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Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

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Ammonia as a potential marine fuel: A review

K. Machaj a, b, c, J. Kupecki a, b, d, *, Z. Malecha c, A.W. Morawski e, M. Skrzypkiewicz a, b,
M. Stanclik c, M. Chorowski c
Institute of Power Engineering, Mory 8, 01-330, Warsaw, Poland
Center for Hydrogen Technologies (CTH2), Institute of Power Engineering, Augustowka 36, 02-981, Warsaw, Poland
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Department of Cryogenics and Aerospace Engineering, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370, Wrocław, Poland
National Fuel Cell Resaerch Center (NFCRC), University of California, Irvine, Engineering Laboratory Facility, Irvine, CA, 92697-3550, USA
West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Department of Inorganic Chemical Technology and
Environment Engineering, Pulaskiego 10, 70-322, Szczecin, Poland


Keywords: The rising share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the energy mix and the desire to reduce the emission of
SOFC greenhouse gases and harmful substances have driven broad-based technological advances on a global scale. In
Maritime sector recent years, Millennium and Sustainable Development Goals have appeared, seeking to improve and level up
standards of living while protecting the environment. Coupled with this, regulations are regularly issued that set
Emission reduction
increasingly stringent limits on emissions. This review examines the opportunities and challenges facing the
Alternative fuels maritime sector in light of the game-changing goals set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). First,
the review gives a short introduction to RES and considers the feasibility of producing green hydrogen and using
ammonia as a carrier. It goes on to discuss the use of ammonia as a marine fuel from a technological, scientific,
economic, and legal regulations point of view. The impact of emission regulations on the maritime sector and the
challenges of bringing ammonia on board ships are factored in. Finally, the paper presents a technical justifi­
cation for using solid oxide fuel cells to boost the efficiency of energy conversion.

produced gases. Ammonia is being talked about as a fuel of the future

1. Introduction [3]. The maritime and ammonia synthesis industry together are
responsible for approx. 5% of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions
Concerns about climate change are driving radical changes in in­ (ammonia industry roughly up to 2% [4,5], maritime industry roughly
dustrial behavior. Since the 1970s, numerous policy documents have 3% [6]). Electricity from RES could be coupled with ammonia produc­
been issued by the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), the tion as part of highly efficient and low-emission fuel conversion systems.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the International Solid oxide cells have a key role to play in the production of synthetic
Maritime Organization (IMO), and many other organizations aimed at hydrogen – which is needed to synthesize ammonia – and supply elec­
reducing the negative impact of humans on ecosystems. The IPCC report tricity on board ships. This review discusses recent developments and
of 2019 stated that the Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) in the next 30 the current state of technological advancement in these technologies. It
years could increase significantly. This was estimated based on the broaches scientific, industrial, legal regulations, and economic issues. It
Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP), which sets out different draws attention to the direction of scientific research and refers to
radiative forcing values in the year 2100 depending on the concentra­ possible research areas that could accelerate the implementation of
tion of GHG in the atmosphere. By 2050 GMSL will increase by ammonia in the maritime sector. This approach takes a critical look at
approximately 24 cm for the RCP2.6 (2.6 W m− 2) scenario and by the use of ammonia as a fuel in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) in an in­
approximately 32 cm for RCP8.5 (8.5 W m− 2) [1]. Changes affect in­ dustry that is thinking ahead. As mankind ships at least 11 billion tons of
dustries such as power production and transportation. In the energy goods around the world every year, switching to a well-known chemical
sector, there is a noticeable increase in the use of renewable energy produced globally from RES bears the hallmark of an eminently sus­
sources (RES) [2] and the inherent production of synthetic gases. tainable marine fuel solution.
Maritime transport is looking to switch to alternative, synthetically In the last 5 years, many review documents and theoretical analyzes

* Corresponding author. Center for Hydrogen Technologies (CTH2), Institute of Power Engineering, Augustowka 36, 02-981, Warsaw, Poland.
E-mail address: (J. Kupecki).
Received 6 March 2022; Received in revised form 8 July 2022; Accepted 4 August 2022
Available online 5 September 2022
2211-467X/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

Nomenclature PEM proton exchange membrane

PV photovoltaic
AEC alkaline electrolysis RES renewable energy sources of energy
CO2 carbon dioxide RCP representative concentration pathway
CAPEX capital expenditure RSOC reversible solid oxide cells
CHF critical heat flux SOFC solid oxide fuel cell
DNV Det Norske Veritas SOFC–H solid oxide fuel cell with hydrogen ion-conductive
EU European Union electrolyte
FCH JU Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking SOFC–O solid oxide fuel cell with oxygen ion-conductive electrolyte
GHG greenhouse gases SOE solid oxide electrolysis
GMSL global mean sea level SOX sulfur oxides
H2 hydrogen UN United Nations
IEA International Energy Agency YSZ yttria-stabilized zirconia
IMO International Maritime Organization WWEA World Wind Energy Association
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency cvap heat of vapor, kJ kg− 1
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change cwg specific heat capacity of gas fraction, kJ kg− 1 K− 1
JTF Just Transition Fund cwl specific heat capacity of liquid fraction, kJ kg− 1 K− 1
LNG liquefied natural gas f maximum filling coefficient
LPG liquefied petroleum gas ΔH enthalpy difference, kJ kg − 1
LHV low heating value Q total energy losses, W
MARPOL 73/78 International Convention for the Prevention of p pressure, bar
Pollution from Ships 1973 as modified by the Protocol of pabs working pressure, bar
1978 pv_abs valve opening pressure, bar
MEPC Maritime Environment Protection Committee T storage temperature, ◦ C
NFPA 704 United States-based National Fire Protection Association Tboil(Tin) boiling temperature, ◦ C
Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Tout outlet temperature, ◦ C
Materials for Emergency Response t holding time, days
NOx nitrogen oxides V volume, m3
NH3 ammonia ρl density of liquid, kg m− 3
OPEX operating expenditure ρn density at normal conditions, kg m− 3
P2G power-to-gas

have been produced on the use of ammonia in the energy industry, 2. Emission control and changes in the power industry
especially in powering ships. Among others, McFarlane et al. [7] per­
formed a roadmap to the ammonia economy. In the study, the topic of 2.1. Emission and environmental protection regulations
the maritime industry and fuel cells (solid oxide and direct ammonia fuel
cells) topics were mentioned breathily. The authors focused on the Numerous far-reaching rules and regulations have been introduced
ammonia production and usage of ammonia produced in various tech­ at the national, regional, and global levels to reduce environmental
nology generations. The authors suggested that the 3rd generation pollution and emissions of hazardous substances and promote sustain­
which no longer uses the Haber-Bosh process but is based on the elec­ able development.
troreduction of NH3 will be most interesting for the maritime industry as The first landmark document was the Kyoto Protocol, signed at the
a fuel. A similar study was published in 2021 by Hasan et al. [8] with a United Nations Climate Change Conference in 1997. The ratifying
bit bigger database. In 2018 Siddiqui and Dincer [9] compiled a study on countries undertook to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, methane,
direct ammonia solid oxide fuel cells in one article. The authors focused nitrogen oxide, alkyl halides, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride
on the comparison between the performance of SOFC–O and SOFC–H by 5% by 2012 based on 1990 levels [14]. The protocol was signed by
manufactured with different electrolytes and electrodes. A similar study 192 countries.
was performed by Rathore et al. [10] in 2021. Additionally, in their The Paris Agreement as a continuation of the Kyoto Protocol was
work, the authors collected information on the models that enable direct signed during the 21st United Nations Conference on Climate Change. It
ammonia solid oxide fuel cells analysis. In articles [11–13] the authors aimed to keep the increase in average temperature below 2 ◦ C and to try
described technical challenges, environmental assessments, or regula­ to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 ◦ C, among others by reducing
tions for future fuels e.g., LNG and ammonia which are going to be used emissions of GHG [15]. The countries that ratified the Agreement un­
in the maritime industry. Compared to the above work, our review dertook to present their plans every five years, as well as to report to
comprehensively covers the life cycle of green ammonia produced and other parties and the public on how they are being implemented.
utilized in solid oxide cells. Starting from the geopolitics of production Importantly, more developed countries also agreed to co-finance ini­
and the usage of ammonia, the current possibilities of the maritime in­ tiatives by developing countries in pursuit of these goals [15]. As of June
dustry in the transport of ammonia are presented. The review focuses 2021, the Agreement was ratified by 191 countries and signed but not
also on specific technological solutions enabling the use of ammonia. ratified by six other countries.
Based on the literature, the efficiency and energy consumption of the The European Union’s Green Deal initiative seeks to reduce its total
processes were determined. What allows for the estimation of the profits GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and to
resulting from the improvement of appropriate processes in the become climate neutral by 2050 [16,17]. The regions most affected will
ammonia life chain. be financially supported by the Just Transition Fund (JTF) [18,19]. It is
also estimated that changes caused by the Green Deal, such as cleaner
air, may lead to significant improvements in human health in the EU

