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DO HDl OPIRArE OM PU%L!C $lRIfTf, ROADS, O R u r c u w A v r " 1


x,. -4
- *
W t ~ rHtrnd;: MFr,i=Tsails wi13 bu opcr;tred
I i o ~i-i~.!crs. Bn mnn? j n s l ~ ~ i c c s r. hi5 ic I llci r
. ~ Ln
i n i ~ i ~intrndr~~licm
l tip tlic spnt-~ nT la,orirr-
v?-CI ik. P!krt+~cy l u r so~ss or ?d:i iry htcl-s st ns!
I rri~lc, ir is inr~parl;~n~ t RRI )ID[ I KW~CU. LIIC
mntcnts ihiq I I I ~ I ? L ! : Iwith
~ ~lrcm. h prc-
li nr i na r~ uar rltnla nd i n ? of proper opcrc 1ion
nnd innintcnirnc~: will T:i~ili~l;~Lc [mining and
11 PI- 1 ri ~ U I C 1 ~ 11 I
i~0111 Y
c L y nnd the s-rrniec
1 i k I/-P [Fir nl:acl.~inc,
'~'1.~ 1 - ZSO,ll i~ tlcsinncrl alilrl -cq 11ivpcd
L - 1I - c on :y :III tl $11 auld nrrr hc
~ p1-3 ctcd I T pc~hric %a rlcc.~ 5. h n i i r~i-hikc ic
r. isi'hlc to I 1 ll.:tn hrccr mac:lr incs.
1 rieicr rntasI c r ,I sLrr.cR t o ~r-cactr Itis
~itlin!; iRrc:!. dl~cfl foll snFzry a r ~ d tcr cnqiply
n!rli birxk-s in msny sInr.c?;, he slnould shm
i o ~ p i n ?and nmnllc rllc mini-hike across.
Whcn h i n i n - c your son d a u ~ h f c r . sclcc~
Thc Honda Z-50,rZ is %~lplrRicrlr%.iCR ;r ~pcvi;rl
~ h r u ~ l l Ic w'lliie'h can h insraltcd i r \ c ? ; ~
cgr9,11rcaar ro limie p=rnw- ant! -qwacI w3iI s ;1:
$ opcratr t ?\c IM;I cbinr-
ri&r i s I r : ~ r ~ i i i tTO
Tfic sr ant[:! rd 1 11ro-tt Fc F;! hrc r r i 1 1 ~I-cn nstal led
i~SGP: thn+ I I ~ c r i cl L-r i q W E Ur ~~ ~r
Y Y ~ I C I ~ ~ y011r t
grrntc r o r nI fnccd.

Thc ritdrr shnuld wcsr r ~

'Tlic niost irnl-rr~rhnl incm is n q ~ o i l s a k z ~
larlmce. Alyc p wtcr! inn i s a l s r ~ nvmssn 17-
xnlkt~ ~Ensws.
-. gugglss, or I: plactiz L'cbcc
5 hield :t I.a :tcli sd 4.0 t hc hc l n1c4.. C l o li~ing tr~~'I~cl
pro.lrrl rhp body nc, nitlcll A F P ~ R K ~ ~ I 2nd c.
thlr ridcr ~l~atalrl1 1 ~illb hoots or
SI11rdy SFI ws,


R I DO=.R S T h E""Iprr3!% L r"CRFFrX)SF;
RIF,S1DIjA-T-l.h1, V'i'sL!R E3X OR, 3 ; PI< I-
k'iirlv IbROPERTT IT I1-Fl0 L-1- PrR-

THANK YOU for selecting a HQMDA Mini-Tra-il,

This mini = bike i s special'ly desiqned far the convenience
06 being carried by automobiles light airplanes. b a a ~ s ,atc.
Ft is no1 designed, equipped or approved for riding on public
hiq hways or- roads.

This OWNER'S MANUAL gives information on safe riding

and proper servicing of your Mini-Trail. Read i t carefully to
maintain your Mini-Trail in fop performance fur marry thou"
sands of pleasant riding miles.
Xlolur HONDA Dealer is always happy to g i v e you ass'is~an~ce
whenever you have any problem.

Provision for Unskilled Rider or Child U s e

M.aximum speed setting of your Mini-Trail can be lowered
for safer riding of unskilled riders or clpildren. For detailed
info~rnation, see page 4.
BEFORE R lDr MG.......................................................... , . 4
SPIEClFICAT1OIMS ......................................................... 8
MTROL Lo .A Tro .......,.,.. , , , , ,, . p m O w .... ' 3 . 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' IO
ST.RRTlMG EN.GINE ...................................................... 17
Rb3lMG TIPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . 19
CARRYWE ........................................................... 211
TWQ=IIHE OllL RECOMMEMD.A.TR0W .#.MD Y65 COSI T Y . . . . . . 2.2
PR'E-RII'DIM'GIWS'PECTlOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3.
MiAIMJITEM&NCE SCHEDULE . . . . . . . . ........................ 25
TOOL K I T ...................................... ......................... 27
MAINTEW.ANCE OPE'RRKIDNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
E.nglne OH L.ewe1 ........................................................28
Ewiinra Oil Change .......................... . . . . . . . .2 8
S.park. FTug Raplacement and Adjust n s n t . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Oi
t Breaker Paint Gap and
lgnition Timing Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
1P . . 6. [

