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“words and syllables“

Lecturer: Yani Lubis, S.Ag, M.Hum

Compiled By:
Group 2
 Hawa Alfina Salsabila (0304222070)
 Juanda Muktar Hasibuan (0304222118)
 Khairun Nisa (0304222102)
 Muhammad Faisal Hajmi (0304222091)
 Najla Regar (0304222092)
 Rahayu Wulandari (0304222105)



First of all, we would like to express our thanks to Allah SWT because, with
the help of Allah SWT, the author was able to complete the writing of the paper entitled
“Words and syllables “ at the appointed time.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment given by Yani
Lubis, S.Ag, M.Hum as a lecturer of Phonology. We as authors of the paper hope that
this paper can increase the knowledge and experience of the readers. And hopefully,
this paper can be useful in everyday life.

We apologize as authors because we feel that there are still many shortcomings
in preparing this paper due to our limitations and knowledge. For this reason, we hope
for constructive criticism and suggestions from readers to improve this paper.

Medan, 1st April 2024

Group 2


PREFACE................................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................ iii
CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1
A. Background of Paper .................................................................................. 1
B. Problem formulation ................................................................................... 1
C. Purpose of paper.......................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II .............................................................................................................. 2
DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................. 2
A. The Definition of Words and Syllables ..................................................... 2
B. The Difference Between Words and Syllables .......................................... 2
C. The Types of Syllables ................................................................................ 3
D. The Function of Studying Words and Syllables In Studying English .... 4
E. How To Teach About Words and Syllables In Studying The English
Language................................................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................ 6
CLOSING ................................................................................................................... 6
A. Conclussion .................................................................................................. 6
B. Suggestion .................................................................................................... 6
REFERENCES........................................................................................................... 7


A. Background of Paper
English is one of the languages that has unique rules and structures in the
formation of words. One of the important concepts in learning English is the
understanding of words and syllables. Words are the smallest units of language that
have meaning. Syllables are parts of words that consist of vowel and consonant sounds.
In English, an understanding of words and syllables is very important to help in the
correct pronunciation of words, understanding the meaning of words, and the ability
to communicate well. In learning English, an understanding of words and syllables can
help in expanding vocabulary and improving speaking, writing, listening, and reading
skills. In addition, an understanding of words and syllables can also help in
understanding grammatical rules in the formation of sentences and paragraphs.

B. Problem formulation
1. What is the definition of words and syllables?
2. What is the difference between words and syllables?
3. What are the types of syllables?
4. What is the function of studying words and syllables in studying English?
5. How to teach about words and syllables in studying the English language?

C. Purpose of paper
1. To know about definition words and syllables.
2. To know about the difference between words and syllables.
3. To know about the types of syllables.
4. To know about the function of studying words and syllables in studying
5. To know how to teach about words and syllables in studying the English



A. The Definition of Words and Syllables

According to the Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary, words are defined as
written or spoken units of language. This means that words are a language unit
consisting of a combination of several letters. Words are language units that can stand
alone either as free morphemes or as a combination of several morphemes. Words are
units of language that can be written or spoken and have a clear meaning.

A syllable is a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without

surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word. According to the
Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary, a syllable is defined as a unit into which a word
can be divided, usually containing a vowel. A syllable is a part of a word that contains
the sounds (phonemes) of a word.

Because syllables are part of words, we can conclude that one word can consist
of one or more syllables, so that the word can have meaning in both written and spoken
language. For example, the word “information” consists of several syllables (in-for-
ma-tion), and the word “cook” has only one syllable.

B. The Difference Between Words and Syllables

The difference between words and syllables lies in their structure and
function in language. A word is a basic unit that can stand alone as a part of speech
containing meaning and can be pronounced in one or more syllables. Meanwhile, a
syllable is a unit of pronunciation consisting of a single vowel alone or a vowel with a
consonant surrounding it in a word. Each word consists of one or more syllables.

1. Structure: Syllables are the phonological components that make up a word. The
syllable structure usually involves an onset (opening consonant), a nucleus
(usually a vowel), and sometimes a coda (final consonant). On the other hand,
Words are lexical units that may consist of one syllable (like “cat”) or more
(like “information”, which has four syllables).

2. Function in Language: Words function as carriers of meaning and can act as
nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. While In sentences, Syllables do not carry
meaning independently but play a role in establishing rhythm, meter, and
intonation in the pronunciation of words.
3. Division and Pronunciation: In pronunciation, each syllable in a word is given
a certain emphasis, which affects the intonation and rhythm in speaking. While
the pronunciation of a word involves the complete articulation of all the
syllables that make it up.

C. The Types of Syllables

The types of syllables in English, as outlined by Noah Webster and
recognized by experts, include:

1. Closed Syllables: These are syllables with a short vowel sound, spelled with a
single vowel letter ending in one or more consonants. Examples include "cat,"
"dap," "hos," "bev," "ager," "com," "des," "pite," and "drib".
2. Open Syllables*: These are syllables that end with a long vowel sound, spelled
with a single vowel letter. Examples include "pro," "table," "recent," "aw,"
"ful," "train," "er," "con," "geal," and "spoil".
3. Magic E Syllables*: These are syllables with long or short vowel spellings that
use two to four letters to spell the vowel, including diphthongs like "ou/ow"
and "oi/oy." Examples include "spoil," "age," "injur," "ious," "consort," "char,"
"ter," and "dam," "age," "act," "ive," "na," "tion".
4. R-Controlled Syllables*: These are syllables with "er," "ir," "or," "ar," or "ur,"
where the vowel pronunciation often changes before /r/. Examples include
"injur," "ious," "consort," "char," "ter".
5. Consonant+le Syllables*: These are unaccented final syllables that contain a
consonant before /l/, followed by a silent "e." Examples include "drib," "ble,"
"bea," "gle," "lit," "tle," "le," "fle," "kle," "cle".
6. Leftovers*: These are usually final, unaccented syllables with odd spellings,
such as "dam," "age," "act," "ive," "na," "tion".

