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Khalid Jawaid Shaikh 601 Powderhorn Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95407

Looking for employment nationally, willing to relocate. Contract Corp to Corp ONLY.
707 971 9466 SUMMARY 11 years of professional programming and application development experience. 6 years Ruby on Rails & operations scaling experience. Programmed in C/C++ since 12 years old. Employed by 3 companies listed on DOWJONES. Build web sites with over 10 million users per day operating in 200+ countries . Looking for employment nationally, willing to relocate. Built several successful Web 2.0 consumer web sites with large user bases and revenue. COMPUTER SKILLS Languages & Tools

Proficient in: Ruby on Rails 3.1, Apache, Nginx, Varnish, AJAX, CSS, HTML, XML, Javascript, SVN, GIT, jQuery, YUI, DB Schema, DHTML, REST, ERB, YAML, Capistrano, Perl, Bash, Watir, Cron jobs, MySQL Replication, Puppet, Heroku, Passenger, RVM, Firebug, Selenium, i18n, NewRelic, Builder, FactoryGirl, Hpricot, Hoptoad, Memcached, Wordpress, Xtrabackup, Rspec , Nagios, Bugzilla, shell scripting, TCP/IP, HTTP, RAID 0/1/5/10, CDN, kernel, haproxy, Familiar with: PHP5, IIS, C#, ASP.NET, Android, iOS , iPhone, perl, bash


Rackspace Hosting (46 servers), Engine Yard Hosting (14 slices), EC2 Hosting (10 slices), Rackspace Cloud (10 slices), LeaseWeb (100 servers & 9gbps of bandwidth), Equinix & Multihomed bandwidth (200 servers & 4gbps of bandwidth), Amazon S3 (200GB of data) HTTP Load Balancers, Firewalls, BGP routers, SMTP reputation management, SPAM , Scalable Architectures, DNS management, Deployment strategy, NFS, NAS

Software Database: MySQL 5.x, Oracle 10 and Sqlite3

Platforms: Ubuntu 11.04, RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.4, Kylin 2.1, FreeBSD 8.2RC Deep experience with scalability of top web sites in the world. scaled to 10 million unique visitors per day Enphase Energy architecture supports 1 million active solar panels MySQL Replication, Linux OS optimization, Patch manageme nt, HTTP Load Balancer, Memcached implementation, managed 10 to 100 Terabytes of user data Patch management, AlertLogic Intrusion Detection System, Forensic Analysis, Incident Reports Experience working with NCMEC, FBI, DOJ and CIA.



EXPERIENCE Consultant Ingersoll Rand Company $12.34B Fortune 500 company; NYSE listed. Rails 2.3.11 with GIT for source control on Mac OS X 10.6.8 TDD based development with FactoryGirl, Rspec and Mocha Developed an energy dashboard using a REST based API Built in support for i18n for internationalization and localization May 2011 to Present

Configured iDigi ERT/Ethernet Gateway, ConnectPort X2 and ERT/Smart Energy Bridge (ZigBee) Jan 2011 Apr 2011


LikeList, Inc Social Networking; 1.9 million users. $5M in investment

Maintenance and development of REST based APIs in Rails 3.x codebase where the client was a PHP 5.2.x Codeigniter framework Debugging of real-time issues related to Rails environment and PHP environment Improved OAuth authentication with Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Google Apps, Yahoo via OmniAuth GEM Improvements in the Javascript (jQuery) to resolve Bugzilla tickets SVN based source control. Bugzilla based ticket tracking. Sept 2009 Dec 2010

Senior Software Engineer

Enphase Energy, Inc Solar microinverters; green company $110M in investment (KPCB, Third Point Management, RockPort Capital Partners, Madrone Capital Partners, PCG Asset Management, Applied Ventures, Bay Partners)

Linux Configuration Management of 46 serve rs with Redhat Enterprise 5.4 Linux scripts to monitor MySQL Replication and email notifications Configuring Apache w/ Rails Passenger to scale Ruby on Rails application across 12 web servers Debugging JSON and XML requests for performance in Enlighten Web Application Unit Testing with Rspec Wrote MySQL Query analysis software that emailed R&D team daily of slow queries Optimized slow queries using indices in MySQL 5.x HTML/DHTML implementation for Environ product launch, digital thermostat Usage of Subversion and GIT as source control Apache configuration improvement to scale maximum number of users per web server Agile development with a team of 6 individuals, daily scrum meetings, planning, etc jQuery Javascript Libraries Debugging SMTP related issues including implementing Domain Keys and RDNS to improve deliverability of email Release Management implementation via checklist in Google Docs & Capistrano to deplay Create business intelligence queries using relational database Supported a global audience with multiple time zones Applied test driven development (TDD) principles to all implementations Improved Web Architecture to support over 1 million PCUs Migrated company from Engine Yard Cloud Servers to 46 Rackspace Servers with zero downtime Improved uptime from > 80% to 99.99% Implemented monitoring strategy with Pingdom, Monit, New Relic Executed 24/7 Tiered Operations Support Cross Functional work with Marketing & Customer Support to gather requirements and implemented changes to the Enlighten Web Site; Supported Customer Problems Implemented a cost reduction strategy that reduce costs to 15% of the original through Amazon S3 cloud based storage; code written in ruby, aws -s3 gem Designed and implemented Disaster Recovery strategy including offsite replica tion of MySQL servers Implementation of a database sharding strategy to remove central bottleneck present in main database server; ActiveRecord database adapters Implementation of offline backup of critical customer data using DelayedJob Test Driven Development using Rspec Contributed to bug fixes on web site using controller / model / view code. Strong relationships with Founder, VP of Marketing, CEO, Director of Marketing, Director of Customer Support, VP of Engineering and company board members. Feb 2008 Sept 2009