I I: !I
. n . . -mp- ..
mr 1' 7"; -:''

I! I 1v . 1. .I ., I .. ; .
41 17 (i-l; I; 1;- .a.m. 7 j I
. 1
1 .... r
, ,1'
@ ' . " ; 1 ! * I

E i) i,

Valve Tapplat Adjustment ...................................... -32
Cam Cha Fn AdJust merit ............................................. 34
Air FiT f~ Wiabn tenan ce , , , , , . ................................... 35
Fuel S t miner Mafnta~sncer . , , . " . . ..., . , . , . , , , , , , , , ........... , , ,36
Throt tie Grip Play Adjustment .............................. 317
FCarburetor Adjustment ............................................. 3-&
Clutch AdJucrtment ................................................... 39
Drive Chain fWl ai n t m a n E~ .......................................... 40
Front Brake AdJustrnent .......................................... 43
Rear Brake Adju.stment .......
. I L . ..................... 4 4
; L C

Whbll R B ~ ~ O Y W I , . , , , , ,, , ,, , . .... . . , . ,
........ ...45 a . . , , . , l a .

Rear Whee l R m m w a t ...... . . . . . , . , . , , . , , . . . . , . . , 46 . . . - . . A S . I

Me ad 'lkht Bea m Adjur t .......... , ......................... 47

Headright Bulb Replacemsnt ..................................... 48
T'sillight Bulb 'R~pIaeembn't................... " ," ,, , ...,. , , , , ,49
Slecurity of f h h t a n i n ~PoTnts ......................... ........ 4 9 ;

MfIM N G DfRpmJk@I.. . . . , ............. .. .. , .. , .. , , . , , . . , .. , .. # , . , , . . , . 50

,. ,

-11 *I '1 -1 I I 1 'jf 1

111 If If
1; 'Im 1;
,. - ,
1. ... . . . .
I uu
. I . . . ...................
! (1 ' 1 : I. 1 - I'

I I .Il
' I ([I 1 P I

$ \
I 8 ) ' 111 111 4 1

t (IrqjJ
t PI' (I-llz'l!- I!"I1 llp'll'll
-- --
The maximum speed of this MUW-TRAIL the maximum speed is aptproximately 22
can be lowered, if required, by replacing to 25 rn. p. h.
the standard thrclttle valve with thle Throrale va3ve replacement should be
special throttle valvesupplied. This fea- made correctly arcrording to the
~ U T Bassures safe riding for a b~qinnen. dollowinq procedure.

With the special throttle valve instal led,

1 Loosen the carburetor tag.

Ba sure to remove m ~ and
d dirt froan
the casbureTar top bsfore iaosening.

I .:

2. Remove the st.andard thro-ntle valve

f ~ o mthe carburetor. Take care not
to damage the jet nleedle.
-- r

r ~[IP ~
detach t h e throtnFe valve from the

4. Remove the needle clip plate 8 and


jet needle O from the thrnttle va'lve

@ j'
f a. f,

YwcVc clip 11I;i:r by I r i w i l lr

5. Insert the jet nleedle to the special r - -- -
throttle v a k e (tom I Icngth: alpprax. r'7' h

1 in. 125 rnrn))(+ and instal! the needle

clip p k e securely.
Take care not t o thlt the needle clip
plats in the throttle vaTve. R
-- I A - s ~ i n i.hmdrlp
! rrlrr,
- - -L
8. Artaehl the throttle valve spring 40
the inner wire ma

7. Artach the inner wire to the throttle

valve m4

@ I]

:In 1 : l ~ i ? 1: 1 ~
8. care full^ put the thrat~levalve into
the carburetor: with 'the groove fl-tl I

facing the stop screw mr

1, Take care not t o damage the J a t
2. Gh-eck that no faraign partlfelesget
9. Tighten the carburetor top,

1.0. Check the th~ottle!grFp fnr smooth1

rotation from the full open 20 the
f u l l close position. A!so check it
at full left and full right steering
position. Inspect the th-rottle cable
from the throttle grip dawn to the

The special throttle! valve can be

replaced with t h e standard t'hrot-tre
valve by the above procedure.
Overall Iengt6i
.Dvarall id l l ~
O ~ r ~ ~ r lail~l i ~ t i t
k q ! t i ~ ~hasp
Dry l ~ ~ i g t ll

Btwe and strar%r
C o m p v ~ s s i n if~a t i 0
D i ~ p l a nc ~~e 'tn
Cor~tac: b r e a k ~ rpoirit R a p
$nark pluc Ear3
Valve t a p p t t : r ~ a r a r i ~ ~
Castler 6 5*
Trail 1.7 in. (42 mm3
Tire sirai, front 3.50-8 ( 2 PR)
T i r e size, rear 3.50-8 PR)1[

