Practical Record Manual

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Preparation of Colloidal Solution (sol) of Starch

Aim: To Prepare Colloidal Solution (sol) of Starch

Beakers (250 ml and 50 ml), glass rod, funnel, filter-paper, pestle and mortar, tripod stand, wire-
gauze and burner.
Materials Required
Soluble starch (500 mg) and distilled water.

1. Take 500 mg of starch in a mortar and add few ml of distilled water.

2. Grind the starch to make a thin paste and transfer this paste to a 50 ml beaker.
3. Take about 100 ml of distilled water in a 250 ml beaker and heat the beaker so that
water starts boiling.
4. Pour the paste slowly with stirring into boiling water in the beaker (Fig. 2.1).
5. Continue boiling for about 10 minutes and there allow the beaker to cool.
6. Filter the contents of the beaker through a filter-paper, fixed in a funnel.
Label the filtrate ‘Starch Sol’.


1. The apparatus used for preparing sol should be properly cleaned.

2. Distilled water should be used for preparing sols in water.
3. Starch should be converted into a fine paste before adding to boiling water.
4. Starch paste should be added in a thin stream to boiling water.
5. Constant stirring of the contents is necessary during the preparation of the sol.

Preparation of Colloidal Solution (or sol) of Egg Albumin

Aim: To Prepare Colloidal Solution (or sol) of Egg Albumin
Beakers (250 ml and 50 ml), glass rod, funnel, filter-paper, pestle and mortar, tripod stand, wire-
gauze and burner.
Materials Required
Soluble starch (500 mg) and distilled water.

1. Break the outer shell of the egg by striking it with a glass rod and collect its colour
less liquid along with yellow yolk. Decant the colourless liquid into another beaker.
This colourless liquid is known as egg albumin.
2. Prepare 100 ml of 5% (w/v) solution of sodium chloride in a 250 ml beaker. To this
solution add egg albumin in small portions with constant stirring. This process
should take 15-20 minutes.
3. Filter the contents of the beaker through a filter paper, fixed in a funnel, and collect f
the filtrate. Label this filtrate as ‘egg-albumin sol’.

1. The apparatus used for preparing the sol should be absolutely clean.
2. Distilled water should be used for preparing the sol.
3. Egg albumin sol is prepared at room temperature because in hot solution the
precipitation of egg albumin takes place.
4. The yellow yolk should be separated completely from the egg albumin before using
the latter in the experiment.
5. Addition of egg albumin should be done very slowly and with constant stirring so as
to disperse the colloidal particles well in solution.
Preparation of Ferric Hydroxide , [Fe(OH)3] sol
Aim: To Prepare Ferric Hydroxide , [Fe(OH)3] sol
Conical flask (250 ml), beaker (250 ml), a boiling-tube, glass-rod, funnel, round-bottom flask,
iron stand with a clamp, wire-gauze, tripod-stand, burner and a burette or a dropper.
Materials Required
2% solution of ferric chloride (prepared by dissolving 2 g of pure FeCl 3 in 100 ml distilled water)
and distilled water.
Take a 250 ml conical flask and clean it by steaming-out process

1. To this cleaned flask, add 100 ml of distilled water and heat it to boil by placing the
flask on a wire-gauze.
2. Add ferric chloride solution drop wise (by the use of a burette or a dropper) to the
boiling water.
3. Continue heating until deep red or brown solution of ferric hydroxide is obtained.
Replace the water lost by evaporation during boiling at regular intervals.
4. Keep the contents of conical flask undisturbed for sometime at room temperature.
Label the solution as “ferric hydroxide sol”.

1. Since ferric hydroxide sol is affected by impurities, the apparatus required for the
preparation of sol should be thoroughly cleaned by steaming-out process.
2. Add ferric chloride solution drop wise.
3. Heating is continued till the desired sol is obtained.
4. Hydrochloric acid formed as a result of hydrolysis of ferric chloride is removed by
dialysis process otherwise it would destablise the sol.

Prepare 250 ml of M/10 Solution of Oxalic Acid

Aim To Prepare 250 ml of M/10 Solution of Oxalic Acid From Crystalline Oxalic Acid
Watch glass, analytical balance, weight box, fractional weight box, 250 ml beaker, glass rod, 250
ml measuring flask and wash bottle.
Chemical Required
Oxalic acid crystals and distilled water.
1. Take a watch glass, wash it with distilled water and then dry it.
2. Weigh the clean and dried watch glass accurately and record its weight in the note book.
3. Weigh 3.150 g oxalic acid on the watch glass accurately and record this weight in the
4. Transfer gently and carefully the oxalic acid from the watch glass into a clean 250 ml
beaker. Wash the watch glass with distilled water with the help of a wash bottle to
transfer the particles sticking to it into the beaker [Fig].
The volume of distilled water for this purpose should not be more than 50 ml.
5. Dissolve oxalic acid crystals in the beaker by gentle stirring with a clean glass rod.
6. When the oxalic acid in the beaker is completely dissolved, transfer carefully the entire
solution from the beaker into a 250 ml measuring flask (volumetricflask) with the help of a
funnel [Fig].
7. Wash the beaker with distilled water. Transfer the washings into the measuring flask [Fig].
8. Finally wash the funnel well with distilled water with the help of a wash bottle to transfer
the solution sticking to the funnel into the measuring flask [Fig].
9. Add enough distilled water to the measuring flask carefully, up to just below the etched
mark on it, with the help of a wash bottle.
10. Add the last few drops of distilled water with a pipette until the lower level of the meniscus
just touches the mark on the measuring flask [Fig].
11. Stopper the measuring flask and shake gently to make the solution uniform through-out.
Label it as oxalic acid solution
Prepare 250 ml of M/10 Solution of Mohr’s Salt
Aim Preparation of 250 ml of M/20 Solution of Mohr’s Salt
Watch glass, weight box, fractional weight box, 250 ml beaker, glass rod, 250 ml measuring flask
and wash bottle.
Chemical Required
Mohr’s salt, cone. H2SO4 and distilled water.

