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English Department

Dunalastair School VN
7th grade

Full name: Score: / 12 points
Class Group: Grade:
Teacher name:
Questions 1-7. For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 On which date did the boy’s grandparents get married?

2 What is the woman going to buy today?

3 What is the man going to do on Saturday?

English Department
Dunalastair School VN
7th grade

4 What did the woman do last Sunday?

5 How did the man book his holiday?

6 What time is the exam?

7 What happens as soon as the man answers his phone?

English Department
Dunalastair School VN
7th grade

Questions 8- 12. For each question, choose the correct answer

8 You will hear two friends talking about a singer.

What do they say about her?

A Her music is better than it used to be.

B Her voice doesn’t sound as good as usual.

C Her new song isn’t as good as her older songs.

9 You will hear two friends talking about a new café.

They think the café would be better if

A the dishes were named more clearly.

B the chairs were more comfortable.

C the staff were more polite.

10 You will hear a girl telling a friend about her art course.

How does the girl feel about it?

A She doesn’t like the other people.

B The classes don’t interest her.

C She doesn’t like starting the course so early.

11 You will hear two friends talking about their teacher.

The girl thinks that the teacher

A gives them too much work to do at the weekend.

B doesn’t explain things very well.

C is boring to listen to.

12 You will hear two friends talking about a film they watched.

The boy thinks the film

A was less exciting than the film he saw last week.

B didn’t have as much action as he’d hoped.

C was not as funny as he’d expected.

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