50 Words

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Ailurophile: A cat lover.

Bibliopole: A person who buys and sells books, especially rare ones.
Cacophrenia: The state of mental confusion and chaotic thinking.
Draff: Waste or by-products from brewing.
Ephemeral: Lasting for a very short time.
Faineant: A person who is lazy or idle.
Gallimaufry: A hodgepodge or jumble; a confused mixture.
Halcyon: Calm, peaceful, and prosperous.
Ignominious: Deserving or causing public disgrace or shame.
Jactitation: The action of tossing and turning in bed due to illness.
Kakistocracy: A government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.
Limerence: The intense, involuntary emotional state characterized by romantic
attraction to another person.
Mellifluous: Sweet-sounding, smooth, and pleasant to hear.
Nefelibata: A cloud walker; someone who lives in the clouds of their own
imagination or dreams.
Obfuscate: To deliberately make something unclear or difficult to understand.
Peregrinate: To travel or wander around from place to place.
Quixotic: Extremely idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical.
Rambunctious: Uncontrollably exuberant; boisterous.
Serendipity: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or
beneficial way.
Tintinnabulation: The ringing or sound of bells.
Ubiquitous: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
Vorfreude: The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future
Wamble: To move unsteadily or with a weaving or rolling motion.
Xenodochial: Friendly to strangers or foreigners.
Yonderly: Mentally or emotionally distant, absent-minded.
Zephyr: A gentle, mild breeze.
Acquiesce: To accept something reluctantly but without protest.
Bibliopolic: Relating to bibliopoles or book collectors.
Cynosure: A person or thing that is the center of attention or admiration.
Dysania: The state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.
Ephemeralization: The ability of technological advancement to do more with less
Fugacious: Fleeting; lasting for a very short time.
Garrulous: Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.
Hapaxanthous: Flowering only once in a lifetime.
Iridescence: The phenomenon of certain surfaces displaying a play of colors.
Juxtapose: To place or deal with close together for contrasting effect.
Kaleidoscope: A constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements.
Lugubrious: Looking or sounding sad and dismal.
Munificent: More generous than is usual or necessary.
Nudiustertian: Pertaining to the day before yesterday.
Obnubilate: To darken, dim, or obscure.
Pernicious: Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Querulous: Complaining in a whining manner.
Ratiocinate: To reason methodically and logically.
Sempiternal: Lasting forever; eternal.
Tmesis: The insertion of one or more words between the components of a
compound word.
Umbra: The fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object.
Vexillology: The study of flags.
Welter: A state of wild disorder; chaos.
Xanthippe: An ill-tempered woman.

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