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Emergency Response
and Evacuation

Management is ultimately responsible for making balanced judgments, assessing the significance
of variations in our processes and making decisions. In arriving at such decisions, the quality and
personal integrity of staff are of fundamental importance. In this context, every effort is made to
ensure that every employee in the company understands that HSE is important to their future, that
they know how they can assist in the achievement of adequate HSE and that they are encouraged
to do so.

This Emergency Response Plan is approved by the undersigned and are supported by all levels of
management within the company.


Oghenero Julius Kaite Akhigbe Cletus A

Managing Director QHSE Manager

Stanley Okoronkwo
Manager Operation

Signed this 13th Day of January, 2011.


The purpose of ERP is to protect the employees from serious injury, property loss, or loss of life,
in the event of an actual or potential major disaster. A major disaster may include, but not limited
to, any of the following: fire, tornado, earthquake, bomb threat, or hazardous chemical spill. In the
event of a major disaster, this Emergency Action Plan describes the initial responsibilities and
actions to be taken to protect all employees until the appropriate university or municipal
responders take over.

It is impossible to provide specific information for all situations. There is no guarantee implied by
this plan that a perfect response to disaster emergency incidents will be practical or possible.
Therefore, this plan is a guide for employees to familiarize themselves with basic emergency
planning, response and evacuation.

Preparation will increase the margin of safety in an emergency. To evacuate successfully we shall:

1. Train employees in ways of assisting others.

2. Inform employees how to communicate in an emergency.
3. Assign specific tasks.
4. Identify employees with specific needs.
5. Provide a building specific plan.
6. Emergency and accessible exits
7. Muster point
8. Fire alarm pull station location
9. Location of fire extinguishers

Notification of Emergency Warning

In the event of a disaster either at the base or Location/field, the warning may come from any of
the following sources: building smoke detection or emergency alarm or Siren or private citizen. It
is recommended that several sources be monitored to assist in determining when emergency
situations exist since no one system can cover all circumstances. A person receiving notification of
a possible incident or a building emergency should immediately sound the alarm to notify
employees and relevant authorities. (e.g. Yell “Fire!”, pull building alarm, etc.) Inform immediate
supervisor who will continue notification up the Chain of Command. The building emergency
alarm system is reserved for total evacuation of the building.

In the event of an evacuation due to fire or other emergency, you are to follow the emergency
instructions of this plan as well as the directions of the Fire Wardens. They will provide emergency
Once safely out of the building, staff must proceed to a predetermined muster point.

Fire Warden Members will be at muster point to take attendance and to provide directions
regarding return to the building/location or alternate instructions.

Implementation of the Contingency Plan

Immediately upon making a decision to implement the Emergency Response, the Emergency
Response Coordinator will direct the following activities, as appropriate for the situation:
a. Initiation of containment and control procedures.
b. Accounting for all facility personnel/visitors by head count.
c. Implementation of internal notification and provide authorities with an
assessment of the situation, and request assistance.
d. Coordination of first-aid activities, if injuries are involved.
e. Evacuation through implementation of the Evacuation Plan.


Fire fighting can be a hazardous activity. To effectively fight fires, personnel must understand their
responsibilities and be properly trained and equipped to fulfill the expected actions.
The following basic requirements apply:
 Fire drills must be held at regular intervals to familiarize personnel with their responsibilities in
case of a fire.
 Personnel must be trained in the use of portable extinguishers and other designated equipment if
they are expected to use those devices in responding to a fire.
 Only designated and trained personnel should attempt to extinguish a fire that has advanced
beyond the incipient stage.

In the event of fire or emergency, staff will be notified in one of two ways or a combination

a) The building fire alarm will sound rapidly and repeatedly.

b) Direct verbal instructions from members of the Fire Warden on your floor.

In addition to the two conditions above, if you personally see a fire or smell smoke, try to
immediately contact a member of the Fire Warden. If there is a fire, remove anyone from the
immediate area but do not try to fight the fire if you are not trained to do so and do not order
any kind of evacuation. If the Fire Warden cannot be reached, break the fire alarm glass on the
wall and activate the alarm system.

