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1001,SNOWSHROUD,Snow Shroud,"Takes 25% less damage in a hailstorm."

1002,SEALINGBODY,Sealing Body,"Moves used on the Pokémon are disabled for three
1003,LOUD,Loud,"Boosts power of sound-based moves by 30%."
1004,SANDBURST,Sand Burst,"Summons a sandstorm for four turns when hit by an
1005,FASCINATE,Fascinate,"Upon entry, lowers the foe's Sp. Atk stat by two steps."
1006,PALEOLITHIC,Paleolithic,"Powers up Rock-type moves by 50%."
1007,SUBZERO,Sub Zero,"Powers up Ice-type moves by 50%."
1008,SUPERALLOY,Superalloy,"Powers up Steel-type moves by 50%."
1009,MIDNIGHTSUN,Midnight Sun,"Powers up Dark-type moves by 50% in sunshine."
1010,WEATHERED,Weathered,"Immune to weather downsides, and takes 20% less damage
from attacks during weather."
1011,STUBBORN,Stubborn,"Prevents its stat steps from being lowered, by self or
1012,HUBRIS,Hubris,"Raises Sp. Atk after knocking out any Pokémon."
1013,SCALDINGSMOKE,Scalding Smoke,"Powers up Poison-type moves by 50%."
1014,TRAPPER,Trapper,"Takes 25% less damage from Pokémon that are trapped."
1015,DESERTARMOR,Desert Armor,"Doubles Defense in a sandstorm."
1016,PUREENERGY,Pure Energy,"Raises the Pokémon's Sp. Atk by 50%, including Style
Values and other bonuses."
1017,POISONABSORB,Poison Absorb,"Grants immunity to Poison-type moves and restores
HP if hit by one."
1018,AERODYNAMIC,Aerodynamic,"Grants immunity to Flying-type moves and raises Speed
if hit by one."
1019,HEADACHE,Headache,"Doubles Sp. Atk, but the Pokemon becomes dizzy after
1020,BUNKERDOWN,Bunker Down,"Self-destructing at full health leaves it at 1 HP."
1021,DEEPSTING,Deep Sting,"Boosts Attack by 50%, but physical moves deal 25% damage
back as recoil."
1022,SENTRY,Sentry,"Takes 25% less damage while using a status move."
1023,FORTUNE,Fortune,"Doubles the money gained from battles in which it
1024,FLYTRAP,Flytrap,"Grants immunity to Bug-type moves, and raises both attacking
stats when hit by one."
1025,GRIT,Grit,"Boosts Sp. Def by two steps when hit by an attack."
1026,SUNCHASER,Sun Chaser,"Boosts Attack by 30% in sunshine."
1027,EXPERTISE,Expertise,"Powers up super-effective moves by 30%."
1028,VARIETY,Variety,"Powers up moves different than the last move by 50%."
1029,CURSEDTAIL,Cursed Tail,"When a foe hits the Pokémon, they are warned. If they
hit the Pokémon again, they become Cursed."
1030,FROSTWINGS,Frost Wings,"Flying-type attacks have a 40% chance to frostbite."
1031,SHOCKWINGS,Shock Wings,"Flying-type attacks have a 40% chance to numb."
1032,FLAMEWINGS,Flame Wings,"Flying-type attacks have a 40% chance to burn."
1033,QUILLERINSTINCT,Quiller Instinct,"Releases a layer of Spikes when hit by an
1034,MAESTRO,Maestro,"Doubles the speed of Sound-based moves."
1035,POISONPUNISH,Poison Punish,"Special attacks against the Pokémon have a 30%
chance to poison the attacker."
1036,REALIST,Realist,"Takes half damage from Dragon- and Fairy-type attacks."
1037,BEGUILING,Beguiling,"Special attacks against the Pokémon have a 30% chance to
dizzy the attacker."
1038,CLOUDBURST,Cloudburst,"Boosts Sp. Atk and Speed by 25% in rain."
1039,ADAPTIVESKIN,Adaptive Skin,"The user raises the related defensive stat by two
steps after each hit taken."
1040,SANDSNIPER,Sand Sniper,"Boosts Speed by 50% in sand. Can't miss during
1041,STAMPEDE,Stampede,"The user's critical hit chance raises or lowers with its
1042,HOLIDAYCHEER,Holiday Cheer,"When entering battle, heals self and allies for
25% of their max health."
1043,CHILLEDBODY,Chilled Body,"Physical moves against the Pokémon have a 30% chance
to frostbite the attacker."
1044,LINGERINGDAZE,Lingering Daze,"Enemies which wake up have all their stats
lowered by two steps."
1045,SHIELDWALL,Shield Wall,"Takes 50% less damage from hyper-effective attacks."
1046,MYSTICFIST,Mystic Fist,"Boosts the power of punching moves by 30%, and makes
them special when that would be more effective."
1047,LIGHTTRICK,Light Trick,"Doubled Speed if any enemy has a status condition."
1048,OVERWHELM,Overwhelm,"Boosts Sp. Atk by 30% in rain."
1049,BRAINSCRAMBLE,Brain Scramble,"Has a 30% chance to dizzy targets when using
special moves."
1050,KILLJOY,Killjoy,"Pokémon can't dance."
1051,BADINFLUENCE,Bad Influence,"The effect of healing on foes is reversed."
1052,CHALLENGER,Challenger,"Immune to Fighting-type moves, and boosts Speed when
hit by one."
1053,OCULAR,Ocular,"Boosts the accuracy of its allies and itself by 50%."
1054,MENTALBLOCK,Mental Block,"The Pokemon can't be Taunted, Encored, Tormented,
Heal Blocked, Disabled, Barred, Dizzied, or Flinched."
1055,BREAKTHROUGH,Break Through,"Moves ignore immunities due to typing."
1056,FEEDBACK,Feedback,"When attacked with a special move, inflicts 1/8th max HP
damage on the attacker."
1057,DISORIENTING,Disorienting,"Physical attacks against the Pokémon have a 30%
chance to dizzy the attacker."
1058,PARANOID,Paranoid,"Doubles Sp. Def. The Pokémon takes double damage from
Psychic-type moves."
1059,SWORDPLAY,Swordplay,"Boosts the power of blade moves by 30%."
1060,BURNSKILL,Burn Skill,"Has a 30% chance to burn targets when using special
1061,ADRENALINERUSH,Adrenaline Rush,"Raises Speed by four steps when its HP is
lowered below half."
1062,SCHADENFREUDE,Schadenfreude,"Restores 1/4th health after any foe faints."
1063,STARGUARDIAN,Star Guardian,"Sets a Light Screen for 4 turns upon entering the
1064,BARRIERMAKER,Barrier Maker,"Sets a Reflect for 4 turns upon entering the
1065,GARLANDGUARDIAN,Garland Guardian,"Creates a Safeguard upon entry, protecting
from status conditions for 10 turns."
