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Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 7 (2019) 549–551

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Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series

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Geolocation of the Brazilian National DNA Database matches as a tool for T

improving public safety and the promotion of justice
Ronaldo Carneiro da Silva Juniora,1,*, Aline Costa Minervinoa,1, Luciano Lamper Martinezb,
Daniel Russob, Daniel Araújo Mirandab
Brazilian Federal Police, Technical Scientific Directory, Brasília, Brazil
Brazilian Federal Police, National Institute of Criminalistics, Brasília, Brazil


Keywords: The Brazilian National DNA Database (BNPG) was created in 2013 and has been growing yearly. In the first half
DNA database of 2019, there was a 70% increase in the number of genetic profiles that joined BNPG. Along with this growth,
Matches geolocation there was also a 46% increase in the number of matches in the same period.
Inteligeo While it is an excellent sign of increasing database effectiveness, this brings challenges to be overcome. One of
them is how to monitor and organize the matches so that they become an effective tool for the promotion of
justice and public safety. The tracking of the matches that until then was carried out by spreadsheets now needs a
more intelligent form of data management.
The solution to this question was found through the integration of matches data from the Brazilian National
DNA Database with Inteligeo - a geolocation system developed by Brazilian Federal Police.
The Inteligeo system was created in 2010. It is a modern and powerful geographical information system,
which assists Brazilian forensic experts in the production of technical reports and integrated information
management. It is possible to geolocate all kinds of forensic data, such as crime scenes, criminal routes, and
correlations between places under investigation.
The teams of BNPG and Inteligeo started joint work to implement the project. First, all forensic DNA la-
boratories and their respective matches were geolocated. Correlations between laboratories and matches dis-
tribution maps were created.
A protocol was also developed to make it mandatory to register the geographical coordinates of the sites that
originated the samples related to matches.
The possibilities of this data integration are many, considering that Inteligeo allows integration with external
data sources, supports complex geospatial searches and allows the generation of dynamic maps that can be used
to instantly assess the general status of the database and view the correlations of individual matches as they
At this point, a new tool called Integrated DNA System (SInDNA) is being developed to automate the geo-
location of evidence and its relationships. It will allow evidence data to be recorded and geolocated so that when
a match occurs, crime scenes can be geographically linked almost automatically.

1. Introduction solving crimes and for supporting justice [1].

In Brazil, the Integrated Network of DNA Databases (RIBPG) was
DNA testing is a comparative analysis, where the genetic profile of a established from Decree 7,950/2013 [2]. Today it integrates 20 la-
questioned sample is compared to reference samples in the search for boratories from all over Brazil that share genetic profiles through the
genetic compatibilities or links. In the criminal area, forensic genetics Brazilian National DNA Database, administered by the Brazilian Federal
compares profiles from crime scenes with samples of suspects. Police. Another 8 states will join the RIBPG in the coming years, thus
However, when there is no evidence of crime authorship - cold cases - completing the coverage of the entire country [3].
genetic profiling databases have proven to be an excellent tool for According to the 10th RIBPG Report [4] by May 2019, the Brazilian

Corresponding author: Instituto Nacional de Criminalística, SPO, Q.7, lote 23. CEP 70610-200 Brasília-DF, Brazil.
E-mail address: (R.C. da Silva Junior).
Joint first authors.
Received 3 September 2019; Accepted 8 October 2019
Available online 14 October 2019
1875-1768/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R.C. da Silva Junior, et al. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 7 (2019) 549–551

Fig. 1. Geolocation of BNPG matches: (A) samples relationships; (B) high occurrence region; (C) heat map.

National DNA Database had 30,809 genetic profiles - an increase of GPX, CSV and XLS files, KML, DOC, XLS or CSV results export, online
70% compared to data from the 9th RIBPG Report (November/2018). data editing, real-time service addition, address and coordinate loca-
Such an increase in profiles also led to a jump in the number of matches tion, map printing from MXD models and strategic reports, search re-
registered at RIBPG databases, from 635 to 926 - a 46% increase in just sults printing, dynamic chart generation, heat maps and point ag-
6 months. gregation, and a complete dashboard.
While this growth is an excellent sign of increased database effec- Inteligeo can also integrate with other systems, web services, and
tiveness, it brings new challenges. The matches monitoring using map services from government institutions in Brazil. An example is the
spreadsheets is no longer effective and productive. In addition to the integration with the administrative system of Brazilian Federal Forensic
heavy workload required to keep the data current in these tables, the Reports, where the user can see the exact location of crime scenes and
information was isolated and unconnected between them. It required have access to their documentation.
administrative effort that did not help to maximize the usefulness of the To ensure information security, an extra data access protection
results offered by the matches. module was developed. This layer ensures, through integration with the
From this finding, it was identified the need to look for a way to LDAP user base, that only authorized people will access the service or
monitor and organize coincidences so that they become an effective application tools. All information is encrypted during transfer using
tool for the promotion of justice and public safety. The solution to this HTTPS.
challenge was found by integrating coincidence data from the Brazilian
National DNA Database with Inteligeo - a Geographical Information
System developed by the Federal Police [5]. 3. Results