Nvidia Corp Hardware Graphics Cards

$10.3B market capitalization; NASDAQ listed (NVDA); S&P 500 Leverage Ruby on Rails with Oracle 9i and 10i database Developed custom plugins that interfaced with ActiveDirectory and LDAP to provide ACL services. Extended ActionController, ActionView and ActiveRecord. Developed business intelligence applications using graphing libraries such as Rmagick and Scruffy Build AutoCAT, automatic chip allocation system, help operations team alloca te chips and derive value through yield analysis and predict usage. Leverage tools such as YUI. Included about 20 models with a lot of relationships. Test driven development using test/unit and rspec. Test coverage using rcov. Import from excel using roo, import from CSV using FasterCSV. Leverage backgroundrb to run certain long running tasks in background. Web page development in RHTML and HAML. Improved the deployment process to including staging and deployment servers. Used Thin, Mongrel and Webrick as Rails servers and loaded them in front of balance. Passed data to Javascript objects using JSON from Ruby on Rails. Debugged Ruby on Rails environment using ruby -debug. Created server side pagination with will_paginate and client side pagination using Y UI DataTable & JSON. Consultant Dec 2007 Feb 2008

ImedExchange Social Network for Medical Vertical

Developed administrative interface in Ruby on Rails via Active Scaffold Created multi-file uploader with Flash in Ruby on Rails and RightAWS GEM libraries using Amazon S3 and EC2. Fixed bugs on Ruby on Rails framework on a weekly basis. Standard gems used were actionmailer, activerecord, active. External gems used were aws -s3, Capistrano, fastercsv, haml, water/firewater, mongrel_cluster, gruff. Created an automation framework in Watir and Ruby. Mar 2007 Nov 2007


Intel Corporation Design and Development of Semiconductor Chips $106B market capitalization; NASDAQ listed (INTC), component of DOWJONES

Architected and developed Ruby on Rails application for EDA environment. Created modeled, views, controllers, HTML, CSS and rails migration files to create MySQL tables. Tested for compatibility in Firefox, IE6, IE7 and Safari. Leveraged Yahoo UI controls to build web pages. Wrote custom Javascript and AJAX functions to dynamically build forms. 2005 - 2007


YouSendIt Inc Send Large Files for Creative Professionals Vertical $53M in funding (Adam Street Partners, Alloy Ventures, Sevin Rosen Funds, Sigma Partners, Emergence Capital Partners)

Developed Ruby on Rails graphing application for business intelligence. Designed and developed HTML/CSS for production web site from scratch. Scaled web site from 1 server to 3 -tier architecture handling over 1.5 million page views per da y. Architected YouSendIt platform on CentOS Linux using PHP, MySQL and Apache. Designed and developed database schema Implemented database replication and removed central points of failure NetScalar HTTP load balancer installation Build viral application that created a cycle of growth to scale up to Alexa 600 site in the world; based on sharing of content. Implementation of credit card based payment system, VISA, MASTERCARD, Discover with Paypal and also directly with Verisign.

Architected the global networ k & data center strategy Wrote low level Apache modules in C/C++ to improve performance of web site Tuned servers, including kernels, to optimize through per server Constructed servers from scratch following Googles patented models to improve cooling, lower power usage and maximize usage of 40U cabinets


Symbol Technologies (Acquired by Motorola)

2003 - 2005 $15B market capitalization; NYSE listed Wireless 802.11a/b/g driver testing of mobile enterprise devices. Configuration of 802.1x RADIUS servers including Odyssey, Aegis, Microsoft IAS and Cisco ACS server. Development of test plans Wrote complex test automate frameworks for testing of dozens of wireless authentication/encryption types as well as wireless access points. Languages C# and TCL.


Hewlett Packard $89B market capitalization; NYSE listed, component of DOWJONES

2002 - 2003

Home Networking Division working on Wireless and Ethernet broadband routers. Implemented subset of the FTP protocol using sockets in a Win32 environment in PASV and PORT mode. Windows XP using .NET compiler. Wrote a client to a SOCKS4/5 server that allowed the FTP to run through a proxy. Windows XP using .NET compiler. FTP protocol support REST command which allows the software to resume downloads on the fly. Windows XP using .NET compiler. Developed installations using Installshield Windows Installer 2.03 and Installshield Developer 7.0. Developed MSI files, used custom actions to close applications and such which required Windows 32 API. Windows XP.

