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10.1 Can you believe your Exercise 9
eyes? p96 1
an enormous grey crocodile (size/colour)
Exercise 2a 2 a low concrete wall (size/material)
3 long black leather boots (size/colour/material)
4 … its eyes are bright orange and very threatening …
All three words relate to looking or seeing. Spot means ‘to
5 … a small yellow and orange rubber boat …
notice something’; stare means ‘to look at something for a
6 … a red and green costume …
long time’; glance means ‘to look at something for a very
short time’. Exercise 10
1 The forest was dark and shady.
2 I sat down under a large ancient oak tree.
1 a gaze, glare, stare (possibly observe – which has two
3 The grass was soft, green and springy.
4 Next to me there were some pretty pink and yellow
b glare
c gaze
5 Suddenly I saw a spotted deer with beautiful brown eyes.
d stare
6 I was very still and quiet.
e observe (this is the monitor meaning)
f glance Exercise 11
2 spot
3 gaze, glare, glance, stare
Swan photo:
Exercise 3b In the background there’s a big, grey, circular building and
in front of that there’s a round metal fence, with a painting
inside the fence. A little girl wearing a white cotton hat
Even if you stare at the black and white photo, it’s hard to
and a summer dress is leaning on the fence, looking at the
spot the panther because you are only seeing the surfaces
painting. A woman who is probably her mother, and her
according to how much light they reflect. Colour helps
baby brother or sister, are nearby. The painting shows a
you to see the quality of light as well as the quantity, and
pond with two beautiful white swans. One of the swans is
this makes objects stand out more, thus making it easy to
spreading his wings, and the other is just floating on top
see the panther in the colour photo as soon as you glance
of the still blue water.
at it.
If you stare at the white dot between the red and green Boat photo:
squares for a long time, your eyes start to get used to Two boys are playing on a painting in front of a building.
the idea of red on the right and green on the left. Then The painting shows a small old-fashioned steamboat, and
when you look at the desert illustration again, you should one boy is pretending to stand on top of the boat’s funnel.
observe a difference in colour on each side. The water around the boat looks very deep and quite
threatening. In the foreground there are two orange and
Exercise 4 white striped rubber rings, and a metal anchor on a rope.
A large grey painted seagull is sitting on the anchor and
watching the scene.
1 vision    2 reveals  ​3 focus on   ​4 distinguish  ​
5 visible  ​6 reflect
Exercise 5
Exercise 1
1 lovely sunny
1 observed  2 distinguish  3 glanced    4 revealed  
2 black leather
5 spotted    6 visible
3 lovely little
Exercise 8 4 19th-century silver
5 short dark, red and white football
6 old black-and-white French
1 … what looks like a small yellow and orange rubber
boat … Exercise 2
2 … an enormous grey crocodile waiting for them … 1 We had fantastic sunny weather on holiday.
3 … its eyes are bright orange and very threatening … 2 We saw lots of amazing 16th-century architecture.
4 … his back against a low concrete wall … 3 We had some delicious home-made chocolate cake.
5 … his usual long black leather boots … 4 Jenny was wearing a beautiful long red-and-gold silk
6 … Robin is in a red and green costume … dress.

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Exercise 3 Exercise 6
1 truly incredible structural achievement ANSWERS
2 17th-century Indo-Islamic architecture 1 Unless, will be
3 stunning visual beauty 2 in case, needs
4 green sub-tropical surroundings 3 as soon as/when, finishes/has finished
5 clear blue sky 4 until, go down/have gone down
6 ornate white walls 5 if, rains/if, is raining/in case, rains
7 wonderful semi-precious stones 6 when, comes/if, comes/if, is coming
8 large domed chamber
9 final resting places Exercise 7a
10 imposing tall round minarets
11 majestic main gate
Positive: comical, hilarious, thought-provoking, witty
Negative: annoying, childish, distasteful, irritating,
10.2 Sense of humour p98 pointless, predictable, ridiculous, tedious

Exercise 2a Exercise 7b
According to the programme, some European nationalities 1 irritating, annoying (these two words are quite
might like the first joke about the hunters because it deals similar because they both mean making you slightly
with death, which makes us feel awkward. The Americans angry. However, irritating also implies that the
and Canadians might like the one about Bob because it’s action that makes you angry keeps happening),
about making someone look stupid and the Irish, British, distasteful (unpleasant or offensive)
New Zealanders and Australians might like the one about 2 hilarious (extremely funny, this is stronger than the
the tractor because it uses wordplay. other words), witty (funny in a clever way), comical
(often funny in a silly way)
Exercise 3 3 tedious (boring), predictable (you can tell what is going
ANSWERS to happen, which makes it less interesting)
1 punchline  ​2 intelligent  ​3 world  ​4 five 4 pointless (having no purpose), ridiculous (very silly or
unreasonable), childish (stupid or silly)
Exercise 4b 5 witty (funny in a clever way), thought-provoking (making
you think)
1 If 4 as soon as Exercise 8b
2 in case 5 When
3 unless 6 until ANSWERS
●● ● ●● ● ●●
Exercise 4c annoying childish comical
ANSWERS ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ●●●
distasteful hilarious irritating
1 If you joke about it, it makes you less anxious. (general
truth, using two present tenses) ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●●
pointless predictable ridiculous
I will feel less anxious if I make a joke about it. (specific
situation in the future, using present tense in the ● ●● ● ●●● ●●
tedious thought- provoking witty
second clause and will in the first clause)
2 I’m very careful about telling jokes to people I don’t
know, in case I offend them. (general truth, using two GRAMMAR REFERENCE ANSWERS
present tenses)
I won’t tell you that joke, in case it offends you. (specific Exercise 1
situation in the future, using present tense in the 1 don’t sell, will be cancelled
second clause and will in the first clause) 2 it’s raining, ’ll have
3 win, get , get
Exercise 5 4 will do, cheer
ANSWERS 5 ’ll get, want
1 result 5 future 6 Is there/Will there be, pay
2 any 6 unless 7 might come, ’s
3 clause 7 in case 8 ’m running, ’ll call
4 conjunctions
Exercise 2
1 as soon as, while
2 once, as soon as, as long as  ​ 
3 in case, unless, when
4 as long as, as soon as  ​ 