It's important to note that while some sources mention a seventh type, the
Diphthong Syllable,which is considered by some as a separate category, it is more

commonly combined with the Vowel Team/Diphthong category for simplicity and
practicality in teaching and learning English.

D. The Function of Studying Words and Syllables In Studying English

The function of studying words in studying English is crucial for understanding
the structure, meaning, and usage of the language. Words are the basic units of
meaning in any language, and they are essential for communication and
comprehension. By studying words, learners can expand their vocabulary, improve
their reading and writing skills, and understand the nuances of the language.

Studies have shown that vocabulary knowledge plays a significant role in

language proficiency. For example, a study on the relationship between vocabulary
knowledge and reading comprehension found that students with a larger vocabulary
were more successful in understanding texts. Studying words can also help learners
understand the function of words in a sentence. For example, a study on the
relationship between function words and substantives found that understanding the
role of function words in a sentence can improve the comprehension of the text.

The function of studying syllables in studying English is to understand the

pronunciation, stress, and intonation patterns of the language. Syllables are the basic
units of pronunciation in English, and they consist of one or more sounds, with a vowel
sound being the essential part. By studying syllables, learners can improve their
pronunciation skills, understand the stress patterns of words, and develop their
listening and speaking abilities.

Syllables play a significant role in language learning. For example, a study on

visual word access in Spanish and English bilinguals found that experienced English
readers activate a larger unit in the initial stages of word recognition, which suggests
that syllables are an important unit in English. Similarly, a study on photomontage as
a task to facilitate talking in English as a Foreign Language classrooms found that
students' talks based on their own self-generated photomontage and their peers'
feedback were analyzed for words, syllables, T-units, content, and function words,
highlighting the importance of studying syllables in oral repertoire development.

E. How To Teach About Words and Syllables In Studying The English Language
Teaching word and syllable segmentation can be done effectively using a paper
writing method. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Introduction to Words and Syllables:

- Start by explaining what words and syllables are A word is a unit of
language that carries meaning, and syllables are the individual units of
sound within a word.
2. Demonstration with Examples:
- Provide examples of words and break them down into syllables.For
example, "banana" has three syllables: ba-na-na.
2. Writing Practice:
- Ask the students to write down different words on a piece of
paper.Encourage them to identify and underline the syllables in each
word.Provide assistance and feedback as needed.
4. Segmentation Exercise:
- Present words that might be challenging for segmentation.Have the
students practice breaking them down into syllables.For instance,
"elephant" can be segmented into e-le-phant.
5. Group Activity:
- Divide the students into groups and give each group a list of words have
them work together to identify and segment the syllables in each word. This
fosters collaboration and reinforces learning.
6. Application in Writing:
- Encourage students to apply their knowledge of syllables when writing.Ask
them to pay attention to syllable count in words to improve their spelling
and pronunciation.
7. Review and Reinforcement:
- Conduct periodic review sessions to reinforce understanding.Use games or
quizzes to make the learning process fun and engaging.

By using this paper writing method with explanations, students can visually
see the structure of words and practice segmenting them into syllables, which enhances
their phonemic awareness and improves their reading and writing skill.


A. Conclussion
Words are units of language that can stand alone and have meaning, while
syllables are units of pronunciation that make up words. There are different types of
syllables, such as closed, open, magic e, r-controlled, consonant+le, and leftovers
syllables. Understanding syllables is crucial for pronunciation, stress, and intonation

To effectively teach words and syllables, the text suggests using a paper writing
method. This method involves introducing words and syllables, demonstrating with
examples, writing practice, segmentation exercises, group activities, application in
writing, and review and reinforcement. By using this method, students can visually see
the structure of words and practice segmenting them into syllables, which enhances
their phonemic awareness and improves their reading and writing skills.

B. Suggestion
That's the paper we wrote, hopefully, this paper can add new knowledge and
insight that is useful for all readers. We, as authors of the paper, realize that there are
still many errors or shortcomings in this paper, therefore we openly accept criticism
and suggestions from all readers. Hopefully, in the future, these criticisms and
suggestions can help us in improving the writing of this paper. Thank You.


amin, a. m. (2007 May 1). Introdution to English Phonetics and phonology .English
Syllable Structure. foundation book.

def. (2020). Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary.

Fatmawati, S. L. (2023). word and Syllables. Jurnal Bahasa dan Pendidikan , 144-

Laks, D. J. (2018). The Phonology of syllable and word. Oxford: Oxford University

nespor, M. &. (1986). prosodic phonology . Dordrecht: Foris Publications.

noah, w. (1998). An American Dictionary of the English Language. American.

silvia, C. f. (2009). Comparison of teaching syllables or words on reading rate.

European Journal of Behavior Analysis , 255-263.

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