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Position statement

Managing the paediatric patient with an

acute asthma exacerbation
Oliva Ortiz-Alvarez, Angelo Mikrogianakis; Canadian Paediatric Society, Acute Care Français en page 257

O Ortiz-Alvarez, A Mikrogianakis; Canadian Paediatric Society, La prise en charge du patient pédiatrique

Acute Care Committee. Managing the paediatric patient
présentant une exacerbation aiguë de l’asthme
with an acute asthma exacerbation. Paediatr Child Health
Les enfants ayant des exacerbations aiguës de l’asthme consultent
souvent à l’urgence parce qu’ils présentent des signes de détresse
Children with acute asthma exacerbations frequently present to an respiratoire. Les crises les plus graves peuvent mettre en jeu le
emergency department with signs of respiratory distress. The most pronostic vital. L’efficacité du traitement dépend de l’évaluation
severe episodes are potentially life-threatening. Effective treatment exacte et rapide de la gravité de la maladie à la présentation. Le
depends on the accurate and rapid assessment of disease severity at présent document de principes porte sur l’évaluation, la prise en
presentation. This statement addresses the assessment, management charge et la conduite à tenir auprès des patients pédiatriques ayant un
and disposition of paediatric patients with a known diagnosis of diagnostic connu d’asthme qui consultent en raison d’une exacerbation
asthma who present with an acute asthma exacerbation, especially aiguë de l’asthme, notamment les enfants d’âge préscolaire très
preschoolers at high risk for persistent asthma. Guidance includes the vulnérables à un asthme persistant. Les conseils incluent l’évaluation
assessment of asthma severity, treatment considerations, proper dis- de la gravité de l’asthme, les considérations thérapeutiques, la
charge planning, follow-up, and prescription for inhaled corticoster- planification convenable du congé, le suivi et une prescription de
oids to prevent exacerbation and decrease chronic morbidity. corticoïde par aérosol pour prévenir les exacerbations et réduire la
morbidité chronique.
Key Words: Asthma; Disposition; Emergency management; Paediatrics;

EPIDEMIOLOGY AND BACKGROUND asthma guidelines can improve outcomes for children with asthma
Asthma is a common, chronic inflammatory disorder of the air- (10). This statement specifically addresses the ED management of
ways associated with airway hyper-responsiveness. Asthma exacer- acute asthma exacerbations in paediatric patients with a known
bations are the leading cause of hospitalization in children (1), and diagnosis of asthma, particularly preschoolers with early transient
the lifetime prevalence of asthma in Canadian children has been wheezing whose pattern of symptoms and history of atopy suggest
estimated at 11% to 16% (2). a high risk for persistent asthma (11).
For this statement, asthma exacerbation is defined as an acute
or subacute deterioration of symptom control that causes distress ED management objectives for acute asthma exacerbations are:
or risks health to the extent that a visit to a health care provider 1. An immediate and objective assessment of their severity.
or treatment with systemic corticosteroids becomes necessary 2. Prompt and effective medical intervention to decrease
(3). The most common triggers for asthma exacerbations in both respiratory distress and improve oxygenation.
younger and older children are viral respiratory tract infections;
other typical factors are exposure to allergens and a suboptimal 3. Appropriate disposition of the patient after emergency
control of asthma as a baseline (4). Acute exacerbations are management.
a frequent cause of emergency department (ED) visits (5,6). 4. Arranging proper follow-up.
Guttmann and colleagues (5) reported that in Ontario, over 9%
of children with asthma had made at least one ED visit in the 1. Assessing the child in respiratory distress from an acute
past two years, and asthma exacerbations accounted for 3% to asthma attack
7% of all paediatric ED visits. More than 50% of children who Effective treatment depends on an accurate and rapid assessment
present to the ED with an asthma exacerbation are preschool of disease severity upon presentation (3,7-10,12). For definition of
age (<5 years) (5). Rosychuk et al (6) recently reported that mild, moderate and severe, see Table 1.
in Alberta, nearly 10% of the paediatric ED visits resulted in Assessment should include:
an admission to hospital, with one death for every 25,000 ED • Signs and symptoms of respiratory distress and airway
visits. obstruction, including clinical documentation of vital signs.
Many health care centres across Canada and a wide range of Pulse oximetry should be used in all patients. Pulsed oxygen
national and international health organizations have developed saturation (SpO2) of 92% or less on presentation (before
their own practice guidelines for the assessment and management oxygen or bronchodilator treatment) is associated with higher
of acute asthma exacerbations (3,7-9). The use of evidence-based morbidity and greater risk for hospitalization (13).

