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1. How do you deal with stress?

I cope well with stress, but depending on the situation, I treat it badly. For example, if I
have a lot of exams, I get organized and do a study schedule. Instead, when I have to do
something and try, but it doesn't work out for me, I get stressed out and start crying.
This happens to me because I feel like I can’t keep doing this task, and for example if it’s
a math operation, it doesn’t work out and the next day I have an exam for it, it makes
me more stressed and instead of trying again, I start to cry, and thinking the exam will
go wrong.

2. Identify at least one stress management strategy we've discussed and explain how
you can use these techniques to manage your stress.

I think that to manage my stress, it will be good to mix the techniques 3 and 5 that I have

The third technique is to "adapt to the stressor." To do this, I will start the exercise again,
and I will do it so many times until I do everything right and understand it. And if
necessary, ask someone who knows how to do it to tell me.

And it will also be good to mix it with moments of relaxation and free time to put aside
for a while what had made me stress, as I have learned in the fifth technique: "make
time for fun and relaxation"

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