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

[17]. Table 1
The United Nations Earth Summits for environmental protection and Gas emission regulations for the maritime sector are based on the revised MEPC
sustainable development were held in 1992, 2002, and 2012 [20]. In MARPOL VI annex [32,33], IMO GHG Study [38], and European Union Sulfur
addition, the United Nations has been organizing climate conferences Content of Marine Fuels [40].
since 1995. The result of these activities was the adoption of the Mil­ NOX emission Value, g kWh− 1
lennium Development Goals in 2000 and the 2030 Sustainable Devel­ (n), rpm
opment Goals in 2017. One of the goals (Goal 14) concerns also the Ships constructed after 1 January 17.0 <130
protection of coastal and marine areas by 2020 and a significant 2000 and before 1 January 2011 45.0 n− 0.2 130–1999
reduction of all types of marine pollution by 2025 [21]. The UN con­ 9.8 ≥2000
Ships constructed after 1 January 14.4
ference in 2017 was titled “Our Ocean, Our Future” and its main purpose
2011 44.0 n− 0.2 130–1999
was to draw attention to the problems raised in the 14th Sustainable 7.7 ≥2000
Development Goal [22]. The following decisions were taken at the UN Only valid in ECA zones (for ships 3.4 <130
climate change conference in Glasgow (2021): (i) departure from fossil produced since 1 January 2016 9.0 n− 0.2 130–1999
and 2021 depends on ECA). 2.0
fuels - 34 countries and five public financial institutions will stop sup­ ≥2000

porting the fossil fuel energy sector, with over $20 billion committed to SOX emission – estimated by Value, % Comment
transitioning developing countries away from coal; (ii) reduction of sulfur content in the fuel –
general regulations
methane emissions - 30% by 2030 (iii); electromobility - from 2035,
100% zero-emission cars will be produced by 7 major car companies; 4.5% Before 1 July
(iv) maritime - first green shipping corridors for decarbonization [23].
3.5% After 1 July
IPCC reports also influence the direction of technological develop­ 2010
ment in transport and energy production as regards environmental is­ 0.5% After 1 January
sues. To date, five reports and parts of the sixth report have been 2015 -
published. The first report (1990) dealt with the probable rise in sea SOX emission – estimated by Value, % Comment
levels [24], the second (1995) the danger posed by CO2 emissions [25], sulfur content in the fuel –
the third (2001) regarding the anthropogenic impact on climate change Emission Control Areas
[26], the fourth (2007) frequency of extreme weather events and 1.5 Before 1
possible abandonment of fossil fuels, electrification of the transport in­ January 2012
dustry, and recovery of heat and methane [27], the fifth (2014) RCP 1.0 After 1 January
scenarios concerning the energy balance in the atmosphere and the 0.1 After 1 January
average temperature on the Earth. The fifth report concluded that unless 2020
there are rapid and significant changes in the economy, it will be
CO2 emissions reduction The reduction Comment
impossible to stop climate change in the future, even if CO2 emissions (including all maritime compared to the base
are drastically reduced. The future climate would be determined by GHG transport) year of 2008, %
already accumulated in the atmosphere [28]. The IPCC has also issued 40 Until 2030
several special reports, the last one related to oceans and the cryosphere 70 Until 2050
There has been a steady increase in focus on addressing environ­
mental pollution at sea over the last 50 years. The 1967 Torrey Canyon zones respectively.
oil tanker disaster resulted in the death of more than 25,000 marine Fig. 1 shows the timeline of the above documents and activities. The
organisms [30]. The MT Amoco Cadiz disaster in 1977 released 220,000 increasing intensity of regulatory efforts in the last ten years is striking.
tons of crude oil into the ocean. The aftermath of these events was the
MARPOL 73/78 convention [31], which has been successively updated 2.2. Renewable sources of energy development
since the 1970s.
There have been six annexes to MARPOL, the last in 2005. Moreover, RES installed capacity has grown around 2.3 times between 2010
it was revised several times by the IMO Maritime Environment Protec­ and 2020 [2]. The report of the International Renewable Energy Agency
tion Committee (MEPC) [32,33]. MARPOL 73/78 concerns: protection (IRENA) [2] shows that in 2020 the total world energy capacity installed
against petroleum and harmful substances other than petroleum de­ in RES was 2799 GW up 4% from the 2019 value of 2537 GW [41].
rivatives, wastewater treatment, and disposal, removal of solid waste Almost half of RES are located in Asia and around 25% in Europe [2]. As
from ships, and reduction of air pollution [21,22]. The emission limits can be seen in Fig. 2a, in 2020 around 52% of RES energy was produced
for CO2, nitrogen oxides (NOX), and sulfur oxides (SOX) were introduced from intermittent wind and solar power plants [2]. 90% of the increase
in 2005, and later documents and updates are presented in Table 1. in renewables between 2019 and 2020 is due to wind and solar power
Furthermore, the document introduced the special Emission Control plants. The IRENA report shows that since 2013 the installed capacity of
Areas (ECA) [35]. The ECA includes the Baltic Sea, North Sea, US and solar energy and wind energy has been increasing yearly by 20% and
Canadian coasts, US territories in the Caribbean, Virgin Islands, Puerto 10% respectively. The World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) report
Rico, and Hawaiian Islands coasts. Emission regulations are systemati­ confirmed information about wind power plants and stated that in 2020
cally updated, for example, the permissible sulfur content in fuel has their capacity was about 744 GW [42], of which around 95% were
been changed six times in the last 15 years [35–37]. installed onshore and only 5% offshore [4]. There is a visible difference
The current emission regulations were introduced in view of the between the reports – in the order of 15 GW – but it is low enough to fall
Millennium and Sustainable Development Goals and after the publica­ within the boundaries of acceptability. Analysis based on the IRENA and
tion of the third IMO GHG Study (2014) [38]. They aimed to reduce WWEA reports and shown in bar chart format in Fig. 2b reveals that the
annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008 levels growth rate of solar energy sources in recent years has outstripped that
[38]. Furthermore, the IMO aims to reduce CO2 emissions by at least of wind energy.
70% by 2050 as compared to 2008 [39]. The installed capacity of existing wind power plants is still higher
The third IMO GHG Study was followed up by the EU regulation of than that of solar energy sources. Fig. 2b presents the growth rates in
2015 regarding the sulfur content of marine fuels [40]. The document installed capacity for wind and solar in the period 2012 through 2020. It
set sulfur limits in marine fuel as 0.5% and 0.1% in the EU and ECA in EU can be seen that there has been greater progress in solar power, which

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

Fig. 1. A timetable of selected documents and activities relating to environmental protection in the last 50 years.

includes photovoltaics (PV) and solar thermal power systems. According The increasing number of wind turbine farms and PV installations,
to the 2020 IRENA report [2], 99% of solar energy is installed as PV and particularly photovoltaic micro-installations, causes problems in na­
the rest as thermal power systems. Statistics compiled by the Interna­ tional power systems. This is mainly noticeable in low voltage networks,
tional Energy Agency (IEA) predict that in 2021 and 2022 wind power which can experience uncontrolled increases in voltage and disconnec­
capacity will increase by at least 60 GW and solar power capacity by tion of micro-installations from the power supply [44]. A high concen­
100 GW each year [43]. While that report did not factor in the impact of tration of micro-installations can lead to the deterioration of electrical
COVID-19 on the industry, IRENA and WWEA [2,42] showed that 2020 quality, risk of network overload, voltage spikes above allowable limits,
recorded the highest increase in RES power installed since 2013. So, and uncontrolled island operation of the system – while Adamek et al.
while the pandemic may make short-term predictions unreliable, the [45] focused on the Polish national grid, similar problems arise in other
overall trend in installed RES capacity is unmistakably upward. countries.

