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Adding Information:

1. Additionally
2. Furthermore
3. Moreover
4. In addition
5. Not only... but also
6. As well as
7. Besides
8. What's more
1. However
2. Nevertheless
3. On the other hand
4. On the contrary
5. In contrast
6. Although
7. Even though
8. But
9. Yet
Result or Effect:
1. As a result
2. Consequently
3. Therefore
4. Thus
5. Hence
6. So
7. As a consequence
8. Due to this
1. Firstly, secondly, thirdly
2. Meanwhile
3. Subsequently
4. Later
5. In the meantime
6. At the same time
7. Ultimately
8. Simultaneously
Cause and Effect:
1. Because
2. Since
3. As
4. Due to
5. Owing to
6. Therefore
7. Thus
8. Consequently
9. So
Giving Examples:
1. For example
2. For instance
3. Such as
4. In particular
5. Namely
6. To illustrate
7. In other words
1. In general
2. Generally speaking
3. On the whole
4. As a rule
5. By and large
6. For the most part
1. Indeed
2. Certainly
3. In fact
4. Of course
5. Undoubtedly
6. Especially
7. Particularly
8. Above all
1. In conclusion
2. To sum up
3. In summary
4. To conclude
5. All in all
6. Overall
7. To summarize
Providing Reasons:
1. Because of
2. Owing to
3. Due to
4. Since
5. As
6. For
7. As a result of
1. In other words
2. That is to say
3. To put it differently
4. To rephrase it
5. In simpler terms
Giving Opinions:
1. In my opinion
2. I believe that
3. From my point of view
4. Personally
5. I think that
6. It seems to me that
1. To illustrate this point
2. An example of this is
3. For instance
4. In the case of
5. As evidence
1. In conclusion
2. To sum up
3. Ultimately
4. In summary
5. To conclude

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