2017non-Targeted Sportomics Analyses by Mass Spectrometry To Understand Exercise-Induced Metabolic Stress in Soccer Players

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International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 418 (2017) 1–5

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International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

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Non-targeted sportomics analyses by mass spectrometry to

understand exercise-induced metabolic stress in soccer players
Eduardo Prado a,b , Gustavo H.M.F. Souza c , Marcelle Pegurier b,d , Camila Vieira b ,
Abelardo Barbosa Moreira Lima-Neto b,e , Marcio Assis f , Maria Izabel Florindo Guedes e ,
Maria Gabriela Bello Koblitz b,g , Mariana Simões Larraz Ferreira b,g ,
Andrea Furtado Macedo b,h , Altamiro Bottino i , Adriana Bassini b,c , L.C. Cameron b,c,∗
Laboratory for Research in Physical Exercise and Metabolism, Federal University of Alagoas – Av. Lourival Melo Mota, S/N, Tabuleiro do Martins
57072-970, Maceió, AL, Brazil
Laboratory of Protein Biochemistry – Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro, Av. Pasteur, 296, Urca, 22290-250, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
MS Applications & Development Laboratory, HRMS Health Sciences Department, Waters Corporation, São Paulo, Brazil
Department of Biochemistry and Sportomics, Olympic Laboratory, Brazil Olympic Committee, Brazil
Laboratory of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, State University of Ceará, Brazil
Fluminense Football Club, Brazil
Nutritional Biochemistry Center, Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Integrated Laboratory of Plant Biology, Department of Botany, Institute of Biosciences, Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We have been using “-Omics” sciences with classic laboratory analyses to understand the systemic
Received 25 August 2016 metabolic and signaling changes induced by sport and exercise. We called this approach Sportomics. Our
Received in revised form 18 January 2017 samples were collected in situ either during competitions or training to mimic the genuine challenges
Accepted 1 February 2017
and conditions faced during sports. Non-targeted analysis (NTA) has opened the door to a new era of
Available online 13 February 2017
high-throughput exercise-induced metabolic research. In the present study, 30 male semi-professional
soccer players were observed for two subsequent days. Both blood and urine samples were collected
immediately pre-match and after matches. The most up-regulated prominent molecules were fatty acyls,
carboxylic acids and derivatives, steroids and steroid derivatives. The most down-regulated molecules
soccer were fatty acyls, carboxylic acids and derivatives, as well as benzene and substituted derivatives. After
metabolite identification and determining which metabolites were up- or down-regulated, we took the
metabolites and grouped them into classes to examine the metabolic pathways involved with purine
metabolism and to investigate hyperammonemia. To follow-up on our findings in urine, we used point-
of-care instrument analysis to measure capillary blood metabolites. Glucose significantly increased by
35%, whereas urate increased by 16% and uremia by 17% without any changes in creatinemia. In the
present study, we showed that hypoxanthine and related metabolites were up-regulated in urine after
a soccer match, which suggested that AMP deamination was increased. In this study, we demonstrated
several results through urine non-target mass spectrometry (NTMS) to understand exercise-induced
changes during a soccer match using a Sportomics approach. These data together demonstrated that
during a soccer game, there was an increase in ATP use provided by ADP synthesis via myokinase. Our
data may show that the use of urinary metabolomics can be a less invasive way to follow the metabolism
of athletes during exercise. We demonstrated that the use of NTMS may be useful for future studies that
aim to design holistic interventions for improving athletic performance.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

∗ Corresponding author at: Laboratory of Protein Biochemistry – Federal Univer- Recently, we assembled a new concept in metabolic studies and
sity of State of Rio de Janeiro, Av. Pasteur, 296, Urca, Rio de Janeiro, 22290-250, exercise science called Sportomics through the use of “-Omics” sci-
Brazil. ences with classic laboratory analyses to understand the systemic
E-mail addresses: cameron@unirio.br, lccameron@me.com (L.C. Cameron).