Correspondence: Canadian Paediatric Society, 2305 St Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 4J8. E-mail info@cps.ca

Paediatr Child Health Vol 17 No 5 May 2012 ©2012 Canadian Paediatric Society. All rights reserved 251

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) Emerg Med J

CPS Statement

Classification of asthma severity
Clinical features Mild Moderate Severe Impending respiratory failure
Mental status Normal Might look agitated Usually agitated Drowsy or confused
Activity Normal activity and Decreased activity or Decreased activity, Unable to eat
exertional dyspnea feeding (infant) infant stops feeding
Speech Normal Speaks in phrases Speaks in words Unable to speak
Work of breathing Minimal intercostal Intercostal and substernal Significant respiratory distress. Usually all Marked respiratory distress at rest. All
retractions retractions accessory muscles involved, and may accessory muscles involved, including nasal
display nasal flaring and paradoxical flaring and paradoxical thoraco-abdominal
thoraco-abdominal movement movement
Chest auscultation Moderate wheeze Loud pan-expiratory and Wheezes might be audible without The chest is silent (absence of wheeze)
inspiratory wheeze stethoscope
SpO2 on room air >94% 91–94% <90% <90%
Peak flow versus >80% 60–80% best <60% Unable to perform the task
personal best
Definitions are not absolute and can overlap. The presence of several parameters indicates the classification of the exacerbation.

