Destiny Makers

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"Destiny Makers, Destiny Modifiers and Destiny Breakers"

o Introduces the concept of categorizing planets into three groups.
2. "The nine planets can be divided into three groups. 1. Destiny Makers, 2. Destiny
Modifiers and 3. Destiny Breakers."
o Explicitly states the three groups for classification.
3. "Mercury and Venus are destiny makers."
o Designates Mercury and Venus as Destiny Makers.
4. "Moon and Mars are destiny modifiers."
o Classifies Moon and Mars as Destiny Modifiers.
5. "Rahu and Ketu are destiny breakers."
o Identifies Rahu and Ketu as Destiny Breakers.
6. "We know that Jupiter is Jeeva and Saturn is Karma and their link to the above
three groups acts differently."
o Introduces the roles of Jupiter and Saturn and how they interact with the three
7. "If Jupiter is linked with Mercury and Venus, the native will enjoy life and
Saturn is destined to clear the rinas or debts and lead to a better life."
o Explains the positive influence when Jupiter is connected to Destiny Makers.
8. "If Jupiter is linked with Mars, the native's destiny is modified. Mars brings
about breaks first and then achievements."
o Describes the modification of destiny when Jupiter is connected to Mars.
9. "If on the other hand Jupiter is linked to Moon, changes, movements, trials and
tribulations all one's life and frequent shift in focus results."
o Describes the impact of Jupiter's link to Moon on constant changes in life.
10. "If Jupiter is linked to Rahu or Ketu, it results in Bandhana. Rahu may motivate
the native to indulge in Apasavya Karma (socially unacceptable Karmas) and
link him to foreign affairs."

 Discusses the Bandhana effect when Jupiter is linked to Rahu or Ketu.

11. "Jupiter with Ketu makes the native develop a metaphysical attitude to life, and
rejection of worldly pleasures."

 Explains the metaphysical attitude resulting from Jupiter's link with Ketu.

12. "We should look at a horoscope in a holistic manner regarding the influence of
the above three groups."

 Emphasizes the need for a holistic approach in horoscope analysis.

13. "Some combinations and exceptions to the above rules are given below."

 Preparing to provide specific combinations and exceptions.

14. "If Jupiter and Ketu are placed in Leo the house of Sun, the native attains
Moksha and in this case Ketu does not act as a destiny breaker."

 Illustrates an exception where Ketu does not act as a destiny breaker.

15. "On the other hand if Ketu is in Aries, the house of Mars, it blocks the body and
creates bodily ailments. No Moksha. Hence Ketu acts as a destiny breaker here."

 Provides an example where Ketu acts as a destiny breaker.

16. "If Sun is in Leo, Mercury and Venus in Cancer and Virgo respectively, the
native will enjoy good status, good money and also acquire metaphysical and
higher knowledge."

 Describes the positive outcomes when specific planets are in certain signs.

17. "However, if Rahu links with this combination, it will give the native robes of a
Sanyasi but a mind attached to carnal pleasures."

 Introduces the impact of Rahu linking to a specific planetary combination.

18. "I am sure the above combinations will help in delineating a horoscope through
Nadi astrology."

 Expresses confidence in the utility of the provided combinations in Nadi astrology.

1. Classification of Planets:
o Divides the nine planets into three groups: Destiny Makers, Destiny Modifiers,
and Destiny Breakers.
o Destiny Makers: Mercury and Venus
o Destiny Modifiers: Moon and Mars
o Destiny Breakers: Rahu and Ketu
2. Role of Jupiter and Saturn:
o Notes that Jupiter represents Jeeva (soul) and Saturn represents Karma
o Their link to the three groups influences the native's life differently.
3. Influence of Jupiter on Different Planets:
o If linked with Mercury and Venus, it leads to a enjoyable life, with Saturn
clearing debts and improving life.
o Linked with Mars, brings about breaks followed by achievements.
o Linked with Moon, results in constant changes, movements, trials, and
o Linked with Rahu or Ketu, leads to Bandhana, involving socially unacceptable
Karmas or a rejection of worldly pleasures.
4. Holistic View of Horoscope:
o Emphasizes the need to analyze a horoscope holistically regarding the
influence of Destiny Makers, Modifiers, and Breakers.
5. Combinations and Exceptions:
o Provides specific combinations and exceptions to the rules, illustrating
scenarios like Moksha, bodily ailments, and breaks in education.
6. Impact of Planetary Combinations on Life:
o Illustrates how different planetary combinations affect various aspects of life,
such as relationships, work, and spirituality.
o Describes the outcomes based on the linkage of specific planets in different
7. Analysis of Generations:
o Emphasizes that considering graha and rasi karakatwas can help predict events
for three generations: father, self, and son.
8. Bandhana Yoga and its Effects:
o Discusses Bandhana yoga and its impact on the native's life, indicating bodily
afflictions or spiritual inclinations based on planetary associations.
9. Ketu's Influence in Different Signs:
o Describes the effects of Ketu in various signs, highlighting characteristics like
stubbornness, loss of money, breaks in education, and philosophical
10. Application to Venus:

 States that whatever applies to Mercury also applies to Venus, with a focus on their
main karakatwa: education.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the roles of Destiny
Makers, Modifiers, and Breakers, emphasizing the importance of a holistic analysis of the
horoscope for accurate predictions in Nadi astrology.

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