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You and your friends plan to apply for a scholarship at a prestigious school.

Transact your
business with the guidance advocate.


Narrator: S7 saw a teacher walking by, and decided to approached it.

S1: Good morning ma’am, may we ask where is the room of the guidance advocate?

Teacher: Good morning too, just continue this way then turn right.

S1: Thank you ma’am!

Narrator: S6 knock on the door

GA: Hello, everyone. Are you the applicants for the scholarships?

S2: Yes ma’am.

Narrator: The group of friends sit around the table in the guidance counselor's office. They are
meeting with the guidance advocate, MS. Bautista, to discuss their plans to apply for a
scholarship at a prestigious school.

GA: Ok then, by the way I'm Ms. Bautista, and I’m here to help you with the scholarship
application process for the University of Harlington. Shall we start?

Narrator: The students nod in response

S3: We're all excited about this opportunity.

GA: Great. Let's start by going over the eligibility requirements.

S2: Can you tell us more about the scholarship benefits?

GA: Sure. The scholarship covers full tuition, fees, and books. It also provides a monthly
stipend for living expenses.

S3: That sounds amazing.

GA: It is. However, the competition is very strong. So, it's important to make sure your
application is strong.
S4: What are some of the things we can do to make our applications stand out?

GA: There are a few things. First, make sure you have a strong academic record.
Second, get involved in extracurricular activities. And third, write a compelling essay
that tells your story and highlights your accomplishments.

S5: What should we write about in our essays?

GA: That's up to you. But I would encourage you to write about something that is
meaningful to you and that shows your personality.

S6: I'm not sure what to write about.

GA: Don't worry. We can brainstorm some ideas together.

S7: That would be helpful.

GA: Okay, let's go over the application deadline. The deadline is [date].

S6: That's coming up soon.

GA: I know. So, I encourage you to get started on your applications as soon as

S7: We will.

GA: Great. I'm confident that you all have a good chance of getting this scholarship.

S7: Thank you for your encouragement.

GA: You're welcome. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

[End of dialogue]

Communicative Strategies:

 Nomination: The guidance advocate nominates herself as the leader of the

 Restriction: The guidance advocate restricts the topic of discussion to the
scholarship application process.
 Turn-taking: The students take turns asking questions and answering them.
 Topic control: The guidance advocate controls the topic of discussion by
redirecting students back to the scholarship application process when they stray
off topic.
 Topic shifting: The students shift the topic of discussion from eligibility
requirements to scholarship benefits to essay writing.
 Repair: The guidance advocate repairs the students' misunderstanding of the
essay writing process by clarifying that they should write about something
meaningful to them.
 Termination: The guidance advocate terminates the discussion by providing the
application deadline and encouraging the students to get started on their

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