1. Weigh the clean and dry watch glass and record its weight in the note-book.
2. Weigh accurately 4.9 g of Mohr’s salt crystals on the watch glass and record the
weight in the note-book.
3. Transfer carefully the weighed Mohr’s salt from the watch glass into a clean 250 ml
beaker. Add to this beaker about 5 ml of cone, sulphuric acid to check the hydrolysis
of ferrous sulphate.
4. Wash the watch glass thoroughly with distilled water to transfer the sticking salt
completely into the beaker. Dissolve the salt in the beaker with gentle stirring.
5. Transfer the entire solution carefully into the 250 ml measuring flask through a
6. Wash the beaker with distilled water and transfer the washing’s into the measuring
7. Add enough distilled water to the measuring flask carefully up to just below the
etched mark on its neck with the help of wash bottle.
8. Add the last few drops of distilled water with a pipette until the lower level of the
meniscus just touches the mark on the measuring flask.
9. Stopper the measuring flask and shake it gently to make the solution homogeneous
(i.e., uniform throughout) and label it as M/20 Mohr’s salt solution
Titration of Oxalic Acid with KMnO4

To determine the strength of potassium permanganate by titrating it against the standard
solution of 0.1M oxalic acid.
Chemical reaction:- 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5(COOH)2 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O + 10CO2↑
Materials Required:
1. Oxalic acid 7. Conical flask
2. Potassium permanganate solution 8. Funnel
3. 1.0M sulphuric acid 9. Measuring flask
4. Burette 10. White tile
5. Burette stand 11. Burner
6. Pipette 12. Wire gauze

Apparatus Setup:

1. In burette – KMnO4 solution

2. In Conical flask – 10ml of oxalic acid + sulphuric acid
3. Indicator – Self indicator (KMnO4)
4. End Point – Appearance of permanent pale pink colour.

Indicator: KMnO4 serves as self indicator in acidic solution.


1. Rinse the burette with the potassium permanganate solution and fill the burette
with potassium permanganate solution.
2. Fix the burette in the burette stand and place the white tile below the burette in
order to find the end point correctly.
3. Pipette out 10ml of 0.1N standard oxalic acid solution in a conical flask.
4. Add a test tube full of sulphuric acid in order to prevent oxidation of manganese
to form manganese dioxide.
5. Heat the mixture upto 60oC before titrating with potassium permanganate.
6. Note down the initial reading in the burette before starting the titration.
7. The hot solution is titrated against potassium permanganate solution and
simultaneously swirl the solution in the flask gently.
8. Initially the purple colour of KMnO4 is discharged with oxalic acid. The
appearance of permanent pink colour reveals the end point.
9. Repeat the titration until concordant values are obtained.
10. Note down the upper meniscus on the burette readings. Record the reading in the
observation table given below in order to calculate the molarity of KMnO4 given.

S.No Volume of oxalic acid Burette Reading Volume(V) of KMnO4 used V = (y-
in ml Initial(x) x)ml

To calculate the strength of given KMnO4 in terms of molarity the following formula is
a1M1V1 = a2M2V2
Where a1 and a2 are stoichiometric coefficient of oxalic acid and KMnO4 in a balanced
chemical equation.
a1 = 2 a2 = 5
Where M2 and M1 are molarities of potassium permanganate and oxalic acid solutions
used in the titration. V2 and V1 are the volume of potassium permanganate and oxalic
acid solutions used in the titration.
Therefore, KMnO4 = Oxalic acid
5M2V2 = 2M1V1
M2 = (2M1V1/5M2V2)=
The strength of KMnO4 is calculated by using the molarity.
Strength = Molarity x Molar mass


1. Molarity of KMnO4 is ______

2. The Strength of KMnO4 is _____M.


1. Clean all the apparatus with distilled water before starting the experiment and
then rinse with the solution to be taken in them.
2. Rinse the pipette and burette before use.
3. Potassium permanganate is dark in colour, so always read the upper meniscus.
4. Use dilute sulfuric acid for acidifying the potassium permanganate.
5. Take accurate readings once it reaches the end point and don’t go with average
6. Use antiparallex card or autoparallex card while taking the burette readings.
7. Do not use rubber cork burette as it can be attacked by KMnO4.
8. The strength of the unknown solution should be taken upto two decimal places
Mohr Salt Titration with KMnO4

To determine the strength of a given potassium permanganate solution against a
standard ferrous ammonium sulfate (Mohr’s salt) solution.
Chemical reaction:-
2KMnO4 + 10FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O+ 8H2SO4 → K2SO4+ 2MnSO4+ 5Fe2(SO4)3+
10(NH4)2SO4+ 68H2O

Materials Required:
1. Mohr’s salt (ferrous ammonium 8. Conical flask
sulfate) 9. Funnel
2. Potassium permanganate solution 10. Measuring flask
3. Dilute sulfuric acid 11. Weighing bottle
4. Chemical balance 12. White tile
5. Burette 13. Burnet
6. Burette stand 14. Wire gauze
7. Pipette

Apparatus Setup:

