaviour and
classmates behind their stage, individuals strive subsequent apology
backs. Feeling guilty about to maintain the affection demonstrate an understanding
her behaviour, she and approval of others of the importance of
approaches each person by being a good person interpersonal relationships and
individually, apologises and following the rules the harm caused by her actions,
sincerely, and asks for of society reflecting a concern for
forgiveness, deciding not to maintaining positive
engage in Gossips again relationships with her
classmates (Stage 3).
Her decision to refrain from
engaging in gossiping again
signifies an internalization of
societal norms and moral
values, which is characteristic
of Stage 3, where individuals
start to internalize the moral
standards of their social

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