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

related to electrolysis and fuel cells. In addition to direct financing of

research and development activities, FCH-JU conducts numerous
studies and issues technical reports. Their publications [51–53] pro­
vided a thorough analysis of alkaline electrolysis (AEC) compared to
proton exchange membrane electrolysis (PEM). The reports show that
the process efficiency of hydrogen production using PEM could reach
70% by 2030. Another promising avenue to explore is solid oxide
electrolysis (SOE). The most important advantage of SOE is its ultra-high
efficiency, reaching virtually 100% [54,55]. The IRENA report from
2019 shows the cost reduction potential of industrial electrolysis sys­
tems in the next 30 years. The report shows that in 2020 SOE energy
demand was 45–55 kWh kgH−2 1 This is completely at odds with real data,
as there are SOE installations with energy consumption below 40 kWh
kg H−2 1 already available on the market [56]. PEM and AEC need more
than 50 kWh kgH−2 1 [50,57]. SOE is now the most expensive electrolysis
technology, but according to the report [50] and the expert assessment
[58] this is going to change within 10 years and the costs of all elec­
trolysis technologies will be similar, giving SOE an advantage. Chapter 6
of this review (From renewable sources of energy to ship) presents the
effect of a 6% change in electrolysis efficiency on the total efficiency of
producing ammonia (created from green hydrogen using water elec­
trolysis) from RES and then using it as a marine fuel.
The expected changes in the power industry will certainly affect the
cost of hydrogen. Increased supply and demand for hydrogen will
eventually lead to lower prices. The report by Christensen published in
2020 [59] provides projected hydrogen prices in Europe and the US
based on a Monte Carlo analysis. The analysis focuses mainly on RES
combined with different types of electrolyzers and predicts that the
median price of hydrogen in Europe will fall from $16.79 in 2025 to
$10.02 kg− 1 in 2050 and from $9.29 to $5.97 kg− 1 in the US. Many
factors were included in the study: CAPEX of electrolyzer and
compressor, fixed OPEX costs, electrolyzer replacement, as well as
electricity, water, piping, and storage costs. However, a deeper analysis
Fig. 2. a) Percentage distribution of installed capacity in renewable energy of the operating costs and changes in the efficiency of electrolysis sys­
sources in 2020, b) Increase in installed capacity in wind and solar en­ tems over time could give more detailed results, which is important for
ergy 2013–2020. selecting electrolysis technology.
The changes also impact hydrogen production costs. Another IRENA
The development of RES obliges the main electricity production units report [60] states that to be competitive (with hydrogen produced from
to be sub-peak power plants and requires them to shut down on demand. fossil fuels), renewable hydrogen must be produced at less than
This causes energy production costs to rise significantly. Another $2.5 kg− 1. IRENA report estimates that the cost of producing hydrogen
problem relates to unplanned power flows, which are the result of un­ from PV and especially from wind energy will become competitive with
controlled energy production, e.g., by wind power plants. This increases hydrogen from fossil fuels in 2050 [60]. Clean Hydrogen Monitor 2021
the Joule heating losses on the transmission lines and consequently in­ estimated the costs of hydrogen in Europe [61]. “Gray hydrogen” had an
creases the service costs of the transmission line. Singh et al. mentioned estimated cost of around $1.4 kg− 1 whereas the average cost of pro­
that in 2013 unplanned flow from Germany and Austria cost Polish ducing hydrogen from grid electricity was $3.75 kg− 1. Levelized costs of
citizens 47 million euros [46]. producing hydrogen from utility-scale PV vary between $3.1 and
$15.6 kg− 1, and from onshore and offshore wind power plants between
2.3. Power-to-gas $2.5 and $9.1 kg− 1. In 2020 it was theoretically possible to attain the
level of $2.5 kg− 1. Lowering the cost of hydrogen also opens the way to
Energy storage systems need to be developed to cope with the economically producing green alternative fuels, especially in Europe.
anticipated increase in large RES installations and the issues they entail.
Power-to-gas hydrogen production (P2G) is the most promising concept, 3. Ammonia
and it has already been successfully implemented at both large and small
scales in various sectors. The European Hydrogen Roadmap focused on 3.1. Ammonia as a fuel for industry
hydrogen use in five major areas: (i) transportation by fuel decarbon­
ization, (ii) power generation from RES and their integration into the Alternative fuels could trigger a global reduction in CO2 emissions.
power sector, (iii) heating and power for buildings (e.g., replacing nat­ One fuel of interest is pure hydrogen, but due to cost and problems
ural gas with hydrogen in the grid) (iv) industry feedstock and energy (e. related to storage and energy demand for compression/liquefaction, it is
g., replacement natural gas for process heat production), [47]. The Eu­ not yet clear whether it will become the main energy carrier in the
ropean Commission announced in September 2020 that around 350 transport sector [62]. Alternative fuel is ammonia, which is an excellent
billion euros will be invested to reach the goal of 55% emissions hydrogen carrier [63] and is favored by the maritime sector [64–68].
reduction in the timeframe 2021–2030, which also includes investments The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set ambitious tar­
in P2G [48,49]. gets for reductions in GHG emissions. Total GHG emissions should fall
The core components of the P2G system are electrolyzers which by at least 50% and CO2 emissions should fall by at least 70% below the
decompose water or steam into hydrogen and oxygen [50]. The Fuel 2008 figures by 2050 [69,70]. Consequently, DNV suggested that by
Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) supports research 2050 at least 15% of long-distance ships should be fueled by ammonia or

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

hydrogen [71]. Companies have started to implement RES to produce ammonia (approx. 170 million tons) is intended for export [77].
hydrogen by electrolysis, leading to the synthesis of NH3 for use in trade Ammonia is imported and exported to countries on all continents (Fig. 3)
and transport. For example, a 5 GW hydrogen/ammonia farm is being and as discussed in the next chapter, many of these countries also play a
set up in Saudi Arabia for these reasons. role in shipbuilding.
Ammonia is an inorganic chemical composed of nitrogen and If ammonia is taken up as a fuel, this will lead to diversification of the
hydrogen. It contains 17.6 wt% hydrogen [63,72]. It is also one of the production process. Ammonia is used mainly in the agriculture sector
most widely produced inorganic chemicals and accounts for around (80%) [67], and the production of plastics, pharmaceuticals, and ex­
1.5% of global human CO2 emissions in 2016 [7]. Statistics show that plosives [79]. As a carbon-free hydrogen carrier, ammonia would raise
ammonia production has increased in step with the increasing popula­ the rate of global development of the hydrogen economy [68–72].
tion since the 1900s [73]. In 2019, approximately 240 million tons of Ammonia production, transport, and storage technologies are already
ammonia were produced (Fig. 3) and it is predicted that in 2030 pro­ well-developed owing to the current, wide-ranging applications of
duction will increase to approximately 300 million tons [67,74,75]. ammonia [72,73,85]. It is stored in liquid form at various pressures and
Most of it is produced in four countries: China, India, Russia, and the temperatures. The ammonia liquefaction process is straightforward and
United States, but is traded worldwide [76–78]. Of which China and inexpensive compared to hydrogen [86,87]. For large capacities,
India, despite huge production, are also leading importers of ammonia, low-temperature storage is more economically feasible and can be
in contrast to Russia, which mainly exports NH3. Around 70% of almost 16 times cheaper than hydrogen storage, which is technically

Fig. 3. Global ammonia production per country with import and export details [67,74–78].