1. In burette – KMnO4 solution

2. In Conical flask – 10ml of Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate (Mohr’s salt) + Sulfuric acid

Indicator: KMnO4 serves as self indicator in acidic solution

End Point – Colourless to

permanent pale pink


1. Wash and rinse the burette and pipette with distilled water and then rinse with
the corresponding solution to be filled in them.
2. Rinse the burette with the potassium permanganate solution and fill the burette
with potassium permanganate solution.
3. Fix the burette in the burette stand and place the white tile below the burette in
order to find the endpoint correctly.
4. Rinse the pipette and conical flask with standard ferrous sulfate solution.
5. Pipette out 10ml of 0.05N standard Mohr’s salt solution into the conical flask.
6. Add a test tube full of sulfuric acid in order to prevent oxidation of manganese to
form manganese dioxide.
7. Note down the initial reading in the burette before starting the titration.
8. Now start the titration, titrate against potassium permanganate solution and
simultaneously swirl the solution in the flask gently.
9. Initially, the purple colour of KMnO4 is discharged with ferrous ammonium
sulfate. The appearance of a permanent pink colour reveals the endpoint.
10. Repeat the titration until concordant values are obtained.
11. Note down the upper meniscus on the burette readings.
12. Record the reading in the observation table given below in order to calculate the
molarity of KMnO4 given.


S.No Volume of Mohr’s salt Burette Volume(V) of KMnO4 used V =

in ml Reading (y-x)ml

To calculate the strength of given KMnO4 in terms of molarity the following formula is
a1M1V1 = a2M2V2
Where a1 and a2 are stoichiometric coefficient of Mohr’s salt and KMnO4 in a balanced
chemical equation.
a1 = 1 a2 = 5
Where M2 and M1 are molarities of potassium permanganate and oxalic acid solutions
used in the titration. V2 and V1 are the volume of potassium permanganate and oxalic
acid solutions used in the titration.
Therefore, KMnO4 = Mohr’s slat
M2V2 = 5M1V1
M2 = (M1V1/5M2V2)=
The strength of KMnO4 is calculated by using the molarity.
Strength = Molarity x Molar mass


1. Molarity of KMnO4 is ______

2. The Strength of KMnO4 is _____M.


1. Potassium permanganate is dark, so always read the upper meniscus.

2. Rinse the pipette and burette before use.
3. Use dilute sulfuric acid for acidifying the potassium permanganate.
4. Clean all the apparatus with distilled water before starting the experiment and
then rinse with the solution to be taken in them.
5. Take accurate readings once it reaches the endpoint and doesn’t go with average
6. Do not use a rubber cork burette as it can be attacked by KMnO4.
7. Use the antiparallel card or auto parallax card while taking the burette readings.
8. The strength of the unknown solution should be taken up to two decimal places
Aim: To identify the presence of functional group in a given organic compound.
1.Tests for Unsaturation

a. Alkaline potassium permanganate test (Baeyer’s test):

In this test the pink colour potassium permanganate disappears when an alkaline
potassium permanganate is added to an unsaturated hydrocarbon. The disappearance of
pink colour may take place with or without the formation of brown precipitate of
manganese oxide.
Note: Decolourization of pink colour of KMnO4 indicates unsaturation.

b. Bromine Test
Bromine solution is brown. In this test when bromine solution is added to the
unsaturated hydrocarbon the brown colour disappears if the hydrocarbon is
unsaturated. Bromine forms an addition product with the unsaturated hydrocarbon.
Note: Decolourization of orange-red colour of bromine solution indicates unsaturation.

Results: The given organic compound is _________ compound.(saturated/unsaturated)

2.Test for Alcoholic (R-OH) Group

(a) Sodium Metal Test:

It is based on the appearance of brisk effervescence due to the liberation of hydrogen gas
when alcohol reacts with active metals like sodium.
Note: Evolution of hydrogen gas cause a brisk effervescence indicates an alcoholic group.

(b) Ester Test:

Carboxylic acids reacts with alcohols forming a fruit smelling ester. The reaction between
an alcohol and a carboxylic acid is called esterification. This reaction is a slow reaction
catalysed by concentrated sulphuric acid.
Note: A sweet smell indicates the presence of alcoholic group.

(c) Ceric Ammonium Nitrate Test:

Alcohol or reaction with ceric ammonium nitrate forms a pink or red colour precipitate
due to the formation of a complex compound and ammonium nitrate.
Note: The appearance of wine red colour precipitate shows the presence of alcoholic group.

(d) Acetyl Chloride Test:

Alcohol reacts with acetyl chloride results in the formation of ester and hydrogen
chloride. The resulting hydrogen chloride on contact with ammonium hydroxide forms a
white fumes of ammonium chloride and water.
Note: The formation of white fumes indicates the presence of alcohol.

(e) Iodoform test:

This test is given by secondary alcohols, ketones and acetaldehyde. First the compound
is heated with sodium hydroxide solution and iodine. A formation of yellow precipitate of
iodoform shows the presence of alcohol.
Distinction Between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols:
Lucas Test:
The mixture of zinc chloride and concentrated hydrochloric acid is called Lucas reagent.
It reacts with primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols at different rates. This reagent
forms a cloudiness on reacting with alcohols. Tertiary alcohols reacts immediately and
give cloudiness, secondary alcohols reacts slowly and gives cloudiness after 5 to 10
minutes and there is no reaction with primary alcohols.
Note: Cloudiness appears immediately → Tertiary alcohols
Cloudiness appears within five to ten minutes → Secondary alcohols
Cloudiness appears only on heating → Primary alcohols
Result :The given organic compound is ___________. (primary alcohol, secondary alcohol
or tertiary alcohol)

3.Test for Phenolic Group

(a) Litmus Test:

Scientists use litmus paper to test whether the given solution is acidic or basic. Red
litmus paper turns blue while blue litmus paper remains unchanged in the presence of a
Phenol turns blue litmus paper red. This shows that phenol is acidic in nature. Carboxylic
acid also gives this test. Compared to carboxylic acid, phenol is weakly acidic and it does
not give an effervescence with aqueous sodium carbonate.

