Enhanced Coagulation of Low Turbid Water For Drinking Water Treatment: Dosing Approach On Floc Formation and Residuals Minimization

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Enhanced Coagulation of Low Turbid Water for Drinking Water Treatment:

Dosing Approach on Floc Formation and Residuals Minimization

Article in Environmental Engineering Science · March 2019

DOI: 10.1089/ees.2018.0430


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2 authors:

Jr-Lin Lin Aldeno Ika

Chung Yuan Christian University Cheng Shiu University


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Volume 36, Number 6, 2019
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/ees.2018.0430

Enhanced Coagulation of Low Turbid Water for Drinking Water Treatment:

Dosing Approach on Floc Formation and Residuals Minimization
Jr-Lin Lin* and Aldeno Rachmad Ika

Department of Environmental Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung-Li, Taiwan.

Received: October 3, 2018 Accepted in revised form: February 2, 2019

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Polyaluminum chloride (PACl) has been commonly used in drinking water treatment. However, it is not easy for
drinking water treatment plant to carry out an effective coagulant dosing with PACl for low turbidity water with
high pH where the excessed Al would remain in the water, which has been a concern for its risk to human health.
The goal of this study is to investigate the effects of dosing approaches with alternative coagulants on the
minimization of residual particulate matter and Al after coagulation-sedimentation process, and their coagulation
behaviors. Two coagulant dosing approaches, including single and dual dosing, were adapted to evaluate coag-
ulation performance in terms of turbidity, remaining Al and filterability for natural low turbidity water. A real-
time floc image analyzer (i.e., FlocCAM) was used to evaluate the floc size during coagulation with commercial
PACl or ferric chloride (FeCl3) and the combination. The results showed that FeCl3 coagulation gives the fastest
and biggest growth in floc size with active Fe(OH)3, but single FeCl3 dosing brings an adverse effect on
filterability of low turbidity water treatment. At dual dosing (PACl/FeCl3 = 1:1), the residual turbidity (RT) and Al
minimization are not further improved even though floc formation is facilitated. However, the single dosing with
alternative PACl coagulant (PACl-C) would result in equivalent RT and dissolved Al with change in dosage. This
study showed that a tailored PACl-C with low monomeric Al and high colloidal Al content can be used for the
substitution of dual dosing (PACl+FeCl3) to achieve minimization of RT and Al in low turbid water treatment.

Keywords: coagulation; dissolved Al; FeCl3; PACl; water treatment

Introduction conducted to lower the residual Al in finished water to an

acceptable level (<0.2 mg/L as Al) for drinking water safety
C oagulation is an essential treatment process used to
aggregate small particles in drinking water treatment.
Polyaluminum chloride (PACl) is a commonly used type of
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018) and (<0.16 mg/
L as Al) for drinking water safety limit in Taiwan. Single dosing
with Al-based coagulant was not effective in reducing re-
hydrolyzed coagulant in the water treatment process. Op-
sidual Al after coagulation, especially for low turbidity water
erators usually applied overdosing of coagulants to reduce
(10–15 nephelometric turbidity unit [NTU]).
turbidity and to ensure the quality of treated water, but re-
In general, there are fewer suspended remaining particles
sulting in excessed residual Al in finished water more than the
with small particle size in low turbidity water. In addition,
limit of drinking water standard. High level of aluminum in
particles collision and flocculation occurrence can be very
the human body is known to have negative effects toward the
low even before coagulation (Nidheesh et al., 2017). Thus, it
brain, especially in conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease
lowers the possibility of Al ion or hydrolyzed Al species to be
and dementia (Kawahara and Kato-Negishi, 2011; Killin
adsorbed to the surface of suspended particles during coagu-
et al., 2016). Aluminum as a potent neurotoxin can accu-
lation (Yao et al., 2014). Alternatively, ferric chloride (FeCl3)
mulate in the human body and has side effects such as
coagulant has been used to replace some parts of PACl coag-
memory loss and impaired coordination (Yasui et al., 1997);
ulant (PACl-C) to reduce Al concentration in finished water
in addition of its immunotoxicity effect to the human body
and improve coagulation performance for removal of colloidal
(Zhu et al., 2014).
or organic contaminants from water (Qureshi and Malmberg,
To comply with drinking water standard limitation, in
1985; Park et al., 2016).
conventional drinking water treatment plants (DWTP), dual
In theory, flocs formed by coagulation with Al-based co-
dosing with Al- and Fe-based coagulants was alternatively
agulants are quite different from that with Fe-based coagu-
lants. Al-flocs are less compact than Fe-flocs, which could
*Corresponding author: Department of Environmental Engineering, affect the coagulation performance for turbidity reduction
Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung-Li, 32023, Taiwan. Phone: ( Jarvis et al., 2012). In addition, the chemical properties of
+886-3-2654904; Fax: +886-3-2564949; E-mail: jrlin@cycu.edu.tw coagulation using dual coagulants are more complex than


