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 Greet patients, welcome, engage and orient them to the clinic in the best way possible
 Offer tea to patients as they await to see the doctor.
 Allocate patients to clinics as they come in.
 Engaging patients during their stay in the clinic
 Obtain record and register patient’s information to the online platform.
 Verify Insurance details for patients, guide them through proper claim form filling.
 Communicate with customers via phone, email, or letter -Address queries and complaints
from existing and potential clients.
 Investigate customer’s problems and find solutions -respond and screen correspondence
emails for and
 Utilize social media to respond to customer complaints and praise.
 Queuing patients to their respective doctors.
 Compile and print reports on overall customer satisfaction.
 Keep Track of appointment schedules and confirm patient’s appointments.
 Follow up activation i.e., activation of patients seen during outreaches.
 Follow up on approvals from insurances.
 Answer telephone calls and direct them appropriately. Checks all missed calls/SMS
follow up.
 Scanning and attaching patients documents to patient files, claim pre-auth and approvals.
 Manages the customer service operations which deals directly with customers and is the
first point of contact -overseeing smooth running of the customer service.
 Talk to patient about our home visits services.
 Oversee product exchanges and returns such as dispatch of lab work to the respective
 Consulting the doctors regarding patients’ appointments
 Work with management on customer service initiatives
 Isolate and identify areas of improvement.
 Train receptionists on how to adequately address problem over the phone or how to write.
 Keep abreast of new company product and services.
 Oversees cross functional work areas targeted to resolve issues raised by customers -Ask
customers to provide feedback on customer service experience.
 Develops tracks and reports key performance measurement for the unit.
 Develops & implements process and procedures to improve operational efficiency.”
 Escalate any incidence that you are unable to tackle to the management regardless of
whether small or big.
 Updating the front office protocol.
 Any other duties as assigned by your supervisor.

I have read and understood my Job Description

Signed ……………………………………………………(Employee) Date
Signed …………………………………………………….(Employer)


Here are 10 Key Performance Areas (KPAs) with the corresponding Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) derived from the main numbered policies:
1. Policy: Patient-Centric Approach
KPA: Active Listening
 KPI: Percentage of patients who report feeling heard and understood during their
appointments, measured through patient satisfaction surveys.
2. Policy: Service Excellence
KPA: Service Consistency
 KPI: Rate of adherence to established service protocols and standards, measured through
random service quality audits.
3. Policy: Transparent Communication
KPA: Information Accuracy
 KPI: Number of inaccuracies reported in patient information and communication
materials per month.
4. Policy: Inclusive Environment
KPA: Special Needs Accommodation
 KPI: Number of accommodations made for patients with special needs and their rate of
satisfaction with the accommodations provided.
5. Policy: Health and Safety
KPA: Equipment Maintenance
 KPI: Number of equipment malfunctions reported and the average downtime due to
equipment maintenance issues.
6. Policy: Emergency and Walk-in Patients
KPA: Resource Allocation
 KPI: Percentage of resources adequately allocated to handle walk-in patients and
emergencies, measured against the total available resources.
7. Policy: Handling Complaints
KPA: Complaint Resolution
 KPI: Average time taken to resolve complaints and the rate of satisfactory resolutions, as
reported by patients.
8. Policy: Patient Loyalty
KPA: Loyalty Program
 KPI: Rate of patient enrollment in the loyalty program and frequency of utilization of
loyalty benefits.
9. Policy: Cashiering
KPA: Payment Confirmation
 KPI: Rate of accurate and timely payment confirmations sent to patients post-transaction.

10. Policy: Managing the Waiting Area

KPA: Child-Friendly Space
 KPI: Number of positive and negative feedback received regarding the child-friendly
space in the waiting area.
Additional KPA for Overall Performance Evaluation:
 Customer Satisfaction:

 Measurement of customer satisfaction levels related to complaint handling and

 Resolution Timeframe:
 Evaluation of the time taken to resolve complaints from the time of receipt.
 Innovation and Improvement:
 Introduction of innovative solutions and continual improvement in complaint
management processes.

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