(b) Ferric Chloride Test:

Aqueous solution of phenol reacts with freshly prepared ferric chloride solution gives
coloured complex. Most phenols give dark coloured solutions.

(c) Libermann’s Test:

Phenol reacts with concentrated sulfuric acid and sodium nitrite forms a yellow colour
quinone monoxime complex. With excess of phenol and sulfuric acid a deep blue
indophenol complex is formed. On dilution a red colour indophenol is formed which
turns to deep blue colour sodium salt solution of indophenol on treatment with sodium
Note: This test is given by phenols which contain a free para position.

(d) Bromine Water Test:

Phenol undergoes electrophilic substitution reaction with bromine. When bromine water
is added to aqueous solution of phenol the brown colour of bromine disappears and a
white precipitate of tribromophenol is formed.

(e) Phthalein Dye Test:

Phenol on heating with phthalic anhydride in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
forms a colourless condensation compound called phenolphthalein. On further reaction
with dilute sodium hydroxide solution gives a pink colour fluorescent compound called
fluorescein. Characteristic colours are produced by different phenolic compounds which
can be viewed under white background.

4.Tests for Aldehydes and Ketones

(a) 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Hydrazine Test:

Aldehydes and ketones react with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine to give an orange-yellow
Note: Formation of orange-yellow crystals indicates the presence of carbonyl group.

(b) Sodium Bisulphite (NaHSO3)Test:

Aldehydes and ketones combine with sodium bisulphite to for well-crystallized water-
soluble products known as “aldehyde bisulphite” and “ketone bisulphite”.
Note: Formation of crystalline precipitate confirms carbonyl group.

Distinguishing Tests between Aldehydes and Ketones:

(c) Schiff’s Test:

Schiff’s reagent is prepared by passing sulphur dioxide into a solution of the dye fuchsin.
The solution becomes colourless due to the formation of an additional product.
Aldehydes abstract sulphurous acid from Schiff’s reagent and restore the pink colour.
The colouration is due to the formation of complex compound. Ketones, in general, do
not respond to this reaction.
The reaction should not be subjected to heat. Some ketones give a light pink colour with
Schiff’s reagent therefore light pink colour formation is not a positive test.
Note: Appearance of pink, red or magenta colour indicates the presence of aldehyde group.

(d) Fehling’s Test:

Fehling’s solution is a complex compound of Cu2+. When the aldehyde compound is
treated with Fehling’s solution Cu2+ is reduced to Cu+ and the aldehyde is reduced to
acids. During the reaction, a red precipitate is formed.
Aromatic aldehydes do not respond to Fehling’s test. An aqueous solution of the
compound may be used instead of an alcoholic solution. Formic acid also gives this test.
Note: The appearance of red precipitate confirms the presence of an aldehydic group.

(e) Tollen’s Test: (Silver Mirror Test)

This test is also called the silver mirror test. Tollens reagent consists of silver ammonia
complex in ammonia solution. Aldehydes react with Tollens reagent giving a grey-black
precipitate or a silver mirror. Always a freshly prepared Tollen’s reagent should be used.
Note: The appearance of a shiny silver mirror confirms the presence of aldehydes.

(f) Test with Chromic Acid:

Aldehydes react with chromic acid and gives a green to blue precipitate. Ketones do not
react with chromic acid. Some of the primary and secondary alcohols also give this test
but they do not give the dinitrophenylhydrazine test.
Note: The appearance of green or blue colour precipitate confirms the presence of

(g) Sodium Nitroprusside Test:

Ketone responds to this test. Ketone reacts with alkali and forms an anion which further
reacts with sodium nitroprusside and forms a coloured complex ion. Aldehydes do not
respond to this test.
Note: The appearance of red colouration shows the presence of ketone.

Result The given organic compound has ___________ (aldehyde/ketone) functional group.

5.Test for Carboxyl Group

(a) Litmus Test:

The carboxylic acid turns blue litmus red. Because the hydroxyl group present in -COOH
is far more acidic than in alcohol.
Note: If the colour of the blue litmus paper changes to red, then a carboxylic group is
present. Phenol also gives this test.

(b) Sodium Bicarbonate Test:

When carboxylic acid reacts with sodium bicarbonate solution carbon dioxide is evolved
with a brisk effervescence along with sodium acetate is formed.
Note: This test is used to distinguish between carboxylic acid from phenol. Phenol does not
give this test.

(c) Ester Test:

Carboxylic acid reacts with alcohol in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid and
forms a pleasant smelling ester. This reaction is known as esterification.
Note: Formation of a sweet smelling compound indicates the presence of carboxylic group
in the given organic compound.

Result The given organic compound is ___________ .

6.Test for Amino Groups

(a) Solubility Test:
Amines are organic compounds which are basic in nature, so they dissolve in mineral
acids like hydrochloric acid. But this test is not a confirmation test for amines.
Note: If it is soluble in mineral acid then it may be an amine.

(b) Litmus Test:

Amines are basic in nature. So it turns red litmus paper blue. This test is also not a
confirmation test for amines.
Note: The change in the colour of red litmus paper shows the given organic compound is a
base. (may be amine)

(c) Carbylamine Test:

This test is also called isocyanide test, because when amines are treated
with chloroform in the presence of alkali, isocyanide is formed. Both aliphatic and
aromatic amines gives positive for this test. Secondary and tertiary amines do not give
this test.
Note: An unpleasant odor confirms the presence of primary amine.

(d) Nitrous Acid Test:

This test can be used to identify primary, secondary and tertiary amines. An aromatic
primary amine reacts with nitrous acid to form a diazonium salt and at higher
temperatures the formed diazonium compounds undergoes decomposition.

