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Suicide is a public health emergency affecting families and communities

drastically . More than 7 lakh people commit suicide every year . It is the 4 th
leading cause of death among 15-29 yrs old individuals but, can occur at any
age starting from school going .A plethora of factors like rejection , failure ,
unemployment , abuse , isolation , violence , discrimination and disease have
been found to be responsible. Ingestion of pesticide, hanging and firearms are
the most common methods used for suicide globally. However, Suicides are
preventable . The first WHO world suicide report published in 2014 declared
suicide prevention to be a global imperative. Coordinated steps undertaken
among various sectors of society like health, education , labour, agriculture and
social media can do wonders and reducing suicidal rates .

KINS a pioneer nursing institute of Odisha , celebrated suicide prevention day

on 10th September 2023 at the male and female psychiatric ward of PBMH KIMS
Bhubaneswar . Bsc nsg. 3rd yr students of KINS conducted a role play to create
awareness among patients about suicide . A poster competition was also
conducted among students and winners were awarded.

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