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Periodontal Repair in Dogs:

Effect of Wound Stabilization
on Healing*
Ulf . E. Wikesjö and Rolf Nilvéus

This study evaluated a biodegradable polylactic acid matrix as a wound sta-

bilizing implant in reconstructive periodontal surgery. Supra-alveolar circumferential
periodontal defects, 5 to 6 mm large, were surgically created around the mandibular
premolars in 7 beagle dogs. The root surfaces in left and right jaw quadrants were treated
with either heparin or saline. In this model, root surface treatment with heparin compro-
mises periodontal repair and results in a long junctional epithelium and a reduced con-
nective tissue repair to the root surface, whereas saline treatment results in almost complete
connective tissue repair. Following heparin or saline treatment a polylactic acid implant
was placed on 1 premolar in each quadrant. After 4 weeks of wound healing, the dogs
were sacrificed and tissue blocks prepared for histometric analysis. Postoperatively, the
implant became exposed and infected in 3 dogs and had to be removed. Therefore, the
results reflect the 4 dogs in which healing progressed uneventfully. Connective tissue
repair to the root surface in teeth treated with heparin averaged 82% of the defect height.
Mean connective tissue repair in teeth treated with heparin and the implant was signifi-
cantly greater and comprised approximately 99% of the defect height (P < 0.05). Teeth
treated with saline either with or without the implant also healed with almost complete
connective tissue repair. The results support the importance of wound stabilization in
periodontal wound healing. Development of biodegradable implant systems aimed at
stabilizing and supporting the healing wound seems a desirable direction for future re-
search in regenerative periodontal procedures. J Periodontol 1990; 61:719-724.

Key Words: Tooth résorption; root; dental implants; connective tissue; heparin; peri-
odontal diseases/therapy; polylactic acid; biogradation; wound healing.

Experimental studies in dogs have demonstrated that when with sutures "anchored" to the teeth except in rare clinical
mucoperiosteal flaps are elevated and sutured to cover most situations.7 Other means of establishing wound stabiliza-
of the crown of teeth with extensive periodontal defects, tion, therefore, need to be explored. Various implant ma-
connective tissue repair to the root surface is predictable.1"5 terials have been used in periodontal reconstructive surgery.8
In contrast, when the flap margins are placed and sutured The graft materials, whether autografts, allografts, or of
slightly above the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ), healing alloplastic nature, are mostly granular and may be suitable
results in partial epithelialization of the wound.1-6 However, for use in infrabony and furcation defects but not for wound
when the flap margins are "anchored" at this level by stabilization in reconstructive surgery of supraalveolar peri-
single interdental sutures luted to the crowns of the teeth, odontal defects.
connective tissue repair is comparable to that observed fol- Polylactic acid is a biodegradable ester polymer devel-
lowing coronally elevated flaps.6 From these findings it oped by Kulkarni et al.9-10 It has been used in orthopedic
appears that in addition to adequate primary wound cov- surgery in various configurations; for example, spun into
erage, some other measure must be satisfied to enhance fibers11 or machined to screws and plates.12 Thin sheets of
connective tissue repair to the root surface. The coronally polylactic acid have been used in periodontal reconstructive
elevated flap as well as the crown "anchored" flap pro- surgery13-14 and porous cubes or granules used to enhance
cedure may offer this additional measure by contributing the healing of alveolar extraction sites.15'16 The porous ma-
increased stability to the healing wound. terial is arranged in a network of randomly sized and po-
It is generally not feasible to position and secure the flaps sitioned interstices which communicate with each other and
the outer boundaries of the material. The material is rigid
School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, ca. and may be carved to almost any shape. These properties
J Periodontol

seem to be valuable in accomplishing adequate wound sta-

bilization for supraalveolar periodontal defects. The pur-
pose of this study was to histologically evaluate the porous
polylactic acid implant material as a wound stabilizing mea-
sure in reconstructive surgery of supraalveolar periodontal
defects in dogs.


Animals and Surgical Procedures

Seven young adult male beagle dogs were used. Bilateral
circumferential horizontal periodontal defects were sur-
gically created in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mandibular pre-
molars (P2, P3, and P4) immediately followed by
reconstructive surgery. The defects measured approxi-
mately 5 to 6 mm from the CEJ to the margin of the alveolar
bone. The defects in P2 were slightly smaller than in P3
and P4. All surgical procedures and dog maintenance fol-
lowed a standard laboratory protocol earlier described.17
This study was part of an institutionally approved protocol
in periodontal wound healing in dogs.

