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Write F next to the sentence where IT refers forward to a clause, B next to those where it refers
back and X next to those where IT doesn’t refer to anything in the sentence.

e.g. It’s getting crowded. X

1. It is astonishing how often I’ve been asked that question.

2. I bought a new car and it broke almost immediately.
3. What time is it?
4. Is it true that she’s run away?
5. It’s a miracle that she survived the crash.
6. It would be a big mistake not to accept the truth.


Write there’s or it’s in each of the gaps to complete the following sentences:

1. … just as well we brought our umbrellas.

2. … a strong possibility of the chairman not making the meeting.
3. I gather .. also doubtful whether his deputy will be there.
4. …not thought to be any serious risk involved in the operation.
5. … no use pleading with me: I have no say in the matter whatsoever.
6. …no shame attached to being beaten by a player of his caliber.
7. Don’t you think…any chance at all that he was unfairly dismissed?
8. …no good feeling sorry for yourself; what’s done is done.
9. …a lot to say for vegetarianism, in my opinion.
10. … a shame you won’t be able to see your own son receive his degree.
11. … generally believed to be a good thing to get eight hours’ sleep a night.
12. Wouldn’t you say… all a question of habit how long you need to sleep?

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change to word given. You must use between three and eight words,
including the word given.

e.g.. It’s no good sitting feeling sorry for yourself. Point

There’s no point in sitting feeling sorry for yourself.

1. I’ve only just realized what your director mean by that comment. Dawned
It… our director meant by that comment.
2. You should have been at the party; you would have enjoyed it. Make
It’s a …. to the party; you would have enjoyed it.
3. People are optimistic about this new drug being a success. Hoped
It …. this new drug will be a success.
4. We discovered eventually that all the good had been stolen. transpired
In the …. that all the goods had been stolen.
5. Everything pointed toward a landslide victory for the presidential party. Indication
There… win a landslide victory.
6. Thank goodness we decided to come by train. Job
It… we decided to come by train.
7. No doubt there was a terrible row when the mistake was discovered. Sure
There is… a terrible row when the mistake was discovered.
8. Such behavior can never be tolerated. Excuse
There…. such behavior.
9. It looks as if there’s been an accident over there. Seems
There…an accident over there.
10. The choice of restaurant is entirely yours. Up
It… we go to.


Rewrite the following sentences using introductory it.

e.g. To be a liar is not funny.

It is not funny to be a liar.

1. That he cheated is impossible.

2. For him to be sent to London is a surprise.
3. Going there now is worth it.
4. Whether they come or not doesn’t matter.
5. That he could be away did not occur to us.
6. That we should help them was understood.
7. To lose a game in the last minute is a pity.
8. To hear such news shocked us.
9. For her to do her duty is natural.


Rephrase the following sentences using introductory there:

e.g. An accident happened in this street yesterday.

There happened an accident in this street yesterday.

1. A greater dramatist has never lived.

2. Does anyone not understand?
3. Suddenly on the horizon a small figure appeared.
4. I could do nothing.
5. I would not mind if only I could talk to someone.
6. Long ago in a far city a small family lived.
7. A lull occurred in the proceedings.
8. A great sadness came over her.
9. At the front door a tall man in a white coat stood.
10. No easy solution exists.


Rephrase each of the following sentences using the pattern:

Subject + verb+ direct object+ prepositional phrase when such rephrasing is admissible

e.g. The townsfolk accorded us a warm welcome. Not possible

I have asked you a great favour – I have asked a great favour of you.

1. We booked you a double room with bath .

2. Someone has brought us some grapes.
3. Call me a taxi right away.
4. Can anyone cash me a cheque?
5. We have caused you so much trouble.
6. This suit only cost me forty dollars.
7. These pills haven’t done me much good.
8. I will give you all the necessary information.
9. Do we owe the milkman anything?
10. I have told you the truth.
11. I’ll leave you your dinner in the oven.
12. An uncle left her a small fortune.


The following sentences have both direct and indirect objects. Where possible, rewrite them with
a final indirect object.

1. She has got herself a new job.

2. We’ll have to give the car a service.
3. He wrote his father a long letter.
4. It’ll cost you a lot of money.
5. We asked whoever came the same question.
6. They assure me that it was true.
7. I never lend anyone my car.
8. We asked them the way.
9. We asked them a favour.
10. Bring my good friend here a beer


Identify which of the following include introductory it and which have empty it.

e.g. It was the rainbow gave thee birth. Introductory

1. It was a summer’s night.

2.It is a far better thing that I have done.

3.It takes a thief to catch a thief.

4.It is a bad sign when people are depressed by their own good fortune.

5.It is later than you think.

6.It is no use speaking to him.

7.Old men declare war. But it is the youth that must die.

8. It is notorious that we speak no more than half truths.


Identify which of the following have introductory there and which have adverbial there

1. There they stood along the hills.,

2. There is no more lamentable pursuit than a life of pleasure.
3. There’s been a death in the opposite house.
4. There something wrong with a young chap who doesn’t play games.
5. There’s glory for you.
6. There is no love sincerer than the love of food.
7. There is something curiously boring about someone else’s happiness.
8. To sleep, perchance to dream, there’s the problem.
9. Without foxes there would be no fox hunting
10. What is there I would not do?


Identify the constituents in the following sentences:

1. The corrugated iron roof above his head clattered as a vulture alighted.
2. The question is what do you want to do?
3. Round the corner, in front of the old cotton tree, stood the law courts and the police
4. His eyes followed Scobie up the sun-burnt street.
5. But sometimes he found it very hard.
6. He tried to laugh.
7. The investigation would cost her time and money.
8. Pity told him to go.
9. Wilson stood uncomfortably alone in a wilderness of armchairs.
10. Cooper was telling me the story.

Make sentences using the components given, conforming to the sentence patterns indicated.

1. ABC Motors, new post, in local paper, to advertise,. S.V.DO. A.

2. ABC Motors, special committee, to make appointment, to set up. S,V,DO,A
3. Committee, new post, Office Manager, to call. S,V,DO,OC
4. Carol, advertisement, to see. S, D, DO.
5. Carol, the company, letter of application, next day, to send. S,V,IO,DO, A
6. Letter, the company, Carol\s reasons for applying, to explain. S, V, IO, DO
7. Committee, interview, Carol, to offer. S.V.IO.DO
8. Carol, committee, in ABC office, to meet. S,V,DO,A
9. Committee, Carol, Office Manager, to make, S.V.DO. OC
10. Carol, delighted, to be. S,V,SC.

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