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Jerges Cardona

Dr. Felder & Dr. Stowe

SPM 4601

30 April 2024

Self-Analysis Report

Taking this time to reflect on what has been my college career is kind of surreal. It almost

doesn’t feel real that my journey is coming to an end. From coming in 2019 as a freshman and

finally being able to type this paper up as a senior graduating a year late there’s a lot of things I

can talk about. Starting off as a freshman I came into this program thinking it was going to be

like high school where I could just skate by without doing anything, I was so wrong. I didn’t take

this seriously until my first meeting with Dr. Felder and I owe a great amount of my

determination to my great Sport Management professors. Dr. Stowe really hammered into me

that just slacking isn’t going to give me the results I want. She was very hard with her deadlines

and making sure we were prepared for the professional world. Now that I have actually

experienced a very small taste of this world I can sit here and tell you that Dr. Felder and Dr.

Stowe are 100% right in doing classes the way they do them. I really didn’t start getting any

experience in the world of Sport until my junior year and that is one of my biggest regrets being

in this program is not doing what should’ve been done earlier. Now that I have been working Ms.

April Reid and the school's athletic department, I can say that this has really opened up my eyes

to what I want to do and what I do not want to do. I have noticed I really love the media side of

sports. I love working the cameras, I love working as an on screen personality, I love working as

an MC, I love working as a PA. I can really thank the Mass Communications department at the

school for helping me realize this. From Mr. Davis, Dr. Cobb, and Mr. Russell they really took

me in as one of their mass comm students and really allowed me to grow and break out of my

super shy shell, now I’m only a little shy. The most fun I’ve had as a student here is finally

getting in front of a camera and being able to be myself on the screen and people actually loved

it. So my main take away from this past internship is to not limit myself into one box. After

seeing Ms. April wears so many hats and witnessing her energy showing us love regardless of

what is going on personally showed me that while there is much work to do you can’t lose the

personal part of working. She is the kind of leader that anyone should be proud to work with. I

hope to be as great as she is one day doing her job. Being a Sport Management major has really

shaped me into becoming a great professional and showed me to put in dirty work to get

everything. Freshman me would probably look at me and be like “Wow I wonder how he got to

be there?”. I can tell him to please take school seriously and please listen to that Man Felder

because he will never steer you wrong, he only wants the best for you.

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