1387-3806/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 E. Prado et al. / International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 418 (2017) 1–5

Fig. 1. Experiment design. Urine samples from young male semi-professional soccer players collected at two different time points, namely pre-match and post-match, were

metabolic and signaling changes induced by participation in sport. the half-time break (1125 min) and after the match (1185 min).
Using this approach, the samples were collected in situ either dur- We compared two time points, including the pre-match and post-
ing competitions or training to mimic the genuine challenges and match times (Fig. 1).
conditions faced during participation in sports [3]. After collection, urine was used as a biological matrix, and the
We believe that this approach can offer interdisciplinary con- samples were immediately transferred to a dry ice cooler and were
nections among fields to reduce the barriers between sport trainers transported to the Laboratory of Protein Biochemistry (LBP) located
and scientists, including translational science, to improve athletic at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).
performance significantly. We propose that in-field metabolic anal- Later, the samples were stored in an ultra-low temperature
yses are better for understanding, supporting and training elite freezer (–80 ◦ C) until they were prepared for ultra-pressure liq-
athletes. uid chromatography followed by alternating low- and high-energy
As with any “-Omics” science, Sportomics requires analyti- multiplexed MS/MS (UPLC-MSE ) injections. Mass spectrometry
cal techniques with great computational capability to manage analyses were further performed at a starting volume of 700 ␮L
large amounts of data. The use of non-targeted analysis by of raw urine samples that were thawed to room temperature. Raw
mass spectrometry (NTMS) is considered the “gold medal” cham- urine samples were then centrifuged at 10,000 × g for 30 minutes at
pion approach to holistically understand an in vivo appraisal of 4 ◦ C, and the supernatants were perfused through a dialysis mem-
proteomic and metabolomic changes induced by exercise. NTA brane with a 3,000 Da molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) (Amicon,
opened the gate to a new era of high-throughput exercise-induced Merck Millipore, Germany). The filtrate was desalted using a solid-
metabolic research by delivering a better understanding of the inte- phase hydrophilic-lipophilic-balanced extraction cartridge (Oasis
gration of biological processes and extending our knowledge of HLB, Waters Corporation, USA). The samples were concentrated
exercise to systems biology [5,10,1]. using a SpeedVac Plus (Model: SC110A, ThermoSavant, USA) and
In this study, we obtained several results through urine NTMS to were reconstituted in solvent solution containing 3% acetonitrile
understand exercise-induced changes during a soccer match using and 0.1% formic acid in Milli-Q pure water. Finally, the samples
a Sportomics approach. We also described changes such as purine were transferred to a UPLC auto-sampler vial (Waters Corporation,
and pyrimidine metabolism, which can be utilized to recognize USA).
exercise-induced hyperammonemia. Additionally, we conducted
this investigation to comprehend the metabolic changes that occur 2.3. Point-of-care analysis
in athletes undergoing exercise from a practical perspective.
For comparison, blood was collected from seven athletes
2. Methods immediately prior to the match (1080 min) and after the match
(1185 min) for measurement of glucose, urea, urate and creatinine.
2.1. Subjects The venous blood was collected and immediately centrifuged for
10 min at 3,000 × g to separate the plasma. The samples were stored
Thirty male semi-professional soccer players (18-20 years old) at −20 ◦ C. Each plasma sample of the players was thawed and pipet-
from a team affiliated with the Confederação Brasileira de Futebol ted into General Chemistry 13 and MetLyte 8 discs to be analyzed
(CBF, Brazilian Soccer Confederation) participated in this study as by Piccolo Xpress .
volunteers. The players were healthy and did not have detectable
diseases. They were evaluated clinically twice per year. The subjects 2.4. UPLC-MSE method
were informed previously about the study, and written informed
consent was obtained from each one. All of the procedures were UPLC-MSE data were acquired in an ultra-high-performance liq-
performed according to the ethical standards of the Ethics Commit- uid chromatography system (Acquity UPLC I-Class, Waters, USA)
tee for Human Research at the Federal University of the State of Rio coupled to an ESI (+) Qq-oaTOF mass spectrometer (Xevo G2-S
de Janeiro (117/2007, renewed in 2011) and met the requirements Q-Tof, Waters, UK). A total of 10 ␮L of each sample was injected,
for regulating research on human subjects (Health National Coun- and the separation was performed on an ACQUITY UPLC CSH C18
cil, Brazil, 1996). The subjects were tested during two subsequent Column, 130 Å, 1.7 ␮m, 2.1 mm × 50 mm conditioned at 40 ◦ C. The
days (n = 30). mobile phases were 0.1% formic acid (pump A) and 0.1% formic
acid in acetonitrile (pump B), and the flow rate was 900 ␮L min−1 .
2.2. Experimental Design, Sample Collection and Preparation The gradient method was programmed to achieve maximum sep-
aration performance as follows: initial condition 3% B (pump B),
Five different urinary samples were collected the night before 2.37 min 35% B, 4.37 min 85% B, 5.37 min 85% B, and 6.37 min 3% B
the match (0 min), in the fasting state on the morning of the with a total run time of 8.37 min and a calculated percent B/column
match (720 min), immediately prior to the match (1080 min), at volume (cV) factor of 2.6%B/cV. The sample tray temperature was
E. Prado et al. / International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 418 (2017) 1–5 3