Wound Management
Root surface treatment followed a protocol earlier de-
scribed.18 Briefly, the root surfaces were carefully instru- Figure 1. The polylactic acid implant material before (A) and after (B)
mented to remove all cementum. They were then isolated preparation for the implant site. The body of the material is carved to a
with rubber dam and treated with either heparin1" or saline U-shape (B:a) to fit one interproximal and the buccal and lingual aspect
in alternate quadrants. Heparin or saline treatments were of the defect. Separate blocks are carved to fit the furcation (B:b) and to
close the U-shaped block in the remaining interproximal aspect of the
carried out as 5-minute continuous drop applications. Ov-
defect (B:c).
erflow of the heparin solution or saline was continuously
aspirated. The root surfaces were then allowed to dry for 2
minutes assisted by a gentle stream of air. After removal
of the rubber dam, porous blocks of polylactic acid,* carved Histological Procedures
to a profile similar to the removed alveolar bone, were Block biopsies including experimental teeth and surround-
loosely fitted to either P2 or P4 in heparin and saline treated ing soft and hard tissues were obtained at sacrifice. The
quadrants (Figs. 1 and 2). The base of the implant material blocks were decalcified, trimmed, dehydrated, and embed-
rested on the reduced alveolar bone while its coronal border ded in paraffin. Serial sections, 7 µ thick, were cut in a
reached just apical to the CEJ. Every second dog received
bucco-lingual plane throughout each tooth. Every 14th sec-
the implant around the left and right P2 and every other tion, approximately 100 µ apart, was stained with Mas-
around the left and right P4. Thus, 4 experimental condi- son's trichrome and an adjacent section with hematoxylin
tions were created: 1) heparin treatment; 2) heparin treat- and eosin.
ment and polylactic acid implant; 3) saline treatment, and
Judged by the size of the root canal and the pulp cham-
4) saline treatment and polylactic acid implant. The flaps ber, the most centrally located section was identified for
were sutured to cover the implant, leaving the flap margins both the mesial and the distal root. This section and the 2
1 to 2 mm coronal to the cemento-enamel junction. Sutures
adjacent step serial sections on each side were used for
were removed after 7 to 10 days. A broad spectrum anti-
analysis. Measurements were performed at 30X magnifi-
biotic* was administered daily for 2 weeks following sur- cation using a microscope linked to a computer aided man-
gery. Daily plaque control was achieved by irrigation with ual data collection system."
a 2% Chlorhexidine solution.¡l The dogs were sacrificed 4
The following linear measurements were taken for the
weeks after surgery. buccal and lingual surfaces of each root of the teeth:
-Lock, 10 units/ml, Elkins Sinn Inc., Cherry Hill, NJ (diluted to 1 Defect height: the distance between the apical extension
unit/ml in saline).
of the root planing and the cemento-enamel junction.
*Drilac Cube, Osmed, Costa Mesa, CA (6% polylactic acid, 94% air). Junctional epithelium: the distance from the apical to
5Combiotic, Pfizer Inc., New York, NY.
:iHibitane, ICI Ltd., Macclesfield, Great Britain. 'Videoplan, Carl Zeiss Inc., Kontron, Eching bei München, West Germany.
Volume 61
Number 12 WIKESJÖ, N1LVÉUS 721

Data Analysis
Surface, tooth, and dog means for each of the measure-
ments were calculated using the 5 selected step serial sec-
tions. Differences for treatments between dog means were
analyzed using Student's f-test for paired observations. Dif-
ferences for treatments between dog means relative to con-
nective tissue repair were also analyzed using the
nonparametric Quade test.19 Additionally, the frequency of
teeth presenting with root résorption and ankylosis was cal-
culated. Presence of these features in 1 or more sections
from each tooth resulted in a positive score.


Clinical Observations
Healing proceeded uneventfully in 4 of the 7 dogs. The
gingival margin receded to slightly coronal to the CEJ in
saline treated teeth with or without the adjunctive biode-
gradable implant. Similarly, in heparin-treated teeth with
the polylactic acid implant, the gingival margin maintained
a position coronal to the CEJ. In contrast, in teeth receiving

heparin treatment alone the gingival recession progressed

apical to the CEJ. In 3 dogs the implant became exposed
and the surgical sites infected. The implant had to be re-
moved and the wounds debrided. Thus, the histological
observations were limited to the 4 dogs in which healing
proceeded uneventfully.