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

challenging and consumes a great deal of energy [88–92]. It is relatively 3.3. Ammonia production economy
easy to release hydrogen from ammonia in the presence of a catalyst or
at a sufficiently high temperature [93]. Green ammonia production is not a new idea. Norsk Hydro produced
ammonia for most of the 20th century with the Haber-Bosch process,
3.2. Ammonia synthesis using green hydrogen using alkaline electrolysis and an air separation unit (ASU) powered by
hydropower [67]. In recent years, green ammonia has become wide­
The most popular method of ammonia synthesis is the Haber-Bosch spread globally, in particular for transport purposes in Norway,
process developed at the end of the 19th century. It is usually a high Australia, China, Germany, Israel, and Japan. In addition, the first
temperature (400–600 ◦ C), high pressure (20–40 MPa) process, taking commercial green ammonia production projects are underway, sup­
place in the presence of catalysts [94]. Depending on the origin of the ported by corporations such as A.P. Møller –Mærsk A/S, Air Products &
energy used to produce ammonia, it is named based on the colors. And Chemicals, and Thyssenkrupp.
so gray, also known as brown ammonia, is produced from the energy In terms of the processes involved, it is a long haul from RES to power
obtained from fossil fuels (the term gray ammonia is used in this anal­ generation from ammonia in the maritime sector. To begin with, there is
ysis). Blue ammonia is produced like gray, but the CO2 generated in the the conversion of energy into electricity, then hydrogen production from
production chain is captured and stored. Green ammonia is produced electrolysis with gas cleaning, the Haber-Bosch process with nitrogen
using renewable energy. generation by an ASU, liquefication of ammonia, transport, and storage,
As ammonia production is an expensive component of the green and finally conversion in the engine or fuel cell. To this end, several
ammonia economy, several new processes are currently under devel­ techno-economic analyses were performed concerning ammonia pro­
opment to boost efficiency and cut costs. One obvious path ahead is to duction from RES, together with entire additional processes.
lower the temperature of the ammonia synthesis process by researching In 2013 Morgan presented a detailed report [106] on ammonia
new types of catalysts, with ruthenium-based compounds being a prime production using energy produced by an offshore wind power plant.
contender [95–98]. Despite encouraging high activity at low tempera­ Based on the technologies available at that time, it was found that, on a
ture and low pressure, the main problem is that of replacing the current large scale, alkaline electrolyzers are the best solution; highly efficient
cheap iron catalyst with an expensive ruthenium catalyst. Moreover, the SOE electrolysis was not considered. The report states that the cost of
modifications that have to be made to the existing technology and re­ producing ammonia is on average $1224 per metric ton, while the
actors in the ammonia synthesis node have the knock-on effect of minimum cost is set at $554 per ton [106]. In 2017 Morgan et al. [85]
necessitating changes to the synthesis loop and other processes. The looked at ammonia synthesis plants supplied by offshore wind energy.
ruthenium catalyst will then have to undergo testing in industrial con­ Their model shows that the minimum cost of green ammonia production
ditions during long-term operation. The advent of green hydrogen might per ton is $580. Moreover, it was presented that this solution can release
kick-start these changes. At present, studies are often linked to electro­ 5 times less CO2 per ton of produced green ammonia compared to
chemical ammonia generation, which has the potential to reduce energy conventional ammonia synthesis [85]. In 2019 Ikäheimo et al. [107]
demand by around 20% [99]. Another novel approach is photocatalyzed developed five scenarios of ammonia production from a mix of RES in
ammonia production [100,101]. However, these methods are still in the the Baltic and the North Sea areas. Ammonia production costs in the
phase of basic research, with industrially unacceptable yields. For range of $500 – $613 per ton and for the basic scenario around $545 per
example, in the case of photocatalytic methods under ambient temper­ ton. Since the cost of the electrolysis system is falling year-on-year, the
ature and pressure conditions, a maximum of approx. 1.36 mmol g− 1 h− 1 cost of ammonia production should trend downwards. These academic
of ammonia was obtained [8], which is unsatisfactory. works do not, however, compare costs of production with other syn­
Cost reduction is a significant side of power-to-ammonia from an thetic fuels such as methanol or synthetic CH4.
economic point of view, as gray ammonia can be produced using fossil A maritime industry reports [67] from 2020 considered harnessing
fuels and green ammonia with RES [72]. Rouwenhorst et al. [72] solar and wind power plants to produce ammonia. The authors of the
include in a review a comparison of catalysts, different variants of the report do not focus on a deep analysis of whole additional processes but
Haber-Bosch process, fuel cell technology including battolyser, nitrogen describe ammonia use from the implementation point of view. They
production, and ammonia storage. It encompasses some commercially analyzed the marketplace and the problems and hazards of ammonia use
available technologies and others under development. on board ships. They also compared fuels. They estimated that, based on
As was shown in Ref. [72] the energy requirement for gray ammonia current established technology, it takes 10 MWh of electrical power
production ranges from 7.6 to 11.7 kWh kgNH−3 1 and for green ammonia from RES to produce a ton of ammonia. According to this estimate in
from 7.5 to 11 kWh kgNH−3 1 [102]. The fusion of PEM electrolysis for Ref. [67], around 700 GW installed in wind power plants and 700 GW
hydrogen production with the Haber-Bosch process requires from 8.6 to installed in photovoltaic power plants will be enough to supply 100% of
9.5 kWh kgNH−3 1 and low-temperature electrochemical ammonia syn­ marine fuel consumption. This comprehensive report also discusses
thesis from 7.5 to 8.1 kWh kgNH−3 1 [103,104]. Energy consumption is projected ammonia prices over the next 30 years, depending on the
very much scale dependent. Rouwenhorst et al. [72] concluded that the method of production. As green ammonia production technology de­
greatest green ammonia production efficiency would be achieved for the velops, its price will probably be close to conventional prices: around
Haber-Bosch process combined with SOFC–H or battolyser, but at pre­ $250 ton− 1. Much of the cost estimation in Ref. [67] – such as for future
sent, these technologies are only being researched at the academic level. CO2 emission penalty cost was assumed in a wide range (25–75 USD
Mukelabai et al. [105] created a model of RSOC fusion with the tCO−2 1), which may lead to inaccuracies in results. Fig. 4 shows the cost
Haber-Bosch process (reversible SOFC) to boost the efficiency of green reduction in ammonia production over the last 10 years and expected
ammonia production. They found that these solutions consume less future costs based on the simulations presented in the report [67,106,
power than green ammonia production with PEM electrolysis and gray 107]. The results from 2019 [107] do not fit the pattern of the pre­
ammonia production with steam reforming. They found that the lowest dictions from other independent results but are focused just on the in­
energy consumption was 6.41 kWh kgNH−3 1. Although RSOC does not dustry in Europe [67,106]. However, it is significant that the price of
exist at the industry scale, the modeled system shows that SOC cells can gray ammonia over time may increase in line with, for example, an in­
be useful in both operating states for ammonia production. This gives crease in the price of natural gas. It seems to be the real scenario since
them an advantage over competing methods of electrolysis and opens up the price of CO2 emission in the carbon market in 2021 increased from
possibilities of less energy-intensive ammonia production processes. around $29 (33 €) per ton to even $78 (89 €) per ton on the 7th of
December. Therefore, green ammonia seems to be an even more inter­
esting solution [108].

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

cost-effective and energy-efficient type of bulk cargo transport [109].

Since the 1970s the amount of goods transported by ships increased
from 2.6 to 11 billion tons per year [109]. At present, ships are mostly
fueled by fossil fuels, and IMO in 4th Greenhouse Gas Study (2020)
estimated that in 2018 they accounted for 2.8% of global CO2 emissions
[6]. The total world fleet numbers are just under 100,000 cargo ships
and in 2020 a 3% increase in the number of ships was recorded [109].
But this is just a small part of ship production. Total ship production is
shown on the map in Fig. 6. In China alone, more than 23 million load
tons were produced in 2020 [110]. Asia is producing 97% of all ships.
Each year more than 50 million load tons leave shipyards, and most of
them will support GHG emissions [110] (see Fig. 7).
Reducing these emissions will have an important impact on limiting
global anthropogenic GHG emissions and the projected global temper­
ature increase [111]. Accordingly, the 3rd IMO GHG Study (2014) [38]
Fig. 4. Cost of ammonia produced from RES based on literature estimations DNV [112] and UMAS [113] predict that ammonia will be one of the
[67,106,107]. main marine fuels in the future, with anywhere between 15% and even
95% of ships being fueled with NH3. Actually, only 0.2% of the ships
Ammonia is traded all over the world. Huge importers and exporters currently on order will be fueled by ammonia [112]. In light of global
such as Japan and Trinidad and Tobago can trade only and exclusively trends, the reduction of GHG emissions must be achieved not only from
through maritime transport. Fig. 5 shows countries with ammonia ter­ the CO2 perspective but also in terms of nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides,
minals. There are 120 terminals worldwide, mostly for import though and particulates [70,114,115]. Comparing Figs. 3, 5 and 6 one can see
some are import and export terminals [67]. In 2019 ammonia world that several shipbuilding countries also produce and import/export
maritime trade was estimated at 17.5 Mt [67]. That is, more than 10% ammonia. They are present worldwide (e.g., Africa – Egypt; North
(Fig. 3) of ammonia intended for trade was transported using cargo America – US; Europe – Germany, Poland; Asia – China, Japan, India;
ships. This demonstrates that there is good infrastructure for transport Oceania – Australia).
and handling ammonia cargo. Increased production of and trade in
green ammonia for fuel purposes should not, therefore, pose a problem
4.2. Maritime fuel economy
from the technical point of view and should result in synergies with
maritime transport, in particular as regards power supplied from coastal
There are two main ways to achieve the emission reduction goals: (i)
more efficient energy conversion devices, and (ii) fuel change. Both
problems are complex and dealt with in detail in reviews from 2021 [12,
4. Maritime industry
116]. Al-Enazi et al. [12] present a broad-based comparison of fuels
[101] but do not include an overview of fuel utilization technology.
4.1. Emission reduction implication
Mallouppas and Yfantis [116] focus on fuels but also include a useful
overview of ship power systems. However, there is little deep analysis
Seaborne transport dominates the global trade market as the most
for one particular solution for powering ships e.g., solid oxide fuel cells.

Fig. 5. Countries with ammonia terminals [67].

