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City Public Secondary School.

Registration Test (2024-25)
Student Name: _______________________________ Date: ____/____/______
Total Marks: 10 Time: 15 mints
Checker Sign: ___________________ Obt. Marks: __________


1- Choose the correct answer. (10)

(i) ___________ is a graphical representation of an algorithm.
(a) Matrix (b) Graph (c) Flowchart (d) Solution

(ii) Which solutions are not reaches through proper algorithms or work planning?
(a) Prepared solution (b) Candid solution (c) Strategized solution

(iii) In a _______ error, the solution is working but not giving required results.
(a) Random (b) logical (c) syntax (d) Runtime

(iv) Expression (A + B) . (A + C) is equal to ________.

(a) A + (B.C) (b) A.B + B.A (c) A.(B.C) (d) A + (B +C)

(v) “Is it cold outside” is _____________ proposition.

(a) Boolean (b) Categorical (c) Moral (d) None of above

(vi) 1 Petabyte is equal to:

(a) (1024)4 bytes (b) (1024)6 bytes (c) (1024)5 bytes (d) (1024)7 bytes

(vii) RAM is an example of _________ memory.

(a) volatile (b) non-volatile (c) secondary (d) None of the these

(viii) Which topology is more reliable?

(a) Bus (b) Star (c) Ring (d) Mesh

(ix) The receiver must be capable of accepting the ________

(a) protocol (b) address (c) message (d) information

(x) There are ______ components of a communication system.

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

City Public Secondary School. Kharian
Registration Test (2024-25)
Marks: 40 SUBJECTIVE Time: 105 mints

Q2- Write short answers to any FOUR (4) questions. (4x2= 8)

i. Define Understanding a problem.

ii. What is meant by 5Ws?
iii. Define Algorithm.
iv. Define prototype.
v. Write any two advantages of flowchart.
vi. What is meant by Verification?

Q3- Write short answers to any FOUR (4) questions. (4x2= 8)

i. What is Decimal number system?

ii. Define volatile memory.
iii. Define Proposition.
iv. Convert (78)10 into binary.
v. What is ASCII code?
vi. Write any two differences between memory and storage.

Q4- Write short answers to any FOUR (4) questions. (4x2= 8)

i. Define computer network.

ii. What is hardware sharing?
iii. Define Network Topology.
iv. Write any two advantages of Ring topology.
v. What is difference between point-to-point and multi-point connection?
vi. What is file server and workstation?

Attempt any two (2) questions from Section – II (2x8 =16)

Q5- Define Flowchart. Explain requirements of a flowchart. 8

Q6- Explain Bus and Star topologies with diagram. 8

Q7- Explain Components of a communication system. 8

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