1066,FREERIDE,Free Ride,"Raises other allies' Speed by two steps upon entering the
1067,HEATSAVOR,Heat Savor,"Heals by 1/8th of its max HP each turn if in sunshine."
1068,FROSTSCATTER,Frost Scatter,"Summons a hailstorm for four turns when hit by an
1069,POSITIVEOUTLOOK,Positive Outlook,"Raises Electric-type allies' Sp. Atk by
1070,NEGATIVEOUTLOOK,Negative Outlook,"Raises Electric-type allies' Sp. Def by
1071,BADOMEN,Bad Omen,"Foretold moves hit two turns quicker and deal 30% more
1072,CLOVERSONG,Clover Song,"Sets a Lucky Chant upon entering the battle,
protecting from critical hits for 10 turns."
1073,INNERLIGHT,Inner Light,"Summons sunshine for four turns when hit by an
1074,STORMBRINGER,Stormbringer,"Summons rain for four turns when hit by an attack."
1075,ARCCONDUCTOR,Arc Conductor,"Inflicts 1/6th max HP damage to the foe when
damaged during rain."
1076,HONORABLE,Honorable,"Lowers priority of status moves used by any Pokémon."
1077,GARGANTUAN,Gargantuan,"Completely protects allies from foes' multi-target
1078,RUINOUS,Ruinous,"All Pokémon deal 40% more move damage."
1079,FORTIFIED,Fortified,"Take 30% less damage from attacks on turns when it hasn't
moved yet."
1080,SLEETSHAKER,Sleetshaker,"Boosts Attack by 30% in hailstorms."
1081,DESERTSPIRIT,Desert Spirit,"Immune to Ground-type moves. Takes 20% less damage
in Sandstorm."
1082,SUDDENCHILL,Sudden Chill,"Special moves against the Pokémon have a 30% chance
to frostbite the attacker."
1083,IMPERVIOUS,Impervious,"Protects from critical hits and from enemies lowering
Defense or Sp. Def."
1084,HARSH,Harsh,"Its attacks are critical against burned targets."
1085,TOUGH,Tough,"Takes half damage from Fighting- and Rock-type moves."
1086,CANDYVEIL,Candy Veil,"Prevents itself and allies from being poisoned, leeched,
or dizzied."
1087,FAEVEIL,Fae Veil,"Prevents itself and allies from being burned, frostbitten,
or numbed."
1088,FRUSTRATE,Frustrate,"Upon entry, lowers the foe's Speed stat by two steps."
1089,TERRITORIAL,Territorial,"Boosts damage by 20% if there is a weather. Immune to
weather downsides."
1090,DETERRENT,Deterrent,"Enemies which swap in take damage equal to 1/8th their
1091,ENERGETIC,Energetic,"Can't be numbed, poisoned, or have its Speed reduced."
1092,STRATAGEM,Stratagem,"Powers up Rock-type moves by 50%."
1093,ARMORPIERCING,Armor Piercing,"Deals double damage against Pokémon that have
raised defenses or that are protected by a screen."
1094,BADLUCK,Bad Luck,"When free from status, non-damaging moves by foes are drawn
1095,SOULREAD,Soul Read,"Double damage to targets who don't share a type with their
last-used move."
1096,SURFSUP,Surf's Up,"Powers up Water-type moves by 50%."
1097,NUMBINGTOUCH,Numbing Touch,"Physical moves have a 30% chance to numb targets."
1098,NERVENUMBER,Nerve Number,"Special moves have a 30% chance to numb targets."
1099,VENGEANCE,Vengeance,"After an attack reduces its HP to half or less, deals 1/4
of the attacker's HP back to the attacker."
1100,IRONSTORM,Iron Storm,"Causes sandstorm to deal double damage and increase Sp.
Def of Rock types by 2.0x instead of 1.5x."
1101,BITTERCOLD,Bitter Cold,"Causes hail to deal double damage and increase Defense
of Ice types by 2.0x instead of 1.5x."
1102,ENVY,Envy,"The Pokémon's moves have priority against single targets with
increased stats."
1103,PETRIFYING,Petrifying,"Special attacks against the Pokémon have a 30% chance
to cause numbing."
1104,ARCTICARIETTE,Arctic Ariette,"Sound-based attacks turn Ice-type and are
boosted by 30%."
1105,GILD,Gild,"Turns the held item of a Pokémon it hits into gold coins for you to
1106,LUXURYTASTE,Luxury Taste,"At end of turn, heals 1/8th HP if holding a clothing
1107,CHILLOUT,Chill Out,"Has a 30% chance to frostbite targets when using special
1108,DAUNTLESS,Dauntless,"Boosts Attack and Sp. Atk after knocking out any
1109,ARCANEFINALE,Arcane Finale,"Turns to Finale Form when only unfainted on team.
Ability becomes Synchronize."
1110,HEROICFINALE,Heroic Finale,"Turns to Finale Form when only unfainted on team.
Ability becomes Inner Focus."
1111,MOONGAZE,Moon Gaze,"Summons moonglow for four turns when it enters battle."
1112,LUNARIOT,Luna Riot,"Summons moonglow for four turns when hit by an attack."
1113,HARBINGER,Harbinger,"Summons eclipse for four turns when it enters battle."
1114,SUNEATER,Sun Eater,"Summons eclipse for four turns when hit by an attack."
1115,PHASESHIFT,Phase Shift,"The Pokemon's moves deal 50% more damage if they're a
different type than last."
1116,DOUBLECHECK,Double Check,"Deals 50% more damage to targets who have already
taken damage this turn."
1117,FORCEREVERSAL,Force Reversal,"Raises both attacking stats by two steps when
hit by a not-very-effective move."
1118,SOUNDBARRIER,Sound Barrier,"After using a sound move, raises both of the
Pokémon's defensive stats."
1119,BELLIGERENT,Belligerent,"Boosts both attacking stats by three steps when a
stat is lowered."
1120,ERUDITE,Erudite,"Powers up Psychic-type moves by 50%."
1121,STAGGERINGSLAPS,Staggering Slaps,"Has a 30% chance to dizzy targets when using
physical moves."
1122,FLUSTERFLOCK,Fluster Flock,"Doubles Attack, but the Pokemon becomes dizzy
after attacking."
1123,ONTHEWIND,On the Wind,"Sets a Tailwind for four turns upon entering the
battle, increasing Speed."
1124,SEEDSCATTER,Seed Scatter,"Sets Grassy Terrain for five turns when hit by an
1125,THUNDERSTRUCK,Thunderstruck,"Becomes charged when hit by an attack, doubling
the power of its next Electric-type attack."
1126,MISTCRAFT,Mistcraft,"Sets Fairy Terrain for five turns when hit by an attack."