(e) Azo-Dye Test:

This test is performed in order to confirm the presence of aromatic amines. Aromatic
amines forms a diazonium salts when treated with HNO2. These diazo compounds couple
with phenols like β-naphthols forms an orange azo dye which is insoluble in water.
Note: The presence of red orange dye confirms the presence of aromatic amines.

Distinguishing Test for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Amines

(f) Hinsberg Test:

The reagent used in this test is benzene sulfonyl chloride. Amines reacts with benzene
sulfonyl chloride in the alkaline medium.
Primary amines reacts with benzene sulfonyl chloride to produce substituted
sulfonamide which contains an acidic hydrogen and dissolve in basic medium.
A secondary amine forms a substituted sulfonamide which is insoluble in alkali because
it does not have acidic hydrogen.
A tertiary amine forms a substituted sulfonamide which is insoluble in alkali because it
does not have an acidic hydrogen.

Note: Tertiary amines: Precipitate in the test tube but dissolves in concentrated HCl.

Secondary amines: Precipitate in test tube but does not dissolve in concentrated
hydrochloric acid.

Primary amines: No reaction or precipitate, on adding concentrated hydrochloric acid

insoluble material is seen.

Result The given organic compound contains ___________ [aliphatic or

aromatic(primary/secondary/tertiary)] amines.
Aim: To identify the acdic and basic radicals in the given salt and write its formula
1.Lead Nitrate
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper and Iron salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the Reddish brown gas. May be nitrate
substance is taken in a dry test tube
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the No characteristic flame is Absence of copper Calcium and
substance is made into a paste with appeared. Barium
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : Reddish brown gas with the
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. fishy odour turning a moist Presence of Nitrate
FeSO4 paper brown
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: Reddish brown gas turning Presence of nitrate
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 +heated. Acidified FeSO4 paper green
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride, Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : Reddish brown gas Presence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.

8. Action of dil NaOH :

Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt

9. Chromyl Chloride test :

Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.

Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract

A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".

Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. No characteristic precipitate. Absence of Chloride, Bromide and
HNO3 + AgNO3 Sulphide.
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil Brown ring is formed Presence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate Absence of phosphate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
bruside: appears
Na2CO3 extract + dil.
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in water to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI White precipitate is obtained. Presence of I group Lead
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Lead (Group I) Yellow precipitate soluble in
Orginial solution + KI solution hot water and reappears as Presence of Lead is
golden yellow spangles on confirmed.

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Nitrate
Basic radical - Lead
The given simple salt is - Lead Nitrate
2.Copper Sulphate
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Blue May be Copper salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate, Ammonium
substance is taken in a dry test tube and Zinc
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the Bluish green flame Presence of copper
substance is made into a paste with
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate,
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. Carbonate and Sulphide
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride,
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 Bromide and Nitrate
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride and Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract

A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".
Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. No characteristic precipitate. Absence of Chloride, Bromide and
HNO3 + AgNO3 Sulphide.
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl white precipitate insoluble in Presence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2 dil.H2SO4
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + white precipitate soluble in Presence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate ammonium acetate.
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate Absence of phosphate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro
bruside: No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
Na2CO3 extract + dil. appears
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in water to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S Presence of II group
gas Black precipitate Copper
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Copper (Group II)
Orginial solution + Aceticacid + Red brown precipitate Copper is confirmed
potassium ferrocyanide

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Sulphate
Basic radical - Copper
The given simple salt is - Copper Sulphate
3.Copper Carbonate
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Green May be Copper salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate, Ammonium
substance is taken in a dry test tube and Zinc
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the Bluish green flame Presence of copper
substance is made into a paste with
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : Colourless, Odourless gas
Salt + dil.HCl and heated.withbrisk effervescence Presence of Carbonate is
turning lime water milky Confirmed
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride,
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 +heated. Bromide and Nitrate
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride and Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".
Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. No characteristic precipitate. Absence of Chloride, Bromide and
HNO3 + AgNO3 Sulphide.
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test: Absence of phosphate
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
bruside: appears
Na2CO3 extract + dil.
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in dil.HNO3 to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
No. Experiment Observation Inference

1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.

reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S Presence of II group
gas Black precipitate Copper
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Copper (Group II)
Orginial solution + Aceticacid + Red brown precipitate Copper is confirmed
potassium ferrocyanide

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Carbonate
Basic radical - Copper
The given simple salt is - Copper Carbonate
4.Ferric Chloride
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Brown May be Iron ( ferric ) salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate, Ammonium
substance is taken in a dry test tube and Zinc
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the No characteristic flame is Absence of copper, Calcium and
substance is made into a paste with appeared. Barium
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate,
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. Carbonate and Sulphide
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: A colourless gas evolves. it
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 gives a dense white fumes Presence of chloride
+heated. when glass rod dipped in
liquid ammonia is brought
close to its mouth
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: A greenish yellow gas Presence of chloride
Salt + MnO2 + Conc. turning starch iodide paper
H2SO4 and heated. blue evolves.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. Red orange vapours Presence of chloride
H2SO4 and heated. evolved is passed through
NaOH in a test tube. Yellow
solution is obtained on
adding dil acetic acid and
lead acetate solution yellow
precipitate is formed
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".

Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. Curdy white precipitate Presence of Chloride
HNO3 + AgNO3
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate Absence of phosphate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro
bruside: No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
Na2CO3 extract + dil. appears
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in water to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S No Black precipitate Absence of II group Copper
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + White precipitate Presence of III group
NH4OH Aluminium or ferric iron
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Ferric (Group III)
Orginial solution +Na2O2+ dil HCl Blue precipitate Presence of ferric iron is
+ potassium ferro cyanide confirmed.