Knowing all the potentials and security features of the system, the
2. Inteligeo Characteristics Brazilian National DNA Database and Inteligeo teams have begun a
joint effort to implement geolocation of matches between evidence of
Inteligeo is a modern and powerful geographical information system different crime scenes or between pieces of evidence and individuals.
that assists brazilian forensic experts in producing technical reports and Given that the working criteria of RIBPG are defined by an
integrating information. It is capable of producing strategic maps of Executive Committee, such proposal was presented at a meeting of this
drug seizure, public procurement fraud, deforestation of rainforests and board and approved. At this meeting, it was agreed that the data to be
indexing of documents/images, for example. The system works on the plotted on Inteligeo would be only geographic information and crime
internal network and offers over 800 layers of vector data and more scene/individuals information. That is, genetic profiles would be kept
than 70TB raster data, including high-resolution land observation solely and exclusively in the Combined DNA Index - CODIS, in order to
imagery. maintain the security of genetic information.
In addition to several data searches using an advanced query wi- The first action aimed at integrating Brazilian National DNA
zard, it allows the generation of thematic maps, spatial searches in Database x Inteligeo was the creation of a standard form for matches
geometries or buffer, route generation, local opening of SHP, KML, information, which contained the field for recording the geographic

R.C. da Silva Junior, et al. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 7 (2019) 549–551

coordinates of the sites that originated the match-related samples. This regular deliveries and continuous monitoring by the project manage-
step was important because the geographic data was information not ment team. SInDNA is expected to have its first full version delivered in
previously shared between the participating laboratories of RIBPG. the first half of 2020.
From now on, all matches are reported to Brazilian National DNA
Database using this form and the data is passed to Inteligeo for plotting Declaration of Competing Interest
on maps. There are already dozens of matches reported in this way,
which has been an excellent tool for observing the interrelationship of The authors declare no conflict of interest
crimes and their geographical characteristics (Fig. 1).
4. Discussion and conclusion
We would like to thank the Federal Police Technical-Scientific
From the approval of the pilot project and the good results achieved, Directorate and the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, as well as
the first idea emerged to develop another system so that coincidence their staff, for their support to this project.
management could be done faster and more effectively, with a powerful
geospatial tool. To the best of our knowledge, this approach has never References
been used anywhere in the world.
This system was named SInDNA - Integrated DNA System. It was [1] F. Santos, H. Machado, S. Silva, Forensic DNA databases in European countries: is
designed with a structure of modules (Identifications, DNA Cases, size linked to performance? Life Sci. Soc. Policy 9 (2013) 12.
[2] BRAZIL, Decree 7950/2013 - Establishes the National DNA Database and the RIBPG,
Matches, Reports, Statistics, among others) with different levels of ac- Brasília (2013).
cess and fully auditable. Its objective is to provide a more efficient [3] B.R. Trindade, National DNA Database: an Examination of Its Constitutionality and
management tool and that the coincidences registered in the Brazilian Effectiveness, Course Completion Paper (Bachelor of Laws) - Brasília University,
National DNA Database can be informed quickly and managed more [4] RIBPG, 10th Integrated Network of DNA Databases Report, (2019) [Online].
efficiently, making the genetic profiling databases continue to strive for Available at: .
excellence in results presented to society. [Accessed Sep 01, 2019)..
[5] D.A. Miranda, D. Russo, Geographical information systems - a working example in
The target processes were modeled and a system proof-of-concept the Brazilian Federal police for fighting environmental crime, in: H. Kars, L. Eijkel
was developed. This proof-of-concept was introduced to future system (Eds.), Soil in Criminal and Environmental Forensics, 2016, p. 139.
users and, upon consolidation of their contributions, was recently ap-
proved. Thus, the development phase was initiated, which provides for


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