that of single coagulants. Complexity and competition be- Table 1. Characteristics and Species
tween the two coagulants might reduce their effectiveness, Distribution of Coagulants
and/or the zone of coagulation for the mixed coagulant might
be larger than either coagulant by itself. There is no discern- Type of coagulants pH Basicity Ala (%) Alb (%) Alc (%)
ible improvement in coagulating ability by dual coagulation PACl-C 3.3 65 33 17 50
over single coagulant ( Johnson and Amirtharajah, 1983). PACl-W 3.2 45 43 28 29
In practice, it is better to have an effective single-dosing FeCl3 2.5 — 95 4 1
approach to achieve lower turbidity and Al concentration in
finished water. Studies have reported that tailored PACl with Ala, monomeric Al; Alb, polymeric Al; Alc, colloidal Al; FeCl3,
ferric chloride; PACl, polyaluminum chloride.
low content of monomeric Al or high content of polymeric Al
is effective to lower residual Al in coagulation process (Yang
et al., 2010; Kimura et al., 2013). On the contrary, other Characterization of coagulants
studies have indicated that pH effect on residual turbidity
Two commercially used PACl coagulants, designated as
(RT) or organic matter level and remaining Al is also sig-
PACl-C (Chung Hwa Chemical Industrial Works) and PACl-
nificant for drinking water treatment (Duan and Gregory,
W (Train sound), were used in this study. Al speciation of
2003; Yan et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2011).
PACl-C and PACl-W was determined by Ferron method (Lin
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Controlling the final pH of PACl coagulation in the range