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Chloride
Basic radical - Ferric
The given simple salt is - Ferric Chloride
5.Aluminium Sulphate
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper and Iron salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate, Ammonium
substance is taken in a dry test tube and Zinc
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the No characteristic flame is Absence of copper Calcium and
substance is made into a paste with appeared. Barium
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : Absence of Nitrate,
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. No characteristic change Carbonate and Sulphide
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: Absence of Chloride,
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 No characteristic change. Bromide and Nitrate
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride, Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".
Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. No characteristic precipitate. Absence of Chloride, Bromide and
HNO3 + AgNO3 Sulphide.
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl white precipitate insoluble in Presence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2 dil.H2SO4
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + white precipitate soluble in Presence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate ammonium acetate.
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate Absence of phosphate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
bruside: appears
Na2CO3 extract + dil.
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in water to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S No Black precipitate Absence of II group Copper
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + White precipitate Presence of III group
NH4OH Aluminium or ferric iron
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Aluminium (Group III)
Orginial solution + sodium Gelatinous white precipitate Presence of Aluminium is
peroxide + dil HCl confirmed.

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Sulphate
Basic radical - Aluminium
The given simple salt is - Aluminium Sulphate

6.Aluminium Nitrate
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper and Iron salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the Reddish brown gas. May be nitrate
substance is taken in a dry test tube
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the No characteristic flame is Absence of copper Calcium and
substance is made into a paste with appeared. Barium
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : Reddish brown gas with the
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. fishy odour turning a moist Presence of Nitrate
FeSO4 paper brown
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: Reddish brown gas turning Presence of nitrate
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 +heated. Acidified FeSO4 paper green
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride, Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : Reddish brown gas Presence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".
Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. No characteristic precipitate. Absence of Chloride, Bromide and
HNO3 + AgNO3 Sulphide.
11. BaCl 2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil Brown ring is formed Presence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test: Absence of phosphate
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
bruside: appears
Na2CO3 extract + dil.
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in water to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S No Black precipitate Absence of II group Copper
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + White precipitate Presence of III group
NH4OH Aluminium or ferric iron
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Aluminium (Group III)
Orginial solution + sodium Gelatinous white precipitate Presence of Aluminium is
peroxide + dil HCl confirmed.

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Nitrate
Basic radical - Aluminium
The given simple salt is - Aluminium Nitrate
7.Zinc Sulphate
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper salt and Iron
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the Yellow when hot, white when May be Zinc
substance is taken in a dry test tube cooled
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the No characteristic flame is Absence of copper Calcium and
substance is made into a paste with appeared. Barium
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate,
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. Carbonate and Sulphide
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride,
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 Bromide and Nitrate
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride, Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".
Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. No characteristic precipitate. Absence of Chloride, Bromide and
HNO3 + AgNO3 Sulphide.
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl white precipitate insoluble in Presence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2 dil.H2SO4
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + white precipitate soluble in Presence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate ammonium acetate.
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test: Absence of phosphate
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
bruside: appears
Na2CO3 extract + dil.
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in water to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S No Black precipitate Absence of II group Copper
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + No White precipitate Absence of III group Aluminium
NH4OH or ferric iron
5. Original Solution + NH4Cl + Dirty white precipitate Presence of IV group Zinc
NH4OH + H2S gas
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Zinc (Group IV)
Orginial solution + potassium ferro White precipitate Presence of Zinc is
cyanide confirmed.

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Sulphate
Basic radical - Zinc
The given simple salt is - Zinc Sulphate
8.Zinc Sulphide
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper and Iron salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the Yellow when hot, white when May be Zinc
substance is taken in a dry test tube cooled
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the No characteristic flame is Absence of copper Calcium and
substance is made into a paste with appeared. Barium
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : Rotten egg smelling gas Presence of Sulphide
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. turning lead acetate paper confirmed
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: Absence of Chloride,
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 +heated. No characteristic change. Bromide and Nitrate
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride, Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".
Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. Black precipitate Presence of Sulphide.
HNO3 + AgNO3
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test: Absence of phosphate
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro
bruside: purple or violet colouration Presence of sulphide
Na2CO3 extract + dil. appears
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in dil.HNO3 to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S No Black precipitate Absence of II group Copper
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + No White precipitate Absence of III group Aluminium
NH4OH or ferric iron
5. Original Solution + NH4Cl + Dirty white precipitate Presence of IV group Zinc
NH4OH + H2S gas
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Zinc (Group IV)
Orginial solution + potassium ferro White precipitate Presence of Zinc is
cyanide confirmed.

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Sulphide
Basic radical - Zinc
The given simple salt is - Zinc Sulphide
9.Calcium Carbonate
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper and Iron salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate, Ammonium
substance is taken in a dry test tube and Zinc
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the Brick red flame Presence of Calcium
substance is made into a paste with
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : Colourless, Odourless gas
Salt + dil.HCl and heated.withbrisk effervescence Presence of Carbonate is
turning lime water milky Confirmed
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride,
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 +heated. Bromide and Nitrate
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride, Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".
Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. No characteristic precipitate. Absence of Chloride, Bromide and
HNO3 + AgNO3 Sulphide.
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate Absence of phosphate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
bruside: appears
Na2CO3 extract + dil.
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in dil.HNO3 to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S Absence of II group Copper
gas No Black precipitate
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + Absence of III group Aluminium
NH4OH No White precipitate or ferric iron
5. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + H2S gas No Dirty white precipitate Absence of IV group Zinc
6. Original Solution + NH4Cl + presence of V group
NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 White precipitate Ca or Ba
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Calcium (Group V)
Orginial solution + NH4OH white precipitate presence of Calcium is
+Ammonium oxalate confirmed