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

Fig. 6. Countries with the highest ship production representing each continent [110].

is the high cost of CO2 separation from the air, which is an integral part
of producing methanol. Deniz et al. [121] consider eleven factors for
LNG, diesel, H2, methanol, and ethanol (methanol and ethanol created
with fossil fuel energy). Their multi-criteria decision analysis shows that
LNG is the most promising fuel. Similar results were shown in 2017 by
Ren and Liang [122] and by Hansson et al., in 2019 [68]. Parallel to this
research, the industry started to introduce LNG as a transition energy
source on ships, but as LNG is also a GHG fuel other alternatives must be
found. There have been a plethora of studies that look at other tech­
nologies e.g., wind power, nuclear power, and electricity [122]. Gilbert
et al. [117] showed that biofuels can be a good addition, but the manner
of plant cultivation must change, adding complexity to the process. In
2019, F. Baldi et al. [65] presented a techno-economic perspective of
ammonia usage including transport, storage, and energy conversion.
The results show that ammonia is cheaper and more efficient to use than
liquid hydrogen. However, M. Al-Breiki and Y. Bicer [64] did a complex
analysis that takes into account at least seven factors. The results showed
that ammonia is a rather expensive fuel compared to LNG and DME or
Fig. 7. Energy demand for the assumed project: pure LNG, dual fuel with methanol. Whereas ammonia itself does not contain CO2, the ammonia
different ammonia content, pure ammonia.
production process is energy intensive – energy mainly converted from
fossil fuels –which is also important in any sort of comprehensive
Scientists, economists and politicians approach the prospect of analysis. In 2020 Hansson et al. [66] published another complex study
alternative fuels in different ways. It is not just the industry need to be with multi-criteria decision analysis and energy cost modeling. They
change, but society as a whole. There is a range of potential fuels: liq­ indicate that the case for ammonia as a marine fuel is very ambiguous:
uefied natural gas (LNG), methanol, hydrogen, ammonia, and bio-based its potential is high but prices may fluctuate due to many issues, and
fuels (e.g., bio-diesel, bio-LNG) [114,117,118]. Other solutions harness fundamental, holistic changes are required in the whole chain of pro­
wind power and electricity to reduce fuel consumption [119]. duction and use. As the cost of CO2 emission is increasing, in the long
New alternative fuels entail a good deal of changes associated with term it could become a significant factor in making the operational cost
cost, infrastructure, and safety. Many factors have an impact on the of ammonia in ships lower than LNG or methanol [123]. Clearly, the
readiness of the technology. In 2015, Matzen et al. [94] presented a scientists disagree. They obtain different results depending on the fac­
techno-economic analysis of ammonia and methanol production based tors they include. However, it is important that in order to achieve a full
on a wind power plant. For the fuel comparison, they used a CO2 divestment, not only is a fuel change necessary but so is the form of
multi-criteria matrix taking into account economy (8), and sustainabil­ production. In sum, ammonia and methanol seem to be the optimal
ity (9) indicators with different weighting. They found that marine fuels of the future.
non-fossil-ammonia synthesis can outperform hydrogen and fossil
methanol. That said, non-fossil-methanol received the highest score. The
4.3. Fuel hazards
publication of Zhao et al. [120] sets out the individual costs of producing
hydrogen, methanol, and ammonia and comes to a different conclusion:
Chemical fuels pose health and environmental hazards. Ammonia,
ammonia is the cheapest fuel, and its greatest advantage over methanol
despite being toxic to humans, is no worse in this regard than other

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

discussed here fuels. It is highly odorous and can be detected by humans 4.4. LNG vs ammonia
in very low concentrations (17 ppm). It is also a highly reactive but
nonetheless stable substance; soluble in water giving off heat. Ammonia 4.4.1. Storage
in the presence of nitric acid and ammonia nitrate can lead to the for­ LNG is currently the only alternative marine fuel in common use. The
mation of hazardous solid particles at the nanometric scale [124]. But first LNG supply system dedicated to passenger ferries in the EU was
this problem seems to be more dangerous for the city agglomeration produced in Poland and started carrying passengers in 2015 [131].
with high pollution than for the offshore solutions. In comparison to LNG gas is stored in cryogenic conditions. The liquid phase in the
LNG and methanol its flammability is much lower, and to ignite must be vessel depends on pressure, with LNG kept at a temperature below
preheated [125,126]. In another industrial report [127] the authors − 120 ◦ C (at 10 bar). Then it goes through a re-gasifier and exchanger-
noted that ammonia is a refrigerant (stored at − 33 ◦ C) not a cryogenic vaporizer to reach room temperature. In 2021 0.5% of ships in opera­
substance, so poses less risk of cryogenic burns than LNG or liquid tion were powered by alternative fuels (including batteries) and 0.19%
hydrogen. Table 2 shows the hazards of four selected fuels based on the by LNG [112]. Moreover, 12% of ships on order will be powered by
NFPA704. Despite different side effects, ammonia was classified in the alternative fuels and 6.1% by LNG. The ambitious GHG emission goals
same group as LNG: 3 (can cause serious or permanent injury). set by IMO will most likely be missed owing to the sluggish increase in
Ayvali et al. [126] also referred to the dangers of ammonia in water, the number of ships over the last 5 years, which has varied between 3%
as it can be deadly to fauna and flora in certain circumstances. The and 5% per annum [109] coupled with the slow pace of introducing new
actual effects of ammonia spillage on the water are difficult to predict LNG-powered units and the absence of other widely used alternative
due to several factors. fuels.
First of all, the course of the reaction according to Ref. [128] is LNG for fuel gas systems can be stored in different types of tanks: A,
dependent on the PH of the water and its temperature. The higher the PH B, and C [132,133]. The first two are limited to 0.7 bar because they are
of the water and its temperature, the greater the concentration of adapted to the shape of the hull. They need an additional gas
ammonia in relation to the ammonium ion. Apart from the concentra­ compression system behind the tank. Generally, they have huge capac­
tion of ammonia in water, its negative impact on living organisms de­ ities and they are used in the deep-sea sector.
pends mainly on the time of exposure. According to Ref. [129] C-type tanks are cylindrical or bilobed. They can be pressurized, but
recommendations, the concentration of ammonia should not exceed fuel pressure must be kept below the set pressure of the tank pressure
3–6 mg/l for short-term exposure and 0.3–2 mg/l for long-term expo­ relief valves for 15 days [132,133]. Their position on the ship is more
sure. It is also assumed that a concentration lower than 0.02 mg/l is safe flexible, but they are smaller in volume and have a larger
for fish reproduction. mass-to-volume ratio. They could readily switch fuel from LNG to
Although ammonia may have a negative impact on the aquatic ammonia. Due to their shape, they can be customized by size for the
environment, it seems that the risks of using it as a fuel are low. This is desired application e.g., a small tank for a river barge or a large tank for
due to several factors. First, the large difference between the normal deep sea activities. But no recorded C-type LNG vessels are approaching
saturation temperature of ammonia and the temperature of the water the size of the largest A and B tanks.
means that after spillage significant part of the ammonia will evaporate Based on the above information and the fact that ammonia at at­
without contaminating the water. Secondly, the ratio of the amount of mospheric pressure is liquid at − 33.3 ◦ C, LNG vessels have great po­
ammonia used as fuel to the amount of surrounding water is so small tential for ammonia storage. SS316 and SS304 are widely used types of
that even with complete leakage of the fuel, the concentration should stainless steel in the cryogenic industry [134]. They are austenitic
not exceed the permissible values. The final argument is that ammonia stainless steel with Cr content higher than 10%, which results in high
as a nitrogen carrier is a nutrient, and over time, as a result of natural corrosion resistance due to the presence of a self-healing oxidation layer
processes called the nitrogen cycle, it will transform into nitrides, which on the surface [135]. As it is shown in Ref. [136], liquid and gaseous
are fertilizers for plants [130]. ammonia have high chemical compatibility for SS316, which is also a
commonly used steel in the maritime sector [137–139]. The seals used in
such systems – made of Teflon, Kalrez, or neoprene – present an
important issue in themselves [140,141]. For liquified fuel storage,
ammonia energy density (LHV) is 12.9 GJ m− 3 (Table 3) and it requires
Table 2 around 1.45 times more space than LNG to deliver the same amount of
Comparison of fuel hazardous (based on NFPA 704) [125]. energy. Consequently, a changeover of marine fuel from LNG to
Criteria Ammonia Methanol LNG Hydrogen ammonia means more frequent refueling, larger storage tanks, or dual
fuel solutions.
Health 3 1 3 0
Can cause Can cause Can cause No hazard A simple estimate was done of the holding time for a cryogenic tank
serious or significant serious or beyond that of designed for LNG but filled with NH3. Holding times were calculated
permanent irritation. permanent ordinary based on the numerical calculations of the thermal losses and the first
injury. injury. combustible law of thermodynamics. CoolPack software was used to estimate am­
Flammability 1 3 4 4
monia’s thermodynamic properties. Table 4 presents the holding time of
Must be Can be ignited Burns readily. Burns readily. an 80 m3 LNG tank for the maritime sector designed at the Wroclaw
preheated under almost Rapidly or Rapidly or University of Science and Technology in Poland. The results show that
before all ambient completely completely for the same tank the ammonia holding time is an order of magnitude
ignition can temperature vaporizes at vaporizes at
larger. The high holding time for ammonia derives mostly from the
occur. conditions. atmospheric atmospheric
pressure and pressure and smaller temperature difference and higher energy capacity of the sub­
normal normal stance. On other hand, it is wrath to mention that ammonia has a similar
ambient ambient density and boiling point at atmospheric pressure to LPG (liquefied
temperature. temperature. petroleum gas). The content of LPG can vary, and in Table 3 properties
Instability 0 0 0 0
Normally Normally Normally Normally
of ammonia are compared to the properties of liquid propane (CoolPack)
stable, even stable, even in stable, even in stable, even in The conclusion can be drawn that LNG storage tanks are ‘oversized’ from
in fire fire condition fire condition fire condition a standpoint of view related to the thermodynamic parameters they
condition should be easily adapted to handle ammonia.
Special 0 0 0 0
Following Hansson et al. [66] three categories of the ships were