After sounding the alarm or receiving instructions to evacuate, try to quickly do as many of the
following things as possible:

 Terminate all phone conversations, end all meetings, and vacate restrooms ASAP.
 Close any cabinet drawers etc.
 Women, take your purse or handbag. Take any needed medications or valuables from work
area. If you keep comfortable shoes for emergencies, take them with you.
 Close office doors behind you; remain calm and head for the emergency exits.
 Safely put off equipment and machinery

Leave building quickly and proceed to your muster point and check in with Fire Warden. Remain
there until further instructions.

Note: It is important for you to check in with Fire Warden staff outside of the building as they will
have two way radios and be in touch with emergency service personnel so that they can advise
when and if, it is safe to return to the building. Checking in will also enable Fire Wardens to
determine any staff that might still be in the building.

Do not go home or attempt to return to the building unless you get instructions from the Fire
Warden or via the special phone numbers.

In the event of a non-fire emergency such as an evacuation caused by a bomb threat, follow the
same instructions as above. If you see other building staff evacuating the building or see
emergency service personnel on site, do not panic and do not start rumors. Only the Fire Warden
members or Emergency Service personnel have the authority to order an evacuation. If, however,
at any time, you feel that your personal safety is in danger, you may leave the building on your
own. If necessary to allay your fears or you have any questions, contact any member of the Fire


At Incipient State Fire Fighting: The following Table lists the actions for responding to a fire in
the incipient stage.

Task Action
1. Activate an alarm, if possible and Raise a verbal alarm by shouting
Fire! Fire!! Fire!!!
2. If trained to do so, attempt to extinguish the fire by using designated
equipment designed to control and extinguish fires.
! WARNING: If unable to contain the fire within the first
minute, back away and seek help or evacuate. Always
protect yourself first.
3. Notify proper personnel: contact the supervisor and communicate the
following information:
 The location of the fire
 Time the fire was first observed
 Actions taken to contain the fire
4. If determined necessary and safe, isolate the fuel source. Follow local
procedures to isolate the source of the fuel to the fire.
▲ CAUTION: Do not risk serious personal consequences to
isolate the fuel source.

Above Incipient Stage: The following Table lists the actions for responding to a fire that has
developed above the incipient stage.

1. Activate an alarm, if possible Raise a verbal alarm by shouting Fire!

Fire!! Fire!!!
2. Notify proper personnel: contact the supervisor and communicate the
following information:
 The location of the fire
 Time the fire was first observed
 Actions taken to contain the fire, if any
3. If determined necessary and safe, isolate the fuel source. Follow local
procedures to isolate the source of the fuel feeding the fire.
▲ CAUTION: Do not risk serious personal consequences to
isolate the fuel source.
4. When applicable, assist the fire brigade or outside fire-fighting agency
by identifying and communicating additional hazards located in the
fire area.
5. Follow local procedures for fire response, including the use of the fire
brigade or an outside agency, as appropriate.

Survival Techniques
Personnel must be familiar with the following survival techniques in case of fire:
 Know the locations of designated fire exits.
 Understand evacuation procedures at the work location.
 Do not use elevators; use designated stairs and exits.
 If caught in a smoke-filled area stay near the floor. Move by crawling on the floor and take
short breaths through the nose.
Note: If possible, hold a cloth over the nose and in front of the face to reduce smoke inhalation.
 Before opening a door, touch it to determine if it is hot.
! WARNING: If the door is hot, do not open it. A heated closed door indicates that the
fire is directly on the other side of the door.
 If the door is not hot, move to one side and open it slowly.
If unable to safely exit a fire- or smoke-filled area, take the following actions:
 Proceed to a room with an outside window.
 Close the door to isolate the room from a smoke-filled hallway or from smoke on the other side
of the door.
Move to a window and signal for help.

Person reporting
and the location.
Quickly assess the situation and severity of any injured persons.
Administer First Aid to the injured, if trained.
Do not discuss liability with any third parties.

Emergency Response Coordinator

Deploy one of the ER TEAM to accident scene.
Notify the manager and persons listed in the emergency guidelines
Call ambulance based on the severity of the incident.
Keep an accurate log of events, using the emergency notification and historical log of events.
Notify OQIL doctor if it is a serious injury

ER Team.
Go directly to the scene and render appropriate assistance
Assess the need for an ambulance on getting to the accident scene and inform EMERGENCY
Initiate Medivac if necessary and Follow the Medical Emergency Response Plan.
Follow the Medivac EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN until ill/injured person is received at a
Escort injured to Hospital, Clinic.
Complete an Incident Report form


Person Reporting
Request escort if uncertain of the situation.
Call EMERGENCY RESPONSE COORDINATOR if safe to do so, on the safety channel.
Give name, location and nature of the problem.
If already being robbed, obey all commands of your attackers, calmly and promptly without
Question. Do not try to identify the attackers or look them in the face. Do not make sudden moves.
Explain your intentions such as removing seatbelts or wallets.
Do not be a HERO

At home:
If safe to do so, press emergency panic alarm button or make an emergency call.
Go into the safe haven with everybody in the house and stay until informed it is clear.

