Urban Conditions IR - Worksheet

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Urban Conditions During the Industrial Revolution

Task: study the sources provided to complete the tasks outlined below.

Compare Question Guess Vocab Choose Biased? List Type Seeing

Housing Health Environment Other

A Complete the following sentences after reading Source A ?
A common disease that often killed people during the Industrial Revolution was …
The cause of this disease was ..
Two symptoms of the disease are … and

Housing Health Environment Other

B What was this type of housing called ( 3 possible answers ) Read source P to help you answer this.


Housing Health Environment Other

C Guess the missing words from source C - ( Clue … all of them begin with C! )

1: C

Housing Health Environment Other

D Add a similar or simpler word to the ones underlined in the source.

1: H 4:L
2:W 5:W
3:M 6: D

Housing Health Environment Other

E Interpret ( explain ) the meaning or message of this image.

Housing Health Environment Other

F Interpret ( explain ) the meaning or message of this image.
Compare Question Guess Vocab Choose Biased? List Type Seeing

Housing Health Environment Other

G List as many causes of poor health or sanitation mentioned in source G

Housing Health Environment Other

I Find 3 things mentioned in source I that are corroborated ( supported ) in source G



Housing Health Environment Other

J Find the meaning for the words mentioned in the source.



Housing Health Environment Other

K Reasons why this source may contain bias - remember the 5 w’s



Housing Health Environment Other

L Describe 3 important or interesting things you can see happening in this image.


Housing Health Environment Other

M What things mentioned in source M are / are not corroborated ( supported ) in source H

Corroborated =
Not corroborated =

Housing Health Environment Other

N Describe what you can see and answer the questions.

What is this ? This is a ...

One problem with this is -

Another problem with this is -

Compare Question Guess Vocab Mathlete Biased? List Type Seeing

Housing Health Environment Other

O Study source O. ?
Q - What was the ‘miasma theory ’ ?
Q - Why do you think most people most people believed in the ’miasma theory’ at this time?


Q - What was the source of the cholera outbreak discovered by John Snow ?


Housing Health Environment Other

P What percentage of houses in Nottingham were back to back houses ?

Housing Health Environment Other

Q Compare source O with source R .

Q - Note something in source Q that is corroborated in source R .

Q - Note something in source Q that is not corroborated in source R.


Q - What is the message of source Q ?


Q - Source Q was drawn / published after 1854 - how do we know this ?

What was it like to live in an urban area during the Industrial Revolution?
Introduction: 1: Use a full sentence to answer the question in a ‘thesis statement’ EG; What was it like to live in an urban area during the Industrial Revolution? 2: Outline the three main ideas why they did or did not.
Points Examples
to support you main point
the examples you have used
A “quote” or statistic?
Link back to the ?
Importance of examples used
Firstly, primarily
1 :_______________ Furthermore….
Also, secondly, A
2 :_______________ Furthermore….
Finally, in addition.
3 : ______________ Furthermore….
Conclusion: 1 : Outline the most important point 2 : Are there any connections between reasons ?

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