Software Engineer

Vega Vista Inc Investors include Cisco Systems and Viventures


2001 - 2002

Programmed and architected Windows CE steaming level drivers, along with a suit of tools associated, that involved thread synchronization and interprocess communications. Mobile handheld development with the Compaq IPAQ 3600 Series and HP Journda PDAs, running Windows CE 3.0. Designed and implemented a COM clients / servers in C++ which used publisher / subscriber model to communicate over a COM interface for use as a GID emulator. Dynamically produced GUI and run time installable component architecture. Build a Windows CE PocketPC installation including writing of additional setup DLL for customized tasks. Developed the front end GUI for a User Calibration program which interfaced to our streaming driver. Developed a professional looking preferences application with sleek front end using tabs, list view controls and many other graphical objects. Created a variety of performance benchmarkin g applications which helped resolve latency and data transfer rate issues. motivated and always looking for responsibility.

Software Engineer

Celoxica Inc 2000 - 2001 $30M in funding; Advent Venture Partners, Cazenove Private Equity, Intel Innovation Ltd, Isis, Quester Venture Capital Trust, Wind River Ventures
Designed and developed a full duplex 10/100 MAC which interfaced to an Intel PHY, no backoff. Implementation of the IP layer, fragmentation was not an issue since the UDP client woul d not deliver over MTU sized packets. Wrote a UDP stack on top of the 10/100 MAC & IP layer to communicate with PCs in a custom environment. UDP stack was able to verify checksum, deliver packets to the IP layer or the proper application. Skipped delivering an ARP solution by statically routing the PCs MAC to a predefined MAC for the

demo to succeed in an extremely deadline oriented environment. Developed a UDP chat application in a Windows environment to interface with the Ethernet portion of the bridge. Heavy use of various packet analyzers to help solve problems during development. Worked in a team to design and develop an Ethernet to Bluetooth bridge to be used as a future LAN access point. Wrote plugins for the compiler to simulate various designs suc h as a video, keyboard, serial ports. Created an ATAPI CD-ROM controller in hardware on a Xilinx FPGA. Eject, Play, Stop, Forward, Reverse, TOC features were all supported. Xmodem, Xmodem/1K, Ymodem, and Ymodem -G were all written as a means of verifying the digital audio extraction. Tunneling SCSI -2 command set through ATAPI. (IP Core) Celoxica is an EDA company which creates a C level HDL compiler. Known as the best engineer in the engineering team at Celoxica. Software Engineer

Nvidia Corporation
$8.75B market capitalization; NASDAQ listed (NVDA). Debugged DirectX Windows Device Drivers targeted towards graphics subsystems. Used Visual Source Safe as the source control software. Wrote an extensive DirectX transform and lighting benchmark suite using the MFC framework. All projects were completed beyond expectations. Software Engineer


Microsoft Corporation

1998 $216B market capitalization; NASDAQ listed (MSFT), component of DOWJONES Debugged extensive code base of the high performance Expedia web server (TCP/IP based). Solved problem with the performance monitor DLLs in which case the server would crash. IP spoofing software helped prove the problem existed under high load conditions. Dealt with source control software (SLI ME). Ported a Java application to Jscript. Debugged various bugs in Java applets. Received exemplary performance reviews. Software Engineer 1997

Matrox Graphics Inc

Wrote Direct3D screen saver Supported developers with use of Matrox API Key Technologies: VS 6.0, C/C++, DirectX, VSS EDUCATION McGill University 2000

Montreal, CA

Bachelor Engineering, Computer

1999: 3DFX Glide Wrapper GPLed code base and gave rights to Creative Labs redistribute the software 1999 2011: HTTP-Tunnel Corporation Exported HTTP-Tunnel license to Toshiba Corporation of Japan. Obtained government export licenses. Sold VCM corporate instant messenger to Citibank. 2007: Consulted for Pando Networks 2008: FlyUpload & Image Sharing Site Content Sharing site sold to Pharmaceutical Company in Italy.


One patent pending. CNET - article published on Oct 4, 2002 "Leverage ADOCE to build remote database applications" CNET - article published on August 22, 2002 "Writing a Windows CE database application" CNET - article published on July 29, 2002 "How to write a Windows CE configuration application" CNET - article published on July 22, 2002 "Get up and running with Windows CE " CNET - article published on July 3, 2002 "Extending the C++ STL with custom containers" CNET - article published on June 6, 2002 "Reap the benefits of the C++ Standard Template Library" CNET - article published on May 22, 2002 "Pros and cons of using C++ templates" CodeGuru article published on April 15, 2002 "Three ways to get your MAC address" CodeGuru article published on April 2, 2002 "Obtain all IP addresses of local machine" in C# CodeGuru article published on March 22, 2002 "Obtain all IP addresses of local machine" in C++


References are available on request.

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