- - - -- -
--- -- -- -

Primary rtduc t i;sn
Final r ~ d u c t i o n
Gear ratis. I st.
2 wd,
3 rd.
-- P

Headli~ht 6 V-15 W
Taillight 6-'4-5.3 W SAE TRADE MO. I! 154
- - -

Front brake icvcr .<?: 7*1ir0111~. grip i < bjiniriun q.rvilctr '-i Fl1c.1;:mk c:~p

(P RC;W brnkc ped~1 FCJOIt r s l s - Kick sl:tr~rr-pcclr~l I r c il~I ishr sa-i~ c h

fiT Il-llnndlch~tirk no h?; 'I+ G E ; t~h m g c ~)~ldlnl
IT! Kick starter pcdal ~9
Oil fillrr cap <? Rcilir hlmr.lkcpedal r c-l:I 1 L-h :-LC[ i LCT

Frams and Engine Serial Numbers

The flrame serial No, 6 is sttamped on Refey to the fratme crr engine serial
the left side of the steering /head. The number when ordering replacement p a m
engine serial No. 3 is located on the to ensure that you will obtain the
left side of t h e engine a t the bornom. correct parts fov your model series.

9Engine scrial nlirnbrr

I.gnEtion Switch HeadFighT Switch
The ignition switch O is located on rhe The headlight switch P is located on
right of handlebars. the !eft of handlebars.
Move the switch to "RUM" (red dolt) Move tihe switch ta "ON" position to
position ro switch on ignition and ao cause headlight and tarlliglht to come
'"IFF" [black dot) position to stop on and to '"OFFFpposition ta cause them
engine. k t come on when
to go out. H e a d l i ~ ~will
the engine is stafledl.
Fuel Valve Fuel Tank
The fuel valve is Focated an the left Fuel tank capacity is l U I S lgal. 1[3,8f).
side under the fuel ~ a n ' k . Thle f ~ e ntank cap .2i has a knob with
"ON" and "OFF"' position to open or
Turnifla.-. the level.I 10
! vertical the tank ventm he fuel tan,k cap
position will allow fuel to flaw from knob (371 shourfd be turned to "ON" to
he Bueb tank. allow fuel t o flow when running the en-
This lever 'lhould gine. Turning the knob ta "0FF"' wilI
lo thet , , , ,p fuel from flowing out the vent
horizontal position to shut off the fuel hole when trans~oninqth,e Iuini-TraiI,
from the tank whenever the enqine! is Tighten fuel tank cap %rmly to prevent
stopped. Io~sening.
W A R : GasaIinle Is fIIammabI*, and
elr.plssiwe undsr certain cond'ltlans. Always
s t o p the engine and do n o t smoke O r a l l o w
open flamer o r spa~krrnear t h e IMlnF-Trail
when ~sBue113ng,
Gear Change Pedal
The gear change pedal @ I
is located on Shifting down in gear i s eccomp'lished
the IeM center of the engine. by lifting up the gsar change pedal in
Shiftinlq to low from neutral is performed
% successive sequence. The shifting se-
by depressing aha gear change pedal; quence pattern is shown be!ow,
succ-rsssive shifting into second and top Close the throtele when changing gears.
are made by depressing the pedal in

7 Gear change pedal
Starting a Cold Engine
?ha? the PoIIowFnn 4. Raise the choke l e v e r O to close the
ilt is ~ea:~rnrnende-d' --I

procedures be followed when starting choke wnlve.

t h e engine. 5. Open the t h r o ~ ~ lsliqhtly,
a -- and step
3 , Turn the fu1d valve lever 40 ?he on ?'hekick starter pedal with a rapid
"ON"' position. kick stroke.
2.Turn the fuel tank cap knob to Pedorm t h e kick starting until the
"ON" position. e ngine starts.
3. Turn the ignition switch to "RUN". I f the engine does not start by thle
above procedure, turn the ignition
switch to the 'TQFR'' position, set
the choke levw to the f u l l "O'PEM"'
position. (choke Pever in rhe down
position) and then crank t h e engine
sewera! rimes with the kick s-rarter,
holdinq the thro~tlegrip turned fully

'Mexr, position t h e ignitiion switch 10
"RUNr' and the follow the. normal
starting procedure.
- starts. operate far 2-3 minu-
16. M e r the lenqine
ees at medium speed to warm u p the engine.
7.When the engine is warm, place the choke
lever in the open position ( I E V Cdown).

Starting in Extremely Cold Weather

Prime the engine before staninq by cranking the engine

szveral ~irneswith the ignition switch "OFF". Choke

should be fully closed and the thsntrle opened. Follow
with the procedure far sfarting a co!d engine.