1127,HEARTLESS,Heartless,"Immune to Fairy-type moves and restores HP if hit by
1128,COLDRECEPTION,Cold Reception,"Immune to Ice-type moves, and raises both
attacking stats if hit by one."
1129,BITTER,Bitter,"Its attacks are critical against frostbitten targets."
1130,STABILITY,Stability,"Can't be poisoned, burned, or frostbitten."
1131,PUZZLING,Puzzling,"Upon entry, creates a Puzzle Room for five turns, swapping
base Attack and Sp. Atk."
1132,DIREDIVERSION,Dire Diversion,"It can avoid being knocked out by sacrificing
its held item."
1133,WALLNINJA,Wall Ninja,"The Pokémon's attacks are always critical if there is an
active Room."
1134,RELUCTANTBLADE,Reluctant Blade,"When hit with a physical move, hits back
instantly with Leafage."
1135,BRILLIANTFLURRY,Brilliant Flurry,"If an attack lowers its HP to half or less,
lowers all of the attacker's stats."
1136,INDUSTRIALIZE,Industrialize,"Immune to Steel-type moves and raises Speed if
hit by one."
1137,BREAKINGWAVE,Breaking Wave,"Slips past hazards. On the first turn, its attacks
are always critical."
1138,NEEDLEFUR,Needle Fur,"Attackers lose 1/10th of their HP. If the Pokémon is
below half health, attackers lose 1/5th instead."
1139,IGNITIONCYCLE,Ignition Cycle,"Each turn, raises Speed by three steps and loses
HP. If Speed was maxed, instead Speed and HP are reset."
1140,SECRETIONSECRET,Secretion Secret,"When targeted by a status move, the
offending Pokémon becomes poisoned."
1141,DRAGONSLAYER,Dragon Slayer,"Immune to Dragon-type moves. Deals double damage
to Dragon-types."
1142,MAGICSHIELD,Magic Shield,"Negates enemy status moves that target the Pokémon
or create hazards around it."
1143,PECKINGORDER,Pecking Order,"Immune to Flying-type moves and deals 50% more
damage with them."
1144,BOULDERNEST,Boulder Nest,"Lays a trap of levitating stones around the opponent
when its HP is lowered below half."
1145,FLYBY,Fly By,"Hits opponent with Gust when withdrawn from battle."
1146,ODDITY,Oddity,"Upon entry, creates an Odd Room for five turns, swapping
offensive and defensive stats."
1147,LURING,Luring,"Its attacks are critical against dizzy targets."
1148,ULTRAADAPTED,Ultra Adapted,"Powers up moves of the same type by 50%."
1149,IMPERIOUS,Imperious,"Raises Speed by four steps when a stat is lowered."
1150,REFUGE,Refuge,"Pokémon that swap in for this have their status effects
1151,BLINDINGLIGHT,Blinding Light,"Move damage that's decreased by sunshine is
decreased twice as much."
1152,DREARYCLOUDS,Dreary Clouds,"Move damage that's decreased by rain is decreased
twice as much."
1153,RAINPRISM,Rain Prism,"Powers up Fairy-type moves by 50% in rain."
1154,ECTOPARTICLES,Ecto-Particles,"Restores HP based on damage from hail."
1155,HIGHRISE,High-rise,"The Pokémon and its allies are immune to weather
1156,DAWNFALL,Dawnfall,"On the first turn, its attacks burn the target."
1157,ROAST,Roast,"When the Pokémon eats a Berry, it raises its attacking stats by
two steps each."
1158,SOLARCELL,Solar Cell,"In sunshine, gets a 25% boost to Sp. Atk and Sp. Def."
1159,EARTHSHAKER,Earthshaker,"In sandstorm, Attack is boosted by 30%."
1160,AGGRAVATE,Aggravate,"HP-fraction-based damage effects deal 50% more damage to
1161,WIBBLEWOBBLE,Wibble Wobble,"Uses Power Split upon entry or when hit by a
1162,TUNNELMAKER,Tunnel Maker,"Powers up Ground-type moves by 50%."
1163,CONSTRICTOR,Constrictor,"When hit with a physical move, hits back instantly
with Bind."
1164,STYLISH,Stylish,"The Pokémon benefits twice as much from style points."
1165,ROOTED,Rooted,"Gets 50% more healing from all sources."
1166,FINESUGAR,Fine Sugar,"Restores 1/8 HP in sunshine, 1/4 when hit by Fire-type
moves. Loses 1/8 in rain, takes 25% more from Water-type moves."
1167,TRENCHCARVER,Trench Carver,"Doubles the speed of recoil moves."
1168,RADIATE,Radiate,"Increases Sp. Atk by 30%."
1169,ECHO,Echo,"Repeats another Pokémon's sound moves immediately at 75% power."
1170,GALEFORCE,Gale Force,"Boosts the power of wind-based moves by 50%."
1171,ROBUST,Robust,"Double the Pokémon's weight, and boost its Attack by 20%."
1172,FEROCIOUS,Ferocious,"Double the Pokémon's Speed if any enemy is below half
1173,RUGGEDSCALES,Rugged Scales,"Protected from random added effects. Takes 30%
less damage from moves with random added effects."
1174,FUMIGATE,Fumigate,"Random added effects of wind-based moves are +50% more
likely likely to occur."
1175,NESTING,Nesting,"Heals 1/12th HP per turn if there's a weather. Immune to
weather downsides."
1176,QUICKBUILD,Quick Build,"Room-creating moves have priority."
1177,EXTREMEPOWER,Extreme Power,"Increases Attack by 50%, but the Pokémon is hurt
for 1/10th HP each turn."
1178,ARCANE,Arcane,"Increases Sp. Atk by 30%."
1179,DREAMWEAVER,Dream Weaver,"Raises Sp. Atk by two steps whenever any battler
falls asleep."
1180,SPACEINTERLOPER,Space Interloper,"Attacks hit twice for half damage, drain 25%
of damage dealt and become special."
1181,TIMEINTERLOPER,Time Interloper,"Its attacks have priority, deal 25% less
damage and become special."
1182,REAWAKENEDPOWER,Reawakened Power,"Maximizes Sp. Atk when its HP is lowered
below half."
1183,FOLLOWTHROUGH,Follow Through,"Raises Speed by two steps after knocking out any
1184,REFRESHMENTS,Refreshments,"Upon entry during sunshine, heals the lowest HP
ally or self by 50%."
1185,SHIFTINGFIST,Shifting Fist,"Punching moves change secondary type and their
power is boosted by 30%."
1186,KICKBACK,Kickback,"Rather than take recoil damage, it swaps out, and its
replacement takes that damage."
1187,TENDERIZE,Tenderize,"At the end of each round, lowers other numbed Pokémons'
Defense and Sp. Def by two steps."
