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Project 4 – iDiots


“I now ask myself three questions: Do I truly need this? Will this really add
value to my life? Can I do without it? More often than not, I put it back on the
shelf and am better off for it.”
Sarah Robyn Farrell,, 2018
“It’s about thinking where our stuff comes from (finite sources) and where it
goes when we’re done (often landfill) and what are the fantastic alternatives
out there to extend the life of our ‘stuff’.”, 2018
“But is this really a good thing? My first thoughts years ago were ‘nice idea, if
you don’t work in a shop.’ And then my kids were in school; now they both
work in shops. They need people buying cheese and coffee. Then there are the
good things one can buy. […] Which is better for the planet? A. for one day
nobody buys anything (next day they hop in the car and head off to the mall as
normal) or B. Everybody buys a bicycle on that day.

1- The image
→ It is a poster to promote Buy Nothing Day.
In case you can’t read, here is what the two characters are saying:
Man “Look honey, I bought something today”
Woman “Oh darling, I’m so proud of you!”

Considering the drawing and the words, try and explain the objective(s) of the poster:

2- Quote 1
Where is Sarah Robyn Farrell when she asks herself these questions? …
What does she most often answer to these questions? YES / NO
Why does she feel better? …

3- Quote 2
In your own words, say what this person wants people to think about. …
Give examples of ways to “extend the life of our ‘stuff’”. …

4- Quote 3
Does the last person agree with the two others? YES / NO
Why (not)? …
According to this person, “which is better for the planet”, option A or option B?
Why? …

5- Conclude
What do the image and quotes have in common? What issue is raised?

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