et al., 2008b). The PACl-C contains about 33% monomeric Al
from 5.5 to 6 is an effective and feasible way for reducing
(Ala), 17% polymeric Al (Alb), and 50% colloidal Al (Alc),
remaining Al in water. Unfortunately, coagulation is com-
while the PACl-W has 43% monomeric Al (Ala), 28% poly-
monly conducted at neutral pH to improve the floc formation
meric Al (Alb), and 29% colloidal Al (Alc). Aluminum con-
and turbidity reduction by enmeshment as the operators run
centration was analyzed by an inductively coupled plasma
the DWTP. Either single or dual dosing with Al-and Fe-based
optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES 7000 series; Agilent).
coagulants has its own limitation to improve the coagulation
In addition, a reagent-grade FeCl3 coagulant was used for this
performance in terms of turbidity and Al reduction.
study. FeCl3 species distribution was measured by a time
Although it has been proved that dual dosing with Al- and
complexation spectroscopy method (Dong et al., 2014). PACl-
Fe-based coagulants would improve the reduction of residual Al
C, PACl-W, and FeCl3 characteristics and species distribution
in finished water for DWTP, it also increases the difficulty to
are shown in Table 1. The working solutions containing
constantly control the dosing ratio between Al- and Fe-based
2,000 mg/L Al or Fe were freshly prepared before each test.
coagulants. It is known that single dosing with PACl-C con-
taining lowered monomeric Al can avoid the occurrence of high
residual Al concentration (Kimura et al., 2013) in finished water, Coagulation protocol
but it may result in an adverse effect on coagulation performance Standard jar trials (Phipps and Bird) were conducted to
for turbidity reduction, depending on the formation of flocs and evaluate coagulation performances. Two kinds of coagulant
their structure characteristics (Lin et al., 2008a). dosing approaches, including single dosing (PACl-C or
In engineering application, an effective single or dual PACl-W and FeCl3) and dual dosing (PACl+FeCl3), were
dosing with alternative coagulants is crucial to improve co- carried out for this study. Initial rapid mixing was conducted
agulation performance for simultaneous reduction of tur- at 200 rpm (G = 350/s) for 1 min followed by a slow mixing at
bidity and residual Al in drinking water for DWTP. However, 30 rpm (G = 25/s) for 20 min. The suspension was left un-
the coagulation behaviors between single and dual dosing disturbed for 20 min. After settling, the turbidity of super-
with Al- and Fe-based coagulants are still unclear and the natant was measured by a turbidity meter (2100 P; Hach) and
effect of their hydrolyzed coagulant species on particle de- the residual dissolved Al was quantified by ICP-OES (ICP-
stabilization and residual Al minimization need further in- OES 7000 series; Agilent). The zeta potentials of the sus-
vestigations, especially for low turbid water. pension were measured via a laser zeta analyzer (Zetasizer
This study aims to investigate more rational approaches to nano ZS; Malvern, Inc.) immediately after the rapid mixing
enhance coagulation for RT and Al minimization using Al- without dilution. All tests were conducted in triplicate.
and Fe-based coagulants in drinking water treatment for low
turbid water, particularly the single or dual dosing with PACl Filterability test
and FeCl3 coagulant. Their coagulation behaviors with dif-
ferent hydrolyzed coagulant species were compared to A suction time index (STI) test was first reported by Ives
identify the conditions affecting the minimization of residu- (1978) to evaluate the filterability of water samples. The
als (i.e., particles and Al). filtration times of 500 mL of supernatant and distilled water
were determined separately by use of a suction filtration
Materials and Methods device (membrane filter with a pore size of 1 lm) at
-680 mmHg to calculate the STI value as follows:
Raw water quality
Raw water was collected from Hsinchu Water Treatment Suction time of 500 mL of supernatant ðsÞ
Plant, Taiwan and tested for its characteristics. pH was Suction time of 500 mL of distilled water ðsÞ
measured using pH meter (sensION+ pH 1; Hach) at pH
7.7 – 0.1, turbidity was measured using turbidity meter
(2100P; Hach) at 15 – 1 NTU, and dissolved organic carbon Floc formation analysis
was measured using total organic carbon (TOC) analyzer Average floc particle total number and diameter were an-
(TOC-5000A; Shimadzu) at 2.1 mg/L. alyzed using a FlocCAM camera installed on the standard

square jar beaker used in coagulation protocol following

similar methodology by Lapointe and Barbeau (2017). Built-in
FlocCAM software sorted flocs into pixels and indexed as
follow: (with N as a reported parameter for total particle count).
Average floc particle diameter was calculated by con-
verting areas from square pixels into square millimeters
based on FlocCAM calibration factor, using the following

1X N
AvgFlocDiameter ¼ d ði Þ
N i¼1

Spherical flocs areas were calculated based on the effective

diameter [d(i)] using the following formula:
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dðiÞ ¼ 2
Identification of fractal shaped flocs formation is based on
both flocs area and circumferences. Circumferences were
calculated by counting the edge pixels of each floc in units of
pixels that later converted into millimeters using FlocCAM
calibration factor. Fractal dimension (FD) as the parameter was
calculated by plotting a graph of the logarithm of the flocs area
and the logarithm of their circumferences where the slope of
the linear-fit line is equal to fractal dimension, where the FD is
the two-dimensional fractal dimension. Other than that, the
floc formation rate was determined by following formula:

Floc formation rate ðmm=minÞ

Floc size ð10minÞ  Floc size ðinitialÞ
10 min
FIG. 1. Influence of dose on changes in (a) residual tur-
bidity and (b) zeta potential by coagulation with single- or
Results and Discussion dual-dosing approaches.
Particle destabilization
Figure 1 shows the influence of dose (0.00–0.09 mM) on PACl-W at similar dose between 0.03 and 0.06 mM, but it has
RT by PACl-C, PACl-W, FeCl3, and PACl-W+FeCl3 (molar occurred with a higher dose of 0.09 for dual coagulant dosing
ratio = 1:1). As shown in Fig. 1a, there are no significant with PACl-W+FeCl3. On the contrary, the zeta potential re-
differences in RT before dosing for all coagulants. At low mains below neutral between -5 and -10 mV with increasing
dosage (0.03 mM), PACl-W coagulation resulted in lower RT dosage for FeCl3 coagulation. The optimal turbidity reduc-
at 2 NTU than PACl-C coagulation at 5 NTU. However, with tion occurred with increasing dose of PACl-W, FeCl3, and
increasing dosage to 0.09 mM, the RT reduction by coagu- PACl-W+FeCl3 at 0.06 mM, however, it was reached for
lation with PACl-C was improved, although overall RT re- PACl-C coagulation at 0.09 mM. Therefore, either single
duction was still worse than PACl-C. On the contrary, dual PACl-W dosing or dual dosing with PACl-W and FeCl3 can
dosing by combination of PACl-W with FeCl3 at the lowest bring optimal particle destabilization at near neutral surface
dosage of 0.03 mM reduced the RT as low as 3 NTU, and it charge of destabilized particles by charge neutralization.
shows insignificant changes toward RT with further increases This is owing to the polymeric Al content of PACl-W at
in dosage. FeCl3 coagulation resulted in the lowest turbidity 28% Alb although lesser charge neutralization also occurs for
reduction at increasing dosages. These results indicate that PACl-C at lower polymeric Al content at 17% Alb. This re-
dosing approaches with single or dual dosing would signifi- action is in accordance with the previous study by Duan and
cantly affect the coagulation performance for turbidity re- Gregory (2003) and Zhang et al. (2018) where particle desta-
duction. The marked difference in turbidity reduction for bilization, in this case residuals, takes place due to the repul-
single dosing also occurred while two kinds of PACl coag- sion force by neutralization of negative charges. Moreover,
ulants containing different Al speciation were used. PACl-C containing dominant colloidal Al [i.e., Al(OH)3] is
Figure 1b shows the influence of dose (0.00–0.09 mM) on able to induce particle destabilization by enmeshment (Liu
zeta potential changes by PACl-C, PACl-W, FeCl3, and et al., 2009) as well as FeCl3 containing voluminous mono-
PACl-W+FeCl3. There is an increase in zeta potential from meric Fe(III) would hydrolyze to Fe(OH)3 precipitates during
-15 to +5 mV along with the increase in single or dual co- initial coagulation for particle destabilization (Dong et al.,
agulant dose. Zero zeta potential is reached for PACl-C and 2014). It is likely that active Fe(OH)3 precipitates formed by
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FIG. 2. Effect of dosage toward filterability of supernatant

by coagulation with single- or dual-dosing approaches.

the hydrolysis of Fe (III) are able to adsorb onto colloids

partially, which is evidenced by the negative zeta potential.
Adsorption of active Fe(OH)3 precipitates improved particle
aggregation and floc formation for effective turbidity reduction
by formation of many binding sites. Thus, the single PACl-C
and FeCl3 dosing predominantly favors enmeshment induced
by hydrolyzed Al(OH)3 and Fe(OH)3, respectively. The results
showed that tailored PACl-C containing dominant colloidal Al
can improve turbidity reduction at optimum dosage, while
turbidity reduction by dual coagulation with PACl-W and
FeCl3 is lower than by either coagulant itself.
The lower the STI value, the higher the filterability of
supernatant with lower particle counts (Lin et al., 2015). As FIG. 3. Influence of dose on (a) residual dissolved Al (b)
shown in Fig. 2, the filterability of supernatant was constant pH by coagulation with single- or dual-dosing approaches.
with STI value of 5.8 before coagulation. The STI values
decreased with increasing coagulant dosage for single co-
agulation with PACl-C or PACl-W and dual dosing with Residual Al reached as low as 0.045 mg/L for PACl-C co-
PACl-W and FeCl3. However, single FeCl3 dosing resulted in agulation with a similar trend for PACl-W+FeCl3 coagula-
insignificant changes in STI values with increasing dosage. tion, while PACl-W coagulation resulted in a higher residual
FeCl3 coagulation is known to favors enmeshment resulting dissolved Al of 0.08 mg/L.
in voluminous Fe(OH)3 which remains in the supernatant, Study has proved that lowering monomeric Al in PACl
thus increases burden of the filter and lower the corre- coagulant can lower the residual dissolved Al in solution
sponding filterability. These results indicate that single based on water chemistry principle (Kimura et al., 2013). The
PACl-C or PACl-W dosing and dual dosing with PACl-W particle count in low turbidity water is too little to provide
and FeCl3 effectively lower suspended particle counts of low sufficient surface for monomeric or polymeric Al adsorption,
turbidity water after coagulation and sedimentation process, resulting in more residual Al in supernatant. Since PACl-C
but single FeCl3 coagulant dosing brings an adverse effect on coagulant contains half colloidal Al [Al(OH)3] and fewer
filterability for low turbidity water treatment. monomeric Al ion as low as 33%, it could produce lower
residual dissolved Al in coagulation for low turbidity water
treatment. In contrast, PACl-W containing higher monomeric
Dissolved Al minimization
and polymeric Al, more than 70% of total Al concentration
Removal of dissolved Al after the addition of Al-based and lesser colloidal Al, would easily result in more residual
coagulants during conventional coagulation water treatment dissolved Al in the supernatant since monomeric Al has
process can be challenging because most of dissolved Al higher possibility to remain in solution at low turbidity.
would penetrate through the filter to form residuals. There- As discussed by Duan et al. (2014), monomeric Al may form
fore, it is important to minimize the residual dissolved Al in small and weak monomeric Al complex which is hard to be
coagulation in the water supply. For all coagulation ap- removed, in contrast with polymeric and colloidal Al species
proaches, the residual dissolved Al concentration at pH that can form bigger and more compact flocs that readily ab-
7.6 – 0.1 (Fig. 3b) increased following initial dosing at sorb particles. These findings have verified that a single dosing
0.03 mM (Fig. 3) with further increases in dosage showed an with tailored PACl-C containing higher colloidal Al and lower
insignificant decrease in residual dissolved Al concentration. monomeric Al level can perform an effective coagulation at an