1188,KELPLINK,Kelp Link,"Physical moves against the Pokémon have a 30% chance to
leech the attacker."
1189,PUNISHER,Punisher,"Special moves against the Pokémon have a 30% chance to
leech the attacker."
1190,PREDATION,Predation,"Has a 30% chance to leech targets when using physical
1191,STICKYMOLD,Sticky Mold,"If an attack lowers its HP to half or less, leeches
the attacker."
1192,WRATHINSTINCT,Wrath Instinct,"Uses Dragon Dance if an attack lowers its HP to
half or below."
1193,SANDSMACABRE,Sands Macabre,"When it attacks from underground in sandstorm,
it'll transform into Reaper form."
1194,CITYRAZER,City Razer,"After knocking out any Pokémon with Waterfall,
transforms into its Rampage form. Ability becomes Mold Breaker."
1195,MIDDLEWAY,Middle Way,"Boosts Attack by 50% if it used a special move last
turn, or boosts Sp. Atk if physical."
1196,STEELYSHELL,Steely Shell,"Steel-type attacks deal 50% more damage, and the
Pokemon is protected from critical hits."
1197,MYSTICTAP,Mystic Tap,"Gets double healing from all sources during moonglow."
1198,SPINTENSITY,Spintensity,"Speed is raised each turn. Speed is reset when hit,
but the attacker takes 1/8th HP damage for each step lost."
1199,UNCANNYCOLD,Uncanny Cold,"Powers up Ice-type moves by 50%."
1200,RAZORSEDGE,Razor's Edge,"Boosts the power of blade moves by 30%. They're twice
as likely to crit."
1201,MALICE,Malice,"If an attack lowers its HP to half or less, curses the
1202,VICTORYMOLT,Victory Molt,"Heals status conditions and resets stat changes
after knocking out any Pokémon."
1203,LONGODDS,Long Odds,"Multi-hit moves can hit up to twice as many times."
1204,MARINEMENACE,Marine Menace,"Dive and Depth Charge deal 50% more damage."
1205,MOONBLANKET,Moon Blanket,"User and allies take 25% less move damage during
1206,EXOTHERMENGINE,Exotherm Engine,"Boosts Speed by 50% but the user is locked
into the first move they use."
1207,TANTALIZING,Tantalizing,"Draws in attacks from enemies with below half
1208,UNBREAKABLE,Unbreakable,"Prevents half the self-damage from recoil and Self-
1209,POWERLIFTER,Power Lifter,"Its physical attacks go last but force the target to
switch out after use."
1210,BURNOUT,Burn Out,"Has a 30% chance to burn targets when using physical moves."
1211,SLICKSURFACE,Slick Surface,"Can't be leeched, drained, or trapped."
1212,LINEBACKER,Linebacker,"Doubles the damage of recoil moves."
1213,DRIFTINGMIST,Drifting Mist,"Creates Grey Mist for three turns when entering
the battlefield."
1214,HEATVEIL,Heat Veil,"Doubled Sp. Def in sunshine."
1215,CHRONICCOLD,Chronic Cold,"Physical moves have a 30% chance to frostbite
1216,TIMESKIP,Time Skip,"Between each turn there's another turn where no one
1217,APPREHENSIVE,Apprehensive,"Takes 30% less damage in eclipse, except in Total
1218,MASTERPLAN,Master Plan,"Raises each stat by two steps when a Total Eclipse
1219,ANARCHIC,Anarchic,"Doubles Speed in eclipse."
1220,EXTREMOPHILE,Extremophile,"Heals by 1/8th of its max HP each turn if in
1221,WORLDQUAKE,Worldquake,"Ground-type moves deal 50% more damage in eclipse."
1222,PLANARVEIL,Planar Veil,"Sets screens for twice as long during eclipse."
1223,SHAKYCODE,Shaky Code,"During eclipse, changes the Pokémon's type to the type
of the move it's using."
1224,ROCKCLIMBER,Rock Climber,"Immune to Rock-type moves and to Stealth Rock, and
raises Speed whenever one would hit it."
1225,PLOTARMOR,Plot Armor,"During eclipse, immune to status conditions and having
its stats lowered by enemies."
1226,FELLOMEN,Fell Omen,"During eclipse, gets a 30% boost to Sp. Atk."
1227,WARPINGEFFECT,Warping Effect,"Double Sp. Def in eclipse."
1228,STARSALIGN,Stars Align,"During eclipse, can't miss and always activates its
moves random added effects."
1229,TOLLDANGER,Toll Danger,"When a Total Eclipse occurs, heals for 50% max HP and
uses Heal Bell."
1230,SCATHINGSYZYGY,Scathing Syzygy,"Boosts all of the Pokémon's move damage by 25%
during eclipse."
1231,DRAMATICLIGHTING,Dramatic Lighting,"Upon entry during eclipse, lowers foe's
Attack and Sp. Atk by two steps each."
1232,TOLLTHEBELLS,Toll the Bells,"Upon entry during eclipse, heals the lowest HP
ally or self by 50%."
1233,PEARLSEEKER,Pearl Seeker,"Upon entry during eclipse, if it has no item, finds
and equips the Pearl of Fate."
1234,LUNATIC,Lunatic,"Boosts Attack by 30% in moonglow."
1235,ILLUMINANCE,Illuminance,"Boosts Sp. Atk by 30% in moonglow."
1236,NIGHTLIFE,Night Life,"Doubles Speed in moonglow."
1237,FULLMOONBLADE,Full Moon Blade,"Doubled Attack during the turn of a Full Moon."
1238,MALICIOUSGLOW,Malicious Glow,"When attacking during moonglow, uses the
target's attacking stats instead of its own."
1239,MIDNIGHTOIL,Midnight Oil,"Using a status move in moonglow extends the weather
by a turn."
1240,MOONLIGHTER,Moonlighter,"When hit in moonglow, steals the attacker's item, or
knocks it away."
1241,NIGHTVISION,Night Vision,"During moonglow, Speed is boosted by 50% and twice
as likely to crit."
1242,NIGHTSTALKER,Night Stalker,"In moonglow, Attack is boosted by 50%, but the
Pokémon is hurt for 1/10th HP each turn."
1243,LYCANTHROPE,Lycanthrope,"Transforms into Midnight Form at the Full Moon.
Ability becomes No Guard."
1244,INTOXICATE,Intoxicate,"Special moves have a 30% chance to poison targets."
1245,DYNAMO,Dynamo,"Whenever it uses a status move, becomes charged, doubling the
power of its next Electric-type attack."
1246,SPINESPLODE,Spinesplode,"Leaves two layers of spikes after it self-destructs."
1247,GYRESPINNER,Gyre Spinner,"Upon entry, traps each opponent in a whirlpool for
two turns."
