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Cathodic Protection - Interview Questions CP

1. What is ANODE?
Ans. Anode is an electrode through which positive electric charge flows into a polarized electrical device.

2. What is CATHODE?
Ans. Cathode is the electrode from which a conventional current leaves a polarized electrical device, Cathode
polarity with respect to the anode can be positive or negative it depends on how the device will operate. (The
Current flow of this device are Leaving (-) and Approaching (+).) (Binomial Characteristics)

Ans. Electrolyte Is a Liquid or corrosive, medium that conducts electricity; it contains ions, which are particles
of matter that carry a positive or negative charge.


Ans. It is a method of protection in iron and steel for electrochemical corrosion.


Ans. CORROSION INHIBITOR Is a substantial Chemical that, when added to an environment, decreases the
rate of attack by that environment. And are commonly added in small amount to acids, cooling waters, steam
and other environments.

6. What is ICCP?
Ans. Impressed Current Cathodic Protection, it provides an electrical current source to oppose the current of
the corrosion cell(s).

7. What are the kinds of Sacrificial Anode Materials?

electrochemical series
- Magnesium (Mg) Most Active
- Zinc (Zn)
- Aluminum
- Mild Steel
- Cast Iron
- Copper
- Stainless Steel
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum Least Active

8. What are the causes of corrosion?

- Humidity
- Oxygen
- Chemical Salts
- Temperature
- Chemicals and Airborne gases

9. Give some Environment and Corrosion?

- Chemical/marine (More Severe)
- Chemical with high humidity
- Marine with high humidity
- Chemical with low humidity
- Rural (Less Severe)

10. What are the effects of Corrosion?

- Safety
- Cost
- Appearance

11. How to Control Corrosion?

- Design
- Inhibitors
- Materials Selection
- Cathodic Protection
- Protective Coatings
- Alteration of Environment
12. How to Detect Corrosion?
- Metal Path, Install Mg. Anode(-) in one side and the Cathode(+) will flows.

13. What are the most Common and Popular application to control corrosion?
- Coating
- Cathodic Protection

14. What are the kinds of Cathodic Protection?

- Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP)
- Sacrificial Anodes Cathodic Protection (SACP)

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