optimum dosage to lower the RT and remaining dissolved Al in reduction. As shown in Fig. 4, FlocCAM image analysis
supernatant for the substitution of dual dosing with PACl-W shows the floc growth by single and dual dosing at dosage of
and FeCl3. 0.03, 0.06 and 0.09 mM between 0 and 20 min during the
coagulation process. In respect to particle aggregation, FeCl3
coagulation initially causes the fastest and biggest growth in
Floc formation
floc size at various dosages. After coagulation, the size of floc
In addition, particle aggregation and floc formation would formed by FeCl3 coagulation reached around 600 lm at an
substantially influence coagulation performance for turbidity optimum dosage of 0.06 mM. At similar dosage, PACl-
W+FeCl3 coagulation showed a smaller growth by forming
floc size of 400 lm after coagulation. It is found that PACl-C
and PACl-W coagulation show insignificant differences with
the floc size of 300 – 20 lm after coagulation at optimum
It can be determined that FeCl3 coagulation results in the
biggest floc formation with fastest particle aggregation. Dong
et al. (2014) have reported that FeCl3 coagulant with more
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monomeric Fe would cause a bigger floc during coagulation

and has better performance in terms of turbidity reduction.
Although previous study has reported that there is no discern-
ible improvement in coagulating ability by the dual coagulant
over the single coagulant ( Johnson and Amirtharajah, 1983),
our study showed that the combination of PACl-W and FeCl3
can improve particle aggregation, resulting in the improvement
for minimization of turbidity for low turbidity water, compared
to single dosing with PACl-W or PACl-C.
The floc formation rate at various coagulant dosing ap-
proaches was also shown in Fig. 5. It shows the variation of
floc formation rate with dosage for single and dual dosing.
The floc formation rate increases with increasing dosage.
At the optimum dosage of 0.06 mM, the FeCl3, PACl-C, and
PACl-W+FeCl3 achieved maximum floc formation rate and
decreases with a further increase in dosage to 0.09 mM.
Overall, FeCl3 or PACl-W+FeCl3 coagulation has better floc
formation rate compared to coagulation with single dosing by
PACl-W or PACl-C.
Floc properties such as size and fractal dimension for
single or dual dosing are shown in Table 2. Both fractal di-
mension (FD) and average diameter of floc formed by coag-
ulation with single FeCl3 dosing are the largest (i.e., FD = 1.63
and average diameter = 650 lm) at optimum dosage of

FIG. 4. Changes in floc size and counts during coagula-

tion with single- or dual-dosing approaches at various dos- FIG. 5. Changes in floc formation rate during coagulation
ages [(a) 0.03 mM (b) 0.06 mM (c) 0.09 mM]. with single- or dual-dosing approaches at various dosages.

