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 Reporter: 1

 President: 1
 Translator: 1
 Anchor: 2
 Scriptwriter: 2

Meeka - anchor
Marcus _ scriptwriter
Denver – scriptwriter
Jessica – Reporter
Phoebe – translator
Jc - anchor
Rap – president


Application of Harrod Domar model in the economic rise of China

Premise: Yung dalawang anchor ibabalita nila yung economic state ng china in 3 eras. So parang time
travel yung dating

First Scene:

Anchor 2: The news with no bias

Anchor 1: News with no exception

Anchor 2: Delivering nothing but the truth

Both: this is vrumvrumvrum tv

Anchor 1: Latest news casted here, giving you the newest and most credible dispatch for tonight!

Anchor 2: Good morning world, this is VRUMVRUMVRUM ! Broadcasting to you live. It’s Wednesday,
September 13th of the year 2023. This is (NAME)

Anchor 1: and this is (NAME)

Anchor 2: your news anchors for tonight. For the today’s blazing hot news, China’s rise to the top, still a
raging question to tap. How did a relatively poor country in the 1900’s remarkably climbed its way up to
the top.

Anchor: How?

Anchor: How?
Anchor: Join us as we go back in time

Anchor: Back to where it al started

*boogsh boogsh boogsh alle bigla nagkatime machine”

(1978 na) 1st ERA

Anchor 2: Good morning world, this is VRUMVRUMVRUMVRUM! Broadcasting to you live. It’s
Wednesday, September 13th of the year 1978. This is (NAME)

Anchor 1: and this is (NAME)

Anchor 2: your news anchors for tonight.

PAUSE for 3 seconds

Anchor 1: *kunwari may pinapakinggan na balita sa earpiece* This just in. China in the brink of economic

Anchor 2: Hunger, unemployment, crime. Social unrest continues to arise.

Anchor 1: for the full coverage of the news, we have ms. Jessica on the line. Ms Jessica, what’s the state

Jessica: Goodmorning , and goodmorning Philippines. China is likely headed for a full-blown financial
crisis as its economy is due for wilder swings. We have here today the president of the Republic of
China, Chiang Ching-kuo, to discuss to us about their plans. Mr. President, how do plan to solve the
various major major economic problems of china today?

Chiang Ching-kuo: Zài wǒ dānrèn gònghéguó zǒngtǒng qíjiān, wǒ jiāng quèbǎo zhòngdiǎn guānzhù mǒu
xiē fāngmiàn, lìrú zēngjiā guómín chúxù hé zīběn tóuzī de shēngchǎnlì. Zhè yǔ Harrod Domar móxíng shì
píngxíng de.

Translator: In my term as a president of this republic, I will make sure to focus on certain aspects such as
increasing our national savings and the productivity of capital investment. This is in parallel with the
Harrod Domar Model.

Jessica: So mr. president, can you tell us about the specific mandates you plan to implement?

Chiang Ching-kuo: Tōng guo dà guīmó de zīběn tóuzī (yóu dàliàng guónèi chúxù hé wàiguó tóuzī tígōng
zījīn) yǐjí shēngchǎnlǜ de kuàisù zēngzhǎng. Chúxù de zēngjiā jiāng dǎozhì tóuzī zēngjiā, cóng'ér dǎozhì
zīběn cúnliàng zēngjiā. Tóuzī shōuyì jiāng suízhe shíjiān de tuīyí ér jīlěi, cóng'ér dài lái gèng gāo de jīngjì

Translator: through large-scale capital investment, financed by large domestic savings and foreign
investment, and rapid productivity growth. The increase in savings would lead to higher
investments, which results to higher capital stock. The investment income shall accumulate over
time leading to higher economic growth.

Jessica: Thank you very much, Mr President. More power to you.

Chiang Ching-kuo: xie xie

Jessica: This is Jessica Dacuag. Reporting to you live from VRUMVRUMVRUM TV. Back to you, Meeka.

Anchor 1: Thank you very much Jessica.

Anchor 2: I wonder if the harrod domar model would really work for them. Will china finally attain the
economic success that they planning to accompish

Anchor 1: Indeed im particularly curious on what the future holds for them. Will their economy
skyrocket or will it continue to plunder as time goes on. There are so many possibilities, but who knows?
It may or may not happen

*lumindol* Pumunta sa 2050


Anchor 2: Welcome Back Philippines! Your currently tuning in VRUMVRUMVRUM TV!

Anchor 1: This just in… China has experienced an economic breakthrough!!!!!

Anchor 2: The ever increasing growth pattern in China has been greatly influenced by the Harrod-Domar
Model, which aims at increasing GDP and driving economic growth through investment.

Anchor 1: The long-existing rapid economic growth in China has been based fundamentally on heavy
investments. Continuous development of such systems can possibly make China one of the fastest
growing economies in the world.

Anchor 2: Once more, this has been (Name)

Anchor 1: And this is (name)

Anchor 2: And youre watching the news with no bias

Anchor 1: News with no exception

Anchor 2: Delivering nothing but the truth

Both: this is vrumvrumvrum tv

Inteviewer: intro intro intro I am here with the president of china. Mr president good morning blabla bla

*gawan niyo ng story* *nagchichinese ung pres isgoogle translate niyo nalang tapos ung translator ung
mag eenglish*

Inerviewer: tysm back to the anchors

Anchor: 1: Thank you so muchblablabla

*boogsh boogsh booosg==gsh transition na sa 1990’s* *iisstress ditto yung application ng harrod domar
and ung mga ginawa ng china paano sila nagging rich country”

Anchor 1: The truth is our priority… We give justice to your curiosity… Latest news casted here at
VRUMVRUMVRUMVRUM giving you the newest and most credible dispatch for tonight!

Anchor 2: Good evening world, you are watching VRUMVRUMVRUMVRUM! It’s Wednesday, September
13th of the year 1978. This is (NAME)

Anchor 1: and this is (NAME)

Anchor 2: your news anchors for tonight.

Then sa last sa last era alle itutuloy ung sa pinakauna

Closing: You have just heard the latest news around the globe. Again this is…………….. News. News with
no bias, news with no exception delivering nothing but the truth. This has been (Anchor name) and (2nd
Anchor name) bringing you the latest news around the globe. Thank you for being with us.

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