• A focused medical history recording previous medications and asthma exacerbation and are sensitive to changes in clinical status.
risk factors for ICU admission and death (14): Typically, clinical tools take into consideration many of the fol-
previous life-threatening events, lowing parameters: level of alertness, ability to speak in full sen-
tences, use of accessory muscles, air entry in both lungs, presence
admissions to ICU,
of wheezing and O2 saturation (Table 1).
intubation, Independent of the method of assessment, the same parameters
deterioration while already on systemic steroids. used to estimate disease severity at baseline should be used after
• A focused physical examination to estimate the functional each treatment, on a regular basis, and at discharge.
severity of airway obstruction, documenting the use of 2. Medical management steps
accessory muscles, air entry in both lungs and wheezing, level
of alertness, ability to speak in full sentences, and activity • Treat hypoxemia,
level (Table 1). A silent chest is an ominous sign that there is • Give short-acting ß2-agonists,
not enough gas exchange and a warning that respiratory • Prescribe corticosteroids,
failure is imminent. Mental agitation, drowsiness and
• Assess treatment response, and
confusion are clinical features of cerebral hypoxemia and
should be considered signs of extreme severity. • Consider other modalities of treatment.
Patients who are acutely distressed, have signs of severe respira-
• When children are able to perform the task, spirometry is an
tory impairment or show signs of impending respiratory failure (eg,
objective measure of airway obstruction. Spirometry is difficult
altered level of consciousness, silent chest, central cyanosis)
to perform in children younger than six years of age and/or
should be treated immediately with oxygen and short-acting bron-
during an exacerbation. Peak flow meters may be more readily
chodilators (3,7,12). Anaphylaxis can present with severe respira-
available but are a less sensitive measure of airway obstruction
tory distress that mimics a severe asthma attack (21). If anaphylaxis
and may be unreliable, especially in children younger than
is suspected, treat immediately with epinephrine.
10 years of age (15). Peak flows should be compared to readily
Otherwise, treatment should be instituted as soon as the assess-
available normal values or, if known, the child’s ‘personal
ment is completed. Patients should then be monitored closely to
assess their response to initial management and to ensure proper
• Ancillary tests are not routinely recommended. care and disposition after the acute episode.
Chest x-rays are very rarely indicated unless the clinician The flow diagram (Figure 1) shows a pathway to assess and treat
suspects complications (ie, pneumothorax), bacterial children with asthma exacerbation.
pneumonia, the presence of a foreign body, or in cases that fail Oxygen: Hypoxemia (SpO2 <92%) must be treated urgently
to improve with maximized conventional treatment. In the with oxygen delivered by face mask or nasal canulae. There is no
absence of suggestive clinical features, there is a documented strong evidence in support of a specific goal for SpO2. In the con-
risk of overdiagnosis of pneumonia (16). text of acute respiratory distress, a SpO2 ≥94% appears reasonable
Blood gases are not routinely required to treat a child with (8,12,13).
asthma exacerbation unless the patient has no clinical Short-acting ß2-agonists: Salbutamol (albuterol) is the bron-
improvement with maximal aggressive therapy. A normal chodilator of choice (3,8,12). A metered-dose inhaler (MDI)
capillary carbon dioxide level despite persistent respiratory with a spacer is the preferred device for salbutamol administration
distress is a sign of impending respiratory failure. because it is more efficient than a nebulizer for bronchodilator
After conducting the initial assessment, a treating physician delivery (22). An MDI can be used in almost all situations except
should categorize disease severity. There are different clinical tools for very severe episodes with impending respiratory failure. Even in
for assessing disease severity in patients with acute asthma exacer- the presence of hypoxemia, oxygen can be given by nasal canulae
bation (17-19). Birken et al (20) compared the performance of at the same time that salbutamol is given by MDI and spacer. In
various assessment tools and concluded that the Clinical children without initial oxygen requirements, ß2-agonists adminis-
Assessment Score (17) and the Pediatric Respiratory Assessment tered by MDI and spacer are less likely to provoke hypoxemia and
Measure (PRAM) (18) both reliably assess the severity of an acute tachycardia than a nebulizer (22).

252 Paediatr Child Health Vol 17 No 5 May 2012

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) Emerg Med J

CPS Statement

Figure 1) Assesment and management of an asthma exacerbation in children

Ini�al Assessment
History and physical examina�on (ausculta�on, use of accessory muscles, heart rate, respiratory rate, Mild exacerba�on
peak flow, oxygen satura�on) • Normal ac�vity and speech
• Minimal intercostal retrac�ons
• Moderate wheeze
How severe is the asthma exacerba�on?
• Minimal dyspnea
See defini�ons provided in side table
• O2 sats on room air >94%
• Peak flow vs. personal best
Ini�al Treatment (1 hr)

Mild exacerba�on Moderate Severe exacerba�on Severe to impending Moderate exacerba�on