1248,JOYOUSSORROW,Joyous Sorrow,"Uses Wish after knocking out any Pokémon."
1249,SUSTAINABLE,Sustainable,"Upon entry in sunshine, regenerates its used berry."
1250,OXYGENATION,Oxygenation,"Heals status problems each turn if in sunshine."
1251,LIVINGARMOR,Living Armor,"Heals 1/12th HP every turn. Protected against
critical hits."
1252,RESONANT,Resonant,"Moves that hit multiple targets deal 25% more damage
instead of 25% less."
1253,COTTONDECOY,Cotton Decoy,"Upon entry, creates a substitute from 1/4th of its
1254,VITALRHYTHM,Vital Rhythm,"At the end of each turn, itself and each ally heals
for 1/16th of their HP."
1255,KLEPTOMANIAC,Kleptomaniac,"Uses Snatch upon entry, stealing self-targeting
status moves."
1256,ASSISTANT,Assistant,"Uses Assist upon entry, copying a random team-mates
1257,STAINLESSSTEEL,Stainless Steel,"Prevents other Pokémon from lowering its stat
steps. Immune to weather downsides."
1258,STRIKETWICE,Strikes Twice,"In rain, each of its hits is followed by an extra
hit at 25% power."
1259,SOLONOCTURNE,Solo Nocturne,"Doubles Defense in moonglow."
1260,ICEQUEEN,Ice Queen,"During hail, it restores its HP by half the damage it
deals with attacks."
1261,EPHEMERATE,Ephemerate,"Eclipse counts down twice as quickly."
1262,DESICCATE,Desiccate,"Prevents Water- or Grass-type moves during sandstorm."
1263,HEAVENSCROWN,Heaven's Crown,"If the Pokémon witnesses a Total Eclipse, it gets
to move twice that turn."
1264,DECONTAMINATION,Decontamination,"Prevents Bug- or Poison-type moves during
1265,ROCKBODY,Rock Body,"Heals 1/8th of its max HP each turn during sandstorm."
1266,FRIENDTOALL,Friend to All,"Counts as every tribe."
1267,RATTLEEM,Rattle 'Em,"Moves that can flinch are 50% more likely. Deals 50% more
damage to Pokemon with flinch immunity."
1268,TERRORIZE,Terrorize,"Moves that can flinch are twice as likely to do so."
1269,PERSISTENTGROWTH,Persistent Growth,"At the end of each of its turns, Speed is
lowered but every other stat is raised."
1270,MOONBASKING,Moon Basking,"Heals 1/8th of its max HP each turn if in moonglow."
1271,NIGHTOWL,Night Owl,"Boosts Speed by 50% in moonglow. Can't miss during
1272,SERVEDCOLD,Served Cold,"Boosts Attack by 20% in Hail, or 40% if also below
half health."
1273,UNCONQUERABLE,Unconquerable,"Blocks random added effects of attacks taken, and
prevents critical hits."
1274,EXORCIST,Exorcist,"Takes half damage from Psychic- and Ghost-type attacks."
1275,POORCONDUCT,Poor Conduct,"Upon switch out, lowers the foe's Attack and Sp. Atk
stat by insulting them."
1276,FEATHERCOAT,Feather Coat,"Takes half damage from Ice- and Flying-type
1277,FIERYSPIRIT,Fiery Spirit,"Special moves against the Pokémon have a 30% chance
to burn the attacker."
1278,FIESTA,Fiesta,"Heals by 1/8th HP whenever any Pokémon uses a dance or sound
1279,RAMPROW,Ram Prow,"Ignores screens, Substitute, and Abilities that would affect
its moves."
1280,INVESTIGATOR,Investigator,"At the beginning of each turn, gives clues about a
foe's plan."
1281,IMPETUOUS,Impetuous,"Special attacks against the Pokémon raise its Speed by
two steps but lower its Sp. Def."
1282,CLINGY,Clingy,"Prevents foes with status conditions from fleeing."
1283,BRISK,Brisk,"Boosts the power of wind-based moves by 30%."
1284,TESLACOILS,Tesla Coils,"Becomes charged upon entry, doubling the power of its
next Electric-type attack."
1285,MENTALDAMAGE,Mental Damage,"Disables the opponent's most recently-used move
for three turns upon hitting it."
1286,FLASHFREEZE,Flash Freeze,"On the first turn, its attacks frostbite the
1287,FROSTPITALITY,Frostpitality,"Prevents the foe from escaping during hail."
1288,SANDWORNAUGER,Sandworn Auger,"During sandstorm, Speed is boosted by 50% and
twice as likely to crit."
1289,DARKENEDSKIES,Darkened Skies,"Powers up Dark-type moves by 50% in sandstorm."
1290,SCOUREDSILHOUETTE,Scoured Silhouette,"Upon entry during sandstorm, lowers
foe's Attack and Sp. Atk by two steps each."
1291,MAGNETTRAP,Magnet Trap,"Prevents foes whose Sp. Atk is less than its from
1292,DESERTSCAVENGER,Desert Scavenger,"Restores HP based on damage from sandstorm."
1293,DEBRISFIELD,Debris Field,"Can't be statused due to its hard shell. Boosts Sp.
Atk and Speed by 25% in sandstorm."
1294,ETERNALWINTER,Eternal Winter,"Extends hail by two turns after knocking out any
1295,TAIGATREKKER,Taiga Trekker,"During hail, boosts Speed and Grass-type damage by
1296,ICEMIRROR,Ice Mirror,"Doubles Sp. Def in hail."
1297,WINTERINSULATION,Winter Insulation,"During hail, immune to Fire- and Electric-
type moves."
1298,FROSTFANGED,Frostfanged,"Boosts Attack and Speed by 25% in hail."
1299,SUMMITSPIRIT,Summit Spirit,"Boosts Sp. Atk by 30% in hail."
1300,LARDER,Larder,"At end of turn, regenerates its previously-used berry."
1301,TOXICATTITUDE,Toxic Attitude,"Powers up Poison-type moves of itself and its
allies by 50%."
1302,HOOLIGAN,Hooligan,"Powers up recoil and sound moves by 30%."
1303,EXTORTER,Extorter,"At low health, eats other battlers' low-health triggered
1304,GOURMAND,Gourmand,"Gets a random pinch berry at the end of each turn if it has
no item."
1305,FILTHY,Filthy,"Immune to Poison-type moves, and boosts both defensive stats
when hit by one."
1306,EFFLORESCENT,Efflorescent,"The Pokémon and its allies are protected from
flinching, Intimidate, Fascinate, and Frustrate."
1307,FLOURISHING,Flourishing,"Grows at the end of each turn, slowing down but
improving other stats."
1308,DRAGONSBLOOD,Dragon’s Blood,"Reduces the damage of each hit against it by an
amount equal to its level."