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

Table 3
Comparative values of storage and energy conversion for ammonia and methane [142–144].
Fuel LHV LHV Boiling temp at 1 bar Liquified density Normal density Equivalent hydrogen number
ρl ρn
3 1 3 3
GJ m− MJ kg− ◦
C kg m− kg m− –

Methane 18.7 50.0 − 130.4 373.8 0.767 4

Ammonia 12.7 18.8 − 33.59 682.3 0.860 1.5
LPGa 22.8 46.4 − 43.41 491.4 1.849 10
Properties for liquid propane.

boiling regimes apply to NH3 stored at − 33.3 ◦ C and LNG at − 141.7 ◦ C

Table 4
[149]. Table 6 shows the thermodynamic properties of the two fuels.
Comparison of ammonia (p – pressurized, r – refrigerated) and methane holding
While ammonia has better heat capacity (liquid, gas, and heat of vapor),
time in an 80 m3 tank [145].
the high-temperature difference for LNG leads to more heat from the
Properties Symbol Unit CH4 NH3(p) NH3(r)
heating medium. Another way to reach the CHF for ammonia is to
Volume V m 3
80 80 80 provide a heat flux above 500 kW m− 1 [148,150–152]. Although
Max. filling coeff. f – 0.9 0.9 0.9 different values for various geometries were specified in the cited works,
Storage Temp. T ◦
C − 141.7 20 − 33.54
it is unclear what the CHF is when ammonia is boiling in the pipeline
Working pressure pabs bar 7 7 1
Valve opening pressure pv_abs bar 11 11 11 system. Analysis of the switchover of the ship’s fuel supply system from
Total energy losses Q W 795 65 378 LNG to NH3 is a point of interest and may potentially lead in time to
Holding time t Days 14.3 532.7 349.9 greater flexibility for LNG ships in operation or in the production phase.

4.4.3. Fuel consumption

selected for comparison (Table 5). For a short sea ship, just 3500 GJ is
Based on the Remontowa LNG Systems Ltd Rumia container ship
required, necessitating a tank holding 156 m3 of LNG. Therefore, it is
project – which used a Wärtsilä 9L34DF engine (specifications in
reasonable to have one C-type tank, whereas switching to ammonia
Table 7) – fuel demand for ammonia and methane was estimated. The
means a second fuel system needs to be added. The C tank could be more
results are shown in Fig. 6 above. The ship was designed to run on
adapted to the second fuel, promising good synergy from a dual fuel
methane, with 2930 kg h− 1 LNG demand. The effect is 2.0159 MJ (fuel)
point of view. Depending on the fuel properties, a dual fuel solution with
MJ (engine)− 1 of power consumption, achieving 48.7% efficiency (LHV-
two systems based on same capacity tanks gives more energy storage
basis). In exceptional cases, the engine may operate under overload and
capacity compared to ammonia alone. The matter becomes complicated
output 110% of maximum power (in that case 4.95 MW). This enables a
in deep sea and container ships, where storage capacity is bigger than
greater range of work. For a ship operating on an internal combustion
typical C-type vessels [131]. Due to this fact, it is probably more suitable
engine, fuel mass flow increases 1.45 times after the change from
to use A or B-type vessels. However, it might prove impossible to switch
methane to ammonia, owing mainly to different fuel energy densities.
between ammonia and LNG due to the very low temperature of LNG
The change to ammonia may cause engineering problems related to the
stored under pressure.
fuel delivery system. Dual fuel solutions may also lead to problems with
Based on Table 5 and according to the whole ammonia transported
measurements and operations. The power density of five different
by cargo ships and transferred in ammonia terminals in 2019 (17.5 Mt –
Wärtsilä maritime engines [153,154] was estimated and ranged from 32
Chapter 3.3) roughly 4500 container ships could be powered. Moreover,
to 50 kW m− 3. To improve efficiency, SOFC systems are also proposed as
in study from 2019 [146] it was performed that mean power con­
sources for energy conversion on ships. In 2007 an available SOFC-based
sumption of container ship is around 42%. Based on these data, it can be
system achieved power density in excess of 19 kW m− 3 [155], but
estimated that the ammonia would be enough for around 94 days, or 1/4
technology relating to power density has advanced since then. The ef­
of the trip if cargo ship will be fully fueled. This shows that the maritime
ficiency of SOFC exceed 50% [10].
industry is partially ready to introduce ammonia as a fuel.
Diesel engines are a typical power source in the maritime sector.
They are flexible and can be used with various fuels. The main problem
4.4.2. Regasification
is with the exhaust gases they produce CO2 and NOX among others.
Regasification in the heat exchanger is an important factor in the
Diesel engines cope badly with ammonia as a fuel; although CO2 emis­
handling of LNG. The issue under consideration is whether the same
sions are lower, more NOX are generated during combustion and an
heat exchanger can be used for the regasification of ammonia. Based on
additional reduction catalyst is needed [156]. Other factors that neces­
the design of the LNG regazifier [145], it is roughly stated using the
sitate design changes in the diesel engine are the high ignition temper­
Davis-David correlation [147] that the heat exchanger used for LNG is
ature (around 650 ◦ C), low flame temperature and low stoichiometric
too small for use with ammonia (the length of a single pipe heat
exchanger is 1.6 times smaller). Whereas the critical heat flux (CHF) for
LNG is a temperature difference between the wall and the fluid below Table 6
20 ◦ C, for ammonia the CHF is above 40 ◦ C [148]. Hence, different Comparison of ammonia and methane properties for a 5 kW heat exchanger.
Properties Symbol Unit CH4 NH3
Table 5 Pressure P bar 7 1
Fuel demand for three ships categories. Boiling temp. Tboil C 141.7 33.54
Properties Unit Short Sea Deep Sea Container
Outlet temp. Tout C 10 10
Ship Ship Ship − 1
Enthalpy difference of substance ΔH kJ kg 760.5 14,670
Engine power kW 2400 11,000 23,000 between inlet and outlet
Voyage range full H 162 720 360 Liquid specific heat cwl kJ kg− 3846 4464
speed K− 1
Tank capacity GJ 3500 71,300 74,600 Gas specific heat cwg kJ kg− 2652 2289
Ammonia volume m3 275 5600 5900 K− 1
LNG volume m3 187 3800 4000 Heat of vapor cvap kJ kg− 1
440 1370

