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A Qualitative Research

Presented to the Faculty of Mount Carmel School of San Luis

033 Avenida Aurora, Poblacion 04, San Luis, Aurora

Presented by:



May 2024
Chapter I

The K to 12 Basic Education Program in the Philippines includes the introduction

of senior high school (SHS), or grades 11 and 12, the final two years of a new 6-year

secondary education system. Rather than merely focusing on post-secondary education

preparedness, the SHS Curriculum aims to prepare students for either higher education or

work. (Development Asia, 2019). Students in JHS Grade 10 will follow a shared

curriculum and can choose from four specialization options: Academics, Technical

Vocational and Livelihood (TVL), Sports, or Arts and Design. Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMMS), Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Science,

Technology and Engineering (STEM), and General Academic are the four strands that

make up the Academic Track. Then there's the Technical Vocational Track, which

includes Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Agri-Fishery Arts, and

Industrial Arts. The government's adoption of the K-12 program will assist students to

improve their abilities, become more competent, and grasp and deal with new courses.

The curriculum has been improved to satisfy the needs of students on a local level,

allowing them to choose a specialty that best suits their interests. The choice of a job path

is crucial to the lives of a young man or woman. The careers that students choose will

have an influence on the rest of their life. Grades, age, personal interests, experiences,

and other things affected students' career choices, and it was through their learning

experiences that these students selected what they wanted to accomplish in terms of their
future professions. Furthermore, the senior high school students observed that decision-

making, motivation, peer pressure, institutional concerns, and future employment chances

all had an impact on their choices. Creativity, trial and error, decision-making, and sound

judgment are all required in career choices. To create and cultivate an interest in a given

vocation, it is vital to have prior understanding about that career. Self-defining activities

that are vital for one's soul, heart, and power are powerfully pulled to passion. A person's

professional success is best achieved when his course selection is based on the correct

career for his talent, personality, background, and intelligence. Many students make

judgments based on their personal preferences rather than what the work market requires.

According to the findings, understanding entrepreneurship and its processes requires

passion. In addition, the type of the sources from which the individual acquired

information about the course of study has an impact on the decision of this degree of

ambition. Role expectations in the family unit, for example, are different from those in

the occupational social system. A person's personal traits are evaluated in the home,

whereas a person's performance is evaluated in the job.

Uncertainty is an unavoidable as well as career decision entailing unexpected

outcomes. Choosing a career is crucial especially among students in the secondary or in

middle school. In making decisions in career selection, one has to undergo an intricate

process and forcefully open-minded person to choose his speciality, practice and location

of the educational institution. Result expectancies, learning experiences, sex, personal

interests and contacts influence the choice of career among students which leads to

confusion, doubts and undecidedness of the students. Undecidedness about choice of

major course to take is a common condition on tertiary levels today. To mention, money

and average grade quota restrictions as potential obstruction of decision-making and

major changers of desired career among students because it prohibited students to enrol

from entering the productive field. undecided students are affected by the differences in

institutional practices, policies, and attitudes. Students should not be in a permanent

status of undecideness. Misfit of choosing a career may result in unemployment and

underemployment. Professional life and future achievement is a result of the appropriate

choice of career among students. Students become confused, for instance, negative

perceptions in certain specialties of a preferred career. Advising is helping students to

realize with their own ideas, feeling, and effort to understand and make meaningful

concepts in the choice of their career. Teachers are more influential compared to career

counselors. Unfortunately, internet society has most probably replaced the influence of

the family in this contemporary society.

In relation to this, this input information relays the crucial role of preferences of a

senior high school track among grade 10 students. In this study, the process includes the

gathering of data which uses the descriptive-analytical method using the survey

questionnaire from the desired number of respondents of grade 10 students. The process

pertains in organizing the collected data, analyzing and giving an interpretation of data.

Lastly, recommendations shall help the students in choosing their desired track in senior

high school when influential factors on the preferences of the grade 10 students are

In this case, the study by (Ahmed, et al., 2017) stated that a career is defined as a

professional, commercial or industrial activity that a person can perform during his

studies or any other part. It also explains career an application of human knowledge and

skills that provide professional guidance, timely work skills and a foundation for

developing and improving business networks.


Local Literature

Consequently, a study by (Pascual, 2014) showed that when it comes to various

aspects of their lives such as education, career choices and even personal relationships,

both Filipino immigrants and non-immigrants are highly dependent on the choice and

preferences made by their families.

