Health Care Services

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At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to;
• define and discuss the importance of Health Care Services
• Distinguish the different types of Health Services.
Health Services consist of
medical professionals,
organizations, and ancillary
health care workers who
provide medical care to those
in need.
Health Care Services

Health Care Services serve patients, families,

communities, and populations. They cover
emergency, preventative, rehabilitative, long-term,
hospital, diagnostic, primary, palliative, and home
Why HealthCare is Important?
Healthcare is a part of life we all consider to be
something we are entitled to- it is our rigth to
have a access to healthcare whenever we need
it. However, for many people accross the world,
this is simply not an option.
Health Services cover many different types of
medical issues. Many people think of Primary
care, outpatient care, and emergency care
when they need an illness managed or is
generally not feeling well.
Types of Health services
Mental health care -Mental health
services also reduce the risk of chronic
diseases related to stress, anxiety and
substance abuse. Most importantly,
mental health services save lives, while
improving the outlook for people who
may feel hopeless and lost.
Dental care-Dental care is the
maintenance of healthy teeth and may
refer to: Oral hygiene, the practice of
keeping the mouth and teeth clean in
order to prevent dental disorders.

Laboratory and diagnostic care--Lab

tests and diagnostic procedures are
tests used to check if a person's health
is normal.
Substance abuse treatment -intended to
help addicted individuals stop substance
abuse and compulsive drug seeking and

Preventative healthcare-Preventive
healthcare, or prophylaxis, consists of
measures taken for disease prevention.
Physical and occupational therapy -PT focuses on
improving the patient's ability to move their body
whereas an OT focuses on improving the patient's ability
to perform activities of daily living.

Heath services consist of medical praksionals, organization and

andiary heath care workers who provide medical care to those in
need Without access to healthcare, people are far more at risk.
Diss walnution, pregnancy -all can beaame incredibly dangerous
thou proper help and support Health services cover many different
types of medical issues. Mary people think of primary care,
outpatient care, and emergency care when they need an iness
managed or is generally not feeling wel
What is school health service?
Provide student with health, mental health
and social services to address healthy eating,
physical activity, and related chronic disease
School health services staff
1.the school health nurse
2.the school principal
3.the school teacher
4.the parent
5.the community
6.the children
7.the medical officer
School Health Services

-only focused on medical related

services, school environment, and
health Education.

- as a part of the overall school health

program provided health and medical
services to students. these services
tended to be one of the three types:
• BASIC - include such things immunization,
hearing/vision screening, scoliosis screening,
sport physical, health counseling, and nutrition
2. EXPANDED - include health/disease prevention,
mental health counseling, substance abuse
counseling, family life/sex education, and care of
special needs of children.
3. COMPREHENSIVE - include reproductive
health care, primary care, chronic illness
management, ang prenatal care.
Here are health services that offer in school:

-Preventive Services
What We Don't Know
-School Counseling
-Health Education
-Family and Community -Involvement
-School nutrition Services
-Emergency Care

- School Counseling
- Family and Community Involvement in
School Health
- School Nutrition Services
- Health Education
School counseling, psychological, and social
services activist that focus on cognitive,
emotional behavioral, and social needs of
individuals group, and familes. Designed to
prevent and access problem facilitate positive
learning and healthy behavior and enhance
heathy development.
Family and community involvement in school
health: partnership among schools, families,
community groups, and Individuals. Designed
to shares and maximise resources and
expertise in addressing the healthy
development of children youth, and families.
School Nutrition Services: integration of
nutritious, affordable,and appealing meals;
What We Don't Know
nutriton education; and an environment that
promotes healthy eating behaviors for all
Health education: classroom instruction addressing
physical,mental, and social dimensions of health;
developing health knowledge,attitudes, and skills;
and tailored to each age level.
Physical education: planned, sequential
instruction that promotes lifelong
physical activity.

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