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Carbonate
Basic radical - Calcium
The given simple salt is - Calcium Carbonate
10.Barium Chloride
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper and Iron salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate, Ammonium
substance is taken in a dry test tube and Zinc
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the Apple green flame presence of Barium
substance is made into a paste with
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate,
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. Carbonate and Sulphide
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: A colourless gas evolves. it
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 gives a dense white fumes Presence of chloride
+heated. when glass rod dipped in
liquid ammonia is brought
close to its mouth
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: A greenish yellow gas Presence of chloride
Salt + MnO2 + Conc. turning starch iodide paper
H2SO4 and heated. blue evolves.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. Red orange vapours Presence of chloride
H2SO4 and heated. evolved is passed through
NaOH in a test tube. Yellow
solution is obtained on
adding dil acetic acid and
lead acetate solution yellow
precipitate is formed
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".

Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. Curdy white precipitate Presence of Chloride
HNO3 + AgNO3
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate Absence of phosphate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro
bruside: No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
Na2CO3 extract + dil. appears
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in water to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S Absence of II group Copper
gas No Black precipitate
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + Absence of III group Aluminium
NH4OH No White precipitate or ferric iron
5. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + H2S gas No Dirty white precipitate Absence of IV group Zinc
6. Original Solution + NH4Cl + presence of V group
NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 White precipitate Ca or Ba
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Barium (Group V)
Orginial solution + potassium Yellow precipitate Presence of Barium is
chromate confirmed.

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Chloride
Basic radical - Barium
The given simple salt is - Barium Chloride
1.Magnisium Sulphate
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper and Iron salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate, Ammonium
substance is taken in a dry test tube and Zinc
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the No characteristic flame is Absence of copper Calcium and
substance is made into a paste with appeared. Barium
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate,
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. Carbonate and Sulphide
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride,
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 Bromide and Nitrate
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride, Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".
Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. No characteristic precipitate. Absence of Chloride, Bromide and
HNO3 + AgNO3 Sulphide.
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl white precipitate insoluble in Presence of Sulphate
+ BaCl2 dil.H2SO4
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + white precipitate soluble in Presence of Sulphate
CH3COOH + Lead acetate ammonium acetate.
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate Absence of phosphate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro
bruside: No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
Na2CO3 extract + dil. appears
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in water to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S Absence of II group Copper
gas No Black precipitate
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + Absence of III group Aluminium
NH4OH No White precipitate or ferric iron
5. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + H2S gas No Dirty white precipitate Absence of IV group Zinc
6. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 No White precipitate Absence of V group Ca or Ba
7. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + disodium hydrogen White precipitate presence of VI group Mg
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Magnesium (Group VI)
Orginial solution + NaOH + Blue precipitate Presence of Magnesium is
Magneson reagent confirmed.

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Sulphate
Basic radical - Magnesium
The given simple salt is - Magnesium Sulphate
12. Magnesium Carbonate
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper and Iron salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate, Ammonium
substance is taken in a dry test tube and Zinc
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the No characteristic flame is Absence of copper Calcium and
substance is made into a paste with appeared. Barium
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : Colourless, Odourless gas
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. withbrisk effervescence Presence of Carbonate is
turning lime water milky Confirmed
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: Absence of Chloride,
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 No characteristic change. Bromide and Nitrate
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride, Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".
Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. No characteristic precipitate. Absence of Chloride, Bromide and
HNO3 + AgNO3 Sulphide.
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4 No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate Absence of phosphate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
bruside: appears
Na2CO3 extract + dil.
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in dil.HNO3 to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S Absence of II group Copper
gas No Black precipitate
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + Absence of III group Aluminium
NH4OH No White precipitate or ferric iron
5. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + H2S gas No Dirty white precipitate Absence of IV group Zinc
6. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 No White precipitate Absence of V group Ca or Ba
7. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + disodium hydrogen White precipitate presence of VI group Mg
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Magnesium (Group VI)
Orginial solution + NaOH + Blue precipitate Presence of Magnesium is
Magneson reagent confirmed.

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Carbonate
Basic radical - Magnesium
The given simple salt is - Magnesium Carbonate
13. Magnesium Phosphate
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper and Iron salt
2. Action of heat :
A small amount of the No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate, Ammonium
substance is taken in a dry test tube and Zinc
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the No characteristic flame is Absence of copper Calcium and
substance is made into a paste with appeared. Barium
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : No characteristic change Absence of Nitrate,
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. Carbonate and Sulphide
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: Absence of Chloride,
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 No characteristic change. Bromide and Nitrate
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No characteristic change. Absence of Chloride, Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
9. Chromyl Chloride test :
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".

Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. No characteristic precipitate. Absence of Chloride, Bromide and
HNO3 + AgNO3 Sulphide.
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil A Canary yellow precipitate Presence of phosphate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate is formed
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro
bruside: No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
Na2CO3 extract + dil. appears
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in dil.HNO3 to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's No reddish brown precipitate. Absence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S Absence of II group Copper
gas No Black precipitate
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + Absence of III group Aluminium
NH4OH No White precipitate or ferric iron
5. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + H2S gas No Dirty white precipitate Absence of IV group Zinc
6. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 No White precipitate Absence of V group Ca or Ba
7. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + disodium hydrogen White precipitate presence of VI group Mg
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Magnesium (Group VI)
Orginial solution + NaOH + Blue precipitate Presence of Magnesium is
Magneson reagent confirmed.