• Keep O2 sats exacerba�on • Keep O2 sats >94%, respiratory failure • Might look agitated
>94% • Keep O2 sats >94% consider 100% O2 • Keep O2 sats >94%, • Decreased ac�vity or feeding
• Salbutamol q20 • Salbutamol q20 min • Salbutamol and non-rebreather mask (infant), speaks in phrases
min x 1- 3 doses x 3 doses ipratropium x 3 doses with 100% O2 • Intercostal and substernal
Consider inhaled • Oral steroids • Give oral steroids • Con�nuous retrac�ons
cor�costeroids (ICS) Consider ipratropium • Consider IV aerosolized • Loud pan-expiratory and
x 3 doses in 1 hr methylprednisolone salbutamol and inspiratory wheeze
• Consider con�nuous ipratropium x 3 doses • O2 sats on room air 91- 94%
aerosolized β2 -agonists • Keep NPO and start • Peak flow vs. personal best 60
• Consider IV IV access - 80%
magnesium sulphate • Con�nuous cardiac
• Keep pa�ent NPO and O2 sats monitor Severe exacerba�on
• IV methylprednisolone • Usually agitated, infant stops
• Consider: feeding, decreased ac�vity,
IV magnesium sulphate speaks in words
or IV aminophylline • Significant respiratory distress
or IV salbutamol at rest
• Draw blood for gases • Hunched forward, usually all
and electrolytes accessory muscles involved, and
• Consider SC may display nasal flaring and
epinephrine paradoxical thoraco-abdominal
• If deteriora�ng movement.
consider Rapid • Wheezes might be audible
sequence intuba�on without stethoscope
CALL PICU PHYSICIAN • O2 satura�on on room air
• Peak flow vs. personal best
Re-assess pa�ent and re-categorize.
How severe is the asthma exacerba�on a�er Ini�al treatment (1hr)? Impending respiratory failure
• Pa�ent looks drowsy or
Mild exacerba�on? Moderate exacerba�on? Moderate/Severe Severe to impending • Marked respiratory distress at
Observe in Emergency • Keep O2 sats >94% exacerba�on? respiratory failure rest; all accessory muscle
Department (ED) • Salbutamol q hour • Keep O2 sats >94% • SAME AS ABOVE involved including nasal flaring
for 2 hrs. If no further • Re-assess in 2 hrs • Salbutamol q20 min • If deteriora�ng and paradoxical thoraco-
treatment required un�l able to consider Rapid abdominal movement.
discharge home to tolerate q1 hr sequence • Absence of wheezing
con�nue inhaled • Re-assess intuba�on • Presence of bradycardia
cor�costeroids frequently CALL PICU PHYSICIAN
follow-up appointment
with physician

Re-assess pa�ent and re-categorize.

How severe is the asthma exacerba�on a�er 2 hrs of treatment?

Mild exacerba�on Moderate exacerba�on Moderate/Severe Severe to impending

Observe in ED for 2 hrs. • Keep O2 sats >94% exacerba�on respiratory failure
If no further • Salbutamol q hour • Keep O2 sats >94% • SAME AS ABOVE
treatment required • Re-assess: • Salbutamol q20 min • If deteriora�ng
discharge home to If pa�ent needs un�l able to consider Rapid
con�nue inhaled salbutamol more o�en tolerate q1 hr sequence intuba�on
cor�costeroids and than every 4 hrs • Re-assess CALL PICU PHYSICIAN
follow-up appointment ADMIT TO HOSPITAL frequently
with physician ADMIT TO HOSPITAL

O2 sats Oxygen saturation; IV Intravenous; NPO Nothing by mouth; SC Subcutaneous; PICU Paediatric intensive care unit

Paediatr Child Health Vol 17 No 5 May 2012 253

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
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CPS Statement

Medications and dosages for acute asthma treatment as per disease severity
severity Drug and route Dose (maximum) Risks Comment
Mild Inhaled corticosteroids See discharge plan and Table 3
Salbutamol, MDI <20 kg = 5 puffs (0.1 mg/puff), >20 kg =10 puffs Preferable route
Moderate* with spacer every 20 min during the first hour
Salbutamol, intermittent 5 mg in 2 ml of normal saline to be given every Monitor potassium serum levels in
nebulization 20 min during the first hour patients requiring frequent doses
Oral corticosteroids Prednisone or prednisolone 1 to 2 mg/kg/day Prolonged course or frequently Start treatment early.
(maximum 60 mg) OR dexamethasone repeated doses can be Recommended as one single dose
0.15–0.3 mg/kg/day (maximum 10 mg) associated with adrenal in the morning to decrease risk of
suppression adrenal suppression
Ipratropium bromide, Puffs (100 μg) every 20 min x 3 doses Use with caution in children with
MDI/spacer <20 kg = 3 puffs, >20 kg = 6 puffs soy allergy
Severe† Salbutamol, continuous 0.3 mg/kg/hr 5 mg in 4 ml of normal saline Tachycardia, hypokalemia, Monitor heart rhythm and rate,
nebulization hyperglycemia glucose and electrolytes
Ipratropium bromide, <20 kg = 0.25 mg, >20 kg = 0.5 mg every Can be mixed with salbutamol
nebulized 20 min maximum 3 doses aerosols
IV corticosteroids Methylprednisolone: 1–2 mg/kg/dose (maximum
60 mg q.6 h) hydrocortisone: 5–7 mg/kg
(maximum 400 mg q.6 h)
IV magnesium 25–50 mg/kg IV bolus over 20 min (maximum 2 g) Hypotension Consider if patient is not improving
Severe to sulfate
impending IV salbutamol Load: 7.5 mcg/kg over 2–5 min, followed by Tachycardia, hypokalemia, Monitor heart rhythm and rate,
respiratory 1 mcg/kg/min. Titrate upwards with increments hyperglycemia glucose and electrolytes
failure of 1 mcg/kg/min (maximum 5 mcg/kg/min)
*Conventional treatment: Oral corticosteroids, nebulized salbutamol ± ipratropium; †Maximized treatment: intravenous (IV) steroids, continuous nebulized salbutamol
+ ipratropium. MDI metered-dose inhaler

Inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) dosing categories in paediatrics
Daily inhaled corticosteroid dose, μg
(6 to 11 years of age) (12 years of age and over)
Corticosteroid Trade name Low Medium High Low Medium High
Beclomethasone dipropionate HFA QVAR† ≤200 201–400 >400 ≤250 251–500 >500
Budesonide* Pulmicort Turbuhaler‡ ≤400 401–800 >800 ≤400 401–800 >800
Ciclesonide* Alvesco§ ≤200 201–400 >400 ≤200 201–400 >400
Fluticasone Flovent MDI and spacer; Flovent Diskus¶ ≤200 201–500 >500 ≤250 251–500 >500
Dose equivalencies are approximate and are based on efficacy data. Categories are somewhat arbitrary but are based on manufacturers’ recommendations.
*Licensed for once daily dosing in Canada; †Graceway Pharmaceuticals, Canada; ‡AstraZeneca Inc, Canada; §Nycomed Canada Inc, Canada; ¶GlaxoSmithKline
Inc, Canada. HFA Hydrofluoroalkane; μg micrograms; MDI Metered-dose inhaler. ICS are currently approved for the following ages: Flovent 12 months and over,
QVAR 5 years and over, Alvesco 6 years and over, Pulmicort (nebules) 3 months and over (products insert). This information was originally published in Can Respir
J 2010 17(1): 15–24

Starting doses for inhaled corticosteroids for asthma therapy in children in Canada*
Minimum age licensed for
Medication and inhaler device use in Canada Low to moderate dose High dose†
Beclomethasone–hydrofluoroalkane by metered-dose inhaler and spacer 5 years 100–150 μg twice daily 200 μg twice daily
Budesonide by dry powder inhaler 6 years‡ 200 μg twice daily 400 μg twice daily
Budesonide by wet nebulizer† 3 months 250–500 μg twice daily 1000 μg twice daily
Fluticasone by metered-dose inhaler and spacer or dry powder inhaler 12 months‡ 100–125 μg twice daily 250 μg twice daily
Ciclesonide by metered-dose inhaler and spacer 6 years 100–200 μg once daily 400 μg once or twice daily§
*Adapted from the Canadian asthma consensus report (1999); †It is preferable to administer high-dose inhaled corticosteroids (or budesonide by nebulizer) in con-
sultation with an asthma expert; ‡The youngest children able to use a dry powder inhaler are generally 4 to 5 years of age (11); §Ciclesonide is usually used once
daily except in cases of more severe disease. Reference 11 was used as a source, with permission, for this table

The recommended doses for MDI and nebulizer ß2-agonist salbutamol should be given as soon as possible after rapid triage
delivery are listed in Table 2. The dose and frequency of inter- and evaluation in the ED. In patients having a severe asthma
mittent salbutamol therapy depend on the severity of an acute attack, the continuous administration of nebulized ß2-agonists may
attack and the patient’s response to treatment. The first dose of have a better and more prolonged bronchodilator effect compared