Starting a Warm Engine

When the engine Fs to be res~a~rted
wh.irlc it is still warm
proceed as for a cord engine, however. the use of the
choke is not necessary.
Seat Height Adjustmen? Changing 'Gears
Seat height can be adjusted by use of RTrer the engine has been warmed LOP.
alternate rnourting bracke: holes. Wlihen :he Mini-Trail is ready for riding.
the s s a t is bo'ltcd By using lower holes First. close t h e throttle w t h e idle
2 in bracket, i t s heighr will b e in- positL.on, depress t h e gear change pedal
creased approx. 1 inch l(25rnm). ra shift into low gear.
Increase the engine speed by tis sting
thc throttle grip nnw.ardi.
When the M i i i ,attains moderate
1 ~ p e ~ close
d t h e throttle and shift to
Tncl! gear by depressins --. the qear
- chanae

- 1 -
sivelv shift into 3rd qear- [refer to paqe

WP r
shifting gears sith*r up ar down.
Brakes Parking
The most important point to keep in Whenever parking rhe Mini-Trail for a
mind is t o apply bath the front and long period. turn the iqnition
._ switch i
rear brakes together. to the "OFF" position. and turn the
The front brake is operared by the front fuel valve lever 2 to the "S" position
brake lever Incatled on the righn side of to shut off the flow of fuel.
handlebar. the rear brake is operated by
the rear brake pedal,
This trail bike can b e folded into a t o empty the fuel cantained in the
compact unit for carving by auaomo- carburetor 'and than tclase rAe varve.
bile. lighl: air plaine, boat, etc. Fallow 3. Unscrew both handlebar knobs 3.
the items listed below ta prepare for fold the handlebars down srnd re-
~a~ryingi. tighten both handlebar knobs.
1. Turn the Fuel tank c a p knob to 4. 'Fold steps and fix them with strinqs .-

"'CLOSE" and the fuel valve lever to Or the like.

"'S" position. 'NOTE : lld the MlinGrnTralill 1% t o bs carried
2. Screw out the f u e l drain valve fj) l a - an i t s side. transport w i t h l e f t sidle dawn,
cated on left side of thle carburetor

Use antly high detergent, premium quality

motor oil eertif ied too meet or exceed US
Visclosiry sefec~ionshould b e based on
the average! atmospheric temperature in
automobile manufacturer"^ reauirements your riding area. Change 10 he rproo~er
for Service Classification SE. Morlclr oils vis.cosity oil whenever the averaqe at-
irntendsd for Sewice SE will S ~ O Wthis mospheric temperature changes substan-
designation on the container. tially.
The reaular use of special oil additives isl

unnecessary and will only increase oper- Recammended oil viscosity :

atlng expenses, Genera I, aI I rempcraturcs
Engine ail should be changed a t he S A E TOW-40
intervals prescribed in the IM ahtenance
Schedule 061 page 25-26.
Engllnar oIII Is a mago+ Paetbr aFfec2.ilng the Alternate :
performance and slarvks llfs off t k a en-
gine. N a n - d e t e r and law quality mTPs
1 Ahavc 59'F S A E 30
are sp~~eEflicaSIy not re~arnmdnded. 32 t o 5 9 - F SAE20or20W
Below 32'F S.AE10W

Prior to starting your Mini=Trail, perform and expanse in the lanq run.
a germ-aI i n s p ~ c t i o n a s a rna?ter af Check thc fallautinq - items and if ad-
habit to make surr: that the bike is in justrnenf or scrvicinq is necfssary. r ~ f f i r
good, safe riding condition. -1.0 the aopropriarr section in tlais man-
This inspection will reouirc only a few tlal.
minute and' can save you much time

1 . ENGINE OIL LEVEL-Measure ail and rear brakes. Adjust free play F'
level and add ail if necessary [naqc necessary [ paqe
-.. 43-44).
28) +

4. TI R E A19 PRESSURE---C!I~C~ with

2. FUEL-Check fuel flews! and fill tank a tire air pressure gauge; normal
- . 15)-
if low [pacl~r inflation o r e s s u r ~for both front and
rear tires is 14 psi [nacre 231
3. B RAKES>-Check orscfation of front
- - -- -- - -- -. -- -- -

1 rfJkc
<:o.lfl v~ 1-0l l - ~ r e q ! + l ~ y ~ ! ~ ; r~rla
I- t .!us! , r R111dr- 3 4.(~.;,i ::!-I
5. DRlVE CHAI N-Cheek leonditirnn af play is incorrect. Rcplacc or CorrECt
chain and msasure chain slack. Adjust cable rovaing if throttle does nor.
if drive chain slack i s incorrec~.Lu- npsra'te freely in all stewing posidiosrs
brieate if drive chain appears dry. (page 3 7 ) -
Replace if drive chain is badIy worn
OR damaged (page 40). 7. LIGHTING EOU I PM ENT-Check
headrliqht and tail/stcrpl ight. Replace

5. TH ROTTLE-Cheek t h r ~ f t loperation.
~! any bulb which Fails to light (page

in a l l steering positions. Adjust if free 48-44 1.