Fig. 2. Metabolic pathways of purine metabolism. The color green represents up-regulation, and the color red represents down-regulation.

defined at 8 ◦ C. The mass spectrometry method and conditions 2.6. Data analysis
were adjusted, including alternating the continuous ion current
with low- and high-energy multiplexed MS/MS mode (MSE ) that Data were filtered based on metabolite replication over indi-
could achieve a collision energy ramp that was set to 10–30 eV. vidual analytical data acquisition, and only metabolites that were
The MS instrument was controlled with the MassLynx V4.1 soft- detected in all samples were considered. The remaining metabo-
ware package (Waters Corporation, UK). The scanning mass range, lites were included in a “volcano” plot overview to evaluate which
quadrupole profile and instrument calibration were set to transmit compounds were up- and down-regulated over T3 and T5. The
the ion current from m/z 50 to 1000. The source conditions were metabolites were classified according to class and super class using
tuned as follows: capillary at 3 kV, sampling cone (skimmer) set the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) classification system
to 15 V, stepwave source offset of 30 V, cone gas flow (curtain gas) with an initial evaluation of the data included in the small molecule
set to 50 L h−1 , desolvation gas flow 802 L h−1 , source temperature pathway database (SMPDB) [6]. Metabolic pathways were also
set to 100 ◦ C and desolvation temperature set to 550 ◦ C. All runs investigated using the KEGG database [8].
were acquired with a detector voltage of 2450 V with the following
hybrid analog-to-digital converter (ADC) parameters: an ampli-
3. Results
tude threshold of 2 V, an ion area threshold of 3 V and an ion area
offset of 15 V. Instrument calibration was achieved with an auto-
In the present study, we compared urine metabolomics as a
matic Intellistart application included in the MassLynx software
biological matrix before and after a soccer match in athletes to
package (Waters, UK), and acquisition was conducted with a solu-
investigate alterations in metabolites in response to acute inter-
tion of 0.1% formic acid:0.1 M NaOH:acetonitrile at a ratio of 1:1:8
mittent exercise. For these purposes, urine samples were taken
to achieve less than 1 ppm across 14 monoisotopic masses such
at rest as well as immediately after the soccer match. Using the
as [M + H]+ . LockSpray setup was also performed prior to acqui-
NTA approach, a total of 1091 metabolites were identified (Table
sition with leucine enkephalin (leu-enk) [M + H]+ = 556.2771, and
2 Supplemental Material) and classified as follows: up-regulated,
DRE lenses were automatically adjusted to allow for maximum
unchanged and down-regulated (Fig. 1 Supplemental Material).
transmission with a solution at 1 ng uL−1 and an infusion rate of
Metabolites were grouped and measured according to their
5 uL min−1. An average ion area of 32 was also obtained from the
appearance (%) in super classes (Fig. 2 Supplemental Material).
detector setup with leu-enk.
The biological process analysis revealed that most up-regulated
metabolites were involved with lipids and lipid-like molecules
(46%), which reflected the fatty acyls class. Organic acids and
2.5. UPLC–MSE data processing with progenesis QI derivatives, as well as organoheterocyclic compounds (14% and
13%, respectively) reflected the benzene and substituted deriva-
Raw UPLC–MSE data files were processed and grouped by tives class. There were only a few metabolite changes (∼5%) for
conditions as described [11]. The identification and relative quan- nucleosides, nucleotides, and their analogs, as well as phenyl-
tification based on ion accounting of putative metabolites were propanoids, polyketides, and organo-oxygen compounds. Alkaloids
performed (default parameters) [14] via Progenesis QI v.2.0 (Non- and derivatives and no super classes were identified with a group
linear Dynamics, Waters, UK). The metabolites were identified “on that corresponded to approximately 2% of metabolites (Fig. 2a).
the fly” with the use of precursor ion exact mass, isotopologue dis- Similarly, unchanged metabolites were involved with lipids and
tribution match and fragment mass ion matching with the Human lipid-like molecules (31%), organic acids and derivatives (17%)
Metabolome Database (HMDB) [13] and filtered with the urine and organoheterocyclic compounds (19%). Additionally, there were
metabolites database. only a few metabolite changes (∼5%) to nucleosides, nucleotides,
4 E. Prado et al. / International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 418 (2017) 1–5

