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The Paradox of Social Media Privacy: A Call for User-Centric Design

The exponential growth of social media platforms has revolutionized communication and
information sharing. However, this connectivity comes at the cost of a privacy paradox. Users
simultaneously crave connection and self-expression while expressing anxieties about data
collection and the potential misuse of their personal information. This thesis argues that
current social media platforms prioritize engagement and advertising over user privacy,
creating a system inherently at odds with user desires.

Key Areas of Exploration:

The Evolution of the Privacy Paradox: Analyze how user attitudes towards privacy have changed
alongside the development of social media.
Data Collection Practices: Explore the various ways platforms collect, analyze, and utilize user
The Impact on User Psychology: Investigate the psychological effects of social media use on
issues like self-esteem, comparison, and the fear of missing out (FOMO).
Reframing User Control: Propose alternative design approaches that empower users to manage
their privacy settings more effectively.
The Future of Social Media Regulation: Discuss potential legislative frameworks that balance
innovation with user protection.
This thesis will utilize a mixed-methods approach, employing both qualitative and quantitative
data. Qualitative methods will involve analyzing user interviews, focus groups, and platform
policies to understand user anxieties and platform motivations. Quantitative data analysis will
explore user demographics, engagement patterns, and potential correlations between privacy
settings and user well-being.

Expected Outcomes:

This research aims to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the privacy paradox in
social media. By advocating for user-centric design principles and exploring regulatory
possibilities, the thesis proposes a future for social media that prioritizes both connection and

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