254 Paediatr Child Health Vol 17 No 5 May 2012

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) Emerg Med J

CPS Statement

with intermittent therapy (23). Side effects of salbutamol include last resort and only in conjunction with the support of a paediatric
tachycardia, hyperglycemia and hypokalemia, which are generally ICU specialist.
well tolerated. There is no evidence in the paediatric age group
of reversible arrhythmias following treatment with ß2-agonists, 3. Disposition
but this side effect has been reported in adults. Paediatric patients Admission should be considered if any one of the following apply:
treated with continuous nebulized ß2-agonists should be mon- • An ongoing need for supplemental oxygen
itored for cardiac arrhythmias.
Inhaled anticholinergics: Inhaled ipratropium bromide can • Persistently increased work of breathing
be used as an add-on therapy to ß2-agonists. Some randomized • ß2-agonists are needed more often than q4 h after 4 h to 8 h of
control trials demonstrated reduced hospital admission rates and conventional treatment
better lung function when ß2-agonists were used in combination • The patient deteriorates while on systemic steroids.
with inhaled ipratropium during the first hour, compared with
Other criteria may also be taken into consideration (eg, distance
ß2-agonists used alone (24,25). The dose may be repeated every
from home, comorbid conditions such as anaphylaxis).
20 min for the first hour, mixed with ß2-agonists. There are no
clinical trials supporting ipratropium use beyond the first hour in ICU admission or referral to a tertiary care centre should be
children. considered if:
Oral/intravenous (IV) corticosteroids: Children who have a • The patient requires continuous nebulized salbutamol and fails
moderate to severe asthma exacerbation should receive systemic to improve on this therapy. Call a tertiary care centre PICU
steroids as part of their initial treatment. This medication should specialist to discuss patient management and transport.
be administered as early in the ED visit as feasible. Steroids may
Discharge criteria from the ED include:
reduce the need for hospitalization and the risk of relapse after
initial treatment and may also facilitate an earlier discharge from • Needing ß2-agonists less often than q4 h after 4 h to 8 h of
the hospital (26). The recommended doses of corticosteroids are conventional treatment
listed in Table 2. Children with severe asthma or impending res- • A reading of SpO2 ≥94% on room air
piratory failure should receive IV steroids. The drugs of choice are
• Minimal or no signs of respiratory distress
methylprednisolone and hydrocortisone.
Magnesium sulphate: A recent meta-analysis suggested that • Improved air entry.
IV magnesium sulphate may be effective in children with severe
acute asthma, improving respiratory function and decreasing hos- 4. Discharge home plan (follow-up)
pital admissions (27). IV magnesium sulphate may be considered Children with persistent asthma and/or who have a moderate or
in cases of moderate and severe asthma with incomplete response severe episode should be given inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) on
to conventional therapy during the first 1 h to 2 h (27). Patients a regular basis. If the patient is already taking ICS, the dose
treated with magnesium sulphate can have hypotension and should be reviewed and adjusted (9,13). ICS are the cornerstone
bradycardia as side effects, and their vital signs should be mon- of regular preventive anti-inflammatory treatment to protect
itored during treatment. Consultation with an intensive care unit against exacerbations and chronic morbidity. The literature does
(ICU) physician or respirologist is recommended. not support a role for short-term intermittent therapy. ICS in
IV salbutamol infusion: This delivery method should be used appropriate doses are safe and efficacious. Long-term studies have
in patients with severe asthma who do not respond to other treat- demonstrated that ICS use does not impair growth or affect final
ments (28). In patients with severe attacks, IV ß2-agonists have adult height. Although there is a potential risk for adrenal sup-
been shown to improve pulmonary function and gas exchange pression when high doses of ICS are used over prolonged periods,
(28). In general, inhaled drugs may have a limited effect in this risk can be diminished with proper monitoring and the use of
patients with nearly complete airway obstruction and have prac- newer ICS. Common ICS and doses are listed in Tables 3 and 4
tical limitations in ventilated patients. Cardiac responses, such as (9,11).
arrhythmia and tachycardia, are significant side effects of this • Complete a 3- to 5-day course of oral steroids, depending on
medication. Patients receiving IV salbutamol should be in a set- the severity of the illness at presentation.
ting where continuous cardiac monitoring is available.
• Continue to use a short-acting ß2-agonist such as salbutamol
IV aminophylline: This bronchodilator is reserved for children
(200 µg [0.3 puffs/kg to a maximum of 10 puffs] every 4 h)
in the ICU setting with a severe asthma exacerbation who have
until exacerbations resolve and then as needed, with
failed to improve despite maximized therapy (continuous inhaled
directions to see a health care professional if therapy is needed
ß2-agonists, IV corticosteroids) (28,29).
more often than every 4 h.
Heliox: Using a helium-oxygen gas mixture is reserved for
children in the ICU setting with severe asthma exacerbation who • Prepare a written asthma action plan.
have failed to improve despite maximized therapy (30). • Review techniques for using inhaled asthma medications as
Endotracheal intubation and ventilation for impending well as for cleaning/maintaining the inhaler device.
respiratory failure: • Encourage follow-up with the patient’s primary care physician
Intubation and mechanical ventilation can be life-saving inter- or a local asthma clinic to review asthma control,
ventions but their use in paediatric patients with asthma have environmental history and symptom recognition. Every effort
been associated with significant adverse effects. Up to 26% of should be made to ensure proper follow-up and to implement
children intubated due to asthma have complications, such as a long-term plan with the patient’s primary care physician
pneumothorax or impaired venous return, and cardiovascular within two to four weeks of discharge from the ED. If severe or
collapse because of increased intrathoracic pressure (31). frequent exacerbations lead to further treatment in the ICU,
Mechanical ventilation during an asthma exacerbation is associ- referral to an asthma specialist, such as a paediatric allergist or
ated with increased risk of death and should be considered as a respirologist, is strongly recommended.