Table 2. Characterization of Floc Formed

by Coagulation with Single- or Dual-Dosing
Approaches at Optimum Dosage (0.06 mM)
Coagulant dosing diameter
approach Morphology FD (lm)
PACl-C 1.17 280
(Ala/Alb/Alc =

PACl-W 1.29 320

(Ala/Alb/Alc =
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FeCl3 (Fea/Feb/Fec = 1.63 650


PACl-W+FeCl3 1.22 400

FIG. 6. Possible coagulation behaviors for single or dual
dosing with PACl and FeCl3. FeCl3, ferric chloride; PACl,
polyaluminum chloride.

FD, fractal dimension.

FeCl3 dosing, voluminous Fe(OH)3 would precipitate on the
surface of colloids by Fe3+ hydrolysis and then form a big floc
0.06 mM, which means the floc formed by FeCl3 coagulation with dense structure. Because the solubility of Fe3+ is much
is larger with more compact structure compared to single less than that of Al3+ at neutral pH (Duan and Gregory, 2003),
PACl-W and PACl-C dosing or dual dosing with PACl- active Fe(OH)3 precipitates are able to adsorb onto colloids
W+FeCl3. partially where the negative zeta potential is found at various
In addition, it is found that the FD of floc formed by dual dosage. By the adsorption of active Fe(OH)3 precipitates, many
coagulation with PACl-W and FeCl3 is very similar to that at binding sites are formed to improve particle aggregation be-
single dosing with PACl-C or PACl-W. It is known that the tween colloidal contacts, causing the formation of big and
higher the FD, the more compact the floc is (Chakrabortia dense flocs.
et al., 2003; Lin et al., 2008a), but as mentioned in other However, it is more complicated in particle destabilization
study, compact flocs with high FD can erode easily by shear, and aggregation for coagulation using dual dosing with PACl
especially for low turbid water where strength of flocs is low and FeCl3. At dual dosing, it is likely that the majority of
(Lin et al., 2013). As mentioned above, dual dosing with Fe(OH)3 preferentially adsorb to colloids followed by other
PACl-W and FeCl3 would not improve the compactness of Al(OH)3(am) precipitates during coagulation, which induces
floc compared to single PACl-W and PACl-C dosing. It can the precipitation of Al(OH)3(am) on the Fe(OH)3. This reduces
be concluded after evaluation of floc properties that dosing the number of binding site with active Fe(OH)3, and possibly
approaches with single or dual coagulant would strongly inhibit the particle aggregation, resulting in the smaller flocs
affect the floc formation and its structure. The addition of compared to coagulation with single FeCl3 dosing.
FeCl3 coupled with PACl-W at 1:1 can improve more particle
aggregation and bigger floc size than single PACl-W dosing, Conclusions
but it would have little effect on the compactness of floc. Enhanced coagulation for remaining turbidity and dis-
solved Al minimization by a hybrid coagulant dosing with
commercial PACl and FeCl3 can be achieved in low turbidity
Possible coagulation behaviors
water treatment as well as it would be substituted by a single
A proposed coagulation behavior for single or dual dosing dosing with alternative PACl coagulant containing lower
with PACl and FeCl3 is plotted as Fig. 6 based on the results monomeric Al with higher polymeric and colloidal Al. In
of particle destabilization and aggregation. As single dosing addition, the turbidity reduction by coagulation with mixed
with PACl containing high monomeric or colloidal Al content PACl and FeCl3 is slightly less than either coagulant by itself.
is carried out, a lot of monomeric Al (Al3+) or colloidal Al Generally, FeCl3 coagulation causes the fastest and biggest
[Al(OH)3(colloidal)] would continuously hydrolyze into posi- growth in floc size, but single FeCl3 dosing brings an adverse
tively charged amorphous aluminum hydroxide [Al(OH)3(am)] effect on filterability for low turbidity water treatment. The
that preferentially adsorb to the surface of colloids during addition of FeCl3 and PACl coagulant at 1:1 can accelerate
initial coagulation and then particle aggregation occurs to floc formation compared to single PACl dosing, but the
form smaller floc with loose structure. In the case of single compactness of floc would be insensitive to the combination

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