Discussion Outline

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Some people are of the opinion that S+V (the former idea). However, others are
opposed to this idea, saying that S+V (the latter idea). While the former/latter( chỗ là
cái mình không chọn) view can be justified for some reasons, I am more inclined
towards the former/latter (cái mình chọn)

I can understand why it might be beneficial/advantageous/desirable for….to do sth.
First and foremost, S+ V. In addition, S+ V. (VIẾT IDEA KO ĐỒNG Ý TRƯỚC)

In spite of these arguments, I hold the view that S+V (your idea). One reason to
support my standpoint is that S+ V (2-3 supporting sentences). Another reason is that
S+V (2-3 supporting sentences). (IDEA CỦA MÌNH VIẾT SAU)

In conclusion, my firm conviction is that…………… (restate your viewpoint-quan
điểm của tui zô).

Be of the opinion =hold the view = contend =claim =believe =assert= state.
Important= crucial=essential=vital=significant= be of the essence
Environmental problems=environmental degradation/crisis/destruction.

It is time for your work:

1. Some people say that government should spend more money taking care of
elderly people while others think that government spending should be spent
more on the education of young people. Discuss and give your opinion.
Some people are of the opinion that the authority/supervision should
invest in healthcare for old people. However, others are opposed to this
idea, saying that it is necessary to invest in the education of youngsters.
While the former view can be justified for some reasons, I am more
inclined towards the latter.

2. Some people focus on news in their country, while others think it is more
important to be aware of international news. Discuss both views and give your
opinion. (18/07/2020)
Some people are of the opinion that individuals should pay attention to
domestic news. However, others are opposed to this idea, saying that it is more
essential to care about global/international news. While the former view can be
justified for some reasons, I am more inclined towards the latter.

3. Some people think that happiness in life comes from professional success,
while others believe that a stable family is more significant in producing
happiness. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

4. Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of
particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more
important environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your
own opinion.

5. Some people think that young people should take a break between school
and university to go travelling and learn more about the world. Others say
that it is better for them to go straight to university from school, and then
go travelling when they have finished their studies. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.

Some people are of the opinion that youngsters should take a gap year
before entering university after high school graduation to go travelling
and explore the world. However, others are opposed to this idea, saying it
is wiser to go directly to university. While the latter can be justified for
some reasons, I am more inclined towards the former.
Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like.
Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be
useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology.

Some people are of the opinion that university students should study whatever
they want to. However, some others are opposed to this idea, saying that it is
better for them to only focus on useful subjects. While the latter view can be
justified for some reasons, I am more inclined towards the former.

I can understand why it might be beneficial for students to study subjects that
will be useful in the future. First and foremost, individuals may assert that
university courses like medicine, engineering and information technology are
more likely to be beneficial than certain art degrees. In addition, by forcing
people to choose particular university subjects, governments can ensure (đảm
bảo) that any knowledge and skill gaps in the economy are covered. Finally, a
focus on technology in higher education could lead to new inventions (phát
minh), economic growth, and greater future prosperity (sự thịnh vượng).

In spite of these arguments, I do hold the view that university students should be
free to choose their preferred areas of study .One reason to support my
standpoint is that society will benefit more if our students are passionate (say
đắm) about what they are learning. Another reason is that nobody can really
predict which areas of knowledge will be most useful to society in the future,
and it may be that employers begin to value creative thinking skills above
practical or technical skills. If this were the case, perhaps we would need more
students of art, history and philosophy than of science or technology.

In conclusion, although it might seem sensible for universities to focus only on

the most useful subjects, my firm conviction is (niềm tin chắc chắn của tui là
) that the current system in which people have the right to study whatever they
like is a better option.
HW: Viết bài đó kèm 1 chủ đề ở trên
Pros Cons
Earn money from part time job before Taking a gap year can be expensive
applying for education
Improve your life experience Get homesick
Have time to relax and travel Pressure peer (áp lực đồng trang lứa)
Explore the world Waste time
Learn new skill (English, computer, Disorientation (mất phương hướng)
communication skills … so on) = may be overwhelm at the beginning
become an independent person some employer may consider you to
be lazy

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