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10.3 Vocabulary and skills Exercise 10
development p100 1
see 5 Look at
Exercise 1 2 listening to 6 Feel
3 watch 7 hear
4 touched
bitter: coffee, olives (also some salad greens, like rocket,
chicory, cocoa or dark chocolate without sugar)
salty: peanuts, soy sauce (also crisps and chips, cheese) 10.4 Speaking and writing p102
sour: lemon (also kimchi, pickles, yoghurt)
sweet: cake (also chocolate, biscuits) Exercise 1
Exercise 3
Similarities: People are dressed quite informally in both
ANSWERS photos; both photos show (some) people sitting at tables;
1 a savoury taste both cafés have wooden chairs.
2 Japan Differences: People are queuing at the counter in the
second photo, whereas the first one might have waiter
Exercise 5a service only; the style of the first one is very different – it
ANSWERS/AUDIOSCRIPT 10.9 looks older and it’s very ornate; there is a lot of light in the
1 put back 5 had come first photo, whereas the second one is quite dark.
2 old man 6 nice shirt
3 brown paper 7 cheese shop Exercise 3
4 short cut ANSWERS
Similarities: both scenes show a market; we can see fruit
Exercise 5b and vegetables being sold; both appear to be in Asia
ANSWERS Differences: one is located on land and one in boats;
1 /t/ changes to /p/ – pup back one is indoors and the other outdoors; one has someone
2 /d/ changes to /m/ – olman (or you could say that the /d/ cooking food
disappears as the two /m/ sounds run together)
3 /n/ changes to /m/ – browm paper Exercise 4
4 /t/ changes to /k/ – shork cut (again you could say the ANSWERS
/t/ disappears) 1 Ways of checking the other person understands
5 /d/ changes to /g/ – hag come 2 Ways of checking you understand
6 /s/ changes to /∫/ – naish shirt (or the /s/ disappears) 3 Ways of asking the person to repeat
7 /z/ changes to /zʒ/ – cheeshop
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
ANSWERS a You look a bit confused, you know … it’s a floating
1 great Greek 4 asparagus, shrimp market. (checking the other person understands)
2 parmesan cheese 5 meatballs b I’m not quite sure what you mean by on the water?
3 lean meat (checking you understand)
NB Great Greek is likely to sound like greak Greek. c Sorry, did you say cooking? (asking the person to
Hard parmesan is likely to sound like harb parmesan. repeat)
Lean meat is likely to sound like leem meat.
Asparagus, shrimp is likely to sound like asparagush-rimp. Exercise 6
Meatballs is likely to sound like meap balls. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
Similarities: Both photos show parks. Both show people
Exercise 7b
standing and walking; in both the weather doesn’t look
ANSWERS particularly warm or particularly cold (people are wearing
1 tomato juice light jackets); both photos show trees and greenery.
2 Because the umami flavour is strong enough to be Differences: In one photo we can see people sitting down;
tasted over the noisy engines. in the other photo there appears to be music (people are
3 It can make food taste bitter. dancing); in one photo people are playing chess; in the
4 They could reduce the sugar by 10%. other someone is performing.
5 The sound of eating itself – such as crunching.
6 A white plate could make something taste 10% sweeter. Exercise 7
Exercise 8
The second text is more detailed, but specifically, the first
ANSWERS one only describes what you can see, whereas the second
The first piece of music would make food taste sweeter while one describes the other senses as well.
the second piece of music would make food taste sour.

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Exercise 8 Exercise 6a
1 So, are you saying that …? a
Sound words 2 I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. c
clatter, noisy, murmur 3 Do you see what I mean? b
4 You look a bit confused. b
Taste/smell words 5 Am I right in thinking that …? a
aroma, smell, bitter, sweet, delicious, feast, crispy, 6 I’m not entirely sure what you mean by … a
smooth, rich
Touch words
crisp, smooth (how it feels in your mouth), stiff, solid
Sight words
appears, dazzling(ly), twinkling, decorative, striking

10.5 Video p104


Exercise 1a
1 c  ​2 a  ​3 b

Exercise 1b
Students’ own answers

Exercise 2
1 b  ​2 e  ​3 a  ​4 f  ​5 d  ​6 c

Review p105

Exercise 1
1 observed 4 glares
2 gazed 5 stared
3 spotted 6 glanced

Exercise 2
1 I bought a rare old silver teapot.
2 He was wearing a red and white woollen scarf.
3 In the window was a large red and green flag.
4 He looked like a handsome young film star.
5 She was tall, young and beautiful.
6 A large grey Indian elephant trod on his toe.

Exercise 3a
1 As soon as/When 4 until
2 in case 5 if/when
3 Unless 6 when/if

Exercise 4a
1 ridiculous 4 witty
2 tedious 5 childish
3 pointless 6 distasteful

Exercise 5a
1 watches 4 see
2 hearing 5 Listening to
3 touch 6 look at

Exercise 5c
1 F  ​2 T  ​3 T  ​4 F  ​5 F  ​6 T

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