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1. **Introduction (0:00-0:15)**: Begin with a question “How would you define Love?


2. **Flashbacks (0:15-0:30)**: Transition into a sequence of a young couple spending time together.

3. **Commitment and Loyalty (0:30-0:45)**: Speech continues, talking about commitment and

4. **Fade out (0:45-1:00)**: Suddenly cut to black and ask “But what about acceptance?”.

5. **The Reveal (1:00-1:10)**: Screen cuts to black with narration in the background, saying how
there are parts of people we don’t see immediately.

6. **Reflection (1:10-1:30)**: Transition to quieter moments of their lives, reflecting on the possible
outcomes of their lives and the difficulties they may face.

7. **Hope and Resilience (1:30-1:45)**: Despite the challenges, show how the couple stay together
and keep each other up.

8. **Closing (1:45-2:00)**: End with a mid shot of the couple that matches the beginning, finishing
with “But what about you?”

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