1309,GAUSSAFTERSHOCK,Gauss Aftershock,"Pokémon that swap in for this have their
Speed raised and their PP fully restored."
1310,FRIGIDREFLECTION,Frigid Reflection,"When hit with a special move, hits back
instantly with that same move."
1311,INDESTRUCTIBLE,Indestructible,"After being attacked, gains immunity to that
move's type but loses other morphed immunities."
1312,COREPROVENANCE,Core Provenance,"Using or being hit by a physical move leaves a
rock on the field. Status moves collect them, healing by 1/4th each."
1313,ANCESTRALDANCE,Ancestral Dance,"Raises both defensive stats whenever any
Pokémon uses a dance move."
1314,AFTERIMAGE,Afterimage,"Slips past all types of spikes. Deals 50% more damage
to targets that switched in this turn."
1315,PERENNIALPAYLOAD,Perennial Payload,"After fainting from exploding, revives
after three turns."
1316,VERDANT,Verdant,"Powers up Grass-type moves of itself and its allies by 50%."
1317,ABOVEITALL,Above It All,"After being attacked, uses Parting Shot to switch
1318,MOTHBURGLAR,Moth Burglar,"Hits opponent with Thief when withdrawn from
1319,SURVIVALIST,Survivalist,"It avoids hazards and can't be knocked out with one
1320,GLASSFIRING,Glass Firing,"Immune to Fire-type moves and raises both defensive
stats if hit by one."
1321,SHELLCRACKER,Shellcracker,"Its physical attacks reduce the target's Defense."
1322,BIZARRE,Bizarre,"Its special attacks reduce the target's Sp. Def."
1323,AURORAPRISM,Aurora Prism,"Attacks this Pokémon uses that don't share a type
with it are boosted by 50%. It can't use attacks of its own types."
1324,FEELTHEBURN,Feel the Burn,"Boosts Attack by 75%, but the Pokémon becomes
burned after attacking."
1325,COLDCALCULATION,Cold Calculation,"Boosts Sp. Attack by 75%, but the Pokémon
becomes frostbitten after attacking."
1326,GRAVITAS,Gravitas,"Upon entry, intensifies gravity for five turns."
1327,UNASSUMING,Unassuming,"Before using a status move against a single foe, lowers
their Defense by two steps."
1328,RECON,Recon,"Before using a status move against a single foe, lowers their Sp.
Def by two steps."
1329,INFECTED,Infected,"Also Grass in addition to its other types. When hit by a
physical move, the attacker is also infected."
1330,STEELABSORB,Steel Absorb,"Immune to Steel-type moves and restores HP if hit by
1331,SEEDSOWING,Seed Sowing,"Special moves have a 30% chance to leech targets."
1332,UNFAZED,Unfazed,"Takes 20% less damage from neutrally effective attacks."
1333,WELLSUITED,Well Suited,"Takes 50% less damage from not-very-effective or
barely-effective attacks."
1334,BLISS,Bliss,"Increase the EXP gained from battles in which it participates by
1335,HERDING,Herding,"Wild Pokemon are more likely to hold items and to be species
you've never caught before."
1336,EXTREMEVOLTAGE,Extreme Voltage,"Increases Sp. Atk by 50%, but the Pokémon is
hurt for 1/10th HP each turn."
1337,UNNERVE,Unnerve,"Makes the foe nervous and unable to eat Berries or
1338,STRESSFUL,Stressful,"Makes foes stressed and unable to use their items."
1339,DARING,Daring,"When this Pokémon becomes statused, its Attack is raised by
four steps."
1340,IMPULSIVE,Impulsive,"When this Pokémon becomes statused, its Sp. Atk is raised
by four steps."
1341,STEEPFLYING,Steep Flying,"Fly and Dive Bomb deal 50% more damage."
1342,RENDINGCLAWS,Rending Claws,"Critical hits lower all of the victim's stats."
1343,FIGHTINGVIGOR,Fighting Vigor,"Heals 1/12th HP every turn. Protected from being
1344,SELFSUFFICIENT,Self-Sufficient,"Heals 1/12th HP every turn. Protected from
being burned or frostbitten."
1345,GROTESQUEVITALS,Grotesque Vitals,"Heals 1/12th HP every turn. Protected from
being poisoned."
1346,JUGGERNAUT,Juggernaut,"Ignores Abilities that would affect its moves or
activate after hitting the target."
1347,VENOMDETTA,Venomdetta,"Immune to Poison-type moves, and raises both attacking
stats if hit by one."
1348,BERRYBUNCH,Berry Bunch,"Can hold two different items, if both are Berries."
1349,FASHIONABLE,Fashionable,"Can hold two different items, if one is clothing and
the other is not."
1350,ALLTHATGLITTERS,All That Glitters,"Can hold two different items, if both are
1351,STICKYFINGERS,Sticky Fingers,"Can hold a second item by stealing it."
1352,UNAFRAID,Unafraid,"Takes half damage from Dark- and Bug-type moves."
1353,FIRSTSTRIKE,First Strike,"Powers up priority moves by 30%."
1354,HARDFALL,Hard Fall,"Deals 30% more move damage to Pokémon that are taller than
1355,BULLY,Bully,"Takes 30% less move damage from Pokémon that are shorter than
1356,VENOMGORGER,Venom Gorger,"Whenever a foe's poison worsens, the Pokémon heals
for 50% max HP."
1357,PLURIPOTENCE,Pluripotence,"At the first chance, copies an opponent's species'
legal Abilities."
1358,HERBALIST,Herbalist,"Can hold two different items, if both are Herbs."
1359,TRAUMATIZING,Traumatizing,"Foes whose stats are lowered by the Pokémon keep
those lowered stats even after switching."
1360,IRREFUTABLE,Irrefutable,"Raises Attack by two steps after dealing not-very-
effective or barely-effective damage."
1361,AEROSHELL,Aeroshell,"After using a wind move, raises both of the Pokémon's
defensive stats."
1362,FUNGALFLURRY,Fungal Flurry,"On the first turn, its attacks leech the target."
1363,LIMINAL,Liminal,"Deals 50% more damage to targets that switched in this turn.
Takes 50% less damage if it switched in this turn."
1364,OUTRIDER,Outrider,"After knocking out any Pokémon, raises its Attack and
1365,OVERCHARGE,Overcharge,"After knocking out any Pokémon, raises its Sp. Atk and
1366,DOMINATING,Dominating,"After knocking out any Pokémon, raises its Attack and
1367,WISEHUNTER,Wise Hunter,"After knocking out any Pokémon, raises its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def."
1368,CLUMSYKINESIS,Clumsy Kinesis,"Can hold two items, but drops one when swapping
1369,FOOLHARDY,Foolhardy,"Immune to Psychic-type moves, and boosts Speed when hit
by one."