Tha maintsnance uintervzlls shown in the authorized Honda dealer. unless the
follcwing schedulr: are based upon avlR- owner has prapsr tools and is mschani-
raae--* riding conditlrans. Machines subjcfc- caily proficient.
l e d to severe usz. ar ridden in unusuailly Other maintenance irems are simple to
dusty areas, require rnorA frsqlrent sclrvic- perform and may b sewiced by the
i n.g. OW~RT.
Items malrkcd wshould be s~rvicedby an1

D ENGINE OIL CFlar*~e. DRPVE C H A I N - C ~ P C P ~I ~ r b r i c a t ~ ,

'IM2KIAL I+ * ~ N T A C T POINTS AND ~~GNITIOM and a d j i ~ s ti f necessary.
SERVICE TPlrrllVG C l e l n , chack. and a d j u s t r B R A K E CONTROL LINKAGE-
PERIOD or repllace! if necessary. Check, Ainkaa~and adjust if
"WAr-Y E TAPPET CCEAF?ARICE - necessary,
C l ~ r c kand adjust i f Iiesessary. + TIRES lrrsrrrect arid cFleck air
FIRST WEEK .'~CRRR[.?SETOT- C h ~ c kand a d j u s l 17 r e ssu TP.
OF i;r rlrrccssalccll', + LPGHTIMG EQUPPMENT C1iwd:- I
TI-IRDT TI_': ODERATION I n ~ ; r ~ e c t+I AL'L hUTS. BOLTS, AYD OTt"5W
c a h l ~ Chpck
. a r ~ dddjrrst Fwe play. FASTENERS Check s ; ~ ~ r i l r i tayn d
@ ' CC.L[rTCd3i - C t ~ ~ cor;slpwa!:icln
k at18 * ih ~
t ~ irf ~r r e c ~ s ~ ~ a a ~ ~ ~ .
adjur=,t q ~ r ~ s s- a ~ : r
RirEGULAR * ENGINE O I L - C h a n ~ ~ . r( THROTTLE O P E R J ~ T ~ B N - ~ ~ I S D I I Z C ~
SERVICE r SPARK 'PLUG-Clem and adiust cable-. C f ~ e c kand adjust fteo
fPEA)IOD #an, .or replace if necessary. playI

a 'CONTACT POINTS AND IGNITrlQW * LI:k~L21B~M-Che~k o ~ w a t i o nand

-TIMING--Clean, check. and adjtrst adjust i f necessary. 1
OPERATFMG or rcalacc i necessary. DRIVE CHAIN-Check, lubricate,
DAYS *"VALVE TAPPET CLEARANCE and a d j ~ l s ti f necessary. 1

Check and adjust if necessary. a BRAKE CQMTROL LNMKAGE--- I

a P ~ Q L Y ~ ~ R Z T H AFPAM
W AIR Che-crt 1inka.p and adjust if
C h a n ~ ~att
e Fl a,TER EkErMV4T-FIl~an and oi b- n~c~~sary-
~ e r 30 y S ~ r v i c em a w fre~u~nT11y if sp- TIRES-1nsuec-t and @heck air
ova rat!R~R p r a t e d in dvsty b s e b ~ . pressure.
days o r
avery 9
r 'CARRURETOR-Ctiack and adiust + LIGHTING 'F:OCIIPhdENT-Cl~rrck.
rnnnrths, if m e c ~ s s a ~ y , sl ALL HUTS, BOLTS, AND OTHER
whichever FASTENERS-Cl-~cck security and 1
occurs flrs.t, t i ~ h l e nif n e c ~ r s a r y ,

r 'BRAKE SHOES-Inspect and replace if warn.
I - I

The spark plug wrench is attached Retmore the left side e m e r and then
center sf he frame, remove the spark plug
.= wranch.

'-?=Sl*.lrk plris- \r-rcnch: I'or spark plug and ;rr;lc IIIRI


'::: I-Aamadlc har: F ~ sT~ a r kp l q ~i-mncI1


Engine O i l Level
Check engine oil level at he start of each
day the motu~cycleis ro be operated,
The oil filler cap 'i" is located on the riqhr
crankcase cover and contains a dipsiick
for measuring oil k v e l . Oil level tmus2 be
rmaintfiined between the upper '2 and I, I'
[a I-.%\ oi;E lewd marks on the dimtick, 'I
I d
I' 4

DiP level must be checkred wi.ih the

1 ,--i.
- 7,
". " i ..2 .
M i T i standing upright: on level
ground and the- oil fiilsr cap touchinq
t h e surface of the filler orifice but n i t - a\,
. -3-

I-L. j
'k- - 7

screwed in,
Engine Oil Change
Enqine oil should be chenqed in accord-
ance with the maintenan& schedule on from the crankcase! while the e n q i n e is
page 25-26. 'Use onby motor oil of the warn. This w i l l ensure cornple-k and
grade and viscosity recommended on rap-id draining.
page 22. 1 . Rernova the oil filler cap ri:' from t-he
When changing I drain the used oil rig ht csan kcase cover.
sure rhat the packing used on the plug
i s in good canditkan.
5 . Fill the crankcase through the oil filler
opening with appmximaterly 0.8 V.S.
qt. [0.8 liter) of rec~mmend~ed grade
oil. Check the oil level with filler cap
dipstick. Oil level should 'be between
the upper 2 and llclwer 5 3 oil level
marks .on thre dipstick [refer to page