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

Table 7 ammonia. They reported increased degradation in hypertension and

Specification of the combustion engines of an exemplary container ship and better cell performance. They did not observe any other unusual phe­
design report [154]. nomena [172,181]. It is worth mentioning that the research was carried
Wärtsilä 9L34DF Methane Unit out on button cells, i.e., small scale. No experiments of this nature were
Energy consumption 7387 kJ kWh− 1
found in relation to typical size cells, which can be used on an industrial
Fuel consumption 2.0519 MJ (fuel) MJ (engine)− 1 scale.
Fuel demand 2930 kg h− 1 A second, parallel path of research also exists. Ammonia decompo­
Engine Power 4.5 MW sition depends on temperature, pressure, gas mixture and the presence
Number of engines 4 –
of a catalyst. A review from 2021 showed that Ni is one of the best metals
Overload 110 %
for these criteria [182]. For this reason, attempts are being made to find
the best catalyst – based on nickel – which can be used as a material in
flame speed [156,157]. Hence, ammonia cannot be used in current, the fuel electrode to improve ammonia conversion and especially direct
unmodified ship engines, solid oxide fuel cells are a promising tech­ decomposition, for use with materials that complement SOFC technol­
nology as sources of heat and electric power source in the maritime ogy [179,180,183,184].
sector, as they can work with a wide range of fuels. The next chapter Another topic is related to the NOx emission when SOFCs are fed by
reviews and compares SOFCs and diesel engines. ammonia. Recent studies show that SOFCs do not produce any pollut­
ants during their operation, in particular, thermal NOx are at a negligibly
5. Solid oxide fuel cells low level [10,76,185,186]. Experimental and theoretical research by Ma
et al. [187] showed that NO formation increased with increasing tem­
SOFCs are electrochemical devices in which chemical energy is perature, but its amount was negligible or undetectable over a wide
directly converted to electricity through chemical reactions and the flow range of temperatures and NH3 flow rates. It should be mentioned that
of electrons in a closed circuit. They are commercially available from a the presence of NOx emissions depends on the type of anode. The
small scale up to 1 kW [158,159] and in systems higher than 100 kW. In experimental results presented in Ref. [188] showed that the silver
California, there are a few installations up to 1 MW [160–162] and in anode coupled with the iron catalyst gave a power efficiency similar to
Korea, contracts were signed in 2019 to build two large-scale in­ that obtained with pure hydrogen. However, a problem with NOx for­
stallations of 80 and 100 MW [163]. Most solutions are based on natural mation was reported if a platinum anode was used. Finally, the authors
gas as fuel, with external or internal reforming [164]. Even if they reach speculated that the emissions could be avoided in a nickel anode-based
higher overall efficiency, they will still emit CO2. Introducing ammonia SOFC system. On the other hand, the research of Dekker et al. [189]
into the picture will lead to major reductions. showed that the use of the Ni/8YSZ anode can result in a conversion of
NH3 that exceeds 99.996% and ensures that most of the NH3 is broken
5.1. Ammonia powered SOFC down into H2 and N2. It was shown that for temperatures below 950 ◦ C,
the NOx concentration at the outlet of the fuel cell was below 0.5 ppm
In 2021 a comprehensive review of a direct ammonia fuel cell was and approximately 4 ppm at 1000 ◦ C.
published [10]. The analysis included SOFC types, the material study of An important element significantly accelerating and facilitating the
the components, degradation overview, and numerical investigation. introduction of ammonia and fuel cells to the maritime sector is the
However, the study focused on scientific progress, not practical definition of requirements for such installations by classifiers such as
implementation. DNV. In the latest edition of the rules for ships classification [190],
Green hydrogen stored in ammonia can be released to produce green published in June 2021, DNV for the first time specifies the number of
energy directly inside a SOFC [9,165–172]. Scientists and engineers requirements for such installations. These requirements comprehen­
have long sought to optimize this process [169,173]. High research sively cover the design, manufacture, security, and operation of such
effort going into comparing SOFC–O (ion conduction electrolyte) and systems. While DNV’s ammonia requirements are clearly defined, fuel
SOFC–H (proton-conducting electrolyte). Maffei et al. [174] 2008 found cells are still being assessed on a case-by-case basis.
that SOFC–H working on ammonia for 500 h does not experience per­
formance in a way that deviates from the norm. Similar work was done 5.2. Dynamic SOFC operation
on the BCGO electrolyte by Zhang and Yang [175]. This solution pro­
vides the difference in partial pressure between H2 and H2O at the The main challenge facing SOFC on board ships is frequent load
SOFC–H outlet and the corresponding Nernst voltage is higher than that change. The most complex problems related to the static and dynamic
of the SOFC–O Also, the reaction between H2 and O2 occurs on the air performance tests of SOFC under given mission parameters. With marine
side, so there is no impact of vapor on the direct decomposition of NH3 diesel engines, there are a few types of tests. The first test (Table 8) is the
[176]. Due to material and technology reasons, SOFC–O is a more water load trial for a genset powered with MDO (Marine Diesel Oil). In
widespread model. In 2016 Cinti et al. [177] determined that using YSZ these dynamic load tests, turbo-generator frequency and voltage should
(yttria-stabilized zirconia) electrolyte in an ammonia-fueled SOFC–O not exceed ± 10% of nominal frequency and +20/-15% of nominal
can increase the efficiency of the device due to the endothermic reaction voltage. The test is performed with the stepwise load changes from 0% to
of ammonia decomposition. Hence, less cooling air is required to sta­
bilize the temperature of the device [177]. Okanishi et al. [165]
Table 8
compared the performance of SOFC with internal, external, and
Check load trial for genset in MDO powered
auto-thermal ammonia decomposition with 1000 h operation [165]. mode.
They found that the fuel cell did not experience the degradation changes
Load, % Time, min
normally associated with the use of ammonia as fuel. The effect of water,
hydrogen, and inert gases on the level of ammonia cracking inside 25 15
50 15
SOFCs was also explored [178–180]. Using other gases to dilute
75 15
ammonia reduces the rate of thermal cracking, resulting in less 100 2h
decomposition of ammonia. The addition of hydrogen has a greater in­ 110 15
fluence than inert argon [178]. Thus, ammonia in dual fuel mode should 75 5
not be mixed after CH4 steam reforming. In 2020 Shy et al. [172] were 50 5
25 5
the first to perform a series of tests on a pressurized SOFC powered by

