MR Daniyal Mustafa

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Name: Mr.DANYAL MUSTAFA Barcode No: 70322965 Collected ON: 30/Dec/2023 06:59PM

Sex / Age: MALE / 29 YRS Report Status: Final Received On: 30/Dec/2023 06:59PM

Accession No: 00932312300005 Refer By: Dr. Self Reported On: 30/Dec/2023 07:49PM

Test Name Result Flag Biological Ref.Interval Unit

Testosterone Total Serum
Testosterone Total* 368.10 164.94-753.38 ng/dL
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay

* Testosterone is the principal male sex hormone, produced by the Leydig cells of the testes.
* The main precursor for serum testosterone in women is dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) produced in the adrenal cortex, testes, and
* In serum, testosterone is largely bound to albumin (38%) and to a specific steroid hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) (60%), but it is the
free hormone (2%) that is physiologically active.
Increased in: Idiopathic sexual precocity, adrenal hyperplasia (boys), adrenocortical tumors, trophoblastic disease during pregnancy, idiopathic
hirsutism, virilizing ovarian tumors, PCOD, arrhenoblastoma, virilizing luteoma, testicular feminization (normal or moderately elevated),
cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, Cuishing's Disease, drugs( anticonvulsants, barbiturates, estrogens, oral contraceptives).

Decreased in: Hypogonadism (primary and secondary), orchidectomy, Klinefelter syndrome, uremia, hemodialysis, hepatic insufficiency, ethanol ,
drugs ( digoxin, spironolactone, acarbose ), excessive exercise.

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Name: Mr.DANYAL MUSTAFA Barcode No: 70322965 Collected ON: 30/Dec/2023 06:59PM

Sex / Age: MALE / 29 YRS Report Status: Final Received On: 30/Dec/2023 06:59PM

Accession No: 00932312300005 Refer By: Dr. Self Reported On: 30/Dec/2023 08:25PM

Test Name Result Flag Biological Ref.Interval Unit

Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin Serum

Vitamin B12 Level* 315 187.0-833.0 pg/mL
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay

Vitamin B 12 along with folate is essential for DNA synthesis and myelin formation.
Vitamin B 12 deficiency can result due to nutritional deficiency, malabsorption and other gastrointestinal causes.
The test is ordered primarily to help diagnose the cause of macrocytic/ megaloblastic anaemia
Decreased levels are seen in anaemia, vegetarianism, partial gastrectomy/ ileal damage, celiac disease, with oral contraceptive use, pancreatic
deficiency, smoking, hemodialysis and advancing age.
Increased levels are seen in renal failure, hepatocellular disorders, myeloproliferative disorders and at times with excess supplementation of
vitamins pills.

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Name: Mr.DANYAL MUSTAFA Barcode No: 70322965 Collected ON: 30/Dec/2023 06:59PM

Sex / Age: MALE / 29 YRS Report Status: Final Received On: 30/Dec/2023 06:59PM

Accession No: 00932312300005 Refer By: Dr. Self Reported On: 30/Dec/2023 07:49PM

Test Name Result Flag Biological Ref.Interval Unit

Vitamin D -25 Hydroxy Serum

Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy* 24.01 ng/mL

25-OH Vitamin D Concentration ng/mL
Very Severe Vitamin D Deficiency <5
Severe Vitamin D Deficiency 5-10
Vitamin D Deficiency 10-20
Suboptimal Vitamin D 20-30
Optimal Vitamin D level 30-50
Upper normal 50-70
Overdose, but not toxic 70-150
Vitamin D intoxication >150
25-OH Vitamin D levels are used for assessment of Vitamin D deficiency, determination of adequacy of Vitamin supplementation (if on Vitamin D
replacement therapy), before drug treatment for osteoporosis, when abnormal phosphorus, calcium or PTH levels are detected and for assessment
of bone disease or bone weakness.
Low levels are seen in inadequate exposure to sunlight, inadequate dietary intake, malabsorption, drugs like phenytoin etc.
High levels are seen in excess supplementation from Vitamin pills or other nutritional supplements.
Note: Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of some cancers, immune diseases, and cardiovascular disease.


*** End Of Report ***

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