2. Place a drip pan under the crankcase r P o n o t opsratm the a n ~ l n st f t h s ail
!eve1 is b d o w the 10wwt Revel mark
ro cafch t h e .oil antd then remove the
on the dipstick.
drain plug . T i -
r When operatrng the Mink=TraEl undsr
3. After rhe oil stops draining from the unusually d u s t y eonditlon, It is recorn-
crankcase, operate the kick starter rnsnded that the air change be perfar-
several times to drain any oil which mxred a t mare f r e q u e n t intervals than
may be left in the engine. spleeifisd in the! maintenance schsduls,
4. When the oil hns been compFetely
drained, reinstall thedrain plua,
..- makinq "-
Spark Plug Replacement The adiulstrnent Fs made by bending
amd Adjustment t h e negative Zside) electrode 3 ' .
4. When installing the spark plug. it
NGK C6M or ND U 20FS spark plug is should be firsr screwed tin finger tight.
used on this madel. Sewicing of il?e Then use the spark plug wrench to
spark plug is as follows. tighten an additional' Ti2 to 3j4 turn.
1. Dtetach the high tension cord cap. and
remove the spark plug with the spark
pfug wbrench vl'hich is attached m d e r
the sear,
2. Check ti^ of the spark plug for fouling
or deposi:.
Glean the spark plug with a spark
plug cleaner, howewer+ if iit is not
available, use a stiff pin or wire to
remove t h e deposited substance, anld
wash in solvent followed by drying MOTE :
with a rag. r Mauar use an imprlopar heat rango spark
3. Adjust the spark plug gap (3to 0-1024- plug.
0.028 in. (O.lfi--0.7mm] with a f e ~ l e r m Do not attempt f a dry or remaws soat
gawe- from the spark plug by burning.
Contact Breaker Point Gap .and id the gap is correcr using a feeler
Ignition f imirrg Adjustment 3. The standard qap 3 is: 0.012-0.01 6
Adlustrnent of contact breaker point in. [oa3-o.4mii.),
gap and ignition
-. -
rimknq required 10 4. When adjustment is necessary. loosen
main talila satisfactory engine psrforrn- the hanker llockingscrew !ii and move
anm. the brsakar base in either tclockwise
'I. Rsrnove the left crankcase caver. or counts!rclsckwise to obtain the
2. Rotale the flywheel counterclockwise standard poi nt gap setting.
to find Rhe point where the breaker MOTE.: WrVipe the cont+et breaker p o l n t
point gap 11) is at maximum and check sanrfacles with clean r a g Ff dirty,
After completing the b e a k e r point gap
adjustment, recheck the ignition timing.
Ta perform the cheek. rotate the fly-
wheel so that whcn "F" mark on the 1 3

'flywheel i;s aliqned ao the index mark


'dl (paqe 31) on the left crankcase,
thie breaker poinlts just 'begin to open.

Valve Tappet Adjustmelmt

Excessive valve t a p p ~ t clearance wil!
cause tappet R O ~ S and
~ , negative d e a - 3. Rotate tht: flywheel ~a~unterclrsckvvise
ranee will cause wallwe damage and loss until the "'T" mark '2! on the flywheel
of power. Therefore. the valve tappet lines up with the index mark 3 on
rclearance should be maintained properly the crankcase flanqe.
Adjustment should be! made with the In this position, the piston may either
angine cold. be ran the campression or the exhaust
1. Remove the tappet adjusting iha18s strokte. The adjwstm~ntmust be made
caps- when the piwon i s as t h tap ~ deed
2. Remove the left: crankcase cover. center of the compression storke,
and the intake and exhaust valves are are opened. sa rotate the flywheel
closed. 360" c o u tercloc
~ kwise and realign
This condition can be determined by the "T" mark to the index mark.
sh1ftin.g the rocker arm with fingers 4. The valve tapper clearance is measured
through the tapspet adjusting holes. between the valve stem and tappet
If the tappets are frLee.i t i s an indication adjusting screw. Both t h e intake and
rhar ithe valves .are closed and the the exhaust valves should be adjus.?ed
piston is on the compression stroke. TQ QAKl2in. (0.05mm). To perform ahe
If the- tappets are tight, the valves ad justmen t, loosen the adjusting screw
lock nut and turn the adjusting
scsew GI. Turning the adjusting scww
cPockwise wi II reduce the clearance.

Make surm that the adjmstrnsnt has not
bean d l ~ t u r b ~ ewhils
d tiglhtaning t h e lock
nut, by rechecking the clearance af t ~ Zhs ~ r
lock nut has been tightened.
Cam Chain Ptdjustment

Too tight 07 too lolose a cam chain will tensioner bolt gradually until the
adversely affect the engine. Make lension cam chain becomes quiet. After corn-
adjustment while the enqine is idling. pleting the adjustment, tiqhten the
1 . To adjust, loosen .the i&k nut CI~I, anrd tensioner adjust bolt, lockLn nut. and
loosen tensioner adjust bolt appro- 1 4 rnm ssaling bolt securely.
ximateiv onle half turn.
2. I f the chain is srill noisy even afltler
the above adjustment, loosen 1 4 mm
sealina bolt lbocatedat the left bottom
side or tihe crankcase, and screw in ths
Air Filter M a i n t ~ n a n ~ c e
Air filter elemenr cleaning and/03r rep- thororrghlv.
lacement depends on the Mini-Trail 4. Soak air filter element in clean gear
operating csnditFons. Your Honda ds- oil (No. 80- Ma. 90) until saturated.
aler can help you KO determine the then squeeze excess oil.
frequency ob clearsinq or replacing the 5. Reinstall air filter element.