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

33%, from 33% to 60%, from 60% to 100%, and from 100% to 0%. sides. Positioning of the flanges and instrumentation typically covers
These kinds of tests are not well-suited to the SOFC working mode, but one wall of the hotbox for the reduction of thermal bridges. With our
they are currently the only tests that can compare the performance of hands-on experience in handling various SOFC stacks we believe that
these two different power systems. SOFC-based systems require much less space for manipulation during
Since SOFCs generate DC, an inverter is needed in the system. SOFCs maintenance in comparison with internal combustion engineers.
are relatively sensitive to thermal loads, which can potentially damage Additionally, SOFC systems readily combine with other energy sys­
the cell or decrease its useful life due to several degradation mechanisms tems to boost efficiency and cut emissions. Campanari et al. [200]
that take place when the cell is exposed to high load changes [191,192]. compared the performance of the SOFC system with a steam turbine and
In 2007 a SOFC-GT system was modeled, showing that PI controller gas turbine. Similar tests were presented by van Biert et al. [201]. Both
can give satisfactory results as regards power control, but at the cost of studies show that the highest efficiency is achieved by a pressurized
system efficiency. In 2013, a SOFC simulation was performed with the system with a gas turbine. As Mitsubishi, for example, is conducting
power load increasing and decreasing by 10%. The response times for research on ammonia-fueled gas turbines, this may be a desirable so­
stabilization of all parameters were around 15 min for load increases and lution. Sapra et al. [202] analyzed a natural gas-fueled SOFC-ICE for the
around 7 min for load decreases [193]. D’Andrea et al. [194] presented a maritime sector. Their model showed that splitting 50-50 (SOFC-ICE)
SOFC model with experimental validation where load changes of around 750 kW power improves efficiency by around 7.2%, with fuel utilization
5% were implemented every 9 h. Brunaccini et al. [191] showed a model of 82%. Greater load on the SOFC can further improve efficiency. This
of a hybrid SOFC with a high-temperature battery system enabling sta­ all-lowers CO2 and NOx emissions by as much as 20% and 60%,
ble operation, with slight changes in power demand met by the batteries respectively [202]. Some studies focus on energy management systems
[191]. The SOFC can operate for an extended period, even if the energy in a ship powered by batteries or fuel cells [203–206]. This issue is
demand increases 2.5 times. For these reasons, standardization tests for important because changes in the power system drive changes in the
a system of this type are likely to be adapted to meet the new way energy is produced and supplied. Haseltalab et al. [204] focused on
requirements. the ICE with batteries and they decided to conduct a small experiment
Due to these facts, it is obvious that to boost stability, efficiency, and and then simulate energy management in a river environment. How­
SOFC lifetime, a battery system should be installed to stabilize the ever, experimental evidence for real-scale results is lacking in these
operating parameters of the cell. This approach is often adopted in complex studies. In Ref. [205] an analysis of the functioning of the en­
stationary systems with SOFC [191,195]. But it creates new problems. ergy management system on board a ship in port was performed. The
Table 9 shows the space and weight of a 4.5 MW SOFC system, 4.5 MW research considered energy storage, production of energy from renew­
ICE with generator system, and batteries that provide 8 h of power for a able sources as well as transmission and consumption of energy from the
ship according to applicable rules [196]. The coupling of SOFC and grid. An interesting addition would be the ability to engage in fuel
batteries is an interesting solution, but it triggers requirements for more production directly on board using RSOC. In 2021 Haseltalab et al.
space and ship-carrying capacity. However, based on the Wärtsilä Cor­ [206] show that a ship can be fully powered by SOFC and batteries.
poration product guide [197] and onboard system descriptions [198], Their comparison shows that emissions can be up to 50% lower than
space can be saved by removing or replacing additional diesel engine with the conventional diesel engine. However, these studies focused on
systems such as (i) the lubrication system (ii) air starting compressor the analysis of a dredger, not on powering a vessel for transport pur­
unit, (iii) machinery room and exhaust gas ventilation unit, (iv) cooling poses. Moreover, other studies [203–206] give ship load curves that can
water system (v) general valve unit, and (vi) electricity generator. be used for dynamic testing of SOFC systems.
Moreover, due to the lack of moving parts, fuel cells do not need a spare New technologies are also explored by practical, industrial demon­
parts service, which also opens the way to volume and weight savings. stration projects. The first LNG-fueled SOFC on a cruise ship – as an
Therefore, despite SOFCs having lower power density, savings in space additional integrated system with a capacity of 50 kW – will be installed
and weight can be found due to the lack of additional systems. Also, it is on MSC World Europa for electricity and heat production [207] The ship
worth mentioning that one of the biggest advantages of SOFCs system is is to be commissioned in 2022. The ShipFC consortium was co-financed
modularity. Because they can be stacked in small units the working with EUR 10 million from the European Horizon 2020 fund [208] to
space can be better managed from the point of view of saving space as retrofit the vessel Viking Energy with a large 2 MW ammonia fuel cell in
well as the appropriate load on the ship. It can be also an advantage in 2023. The project will involve the scale-up of a 100 kW fuel cell to 2 MW
terms of stack exchange because SOFCs must be exchanged after a so Viking Energy can sail for 3000 h a year on clean fuel: ammonia
period between 5 and 10 years, which is their huge disadvantage. It can produced from green energy. In Japan, the “Green Innovation Fund
be also an advantage in terms of stack exchange because SOFCs must be Project/Development Project for Next-Generation Ships/Development
exchanged after a period between 5 and 10 years, which is their huge of Ammonia-Fueled Ships” was launched in June 2023 to part-finance
disadvantage. However, from the point of view of uneven wear of cells, the production of ships in this class [209].
the modularity of the system will allow for easy replacement of units
during regular service. This is easily doable thanks to the modular design 6. From renewable energy sources to ships
of SOFC stacks which can be removed in a manner similar to
plug-and-play systems with specific designs and features enabling such A simplified illustration of energy conversion from RES through
manipulations. System design which is relevant to SOFC stacks makes it ammonia synthesis into propeller power is presented in Fig. 8. It is based
possible to easily replace stacks with access required only from two on the above-mentioned documents and our own calculations. It can
clearly be seen that the widespread application of electricity from RES in
the economy is a key factor in producing green ammonia. Accompa­
Table 9 nying the production of ammonia in the whole chain is green oxygen
Comparison between the space and weight of SOFC [155], diesel [153,154] and from ASUs, which can also be extracted from oxygen-saturated air
batteries [199] based on industrial data. Battery capacity was estimated for 8 h produced in an electrolysis unit, especially if steam is used as an air
of power demand [196].
electrode gas instead of air [210]. This technology is still being
Properties SOFC Wärtsilä 9L34DF with generator Batteries researched at the laboratory scale and higher degradation of the air
Power, MW 4.5 4.5 – electrode is expected.
Capacity, MWh – – 36 Fig. 9 shows a Sankey diagram. Research is being carried out at each
Volume, m3 236.3 126.5 180 of the main stages (hydrogen production, ammonia production, and
Weight, tones 140 84 480
energy conversion in cells) in order to improve the efficiency of the

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

Fig. 8. Chart of processes of NH3 production and usage in a ship with energy fully provided by renewable sources.

Fig. 9. Sankey diagram of ammonia use as a fuel.

process. The highest losses are in the SOFC system, where electrical [103]. Oxygen from electrolysis and ASUs is a by-product that can be
efficiency is assumed at 50% [10], which is higher than typical diesel used in various industries. Table 10 shows energy demand and efficiency
genset efficiency. Combining technologies can boost ship power system of processes. Table 11 shows the efficiency of processes.
efficiency, sending significant savings cascading down the whole chain.
SOC can also boost the efficiency of hydrogen production. As is shown in 7. Conclusions
Fig. 10, a 6% improvement in hydrogen production efficiency increases
whole chain efficiency by around 0.5%. The above analysis shows that ammonia can be used as a fuel without
If total energy demand is met by wind energy, not including H2, N2, a carbon footprint and has the potential to be an extremely environment-
and NH3 transport, the efficiency of the process will reach around 17.5% friendly solution if a comprehensive approach is taken to the economy as
(Fig. 10). It should be noted that the energy demand for ASUs is deter­ a whole.
mined from the perspective of oxygen production – their primary pur­ The complexity of the process of converting energy from RES to
pose – whereas nitrogen production power consumption can be higher ammonia requires cooperation among many sectors of industry.

K. Machaj et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100926

emissions. On the other hand, hydrogen stored in ammonia can be

converted by SOFCs directly to electricity. It is not yet clear which
approach is better – either direct ammonia conversion or application of
additional ammonia crackers before SOFC stack. Both solutions have
advantages and disadvantages, but the most important aspect here is to
minimize the degradation rate of SOFCs and improve the heat integra­
tion of the system. These issues should be investigated through stable
long-term experiments simulating the real load changes on ships.
Another problem is the rules for fuel cell energy production on board
the ship. They are still work-in-progress and there are no standardized
tests for fuel cells as power systems. However, there are rules for ships
being powered with batteries as the main source of electricity, which can
be important in a combined system and will give a faster implementa­
tion of fuel cells on board. Consequently, for enhanced performance and
useful lifetime, the SOFC can be combined with batteries to power the
Fig. 10. Percentage of wind energy stored in ammonia, transported and used as
ship. This solution raises, in turn, other problems related to space and
a fuel for powered the ship.
weight management of such a system. The SOFC system with the same
power is, as roughly estimated by the authors, more than 1.5 times
Table 10 bigger and heavier than a diesel engine. If the SOFC is an energy con­
Energy demand for processes – Deionization industry price (NFOSS), storage verter but batteries are the main power source, then high overcapacity
energy demand calculated based on the private data report [45,46]. must be considered. Several questions related to the applicability of
System Energy demand Unit SOFC fueled by ammonia remain open however there is no doubt that
both the rising cost of CO2 emissions and current prices of ammonia
Deionization 5.75 kWh kgH2O− 1
Air Separation Unit [103] 0.52 kWh kgO−2 1 direct the focus to alternative propulsion systems. The computation of
Ammonia synthesis [72] 9 kWh kgNH−3 1 the Levelized cost of maritime systems has to include both the capital
Storage [131] 1.32⋅10− 6
kWh kgNH−3 1 and operating expenditures. While the earlier remain higher for any type
of fuel cell-based system, the latter can be substantially lower.

Table 11
Efficiency of ammonia conversion subsystems. Declaration of competing interest

System Efficiency, %
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Electrolysis [211] >85.0 interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Ammonia Synthesis [72] 69.0
the work reported in this paper.
SOFC [10] 50.0
Battery [199] 98.0
Ship power system [212] (transformer, switch board, converter, 95.5 Acknowledgements

The presented work has been partially undertaken in the framework

However, this will be exceedingly difficult, because renewable energy of the cooperation between Remontowa LNG Systems and WUST, as a
must be used to power various processes to obtain green ammonia. This part of the project Optimization of LNG power systems of drives oper­
requires profound changes in the economy. The analysis reported in this ating on sea, road and rail transport, financed by NCBR, Poland.
paper shows that the efficiency of the entire process – from RES elec­ Authors acknowledge the financial support from the Ministry of
tricity through to powering a ship using ammonia as a hydrogen carrier Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland through the
– is estimated at around 18%. statutory grant at the Institute of Power Engineering (grant no CPE/001/
Ammonia can be used to power ships and the technologies required 2021).
are already mature. Moreover, ammonia has been transported around Authors acknowledge Dr. Anna Niemczyk for providing general
the world by cargo ships for decades. Also, technologies for its handling editorial feedback on the manuscript.
are like those used for LPG which can increase ship’s fuel flexibility.
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