In a car:
Do not attempt a high-speed getaway, as they may be carrying a gun.
Do not engage the car anti-theft device or demobiliser. They may get incensed and irrational.

Location Security Guards

Press the alarm button.
Call EMERGENCY RESPONSE COORDINATOR and give situation report.

Emergency Response Coordinator

Identify caller and location, advise caller to get into Safe Haven, if not already there.
Quickly and briefly find out the nature of the emergency.
Notify ER TEAM, Police Rapid Response Squad and nearby Police Stations.
Advise HSE Manager, HSE Officer and contact one of the managers on emergency list.
Keep an accurate log of events.
Notify the OQIL Doctor if appropriate.

ER Team
Do not attempt to engage robbers in a gun battle. Allow them to escape if that is the safest option.
Identify yourself to the occupants of the residence on arrival.
Maintain communication with EMERGENCY RESPONSE COORDINATOR and location for
relevant information.
Assess the need for an ambulance.
Complete an INCIDENT REPORT form.


Civil unrest is:

Any social disturbance that may expose staff to danger.
Direct threat, disturbance or incident which may cause the site or location to cease to be a safe
working environment

Person Reporting
Call EMERGENCY RESPONSE COORDINATOR, if safe to do so and report the location of the
Radio must be conceal if in the scene of disturbance.
Avoid being conspicuous in attitude, if at the scene of the disturbance.
Be sympathy with their course
Obey all commands of the rioters/militants if already trapped in their midst
Leave the scene if there is any reasonable opportunity, if safe to do so.

Civil Unrest - Staff

Avoid area or return to residence and await further instructions from security.

Site Community Unrest Staff

Inform security and the Emergency Response Coordinator immediately, when the rioters militants
are sighted.
Emergency Response Coordinator sounds the alarm and announces "Security threat” and afterward
move to safe area
All staff move to safe area
Wardens lock the doors and take roll call
The security guards protect the site and protect staff

Response teams move directly to the location if appropriate

CLO and Emergency Response Coordinator visit the site to assist negotiations
Operations Manager in consultation with the client, the location manager, OQIL CLO and security
manager/coordinator will make decision either to evacuate staffs or not.

Emergency Response Coordinator

HSE Officer, HSE Coordinator, ER TEAM, the police and one of the managers should be notified
on the emergency guidelines.
Keep contact with staff reporting disturbance where it is possible.
Using the emergency notification and historical log of events, keep an accurate log of events.

HSE Manager
Confirm true status of report through other sources.
Instruct Response Leader to send a patrol team on surveillance where practicable.
Inform relevant management based on confirmed report.
Instruct EMERGENCY RESPONSE COORDINATOR to announce situation on all radio channels
to members of staff and advise them to avoid area of unrest or return to their home.
Continue to monitor the situation for further advice or recommendation.
Make sure that Camp notice boards announce adequate recommendations promptly
All important drivers must be notified.

Manager receiving call

Notify Managing Director

Managing Director
Summon ER Team and consider EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN if appropriate.
Assess the situation and decide appropriate actions.
No force, unless there is a risk of serious injury.


Site Management
The plan for each site should include the following:

Emergency Response Teams (ER TEAM)

There should be two teams, A field one at the site and a management one in the city. The
Management ER TEAM should also include security & community affairs dept., & government
liaison. An ER TEAM is activated when an emergency has or may occur.

One in the city and one at the site, good communication systems are required at the ER TEAM

Nominated for each company, responsible for the passage of information between the ER TEAM
and staff. Also responsible for compiling staff lists.

Staff Actions
Sound the alarm and return to accommodation, only move to the concentration area when
instructed to do so by the wardens. Secure accommodation.

Levels of Alert- Three states of Alert: Green (normal), Amber (crisis) and Red (evacuation)

Communication: Reliable communication and back-up system.