Paediatr Child Health Vol 17 No 5 May 2012 255

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) Emerg Med J

CPS Statement

15. Gorelick MH, Stevens MW, Schultz T, Scribano PV. Difficulty in

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6. Rosychuk RJ, Voaklander DC, Klassen TP, Senthilselvan A, Marrie status asthmaticus in children. Crit Care Med 1993;21(10):1479-86.
TJ, Rowe BH. Asthma presentations by children to emergency 24. Rodrigo GJ, Castro-Rodriguez JA. Anticholinergics in the
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Pediatr Pulmonol 2010;45(10):985-92. review with meta-analysis. Thorax 2005;60(9):740-6.
7. Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement. Health Care 25. Munro A, Maconochie I. Best evidence topic reports. Beta-agonists
Guidelines: Diagnosis and Management of Asthma, Ninth Edition. with or without anti-cholinergics in the treatment of acute
June 2010. <www.icsi.org/asthma__outpatient/asthma__diagnosis_ childhood asthma? Emerg Med J 2006;23(6):470.
management_of__guideline_.html> (Accessed May 18, 2011). 26. Smith M, Iqbal S, Elliott TM, Everard M, Rowe BH.
8. Ralston M, Hazinski MF, Zaritsky AL, Schexnayder SM, Kleinman Corticosteroids for hospitalised children with acute asthma.
ME. Pediatric Advance Life Support Course Guide. Dallas, TX: Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003;(2):CD002886.
American Heart Association, 2006. 27. Mohammed S, Goodacre S. Intravenous and nebulised magnesium
9. Lougheed MD, Lemière C, Dell SD, et al. Canadian Thoracic sulphate for acute asthma: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Summary for children six year of age and over, and adults. 28. North West Thames Asthma Study Group; Roberts G, Newsom D,
Can Respir J 2010;17(1):15-24. et al. Intravenous salbutamol bolus compared with an
10. Cunningham S, Logan C, Lockerbie L, Dunn MJ, McMurray A, aminophylline infusion in children with severe asthma: A
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J Pediatr 2008;152(3):315-20. Intravenous aminophylline for acute severe asthma in children over
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asthma. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2007;92(3):ep82-6. albuterol nebulization in the treatment of children with moderate
13. Geelhoed GC, Landau LI, Le Souëf PN. Evaluation of SaO2 as a to severe asthma exacerbations: A randomized, controlled trial.
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2004;37(3):201-9. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2007;8(2):91-5.


