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Collage : Millennium City Academy

Student Name

Hari Bahadur Kunwar

Student No



Dr. Imani Silver Kyaruzi

Total Words


Date of Submit




Body of the Report..................................................................................

a) Evaluation of Motivation theories.............................................................. b) Relationship between motivation and Performance................................. c) A Proposed framework for motivation.......................................................



Human Resource Management (HRM) is the work inside an organisation that main focuses on management and providing direction for the people working in the organisation. HRM helps to develop the skill to develop the management skills.

According to the DeCenzo and Robbins 1993, p.3 HRM is mainly concerned with the people dimension in management. Every organisation is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their services, developing their skills, motivating them to high levels of performance, and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organisation are essential to achieve organisational objectives. Motivation is making someone will to do the job. In an organisation motivation is the most important factor because without motivation the employees wont use all their skills. So they need to be motivated.

Body of the report

1)Evaluation of the motivation theories:
There number of theories that have been evolved out of different psychologists. Among them I am going to discuss about two theories that is very realistic and widely used all over the world they are: Maslow Hierarchy of Needs and Theory X and Theory Y a- Maslow Hierarchy of Needs: This theory was developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943, the need-hierarchy concept of motivation is a widely used theory of motivation in each and every organisation. This theory tells us what are the factors that motivates employees at work. It is quite straight forward.

This theory tells us that there are two level of needs where physiological and security are the two lower-level of needs and the other three belonging, Esteem, and Self-actualisation are the three higher-level of needs. In the lower level of physiological need the basic need and the frequent needs like food, housing, sex, wages, etc comes under this need and in the other safety needs the security of job, protection from threats, pension comes under these needs. In the higher need under the Belongings the love affection, being part of the organisation are the needs of the belongings and in the Esteem needs the self-respect, respect of others, ego, etc comes under this need and the last need after fulfilment of all those four needs self-actualisation is the last need where maximum self-development, achieving the potential within oneself comes under this need. 3

This theory tell us that the need arise in the employees mind turn by turn.

b)-Theory X and theory Y: This theory was developed by Douglas MrGregor this theory also known as hard guy and soft guy. According to McGregor, there are two sets of assumptions Theory X and Theory Y to manage people in the organisation. The theory Y describes employees with relatively negative views but the Theory Y describes employees positively. The theory X are applicable to traditional types of organisation. The Theory X assumes that people are motivated by satisfying their lower-level needs, whereas Theory Y assumes that that employees are satisfied by satisfying higher-level of needs. According to Theory Y, managers in traditional organisations assume that employees are irresponsible, selfish and apathetic and thus require restrictive control. Whereas the Theory Y on the other hand assumes that there are capacity and potentiality among the workers. What is important for a manager is that he or she has to provide opportunities to express these human factors on the job. They must be provided opportunities to participate in the decision making process.

2)-Relationship between motivation and performance.

There is big relationship between the motivation and performance. To make the employees perform well they need the ways to motivate them. The ways like financial support, power, love, appreciation and other factor motivates people. The upper level must know there employees what makes them motivated. Many people are motivated by money so they must put some rewards. In my case I am motivated by money I work in a McDonalds I got a reward of 25 pound voucher for Argos that made me to work more efficiently and do more hard more. I started to work more quickly and be more hard worker. The organisation can increase the performance of the organisation staffs by giving the opportunities which will give them continuous feeling of worthiness, status, recognition, etc. Nobody cannot give their best until there is some motivators their true skill can be seen by motivating them. To increase their performance are the organisation they need to understand that they need to think the employees as the part of the organisation which make them think to do the work nicely or give their full effort. So motivation are a part of a coin without motivation people cannot give their better performance.

3)A Proposed Framework for motivating people:

So we know that motivation can increase the performance of the people but the organisation or the upper level people must know how to motivate them. There are different ways to motivate people some of them are Reward, cash, love, relationship, power, etc. These are the main thing that motivates people. The managers or the upper level must choose which one is the best way to motivate them. Some people are motivated by rewards like me. I was motivated by reward. It made me motivated to do the job more effectively. Other people are motivated by power 4

they want to reach on the top they just want to reach the top level and order other which make them to perform their job well to reach on the top. Friendly environment is one of the main factor that motivates people if the environment is not friendly then their mind will be diverted they dont want to come on the job they are eager to go home early as possible their mind is not on the job so there must be friendly environment in the organisation to reach its objectives. So to motivate their employees they must keep in mind that they are the part of the organisation, they must get opinion from their juniors so that they can make a good relation between them, they must also give them some opportunities to show their skills or the performance which makes them as a part of the organisation and give their full skill or performance.

We have studied the theories of the Maslow and the Theory X and Theory Y. In my view Theory X and Theory Y is a good theories. This tells the reality of the present situation. So we can know that they are interrelated to each other. To do good performance there must be proper motivation. There must be something that attracts people to do the jobs. And the way to do is through rewards, relationship, power, making them as a part of the organisation. So this report is all about that the organisational relationship between the employees and how to motivate them.

DeCenzo and Robbins 1993, p.3 Abraham Maslow in 1943 Douglas MrGregor EP).pdf

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