Priority of Evacuation:
There should be the capability to evacuate all staff at the site promptly and at the same time within

Liaison Manager appointed: for control of armed government security forces and unarmed local
security, normally a security supervisor who will answer to the leader of the ER TEAM.

Movement- All movement to the concentration area and onward to the embarkation area will only
take place when instructed by the ER TEAM and will normally be with security escorts.
Movement will be by Journey Management principles

Types of evacuation: Helicopter, Boat, vehicle, Standfast: It may be prudent for personnel not to
be exposed and to remain in secure location(s) following a headcount. An evacuation may take
place once the situation has stabilized.

a) Field ER TEAM (Location/Site) members’ list
b) Management ER TEAM members list
c) Telephone numbers/radio freq./e-mail of all ER TEAM members (24hrs)
d) Telephone numbers/radio freq./e-mail for helicopters/boats/vehicles etc (24hrs)
e) Telephone numbers/radio freq./e-mail for outside agencies, police etc (24hrs)
f) Alert States (Definition of an emergency)
g) Detailed Staff Instructions
h) Persons to Tasks
i) Telephone Numbers
j) Staff lists
k) Staff Briefing format to include- Avoidance, what to expect, Personal behaviour,
Site/location Emergency Response Plans (EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN) and site/location
evacuation plans
l) ER TEAM Action Plan
m) Solutions

Post-emergency procedures are intended to prevent the recurrence of the causative factors,
to collect and dispose residuals, decontaminate/cleanup equipment, restock utilized materials, and
debrief personnel.

1. Prevention of Recurrency/Critique

The Emergency Response Coordinator will take all necessary steps to minimize the
potential of a recurrence of the emergency after the initial incident.

All operations that were shut down at a result of the incident will not be reactivated until
approved by the Emergency Response Coordinator, actions will be documented by the
implementation report.

2. Cleanup/Decontaminate

Once the emergency situation has been controlled, the Emergency Response Coordinator
will initiate the cleanup of the facility. This activity will occur as soon as possible after the event
in order to avoid further risk to human health.

3. Decontaminating and Servicing of Equipment

All equipment used during the response to the emergency event will be disposed of
appropriately or cleaned/decontaminated and prepared for further use after the event has passed.

Expended equipment and supplies (i.e. fire extinguishers, etc.) will be recharged and
restocked as soon as possible. During this restocking and re-supply period, minimum levels of
equipment will be considered acceptable provided expended items are reordered within two
business days, and if back-up equipment is used in its place.

4. Personnel Decontamination, Debriefing and Retraining

All personnel involved in responding to the emergency will be decontaminated if

necessary, and change of clothing will be provided prior to releasing responding personnel, the
Emergency Response Coordinator shall interview them to determine their interpretation of the
relevant events. Based upon this interview the Emergency Response Coordinator may make
recommendations concerning the best methods to prevent or minimize the impact of the
emergency situation. Revisions to either the Emergency Response Plan or operating procedures
may be made as a result of the event.

5. Resumption of Operations

Disrupted operations will be returned to normal following the emergency event once the
following items have been determined:
a. Affected areas have been cleaned and restored or arrangements have been
made to resume operations at temporary facilities.
b. All injured personnel are being provided with adequate medical care.
c. The appropriate governmental and regulatory authorities have been notified
of the event, the subsequent response activities and the intention to resume normal activities


The following groups and individuals are on hand at OQIL to oversee and implement policies to
protect and promote the health, welfare and safety of all employees at OQIL.

Health and Safety Committee

The Health and Safety Committee is a group of concerned employees representing who meet
regularly to discuss issues affecting the health and safety of OQIL staff. This committee has
regular input into the emergency evacuation plan. Currently, the Coordinator of this committee is

Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC)

The ERC is the individual responsible for the overall safety of staff at OQIL and works in
conjunction with Health and Safety Committee and management, to develop, update and
implement the emergency evacuation plan. The ERC has the authority to compel fellow employees
to follow explicit instructions or decisions during an emergency. The ERC also recruits and trains
the Fire Wardens and schedules fire and evacuation drills. In the event of an emergency, the ERC
will oversee the evacuation of the building and then proceed to muster points to await reports from
Fire Wardens, fire wardens and emergency service workers. At that point, the ERC in conjunction
with management will make a determination as to when and if it is safe to return to facility or
building or take some other action.