elernen t. 6. ReinsaalP air fi.lter cover,

7 . Remove air filter cover O. WAlFEMWlMG :
2. Remove air filter element. Gasoline or l a w flash paint s o l w ~ n t sare
3. Wash air filter element 2 in clean highly dlammab9s and rrrust not be used
stoddard solvent a n d allow to dry t o clsari air filter elemants,
Fuel Strainer Maintenance
The fuel strainer is Incorporated in the tank .cap knob to "OFF" position to
fuel valve which is mounted on the
1% Oock the cap and .turn the tank up-
b a t o m of the fuel1 tank at .the left side side down
Accumulation .of dirt in t h e filter wili 2. Loosen fuei valve attaching nur (2) and
restrict the flow of the fuel and cause remove fuel valve.
the carburetor ro malfunction, therefore, 3. Remove. Tuel valve strainer screen
The filter should be serwi.ced pe~iodically. and rubber packing 3 Then wash
1. brain gasoline from fluel tank. When them with cleaning sorvent.
servicing the strainer without drain- 4. Reinstall the strainer and the va'lve
ing, r e m a w the tank from frame. turn on t h e tank. Turn the wake to the
"'ON" position and cheek for ieakaqe. -a

c 1- tI L- 1 f ;[ 1,* L- .:. - L i ;l a~
y nclt
;11,1~ching Robhr packing r->
I!, Slr3ime r s c r c ~ n
Throttle Grip Play Adfustmemt

1. Check for smoorh rotration of the

throttlle qrip from the full open to the

full closed positi~ns. Check throttle

operation when at full left and f u l l
right steering positions. l nspect the
conditian of thlrottle cable from the
throttle grip down to the carburetor.
If the cable is kinked. chafed or
improperly aaured, i t should b e re-
placed endfor rerawted.
Standard throtrle grip free play is
sprproxirnateily 10-1 5"' of the grip
rotation. Acfiust: frcc play with the
throttle cable adjuster J--\

Turn the adjuster to ob'tain ID--?5 '

of throttle grip free play.
Carburetor Adjustment

'Perform the carburetor adjustment peri- :

udically as necessary. Mak#ethe carbu- w e r+cmmend that carburetor adjust-
retor adjustment affer the engine attains mrsnt be perfarmed b y an a;uthorired
operat i n.q tern peratur-e. Honda dealer.

7 . Adjust the enoline idle speed to ap-


proximately 1,400 rpm with the throt-

tle stop screw $1- 4
Turn the air screw IF^ sflowly back and
fro7thto obtain rhe point off the highest C
engine rpm.
If the idle speed increases lexc~ssive- ,-
Iyr reduce the speed with the throttle
stop screw, then recheck the air
Repeat the above procedure again if r
necessary to obtain a srable adjust- *
Drive Chain Maintenance

The tension of the drive chain will have effect on the transmi.s~ion
of power frforn ?he engine. ta the rear
wheel and un rhe life of the chain itself.
Therefare, the chain shavBd aAways be
maintained a t the proper slack. in other
words. not 2 0 0 ~'iahtland not too. louse-

~ ~ 1r1.riv.c
7 chaim
Whenever adjvstrnsn~is made, rnak'e it tz

bi~ to Fubrieatle the chain.

The maximum amount of the! drive

chain slack is measured by pressing
rhe chain up and down 82 the mid-
p ~ i i n t between the spro~k~ets.The
maximum -slack of the chain should
be 3,'4 in.
I.? l t c ; ~; -~~ ~
x kn~ut * IG!CX I I- I. k
2 . If adjustment is necessaW. ~ ~ ~ s (.ir
e flc~rrcspnnding
l %caic :;,I C l ~ a i nsr!,rlsrcr
the r axle ~ U 9-
T Chain arljustcr luck nut
3.Adjusr chain slack bv tvrninq th.9 -c- 2) Clean t h e drive ch.ain in solvant
adjuster lack nut ~Iockwi~~ toe and allaw to dry.
decrease chain slack or turning counter- lnspecr the drive chain for poss-ikl~
clockwise to loosen the chain. U p o n wear or damage. .- Replace an{*
completion of adjust men^, rhe index chain that has damaged ~.oilers.
mark d .on the both the rig'ht and loose firtina.J links, OK otherwise
l e f t chain adil~srers1:s should b e at appears isnszrvicleable.
the- same corre~p~ndirng scale ($1 on 3) Inspect the sprocket teeth for
thz Tear f ~ r k s .[refer to page 34) possible wear 07 damage. Replace
4. Finally. tighten the axle nut securely if necessary. Ncvcr l ~ s oa new drive
to prevena t h e nut from Ioos~ning.
When the drive chain i s sxcsssivFeIy
dirty, it is ~ecarnmendeb that the
drive chain b x c f a n e d as fo!lott4na--

