Topic: Colonization Multiple Choice Questions: Colony

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Social Studies La Salle High School & College, Faisalabad Page 1 of 2

Topic: Colonization

Multiple Choice Questions

Sr# Statement A B C D
1 A___ is a far off land that colony country City town
country captures and
2 Europeans countries 15th 16th century 17th century 18th century
started colonies in other century
3 Christopher Columbus 1495 1493 1492 1494
landed on an island near
America in ____
4 Christopher was an ___ Italian Spanish Greek Chinese
5 ___ did not grow in maize rice Spices wheat
6 A Spanish explorer___ Cortez Columbus Francis John
made friends native
people of Mexico
7 Christian priests worked customs language Tradition rules
with native people and
learned their ____
8 Goa is the city in ____ India Russia China Iran
9 The most expensive pepper cloves Nutmeg cinnamon
spice was ____
10 Many native people in kings leaders Priests slaves
the colonies became__

Topic: Books and Printing

Mutiple Choice Questions.

Sr# Statement A B C D
1 People began to write Thousands Hundreds Ten Twenty
___ of years ago.

2 The __ invented the Chinese Indian Greek Russian

3 Woodblock printing Europe Africa Asia North
Started in _____ America
4 Choe-Yun-ui made the Clay Metal Wood Glass
first _______ letters
5 Gutenberg invented a 14th 15th 16th 17th
printing press that used
metal letters in ____
6 Books were copied b Paint Ink Water All
hand using quill pen and
7 ________ helped to Copying Pasting Printing None
spread learning and new

Four Cambridge
Social Studies La Salle High School & College, Faisalabad Page 2 of 2

8 Paper-making spread 8th 9th 10th 11th

from China to Islamic
countries in ___ century.
9 The first newspaper was Germany France America Italy
printed in ____
10 The most famous book Christian Quran Gita Guru Granth
that Gutenberg printed Bible Sahib

Topic: Rights and Responsibilities

Mutiple Choice Questions.

Sr# Statement A B C D

1 Everyone has same Rights Duties Money Property


2 More than ______ 3 4 5 6

million children work in
3 More than ____ million 670 850 900 457
people do not have
enough to eat.
4 In 1898 world leaders Men Women Children All
met to make a special list
of ______ rights.
5 104million children aged 6-9 5-12 6-30 20-40
___do not go to school.

6 Most countries also Less More Extra None

agree that children have
____ rights .
7 ______ are listed in the Laws Rights Statements None
Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.
8 884 million people drink Unsafe Safe Muddy Salty
___ water.

9 SPARC helps children to Rights Games Food Juice

enjoy their ____
10 SPARC stands for Society for Society for Society for Society for
the the the the
Protection Protection of Protection Protection of
of the Rights the Rights of of the Rights the Rights of
of Child Men of Women All

Four Cambridge

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