Marketing Influencer

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Marketing influencer

What is meant by influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is a collaboration between popular social-media users and brands to promote
brands’ products or services. These partnerships have been going on informally since the dawn of social

The 4 Ps of influencer marketing

The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion. The concept of the four Ps has been around since
the 1950s. As the marketing industry has evolved. Other Ps have been identified: people, process. And
physical evidence.


Find influencers and understand their payment structure

Much like any strategy, research is the first step. Choose the platform you want to focus on first. You can
always expand to other platforms later but if you’re just starting out, stick with one. Ideally, your brand
should already have a presence on this network or be looking to expand into it.

If you’re unsure of where to begin, social listening can help you identify where people are talking about
your industry and brand- and it can help you find the most influential voices in your industry on each

Set a budget and management strategy

Now that you understand the different pay rates of influencers, you need to create your budget. Be sure
to also factor in time for planning, executing and reviewing your influencer program. Running a
successful influencer marketing campaign is not a set-it- and-forget-it type of strategy. It’ll involve careful
monitoring and follow up.

Unlike a more automated ad strategy. Influencers are human and frequently balance multiple
partnerships. Some may fall behind in their commitments to post on time or make errors in your
requested tags or calls to action. You’ll need to more hands-on with these relationships to cultivate
them, and refine your approach through experience about what works and what doesn’t in your niche.

Decide on campaign goals and messaging

The two most common reasons for using influencer marketing are to elevate brand awareness and
increase sales. However, instead of setting these broad targets as your two goals, it will be more effective
to kick off your strategy by honing in on what your brand's needs are. Perhaps you want to increase your
customer base in a younger demographic. Or you want to expand into a new user group with a new
product. Or you want to skip trends and utilize influencers to talk about your brand values

Influencers have the ability to reach very specific audiences. Instead of you relying on thousands of
followers, influencers will help you ensure a very targeted audience who is likely to be interested in your
product reads.

Establish influencer outreach: How to contact influencers

Back to step one: research. With a plan set around your network, goals and types of influencers you
want to target, we go back to researching how to actually find the right influencers to work with. During
this research, keep in mind the below:

• Does the influencer already post about similar topics related to your service? For example, if you’re a
restaurant and you want to promote a new menu, you should be looking for influencers who regularly
post about dining out and the food they eat.

• Are they legit? This means scrolling through their feed and clicking through on posts. A poor
engagement ratio to follower count and spam-like comments are signs of a fake account or fake

• Have they worked with similar brands before? Depending on what type of influencer you’re looking for,
a seasoned one will be able to show you a press kit that contains a portfolio of their work. The more you
invest in an influencer, the more you’ll want to vet them.

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