Cns Is Made Up of The Brain and Spinal Cord

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 Cns is made up of the brain and spinal cord

 Pns connects all the parts of the body to the brain including ARMS, LEGS,
 Cns Conects tha brain to just ALL THE ORGANS IN THE HEAD and SOME of
the abdomen and the thorax.

 Each nerve is made up lots of neurons, a nerv is visible to the eye, but neurons just
to the microscope.
 Neurons transmit info by electric impulses called nerve impulses

 Involuntary actions are due to a Simple reflex

 The coordinator is Cns wich connect information about the stimulus to the effector

 Neurons have a nucleus and a lot of cytoplasm and contains an axon which are
 Sensory neurons transmit impulses from sense organs to the brain and spinal cord
 Motor neurons transmit impulses away from the brain and spinal cord to effector
 Relay neurons are short ones wich oass impulses from sensory neurons to motor
neurons inside the brain and spinal cord
 Mayelin around them allow nerve impulses to travel really fast
 When 2 neurones meet they don’t touch another and they create a gap called
synapsis. When an impulse reaches a cell it realeas a neurotransmitter substance to
pass the impulse to the other one. This substance is only one way to ensure that
impulses only travel one direction.
 And arc reflex involve this three typer of neurons and are mostly protective.

Synapse and drugs

Synaptic gap is the space between 2 neurones.

The presynaptic neurone carries the impule to the gap wile the postsynaptic carries it

The axons of neurons are called synaptic bulbs and its surface is called presynaptic
membrane, it is separated by the gap from the postsynaptic membrane
Anphetamines are excitatory drugs beacsuse they stimulate the release of
neurotransmitters in the brain so it increases the brain activity making a person more alert
Heroin is an inhibitory drug because it reduces the relese of neurotransmitters. Beta-
blockers are a type of drug that uses this system to reduce blood pressure and heart rate.

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