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Lesson Plan in Science 3

I. Objectives
At the end of the 45-minute class, the learners must have:
A. Enumerated the uses of sound;
B. Given examples of sounds;
C. Practiced proper and safe use of sound; and
D. Create and manipulate sound using parts of their body and/or various object found in
the classroom
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of sources and uses of sound.
Performance Standard: The learners should be able to apply knowledge of the sources and
uses of sound.
Learning Competency: Enumerate uses of sound. (S3FE-IIIi-j-3)

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Uses of Sounds
B. Materials: Flashcards, pictures of people using sounds, worksheets
C. References: The New Science Links, Worktext in Science and Technology, pp. 266-268
10 Uses of Sound and its Applications in Daily Life (
D. Science Process: Classifying, Critical Thinking
E. Value Integration: To appreciate the importance of sound

III. Procedures
A. Engagement
Today, we will be learning a new lesson! But before that, let’s first have an activity.
This activity is called ‘I Can See The Sound.’ For this activity, I will be showing a set of
pictures or illustrations. Examine the pictures.

What you can see in each picture?

What is/are the different uses of the sound produced by cars
(engine, horn)?

What can you see in the picture?
What is the use of the sound produced by drums?

What can you see on the picture?

Is our voices when talking considered a sound?
What is the use of our voices? Or what is the use of talking?

B. Explore
The world is full of different sounds— sounds from the nature, from the things around
us, and even from ourselves. As part of our new lesson, together, we will explore the
world of sounds through the activity entitled ‘Make Your Sound.’ Group yourselves into
3. Find 3 objects inside the classroom that produce sound, or you can also use parts of
your body to produce one. The goal is to produce 3 different sound. Once your done,
ask yourselves the following questions:
A. What is the sound produced by this object/part of our body?
B. Why and when do we use this sound?
C. Is the sound it produced important? Why or why not?

After pondering on these questions, the group will share to the class the sound they
produce and discuss or explain their answers to the given questions.

C. Explain
Now let us begin with our new lesson. Today, we are going to discuss the uses of sounds.
Sounds are present in our everyday lives and we can use them in many ways just like the

− Speech, music, and animal calls are
examples of how sounds convey
information and messages.

− Sounds are used as a diagnostic aid for the

non-invasive detection of conditions of
internal organs and are used to visualize the
kidneys, heartbeats, and breathing sounds.

Warning Signals
− Sounds are used to alert individuals of
potential danger or hazards, such as
sirens, alarms, or honking in traffic.

− Sounds are a key component of
entertainment, including music, movies,
video games, and live performances.


− Sounds aid humans in finding other objects

at a long distance. An example of this is
SONAR. Animals like bats and dolphins use
echolocation to navigate things.

D. Elaborate
Find a partner. On the board are pictures of different scenarios related to sound safety.
Together with your partner, discuss and write down appropriate actions or strategies to
practice proper and safe use of sounds in that particular situation. Do this activity in 5

E. Evaluate
Identify which use of sound is being referred to. Write whether it refers to
communication, art expression, warning, entertainment, therapeutic purposes,
identification, or education in the space provided before the number. You are given 5
minutes to do this.
1. Sound used to visualize the kidneys, heartbeats, and breathing sounds.
2. Sound alert individuals of potential danger or hazards.
3. Sound conveys information and messages.
4. Sound are used in music, movies, video games, and, live performances.
5. Sounds aid humans in finding other objects at a long distance.

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