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NAME: Faith Maiden B.



My realization about the movie entitled “Passion for Christ” is that in the depth of
Jesus Christ's love and sacrifice for humanity, leading to a profound sense of gratitude
and humility. Others may find a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to following
Christ's teachings and example of love, compassion, and selflessness.

The movie made me realize a lot of things in my life and these are: Sacrificial Love,
Forgiveness and Redemption, Suffering and Empathy, Identity and Purpose, Hope and
Resurrection. Nowadays, people tend to not pay attention to things that have a huge
impact in our daily lives. Such as, what we are today and where we live today is all
because of the love of God and Jesus for us. My explanation to what I’ve written down
lies here: Sacrificial Love recognizes the extent of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross can lead
to a deeper understanding of God's unconditional love for humanity. Forgiveness and
Redemption reflects on Jesus' forgiveness of those who crucified him, individuals may
find solace in the idea of redemption and the power of forgiveness in their own lives.
Suffering and Empathy contemplates Christ's suffering can foster empathy for the pain
and struggles of others, encouraging individuals to reach out and serve those in need.
Identity and Purpose understands Jesus' willingness to endure suffering for the sake of
others can inspire individuals to live with greater purpose and selflessness, aligning
their lives with the values of the Gospel. Hope and Resurrection is that the story of
Jesus' passion doesn't end with his death but culminates in his resurrection, offering
hope for new life and transformation.

One characteristic that strikes out was the film's unwavering representation of
suffering. It shows Jesus' physical and emotional suffering for the purpose of
humanity's redemption through scenes of violence. This representation forces viewers
to see the horror of the crucifixion and the depth of Jesus' sacrifice. In its entirety, "The
Passion of the Christ" is a great trigger for reflection on Christianity's core principles and
the everlasting importance of Jesus' sacrifice. It encourages viewers to confront the
reality of suffering, reflect on the depth of God's compassion, and to consider the
consequences of Jesus' teachings for their own lives.
NAME: Faith Maiden B. Musa

SUBJECT: Art Appreciation

Activity 1

1.What do you think is the difference between art and craft?

Who made arts and who made crafts?

● Art focuses on using tools and materials to communicate

emotions or ideas like paintings, sculpture, photography, and
etc. Whereas craft focuses on creating a specific concrete
object or outcome such as; decorative art, fashion, papercraft,
woodcraft, and so much more. We humans are the ones who
make arts as well as crafts. By using our cognitive thinking and
imaginations, we people are the artist and craftsperson behind
our mind’s masterpiece.

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