Histological Observations
Healing features of heparin and saline treated teeth in this
study were similar to those earlier reported for these treat-
Figure 2. The mandibular premolar teeth (P2, P3, and P4) after surgical ments. 17·1 Briefly, heparin-treated defects healed partially
reduction of the bone and root preparation (A); after fitting of the poly- with a long junctional epithelium and partially with con-
lactic acid implant material (B); following wound closure and suturing nective tissue repair. Saline-treated teeth showed almost
(C). complete connective tissue repair to the root surface. Re-
generation of cementum and alveolar bone was limited and
the coronal extension of the junctional epithelium along the similar for the 2 treatments. Root résorption was observed
root surface.
in all teeth and was often prominent immediately apical to
the junctional epithelium. Few teeth exhibited ankylosis.
Connective tissue repair: the distance between the apical
The polylactic acid implant was present in the sections
extension of the root planing and the apical termination of
the junctional epithelium. from all implant sites (Fig. 3). The most coronal part of
the implant had been resorbed and replaced by connective
Cementum formation: the distance between the apical
extension of the root planing and the coronal extension of tissue. The implant often exhibited infiltration of multi-
a continuous layer of cementum or a cementum-like deposit
nucleated giant cells. This cellular activity did not seem to
on the root surface.
affect the adjacent root surface. However, regeneration of
Bone formation : the distance between the apical exten- bone and cementum from the base of the wound seemed
sion of the root planing and the coronal extension of newly inhibited in these teeth.
formed alveolar bone along the root surface.
Root résorption: the combined linear heights of distinct Histometric Observations
résorption lacunae along the root surface. Mean defect height for the 4 treatments was similar and
Ankylosis: the combined linear heights of ankylotic union ranged between 5.0 ± 0.2 and 5.6 ±1.3 mm (Table 1).
of newly formed alveolar bone and the root surface. Mean connective tissue repair to the root surface comprised
Implant height: the distance between the apical exten- 98.5% of the defect height, or more, for saline treatment
sion of the root planing and the coronal extension of the and for saline or heparin treatment in conjunction with the
polylactic acid implant. polylactic acid implant. Connective tissue repair following
J Periodontol

heparin treatment was significantly smaller and averaged

81.6% of the defect height (P<0.05, Table 1, Fig. 4).
There was a tendency for the implant material to suppress
cementum and bone formation (Table 1, Fig. 4). This tend-
ency reached statistical significance when the saline treat-
ment was compared to the saline or heparin treatment
supported by the polylactic acid implant. Root résorption
was present in all teeth and ranged between 35.3 and 47.2%
of the defect height for the 4 treatments (Tables 1 and 2).
Ankylosis was limited and was only observed following the
saline treatment (Tables 1 and 2).

This study evaluated whether a biodegradable, porous po-
lylactic acid implant material could serve as a wound sta-
bilizing measure following reconstructive surgery in large
supraalveolar periodontal defects. An experimental model
that features surgically created and immediately treated
periodontal defects was used.17 These defects exhibit al-
most complete connective tissue repair to the root surface
following reconstructive surgery. In a recent study using
this model we examined whether measures intended to dis-
rupt the early healing events; i.e., clot adhesion to the root
surface, would alter the outcome of healing.18 Clot adhe-
sion was compromised by treating the root surfaces with
heparin prior to wound closure. This treatment significantly
reduced the connective tissue repair in these defects. The
heparin treatment may have impaired clot adhesion by in-
terfering with the extrinsic clotting cascade at the root sur-
face and/or by altering the adsorption pattern of plasma
proteins to the root surface. An impaired clot adhesion may
weaken the tensile strength of the wound during the very
early healing events and leave the root surface-gingival flap
interface more susceptible to tear from normally occurring
tensile forces on the wound margins. The question arises if
the inferior healing result following the heparin treatment
may be improved by increasing the stability of the wound
by a biodegradable implant. The data in this study suggest
that the polylactic acid implant significantly improved con-
nective tissue repair in heparin treated root surfaces.
There was a greater variability in defect height for the
treatment groups with implants than for the other treatment
groups. This phenomenon is related to the study design.
Mean defect heights for saline and heparin treatments alone
were derived from dog means from P2 and P3 or P3 and

