Equivalency Attestation

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Salloum for translation and services
Reine Salloum
Certified Translator
Syndicate no. 115

Republic of Lebanon
Ministry of Education and Higher Teaching
General Directorate of Higher Teaching
Secretariat of Equivalencies Committee For Higher Teaching

No. 3660/EQU/2021
Eguivalency Attestation

The Secretary of the Equivalencies committee,

Upon the law no. 285 dated APR 30, 2014 (General dispositions of the higher teaching and the organization of the
private high teaching),
Upon the order no. 247/2011 of FEB 07, 2011 (Nomination ofa secretary for the committee of higher teaching),
Upon the decree no. 8869 of JUL 26, 1996 (Establish an Equivalencies Committee For Higher Teaching),
Upon the organizational decree no. 9355 of APR 28, 1962 (system of equivalencies committee),
Upon the request submitted by Mrs. Miryam Fadl Fakih, born in Nabatieh in 2000 with the following annexed
General secondary certificate/ Economic and social sciences- Ordinary session of 2018,

certifies that the committee studied the equivalency of the following university diploma and transcript :

- Bachelor degree in Communication Arts in 2021 (Lebanese International University)

After having studied the file within the 78 th session on OCT 29, 2021 and legalized it by the minister of Education and
Higher Education on NOV OI, 2021, the committee approved that the diploma conferred to Mrs. Miryam Fadl Fakih
from the Lebanese International University, a university bachelor's degree in communication arts, delivered by a a
higher education institution officially recognized.

Beirut on NOV 26, 2021

The Secretary of Equivalencies committee for Higher Teaching, Abdul Maw la CHAHABEDDINE- Signature and seal

A photocopy legalized by the Secretariat of Equivalencies committee for Higher Teaching, Liliane Antoine- seal and
signature- On DEC 02, 2021

the translation of the attached arabic text is accurate- on DEC 18, 2021
Sworn Translator

Lebanon - Nabatieh - Behind EI-Saraya - Harb Bldg- G.F - Telefax: +961n6220B Mobile: +961 71 543261
+96171543261 o.s~ +961n62208 :..,..slill- ..,..:-)11..;...i...u1 - Y- .,;.,..- 41_;:...11 ....J..i. - t+-J..+l.JI - uLl+-1

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