Correspondingly, a research study by (Moneva et al, 2019) claims that there are

many influences that affect the preferences of grade 10 students in choosing a track to

proceed to senior high school. The factors affecting the choice of Grade 10 students in

choosing a senior high school strand may include interests, abilities, career goals,

academic performance, and guidance from parents or teachers. Students may choose a

strand based on their passion for a particular subject or field, such as STEM, humanities,

or arts. In addition, they may also consider their strengths and weaknesses in specific

subjects and choose a strand that aligns with their skills and abilities. Career goals and

aspirations can also play a role in the decision-making process, as students may choose a

strand that will help them achieve their desired future career path. Additionally, in a study

conducted by (Malvas et al, 2019) indicates that guidance from parents, teachers, or

career counselors can inform and influence a student's decision on which strand to


Meanwhile, a study by (Dizon, et al., 2019) said that this implementation aims to

produce highly educated learners with foundational skills for career and life time
learning. Because of the program, Filipino learners are already seen and viewed as equals

in terms of abilities with international learners.

Foreign Literature

Firstly, a research study by (Frank, 2017) explains that decision-making

represents an essential and continual part of the career development experience, one that

influences a variety of outcomes and dictates how successful and satisfying the overall

career experience will be for the individual. Given the importance of decision-making, it

is necessary for search and staffing professionals to possess a reasonable understanding

of how it will affect candidate behaviour.

Comparably, another study by (Korir, 2018) reveals that a career choice is a

complex decision for students since it determines the kind of profession that they intend

to pursue in life. As students try to make career choice, they face problems of matching

their career choices with their abilities and academic performance. It is important to

consider factors such as personal interests, career goals, academic strengths, and future

opportunities. These decisions ultimately shape one's educational and professional path,

so it is crucial to choose a strand that aligns with one's passions and ambitions.

Moveover, a research work by (Daud, et al., 2018) claims that a student already

faces financial challenges such as expenses exceeding income, saving, using savings to

meet financial contraints, earning and managing for sustainability and borrowing for

living expenses.
Definition of Terms

To provide clarifications regarding the terminologies used in this study, the

researchers indicated the definition of the following:

Academic Performance. the term that indicates a student’s achievement after

completing a course or subject from an institution.

Career. a student choice by interest or the path of his/her chosen profession in the


Foundational Skills. are the building blocks of reading. It helps the students comprehend

the texts they read.

Career Development Experience. is the progression of short-term steps taken to achieve

long-term professional goals.


This study aims to assess some selected factors associated with the preferences of

senior high school track that are commonly adopted by the Grade 10 students of Mount

Carmel School of San Luis (MCSSL) for the school year 2023-2024. Likewise, this
study aims to identify influence of preference of a Senior High School track that is

commonly encountered by the Grade 10 students in terms of gender, socio-economic

status, average academic grades, nature of parent’s occupation; and, strand and the level

of influence of the respondent to be associated with preferences in choosing a track in

senior high school in terms of family influence-decision; peer influence; financial

condition; and employability.

Then, the researchers determine the level of influence to the Grade 10 students

toward strand preferences in Senior High School in terms of family influence and

decisions, peer influence, financial condition, and employability. Finally, the association

between the profile and level of influence of the Grade 10 students towards track

preference for the Senior High School is also determined. It is designed to be tackled by

asking the questions that follows:

1. How does the family influence and decisions affect the preference of a Senior High

School strand of the grade 10 students?

2. Does peer influence affect the preference of a Senior High School strand of the grade

10 students?

3. Do financial condition and employability affect the preference of a Senior High School

strand of the grade 10 students?

4. What are the factors that influence Grade 10 students in choosing their SHS strand and

what is the demographic profile of Grade 10 students who choose their specialization in

terms of: (a) Ideal Jobs, (b) Personality (c) Family and (d) Peer/Classmates?
H0. The explored factors has no significant influence in the preferred senior high school
strand of grade 10 students of Mount Carmel School of San Luis.
H1. The explored factors has a significant influence in the preferred senior high school
strand of grade 10 students of Mount Carmel School of San Luis.


In terms of the significance of the study of this research. This can be beneficial to

the following:

To the Students. the result of the this study will benefit and inspire them to formulate

and act upon their chosen career plans in the future.

To the School. This study can also beneficial from this study in the tense that it is vital to

the development of the school.

To the Future Researchers. this study will benefit, greatly help and inspire them to be

more innovative and carry out the programs of the Department of Education (DepEd) that

will be beneficial to the both learners and the teachers.

Teachers and Parents. they will also be more likely to provide wise counsel to their

children and students for the chosen strand.


This study focuses on identifying the factors that can contribute to the decision-
making in choosing a particular senior high school strand.

In addition, the study was limited in exploring how the explored factors can
influence the preferred senior high school strand of grade 10 students of Mount Carmel
School of San Luis with the use of small sampling size to gather data utilizing the factors
that they perceive as influential to arrive at a conclusion towards their respective

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