P4, whereas mean defect heights for implant supported teeth

were derived from the smallest and largest periodontal de-
fects (P2 in 2 dogs and P4 in the other 2 dogs). Since
connective tissue repair was almost complete in implant
Figure 3. Bucco-lingual section of a tooth treated with heparin and the supported teeth, the variability in mean connective tissue
polylactic acid implant (PIA). The defect height from the apical extension
of the root planing (ARP) to the CEJ is approximately 5 mm. The defect repair paralleled the variability in defect height. Due to this
exhibits complete connective tissue repair to the root surface. The poly- variability and the small sample size, nonparametric statis-
lactic acid implant occupies a major portion of the defect. Granulation tical testing of differences for treatments in connective tis-
tissue infiltration of the implant can be observed. This expression of heal- sue repair was additionally used.
ing was often seen throughout the implants. Root résorption IRR) can be A smaller reduction in connective tissue repair was found
seen immediately apical to the
junctional epithelium (JE) and further down
along the root surface. Alveolar bone (AB).
Volume 61
Number 12 WIKESJÖ, NILVÉUS 723

Table 1: Periodontal Repair of Supraalveolar Periodontal Defects Following Root Surface Treatment
With Heparin or Saline, With or Without Flap Stabilization With a Polylactic Acid Implant (PLA)

Heparin Saline
Defect Heparin + PLA Saline + PLA
Defect Height 5.1 ±0.3 5.4: :1.0 5.0±0.2 5.6: 1.3
Junctional Epithelium 0.8±0.3 0.1 :0.1 0.1 ±0.0 0.1: 0.1
Connective Tissue 4.2±0.4 5.3±1.1 4.9 ±0.1 5.5 ± 1.2
Cementum Formation 0.4 ±0.3 0.2 ±0.2 0.8±0.4 0.3 ±0.3
Bone Formation 0.5 ±0.4 0.2 ±0.2 1.4 ±0.7 0.1 ±0.1
Root Resorption 1.9 ±1.1 2.8 ±2.0 2.1 ±0.8 2.2±2.3
Ankylosis 0.0 ±0.0 0.0 ±0.0 0.3 ±0.3 0.0 ±0.0
Residual Implant 3.8 ±1.0 3.7 + 0.4
Height —

*P 0.05 Student's f-test.

tP 0.05 Quade test.
Mean ± s.d. in mm, N 4. =

Table 2: Proportions of Teeth With Root Resorption and Ankylosis

Following Root Surface Treatment With Heparin or Saline With
and Without Flap Stabilization With a Polylactic Acid Implant
Heparin Saline
Heparin + PLA Saline + PLA

Root Resorption 8/8 4/4 8/8 4/4

Ankylosis 0/8 0/4 4/8 0/4

harbored a polylactic acid implant around one of the teeth

which may have improved the wound stability for the
neighboring tooth or perhaps the entire quadrant and thus
improved the connective tissue repair in the 2 teeth without
the implant.
It should be kept in mind that the polylactic acid material
was designed as a clot supporting matrix for alveolar ex-
traction sites and not for wound stabilization in reconstruc-
tive periodontal surgery. However, the material has some
properties that seemed suitable for regenerative periodontal
procedures. With these reservations, there are some aspects
of the polylactic acid implant that deserve further comment.
The rigid and porous material was easily carved to fit the
supraalveolar periodontal defects. Upon placement, it was
immediately filled with blood and the flaps could be closed
slightly above the CEJ, secured by single interdental su-
tures. These properties seem desirable for flap support and
may be essential for the maintenance and maturation of the
root surface-adhering blood clot into a connective tissue
The biodegradable implant was still present 4 weeks after
Figure 4. Histometric results expressed in percent (%) of the defect height.
The shadowed blocks depict the polylactic acid implant (PLA). surgery. The implant was often infiltrated with multinuclear
giant cells. These findings are in concert with observations
from alveolar extraction sites and orthopedic surgical
following the heparin treatment compared to our other re- sites.11'12'15 For regenerative periodontal procedures, it would
port.18 This difference (81.6% vs. 50%) may be explained be desirable to develop a material with a somewhat faster
by the altered study design. The heparin-treated quadrants rate of degradation and with minimal inflammatory reac-
J Periodontol

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Accepted for publication May 8, 1990.

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