Fig. 3. Playing soccer affects glucose (a), blood urea nitrogen (b), urate (c) and creatinine (d) metabolism after the match.

Fig. 4. Playing soccer did not affect sodium (a), potassium (b), chloride (c) or calcium (d) after the match.

and their analogs, as well as phenylpropanoids, polyketides, and molecules. Of these molecules, 188 metabolites were up-regulated,
organo-oxygen compounds (Fig. 2b). Down-regulated molecules while 338 metabolites were down-regulated. On the other hand,
were also not different in terms of the distribution of major 565 identified and measured metabolites did not change sig-
classes compared to up-regulated molecules and were mainly nificantly according to the statistics used in this study. Most
involved with lipids and lipid-like molecules (27%), organic acids up-regulated prominent molecular species were fatty acyls, car-
and derivatives (14%) and organoheterocyclic compounds (15%). boxylic acids and derivatives as well as steroids and steroid
There were only a few metabolite changes (6% to 8%) to nucleo- derivatives. Among the lowest expression of down-regulated
sides, nucleotides, and their analogs, as well as phenylpropanoids molecules were fatty acyls, carboxylic acids and their derivatives,
and polyketides, and organo-oxygen compounds (Fig. 2c). including benzene and substituted derivatives (Fig. 3 Supplemental
In the urine samples, metabolites were identified as being Material).
significantly different between up-regulated and down-regulated
E. Prado et al. / International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 418 (2017) 1–5 5

After metabolites were determined to be up- or down-regulated, 5. Conclusion

some metabolites were grouped into classes to analyze metabolic
pathways involved in purine metabolism and to study hyperam- Our data may show that the use of urinary metabolomics can
monemia (Fig. 2 and Table 1 Supplemental Material). be a less invasive way to measure metabolism in athletes during
To follow-up on our findings in urine samples, we used point-of- exercise. It was demonstrated through different approaches that
care equipment analysis for measuring capillary blood metabolites. NTMS may be useful for future studies that aim to design holistic
Glucose significantly increased by 35%, whereas urate increased by interventions to help guide training, diet, or other interventions to
16%, and uremia increased by 17% without changes in creatine- improve athletic performance.
mia (Fig. 3). Kalemia decreased by ∼15% in response to exercise,
although sodium, calcium and chloride blood concentrations did Financial support
not change (Fig. 4).
The authors acknowledge the Abaxis Global Diagnostics; Comitê
4. Discussion Olimpíco do Brasil (BOC); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento
We measured urinary metabolites in semi-professional soc- de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES); Financiadora de Estudos
cer players before and after a soccer match using NTMS analysis. e Projetos (FINEP); Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à
Several metabolic pathways were modified by exercise during a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ); Merck-Sigma-
soccer match, and the use of a non-invasive metabolome analysis in Aldrich; SelectScience; Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de
future studies could offer important information for understanding Janeiro (UNIRIO) and Waters Corporation for the project funding.
human metabolism and could also be used as a tool to help athletes
achieve better performance. Appendix A. Supplementary data
In our experiments, different urinary metabolites from diverse
metabolic pathways were significantly changed in response to Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
exercise. Due to our interest in energy metabolism, we chose to the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijms.2017.02.002.
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