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - phosphate
Basic radical - Magnesium
The given simple salt is - Magnesium phosphate
14. Ammonium Bromide
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper and Iron salt
2. Action of heat : Pungent smelling gas giving
A small amount of the dense white fumes with glass May be Ammonium
substance is taken in a dry test tube rod dipped in con.HCI
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the No characteristic flame is Absence of copper Calcium and
substance is made into a paste with appeared. Barium
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : Absence of Nitrate,
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. No characteristic change Carbonate and Sulphide
5. Action of Con.H2SO4: A reddish brown gas turning
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 moist fluorescein paper green Presence of Bromide
+heated. evolves
6. Action of MnO2 and A reddish brown gas turning
Con.H2SO4: moist fluorescein paper red Presence of Bromide
Salt + MnO2 + Conc. evolves
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH : A colourless gas with the
Salt + dil NaOH and Pungent smelling gas with Presence of ammonium
heated. the smell of ammonia gives
dense white fumes with glass
rod dipped in con.HCI

9. Chromyl Chloride test :

Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. No red orange vapours evolved Absence of Chloride.
H2SO4 and heated.

Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract

A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".

Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. A pale yellow precipitate. Presence of Bromide
HNO3 + AgNO3
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test: Absence of phosphate
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro
bruside: No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
Na2CO3 extract + dil. appears
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in water to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's Reddish brown precipitate. Presence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S Absence of II group Copper
gas No Black precipitate
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + Absence of III group Aluminium
NH4OH No White precipitate or ferric iron
5. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + H2S gas No Dirty white precipitate Absence of IV group Zinc
6. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 No White precipitate Absence of V group Ca or Ba
7. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + disodium hydrogen No White precipitate Absence of VI group Mg
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Ammonium (Zero Group)
Orginial solution + Nessler's Reddish brown precipitate. Presence of ammonium
reagent + NaOH

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Bromide
Basic radical - Ammonium
The given simple salt is - Ammonium Bromide
5.Ammonium Chloride
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour of the salt Colourless Absence of copper and Iron salt
2. Action of heat : Pungent smelling gas giving
A small amount of the dense white fumes with glass May be Ammonium
substance is taken in a dry test tube rod dipped in con.HCI
and heated strongly.
3. Flame test :
A small amount of the No characteristic flame is Absence of copper Calcium and
substance is made into a paste with appeared. Barium
conc. HCl in a watch glass and
introduced into the non-luminous
part of the Bunsen flame.
4. Action of dil. HCI : A colourless gas evolves. it
Salt + dil.HCl and heated. gives a dense white fumes Presence of chloride
when glass rod dipped in
liquid ammonia is brought
close to its mouth
5. Action of Con.H2SO4:
Salt +Conc. H2SO4 A greenish yellow gas Presence of chloride
+heated. turning starch iodide paper
blue evolves.
6. Action of MnO2 and
Con.H2SO4: No Reddish brown gas Absence of Nitrate
Salt + MnO2 + Conc.
H2SO4 and heated.
7. Action of Con.H2SO4 and Cu
turning test : No characteristic gas is evolved. Absence of ammonium salt
Salt + Cu turning +
Conc. H2SO4 and heated.
8. Action of dil NaOH :
Salt + dil NaOH and Red orange vapours Presence of chloride
heated. evolved is passed through
NaOH in a test tube. Yellow
solution is obtained on
adding dil acetic acid and
lead acetate solution yellow
precipitate is formed
9. Chromyl Chloride test : A colourless gas evolves. it
Salt + K2Cr2O7 + Conc. gives a dense white fumes Presence of chloride
H2SO4 and heated. when glass rod dipped in
liquid ammonia is brought
close to its mouth
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of Na2CO3 in a beaker. 20 ml of
distilled water is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The clear filtrate is
called "Sodium carbonate extract".
Experiment Observation Inference
10. Test for halides:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. Curdy white precipitate. Presence of Chloride
HNO3 + AgNO3
11. BaCl2 test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil. HCl No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
+ BaCl2
12. Lead acetate Test :
Na2CO3 extract + No white precipitate Absence of Sulphate.
CH3COOH + Lead acetate
13. Brown ring test :
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Brown ring is formed Absence of Nitrate
H2SO4 + freshly prepared FeSO4
and Conc. H2SO4 is added along
the side of the test tube
14. Ammonium molybdate test:
Na2CO3 extract + dil No Canary yellow precipitate Absence of phosphate
HNO3 + ammonium molybdate
and Conc. HNO3
15. Test with sodium nitro
bruside: No purple or violet colouration Absence of sulphide
Na2CO3 extract + dil. appears
ammonia + sodium nitro bruside.

Analysis of Basic Radical

Preparation of Original Solution :
A pinch of the salt is dissolved in water to obtain the original solution.

Group Separation
Experiment Observation Inference
1. Orginial solution + Nessler's Reddish brown precipitate. Presence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH
2. Orginial solution + dil.HCI No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Original Solution + dil. HCl+ H2S Absence of II group Copper
gas No Black precipitate
4. Original Solution + NH4Cl + Absence of III group Aluminium
NH4OH No White precipitate or ferric iron
5. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + H2S gas No Dirty white precipitate Absence of IV group Zinc
6. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 No White precipitate Absence of V group Ca or Ba
7. Original Solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + disodium hydrogen No White precipitate Absence of VI group Mg
Confirmatory test for basic radical
1. Ammonium (Zero Group)
Orginial solution + Nessler's Reddish brown precipitate. Presence of ammonium.
reagent + NaOH

Result : The given simple salt contains,

Acid radical - Chloride
Basic radical - Ammonium
The given simple salt is - Ammonium Chloride

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