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Task-based Performances in Mapeh 9 on Students' Level of

Class Engagement: A Quantitative Analysis

Kristianne Sarah Kaye B. Balili

Hanna Jane Bolambao
Jian E. Erebias
Charles Elendrino
Arman Deniega Dayna
Nicah Azel Rom Bantigue
Shien Lorrence F. Gador


Task-based performance refers to evaluating or measuring an individual's

performance based on specific tasks or activities they are required to complete and focuses on
how well someone performs particular tasks or assignments. According to Alsardary,
Pontiggia, Hamid and Blumberg (2011), tasks in performance-based assessments are closely
related with procedural knowledge. These tasks are designed to be authentic and meaningful,
often mirroring real-world scenarios, and require students to apply their knowledge and skills
in practical situations. In the context of MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and
Health) education, task- based performance is highly relevant and beneficial as it integrate
students’ skills, promotion of creativity, feedback and improvement. Integration of skills,
MAPEH encompasses a wide range of disciplines, from playing musical instruments to
creating artwork to participating in physical activities. Task-based performance allows
students to integrate various skills and knowledge acquired in these areas, providing a holistic
assessment of their abilities. Promotion of creativity, MAPEH education often emphasizes
creativity and self-expression. This fosters a creative mindset and allows students to explore
their artistic abilities. Feedback and improvement task-based assessments provide valuable
feedback to both students and teachers. By observing students' performance in various tasks,
teachers can identify strengths and areas for improvement more effectively than traditional
testing methods. This feedback can inform instructional practices and help tailor teaching
approaches to better meet students' needs. Overall, task-based performance is a valuable
approach in MAPEH education as it aligns with the practical nature of the subjects and
provides a comprehensive assessment of students' skills, knowledge, and creativity.
The students’ level of class engagement, which refers to how involved students are
in their learning during class and defined as “students’ willingness, need, desire, and to
participate in, and be successful in, the learning process”, as stated by Bomia, Beluzo,
Demeester, Elander, Johnson, & Sheldon (1997, p. 294). However, it plays a significant role
in their academic performance. when students actively participate and show interest in class
discussions and activities, they tend to perform better in their studies. According to Fredricks,
Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004), students who are highly engaged in their learning are more
likely to achieve higher grades. High levels of class engagement often correlate with better
academic performance and a more positive learning experience for students. Similarly,
Skinner and Belmont (1993) found that engaged students are not only more motivated but
also demonstrate greater persistence in overcoming academic challenges. Therefore,
emphasizing and promoting class engagement can have a positive impact on students' overall
learning experience and academic success.
This study is based on researchers’ observation. The casual study performance in
MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) often explore the effectiveness of
various teaching methodologies and assessment strategies in enhancing student learning
outcomes. Researchers investigate the impact of incorporating performance-based
assessments, such as music recitals, art exhibitions, athletic competitions, and health
presentations, on student engagement and achievement. Studies also examine the role of
teachers in facilitating student performance, including their instructional techniques, feedback
methods, and classroom management strategies. Furthermore, research delves into the
influence of socio-cultural factors, such as student motivation, socioeconomic status, and
cultural background, on performance in MAPEH subjects. Overall, these studies contribute to
the development of evidence-based practices for optimizing performance and learning
experiences in MAPEH education.
Locally, a study conducted by Dr. Armando P. Delfino (2019) entitled “The Students
Engagement and Academic Performance of Students of Partido State University”, determined
the extent of student engagement at Partido State University and analyzed the factors affecting
student engagement. Moreover, it investigated the correlation between student engagement
and academic performance. The study used descriptive correlational method. The study found
out that the three dimensions of student engagement (behavioral, emotional and cognitive)
were positively correlated to the academic performance of the students of Partido State
University and conclude that the teacher ad the school should have strong collaboration
students where they could maximize their engagement in the university.
Despite the substantial body of research that exists on task-based performance in
Mapeh 9, there remains a significant gap in understanding its direct impact on students' level
of class engagement. Most existing studies have primarily focused on the general benefits of
task-based learning, without specifically investigating its effects on class engagement in the
context of Mapeh 9. Furthermore, little attention has been paid to the nuances of how different
types of tasks might influence engagement levels among students. This lack of focused
research leaves educators without a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively
implement task-based learning strategies in Mapeh 9 to maximize student engagement. This
research aims to address this gap by providing empirical evidence on the relationship between
task-based performance and student engagement within this specific educational context.
This study determines the effectiveness of Task-based Performances in Mapeh on
Students’ Level of Class Engagement. By integrating tasks that require active participation,
creativity, and practical application of concepts, MAPEH educators can significantly boost
student involvement in the learning process. Promotes collaboration and social interaction
among students. Group projects or performances in MAPEH encourage teamwork,
communication, and peer support, creating a vibrant and inclusive learning environment
where students feel connected to their peers and motivated to participate actively. Immediate
feedback, allowing students to track their progress and adjust their approach accordingly.
Overall, task-based performance in MAPEH not only enhances students' understanding of
concepts but also cultivates essential life skills such as creativity, teamwork, and self-
Research Questions
This study determines the effect of task-based performance in MAPEH on students’ level
of class engagement among grade 9 junior high school students in one of the public secondary
schools in Mandaue City West I S.Y. 2023-2024. The result of this study will be the basis for
the teachers training on task-based performance.
Specifically, this answers the following questions:
1.What is the weighted mean of the respondents on task-based performances in
MAPEH 9 in terms of:
1.1 Dancing or Singing
1.2 Drawing or Painting
2.What is the weighted mean of respondents on students’ level of class engagement?
3.Is there a significant relationship between task-based performances and level of
class engagement?
4.Based on the results, what recommendations could be suggested?

Uluçınar, U. & Dinç, E. (2021). Effectiveness of authentic performance tasks:
The case of a special education course. Journal of Pedagogical Research, 5(2),
Fredricks, J. A., Blumenfeld, P. C., & Paris, A. H. (2004). School
Engagement: Potential of the Concept, State of the Evidence. Review of
Educational Research, 74(1), 59–109.
Skinner, E. A., & Belmont, M. J. (1993). Motivation in the classroom:
Reciprocal effects of teacher behavior and student engagement across the
school year. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85(4), 571–581.
DeVito, M. (2016). Factors Influencing Student Engagement
(Unpublished master's thesis). Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT.
Dr. Armando P. Delfino (2019). The Students Engagement and Academic
Performance of Students of Partido State

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