1370,METEORIC,Meteoric,"Boosts Speed by 50% in sandstorm or hail."
1371,SUDDENTURN,Sudden Turn,"Uses Rapid Spin after its first attack to clear
hazards, raise Speed, and deal damage."
1372,HUGGABLE,Huggable,"When hit by a move with 100 or more base power, hits back
instantly with Nuzzle."
1373,PLASMAGLOBE,Plasma Globe,"Attacks against the Pokémon deal 50% more damage,
but the attacker takes 100% recoil."
1374,OVERTHINKING,Overthinking,"Boosts Sp. Atk by 30%, but lowers Sp. Atk after
using a special move."
1375,STRAIGHTAHEAD,Straight Ahead,"Ignores Abilities that would affect its moves.
Its attacks can't be redirected to new targets."
1376,HYPERSPEED,Hyper Speed,"Doubles Speed. Dashes to avoid hazards when entering."
1377,LEVIATHAN,Leviathan,"Protected from critical hits. Can't be burned or
1378,ASSAULTSPINES,Assault Spines,"Doubles Sp. Def, but the Pokémon can't use
status moves."
1379,PETTY,Petty,"Whenever a foe raises their stats, the Pokémon follows suit."
1380,PESTILENT,Pestilent,"While the Pokémon is below half health, its attacks leech
those hit."
1381,ARCHVILLAIN,Archvillain,"Boosts the Pokémon's Attack by 50%, but its attacks
cannot faint the target."
1382,HEARTOFJUSTICE,Heart of Justice,"Immune to Dark-type moves, and boosts both
attacking stats when hit by one."
1383,CHOREOGRAPHY,Choreography,"Raises Speed whenever any Pokémon uses a dance
1384,EMERGENCYPOWER,Emergency Power,"Uses Lightning Dance if an attack lowers its
HP to half or below."
1385,KNUCKLEDUSTER,Knuckleduster,"Boosts the power of punching moves by 50%."
1386,SIRENSONG,Siren Song,"After using a sound move, lowers one of each foe's
attacking stats, whichever is higher."
1387,FOGTOTEM,Fog Totem,"Upon entry, summons a Misdirecting Fog on the Pokémon's
side for 6 turns."
1388,WILDTOTEM,Wild Totem,"Upon entry, summons a Primal Forest on the Pokémon's
side for 6 turns."
1389,FLUTTERTOTEM,Flutter Totem,"Upon entry, summons a Cruel Cocoon on the
Pokémon's side for 6 turns."
1390,STORMTOTEM,Storm Totem,"Upon entry, summons a Turbulent Sky on the Pokémon's
side for 6 turns."
1391,MUTABLE,Mutable,"It changes type to that of the move it's about to use. This
works only once each time the Pokémon enters battle."
1392,LOUDSLEEPER,Loud Sleeper,"When hit while asleep, hits back instantly with
1393,EARSPLITTING,Ear-Splitting,"Boosts power of sound-based moves by 50%."
1394,ECCENTRIC,Eccentric,"If its stats would be changed, instead they're changed
half as much in the opposite direction (rounded up)."
1395,PERFECTLUCK,Perfect Luck,"Maximizes the frequency of multi-strike moves.
Always deals critical hits."
1396,FATCHANCE,Fat Chance,"Raises all of its stats whenever it knocks out a Pokémon
with a critical hit."
1397,FUELHUNGRY,Fuel Hungry,"Boosts Attack by 30%, but lowers Attack after using a
physical move."
1398,INTROVERT,Introvert,"Takes 30% less damage until it uses an attack."
1399,BALLLIGHTNING,Ball Lightning,"Deals more damage to targets the faster it is
than them. Up to a 50% bonus at double Speed."
1400,GNAWING,Gnawing,"Random added effects of bite attacks are +50% more likely
likely to occur."
1401,SLINKY,Slinky,"Two-turn retreat moves such as Dig skip the retreat turn."
1402,TOXINTAX,Toxin Tax,"Heals based on the damage other battlers take from being
1403,COSMICCONTACT,Cosmic Contact,"After using a status move, raises both of the
Pokémon's defensive stats."
1404,QUARRELSOME,Quarrelsome,"Both deals and takes double damage on its first full
turn out in battle."
1405,GRIPSTRENGTH,Grip Strength,"Moves that bind the opponent deal 50% more damage
(on the initial hit)."
1406,LATEBLOOMER,Late Bloomer,"Deals 30% more damage when it's slower than the
1407,SHOCKSTYLE,Shock Style,"Powers up Fighting-type moves by 50%."
1408,WISHMAKER,Wish Maker,"The random added effects of its own moves, and of moves
against it, always activate."
1409,PRESSUREVALVE,Pressure Valve,"Right before the Pokémon is attacked, the
attacker's stat changes are reset."
1410,SELECTIVESCUTES,Selective Scutes,"Boosts one defending stat by two steps
according to the foe's attacking stats."
1411,BELLOWER,Bellower,"After using a sound move, all foes are tormented."
1412,FULLBLUBBER,Full Blubber,"Immune to Fire-type and Ice-type moves."
1413,EXCAVATOR,Excavator,"Dig and Undermine deal 50% more damage."
1414,DOMINEERING,Domineering,"Reduces move damage taken by 50% when HP is full.
Can't be dizzied."
1415,RUSTWRACK,Rust & Wrack,"The Pokémon is also Steel-type, but it takes 15% more
damage from moves."
1416,STEAMPOWER,Steam Power,"Takes 50% less damage from Water-type moves. Raises
Speed by four steps when hit by one."
1417,SAPPER,Sapper,"Upon entry, traps each opponent in a sand tomb for two turns."
1418,SICKENING,Sickening,"Special moves against it lower the attacker's Speed and
Sp. Atk."
1419,BIGBOSS,Big Boss,"Boosts Defense by 25%. The Pokémon cannot be flinched."
1420,COUNTERFLOW,Counter Flow,"When hit with a special move, hits back instantly
with Breach."
1421,APRICORNARMOR,Apricorn Armor,"Takes 50% less damage from attacks by Pokémon
who have a status condition."
1422,SPARESCALES,Spare Scales,"Raises defenses after using a Grass-, Ground-, or
Steel-type move."
1423,PLACIDITY,Placidity,"Takes no damage from status ailments."
1424,FREESTYLE,Freestyle,"The Pokémon changes type to that of the move it's about
to use. However, it's 20% less accurate."
1425,SLIPSTREAM,Slipstream,"Attack is boosted by 30% if a Tailwind is blowing."
1426,LIFELINE,Lifeline,"At the end of each turn, heals self by 1/20th and a party
member by the amount the Pokémon was healed."