Currently, the Emergency Response Coordinator is Mr. Akhigbe Cletus A. (QHSE Manager) and
the alternate ERC is Mr. Chijioke Wagbara.

Emergency Response Committee/Fire & Rescue Wardens

Mr. Akhigbe Cletus A (QHSE) 08035648661

Chijioke Wagbara (QHSE) 08064171255
Johnson Nwite (Security) 08051461610
Njoku Godspower (Security) 07037274872
Okundaye Kennedy (Workshop) 08064895802
Ajaiye Felix Owighoadhe (Admin) 08032910656
Ekpoh Bassey Solomon (Engineering) 08035234630

All employees are advised to familiarize themselves with their names and phone numbers.
At the direction of The Emergency Response Coordinator, Fire Warden is constituted and it is
composed of responsible staff trained in fire safety and evacuation. The names of the Fire Warden
members are posted on the notice boards. The members of the Fire Warden are periodically trained
and are familiar with the fire safety plan, location of exits and the operation of the fire alarm

The Fire Wardens will direct evacuations of the building in any emergency situation – including
fires, high winds, gas leaks, blackouts, bomb threats or any other situation that requires evacuating
the building.

Fire drills once a month to include testing the alarm.

Notices showing procedures, evacuation routes, exits and assembly points posted, Appropriate fire
extinguishers in serviceable condition and check that water are functional.
Ensure all the rooms are searched and that there are no injured persons left behind. Roll call of
staff is made at the muster point and that all staff have been accounted for.

Fire Wardens shall see that all occupants are notified of the fire or other emergency and that they
proceed immediately to execute the Fire Safety or Evacuation Plan.

Security Personnel
Ensure that all exit routes are free from obstruction
Ensure that everyone proceeds to assembly/muster point on hearing the alarm.
Ensure that good security is maintained

Manager/Supervisor receiving call

Call ambulance service and request ambulance to be on standby.
Assess the severity of the injury and notify as appropriate.
Follow up on the situation of any injured person.


It is each Supervisors responsibility to periodically meet with the Fire Warden to discuss any
employee who needs assistance during an evacuation because of physical disability. Fire Wardens
are responsible for maintaining an updated list of such employees and to assign “Personnel” to
assist during an evacuation.

With the assistance of the designated Warden or co-worker, a disabled employee should proceed to
the muster point.


When ordered to evacuate, leave the building as quickly as possible without panic. Once outside
the building, immediately go to your assigned muster point and look for members of fire team so
you can check in and wait for further instructions. Do not congregate in front of OQIL.
At base the muster point is on your left as your go out of the gate.


This Emergency Response Plan is subject to review and amendment under the following
1. The Emergency Response Plan fails to meet reasonable expectations under an actual
2. The facility alters the design and/or operation of the processes which significantly
increase the potential for fires, explosions, or other emergencies.
3. The regulations applicable to the facility change.
4. The inventory of emergency response equipment changes.
5. Key personnel change (e.g. Emergency Response Coordinator).
Emergency Response Flowchart

Emergency Occurs

Location Manager/Supervisor
Notifies Base Office

Normal Working Hours Outside Normal

Reception Working Hours: Duty

Duty Person/Manager

Record Emergency Establish severity of Contact:

Details on Essential emergency and level of 1.) Line Manager/Supervisor
Information Form response required 2.) QHSE Manager

Provide appropriate
support and ERT to Set up Emergency Response Mobilize Emergency Response
maintain contact with Control Room Team (ERT) if necessary
emergency site.

Refer to specific JMP Plans, Security Plans,

“Emergency Response Emergency Medical
Procedure”. Ensure Evacuation.

Log all actions, events and Manage and Monitor until the
maintain all relevant docs emergency response reaches a Notify all relevant parties of
(reports, faxes etc). controlled conclusion closure

Ensure Corrective actions are Perform debrief, review and

implemented prepared summary report

The number for Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) is 08035648661

Alternate ERC is 08064171255

QHSSE Department - 08035648661

Hospital - 084-786108
SPDC Fire Service - 144
State Fire Service - 911
SPDC Security - 122
Police Emergency No. - 08073777717
Police Control Room - 08032003614
Rivers State Emergency - 112

Safety Committee

Chairman - Mr. Kaite Julius

Secretary - Akhigbe Cletus A.
Members - Bassey Solomon E.
Okonkwo Stanley
Richie Ebojele
Bethel Jeje

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