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A recent study /

during /
instead //
in addition/
make sure/
gain /
gain weight/
used to be/
used to/
still /
like /
such as /
for example /
For instance /
almost /
so far /
in fact/
at first /
there are /
There are no /
there is /
there is no /

Here are some CEFRA1/A2 level gapfill sentences for the vocabulary items:

A recent study shows that more children are ___________ than before.

I exercise regularly ___________ I don't gain weight.

She ___________ be overweight as a child.

I have ___________ 10 kilos in the last year.

Junk food can ___________.

My friend ___________ eating fast food every day.

The book was good ___________ the ending.

I've read 10 pages ___________.

There ___________ too much sugar in soda.

There ___________ no evidence to support that claim.

There ___________ a relation between diet and health.

There ___________ no reason for him to get angry.

I didn't like her ___________, but now she is my best friend.

I avoid sugary treats ___________ candy and soda.

_____________, you can choose an apple or an orange.

I always ___________ sure to brush my teeth.

The book was boring ___________.

I go to the gym three times a week ___________ I used to only go once a week.
Translate the sentences to Hebrew

Certainly! Here's the exercise with the missing vocabulary words:

Word Bank:

 A recent study
 So
 During
 Instead
 In addition
 Make sure
 Over
 Overweight
 Gain
 Gain weight
 Used to be
 Used to
 Still
 Like
 Such as
 For example
 For instance
 However
 Almost
 So far
 In fact
 At first
 There are
 There are no
 There is
 There is no

1. A recent study conducted by scientists showed that many people are

unaware of the health risks associated with excessive sugar
2. During the experiment, participants were instructed to replace sugary
beverages with healthier alternatives like water or natural juices.
3. Instead of opting for processed snacks, it's advisable to choose
healthier options such as fruits or nuts.
4. In addition to regular exercise, a balanced diet is crucial to avoid
becoming overweight and maintain a healthy body weight.
5. Parents should make sure their children have access to nutritious
meals to prevent them from gaining unnecessary weight.
6. Some individuals used to be lean but have now gained weight due to
lifestyle changes and poor eating habits.
7. Used to denote habitual actions in the past that are no longer true in
the present, whereas still is used to talk about current habits or
8. However, despite knowing the risks, many people continue to neglect
their dietary needs and consume unhealthy foods.
9. Almost everyone can benefit from dietary changes, but so far, there's
a lack of awareness about nutrition in certain communities.
10. In fact, regular physical activity coupled with a balanced diet is the key
to preventing health issues like obesity and heart disease.


A recent study conducted by the National Institute of Health focused on

children's dietary habits and their impact on health. The study involved
observing over 500 children aged 5 to 12 from various socioeconomic
During the study, researchers noticed a concerning trend: instead of
consuming balanced meals, many children opted for high-calorie snacks and
sugary drinks. In addition, most of the children spent their free time indoors,
glued to screens, instead of engaging in physical activities.

Make sure to understand that the study highlighted the correlation between
such poor dietary choices and the rise in childhood obesity. Over 40% of the
children were found to be overweight or at risk of becoming overweight due
to excessive calorie intake and lack of exercise.

The research team found that over the past decade, there has been a
significant gain in the number of children gaining weight rapidly. Many used
to be within a healthy weight range but have now shifted to being overweight
or obese.

Still, there is hope. Like previous studies, this one emphasized the importance
of parental involvement in shaping children's eating habits. For instance,
parents who regularly cooked balanced meals at home had children with
healthier diets.

However, there are no quick solutions. At first, it might seem daunting to

change deeply ingrained habits, but there is no denying the need for action.
There is no denying the urgency of addressing this issue. In fact, almost 70%
of the children in the study showed signs of early onset health problems due
to their diet and lifestyle.

So far, there is a lack of comprehensive programs targeting this issue, but in

fact, some schools have initiated health and wellness classes to educate
children about making better food choices and the importance of staying

Paragraph 1:

1. What was the recent study focused on?

2. What did researchers observe about the children's diet during the

Paragraph 2: 3. How did the study highlight the connection between poor
dietary choices and health problems?

4. What trend did the research team notice regarding children's weight in
the past decade?
Paragraph 3: 5. How did parental involvement affect children's diets, according
to the study?

6. Is there a simple solution to the issue of childhood obesity?

Paragraph 4: 7. What initiatives have some schools taken to address poor

dietary habits among children?

8. How many children in the study showed signs of early health issues due
to their diet and lifestyle?

Multiple-choice questions:

9. During the study, many children opted for:

a. High-calorie snacks and sugary drinks.

b. Balanced meals and regular exercise.

c. Healthy fruits and vegetables.

10. The study involved observing children between the ages of:
a. 2 to 5
b. 5 to 12
c. 12 to 15

11. What percentage of children were found to be overweight or at risk of

becoming overweight?
a. Over 30%
b. Over 40%
c. Over 50%

12. The research team found that children used to be:

a. Underweight
b. Overweight
c. Within a healthy weight range

13. What did the study emphasize about parental involvement?

a. It has no impact on children's eating habits.
b. It plays a role in shaping children's eating habits.
c. It depends on children's preferences.

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