1427,NOXIOUS,Noxious,"Reduces each other Pokémon's HP by 1/12th at the end of each
1428,DARTER,Darter,"Takes 30% less move damage if a Tailwind is blowing."
1429,SIGNALJAM,Signal Jam,"The Pokémon and other battlers don't benefit from same-
type attacking bonus."
1430,WHITEKNIGHT,White Knight,"Draws in moves from foes with base power 100 or
more. Takes 15% less move damage."
1431,SLAPSTICK,Slapstick,"Whenever a foe fails or misses, they take 1/8th HP
1432,DELAYEDREACTION,Delayed Reaction,"33% of all move damage taken is instead
taken at the end of the next turn."
1433,VANDAL,Vandal,"Deals 30% more damage to targets that have an item. After
attacking a foe, destroys their clothing items."
1434,GORGING,Gorging,"Draining moves deal 30% more damage. Can overheal when
1435,UNIDENTIFIED,Unidentified,"The Pokémon is Mutant-type."
1436,SNOOZEFEST,Snoozefest,"Whenever the Pokémon falls asleep, each other battler
becomes drowsy."
1437,DREAMYHAZE,Dreamy Haze,"If an attack lowers its HP to half or less, the
attacker becomes drowsy."
1438,TEAMPLAYER,Team Player,"Deals 25% more move damage for each ally in battle."
1439,STUPEFYING,Stupefying,"Ignores Abilities that would affect its moves. Dizzies
opponents that it hits below half health."
1440,MUPROTOCOL,MU Protocol,"Immune to the type of the memory disc it holds."
1441,SLUGGISH,Sluggish,"The Pokémon is also Bug-type, but its Speed is halved."
1442,DEEPTEETH,Deep Teeth,"Foes aren't released from its trapping moves even when
the Pokémon leaves the field."
1443,SATURNALSKY,Saturnal Sky,"Changes the weather to Ring Eclipse, which heralds
the Total Ring Eclipse. Lingers for 3 turns after leaving."
1444,STYGIANNIGHT,Stygian Night,"Changes the weather to Blood Moon, which heralds
the Full Blood Moon. Lingers for 3 turns after leaving."
1445,FIREFIGHTER,Firefighter,"Immune to Fire-type moves, and raises both attacking
stats if hit by one."
1446,SLUMBERINGDRAKE,Slumbering Drake,"Falls asleep upon entry, but raises all of
its stats by two steps."
1447,NOHOPE,No Hope,"Prevents foes whose Attack is less than its from fleeing."
1448,TOILANDTROUBLE,Toil and Trouble,"Foes suffer 50% more stat reduction from
burn, frostbite, and numb."
1449,FATIGUED,Fatigued,"After attacking any foe, the Pokémon immediately uses
1450,CLOAKING,Cloaking,"It changes form to match the move it selected."
1451,SUBSPACESCHISM,Subspace Schism,"Upon entry, creates a Trick Room for five
turns, inverting the effect of Speed."
1452,SWIFTSTOMPS,Swift Stomps,"Doubles the Speed of kicking moves."
1453,HAUNTED,Haunted,"The Pokémon is also Ghost-type."
1454,EXTRASCOOP,Extra Scoop,"Upon entry, the Pokémon heals itself for 1/4th max HP.
This can overheal."
1455,IMPRESSIONABLE,Impressionable,"Its same-type attack bonus is based on its
party members rather than itself."
1456,TORPORSAP,Torpor Sap,"Restores its HP by 25% of the damage it deals to
sleeping targets."
1457,RUNNINGFREE,Running Free,"Can't be numbed, leeched, trapped, or have its Speed
reduced by foes."
1458,IRONHEEL,Iron Heel,"Boosts the power of kicking moves by 30%."
1459,POLARIZING,Polarizing,"Upon entry, creates a Quality Room for five turns,
exaggerating type matchups."
1460,INSIGHTAURA,Insight Aura,"Upon entry, creates an Insight Room for five turns,
giving everyone a fifth move."
1461,EMOTIONAURA,Emotion Aura,"Upon entry, creates an Emotion Room for five turns,
switching Abilities every turn."
1462,WILLAURA,Will Aura,"Upon entry, creates a Willful Room for five turns,
reducing all hits by 30 damage."
1463,LIVEFAST,Live Fast,"Boosts Speed by 50%, but the Pokémon is hurt for 1/10th HP
each turn."
1464,BURDENED,Burdened,"Receives 33% less move damage, but the Pokémon is hurt for
1/10th HP each turn."
1465,BALLMIMIC,Ball Mimic,"Your Poké Balls are 50% more effective."
1466,REAPWHATYOUSOW,Reap What You Sow,"If the Pokémon faints from Perish Song, it
is revived in a new form."
1467,UNCANNYLUCK,Uncanny Luck,"If an attacker would activate a random added effect
on the Pokémon, that effect is placed on the attacker instead."
1468,LONGRECEIVER,Long Receiver,"Copies the Ability of the Pokémon it switches in
to replace."
1469,AUTUMNAL,Autumnal,"Healing on the Pokémon is reversed."
1470,NEUROTOXIN,Neurotoxin,"While the Pokémon is unfainted (in battle or switched
out), poisoned foes also suffer from dizzy."
1471,INEXORABLE,Inexorable,"Pokémon take damage from status conditions even while
switched out."
1472,AUTOSTRUCTURE,Auto-Structure,"At the end of every turn, its stats shift
position (Attack-> Defense -> Sp. Atk -> Sp. Def -> Speed -> Attack...)"
1473,ALLCONSUMING,All-Consuming,"When another Pokémon faints, consumes their item,
ability, and stat steps."
1474,FIREFESTIVAL,Fire Festival,"At the end of every turn, each Pokémon takes 1/8th
HP damage. This is treated as Fire-type."
1475,CLEANFREAK,Clean Freak,"Boosts move damage by 50% while it has a status
condition. However, it suffers double effect from status conditions."
1476,MASSATTACK,Mass Attack,"All Pokémon's damage is decreased proportional to
their health remaining."
1477,NOBLEBLADE,Noble Blade,"Deals no damage to a target while they are using a
status move."
1478,DIRECTCURRENT,Direct Current,"At the end of each turn, its Sp. Atk is lowered.
Then, you choose to raise its Speed or heal it for 1/5th HP."
1479,AUTOPILOT,Auto-Pilot,"At the beginning of every 5th turn, the Pokémon forcibly
switches into battle. It chooses which move it will use that turn."
1480,BATTLEHARDENED,Battle-Hardened,"Raises Def and Sp. Def by three steps each
when its HP is lowered below half."
1481,HYBRIDFIGHTER,Hybrid Fighter,"Punches, Kicks, and Bites combo together to
create special effects."
1482,OVERFLOWINGHEART,Overflowing Heart,"Copies the base stats of the Pokémon it
switches in to replace."

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