1 ) Canfully rm-nove the master link

-- clip with ~ l i c r s .Q
retaininq riot
bend or twist ~ h cel i p Rternove the
master link. R.erno'rfe the drive
chain from the Vini-Trail. "I rt~i;~; L-! ip
chain with badly worn sprocket. closed end of the c l i ~will face
Bath chain and sprockets muss be the! direction sf faward wheel
in good condition. rotatinn.
41 Lubricate t'hs drive chain. T'he master link is the most critical
Commercially prepared drive chain part aTfectinlg the security of the
lubricants may be- purchased at drive chain. Master links are wus-
most rnota~cycleshops and shlnruld able. if they remain in excellent
be used in preference do motor oil condi~iion,but, it is re=cornrnended
r other lubricants. that a nevd master link be instalred
Saturate each chain link joint so whenever the drive chain is reas-
thar the lubricant will pencarate sembled.
t h e space between adjacent sur- 6) Adjust the drive chain to the proper
faces of link plates .and rollers. tension, fol lowing the instructions
53 Pass the chain over the sprockats on page 40-41.
and join t h e ends of the chain NOTE :
with the master link. Far ease of If drive chain slack I s sxesss;f;ra whart
assembly, hold the chain ends the rear a ~ l eis$ rnw0.d t o the rearward
against adjacent rear sprocket teeth limit o f adjustment, the drive chain i s
while inserting the master link. w o r n out and must &a. rsp!aesd.
Install the master link retainiing clip
13') (refer to page 41) so that rhe
Front Brake Adjustment

Brakes are items of safety and T . Adjust brake lever free play with the
sh.ouPd always be! maintained in proper front brake adjusting nut .'2'. Turning
adjustrnenf. the nut clockwise wi14 decrease free
play and turning the nut c~ounter-
Free play, measured at the tip of the clockwise increase free play.
from brake lever @, should be maintain-
ed at 0.4-0.8 in. (10-20 mm). Free
play i s the distance the brake lever
moves before the brake starts to engage.
Rear brake pedal free play, measured at 1. Adjust brake ;pedal free play hy turn-
the- tip af the rear 'brake pedal . I should inq the rear brake adjusting nut .F,

be maintained at 0.4-0.8 in. (10- Turning the adjusting nut clockwise

ZOrnm). Free play Es the distance thre will decrease brakc pedal free play
brake mdaF moves before the brake and turning rhe nut cmunterclockwise
stans rn engage. will increase free play.

c-:. . Rear hmkc pcd:~P
Removal of front wheel is performed in
the foIFowinq manner,

'1. Place a suitable block u n d ~ rthe. en-

gins ta raise the front wheel off The
2.Remove nhe from? b n l ' t ~adjusting nut
O and ~ E M Q W Pthe~ fmnn brake cable
from :he brake arm.
3. Remove the front axie nut ? and
purl out the front a x l e d?. -
11: [ : r u i r ~ hrrrkc ; ~ r l i r l < i i r ~~pI . : I ,
4 Remove the front wheel. :? Frc3nl ; ~ s l v nre t
;T9 !-rot11 aslc
5. Installatioln uf front wheel is pe~formed
in the reverse order of that de-scrjt)ed
a bow.
Rear Wheel Removal

Removal of rear wheel is pedorme.$ in

the fclllowiring manner.

1. Place a support block under the en-

gine to raise the rear wheel off trho!
2.U ~ s c r e wthe drive chain adjwstinq nut

a d Tear axle nut C23.

3. Remove the chain joint clip and drive:
4. Unscrew the rear brake- adjusting nut
and separate the sear brake rod
from the rear hlrake arm.
5. Pu?l out the rear axle .la3 .and r'hera r t h ~
rear wheel can b e removed from the
6;. lnstal'larion of the rear wheel is perfw-
med in the reverse order of that kdescri-
bed above.
Headlight Beam Adjustment

Headligha beam can be adjvstsd verti- 2. Tighten the bolts 8aher adjustment.
T . The adjustment i s made b y laasening CAUTION :
rhe bollt.s which rnoun: the head- Operation of your Mi;ni-Trail with the
light and tilting the headpigkt case. taillight bulb burned out, o r removed

T may cause the headlight burlb t a born

When changing the heablighr bulb, 2. Remove the headlight scrcke~ 3 by
proceed as follows: pushing dawn on the. socket and
twistinq.- un hook
1. Loosen the rnountinq scrcw at the
-Lr frzom 'the reflector 159.
bottom of ahe headlight and remove 3. Pull the bulb 5 ?4our and ~eplace.
?he headliaqht
-. . rim.
Taillight Bulb Replacement SIscurlity a f Tightening P ~ i n t s

When chartding - 'the tailllight bulb. prom Be sure ta check bolls .and nuts for
me4 as f-0l l ~ w s : looseness, retightening them if necas-
1. Remove the two screws retaining the
saw. Bolts and nuts used on axles,
tailligha lens.
2 . Press ?he bulb (0 inward and twist trs suspe nsian system, steer"ingsystem and
the left, and the bulb can be removed. Wlindftr head cover should be checked
3 . When linstalling t h e taillight lens, da care,
not over'nighren the screws, as rhis
may darnlage the lens.

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