Members: Adam Cheng MD ; Isabelle M Chevalier MD (Board Representative); Catherine A Farrell MD ; Jeremy N Friedman MD ;
Marie Gauthier MD (Board Representative, 2008-2011); Angelo Mikrogianakis MD (Chair); Oliva Ortiz-Alvarez MD
Liaisons: Laurel Chauvin-Kimoff MD, CPS Paediatric Emergency Medicine Section; Marilyn Monk, The Hospital for Sick Children;
Jennifer Walton MD, CPS Hospital Paediatrics Section
Principal authors: Oliva Ortiz-Alvarez MD; Angelo Mikrogianakis MD

The recommendations in this statement do not indicate an exclusive course of treatment or procedure to be followed. Variations, taking into account indi-
vidual circumstances, may be appropriate. All Canadian Paediatric Society position statements and practice points are reviewed on a regular basis. Please
consult the Position Statements section of the CPS website (www.cps.ca) for the full-text, current version.

256 Paediatr Child Health Vol 17 No 5 May 2012

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Non-pharmacological management

There is a common perception amongst patients and carers that there are numerous environmental,
dietary and other triggers of asthma and that avoiding these triggers will improve asthma and reduce
the requirement for pharmacotherapy. Evidence that non-pharmacological management is effective
can be difficult to obtain and more well-controlled intervention studies are required.

Primary prevention

Primary prevention relates to interventions introduced before the onset of disease and designed to
reduce its incidence.

A Measures to reduce in utero or early life exposure to single aeroallergens, such as house dust mites
or pets, or single food allergens, are not recommended for the primary prevention of asthma.

A For children at risk of developing asthma, complex, multifaceted interventions targeting multiple
allergens may be considered in families able to meet the costs, demands and inconvenience of
such a demanding programme.

B In the absence of any evidence of benefit and given the potential for adverse effects, maternal
food allergen avoidance during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended as a strategy for
preventing childhood asthma.

There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation relating to the following as a strategy for
preventing childhood asthma:
• maternal dietary supplementation during pregnancy
• the use of dietary probiotics in pregnancy.

C Breast feeding should be encouraged for its many benefits, including a potential protective
effect in relation to early asthma.

C Obese and overweight children should be offered weight-loss programmes to reduce the
likelihood of respiratory symptoms suggestive of asthma.

B Current and prospective parents should be advised of the many adverse effects which smoking
has on their children including increased wheezing in infancy and increased risk of persistent

Secondary prevention

Secondary prevention relates to interventions introduced after the onset of disease to reduce its impact.

B Physical and chemical methods of reducing house dust mite levels in the home (including
acaricides, mattress covers, vacuum cleaning, heating, ventilation, freezing, washing, air
filtration and ionisers) should not be routinely recommended by healthcare professionals for the
management of asthma.

B People with asthma and parents of children with asthma should be advised about the dangers
of smoking and second-hand tobacco smoke exposure, and be offered appropriate support to
stop smoking.

B Weight-loss interventions (including dietary and exercise-based programmes) should be

considered for overweight and obese adults and children with asthma to improve asthma control.

A Air ionisers are not recommended for the treatment of asthma.

A Breathing exercise programmes (including face-to-face physiotherapist-taught methods and

audiovisual programmes) can be offered to adults with asthma as an adjuvant to pharmacological
treatment to improve quality of life and reduce symptoms.

Applies only to adults Applies to children ≥1 Applies to children 5-12 Applies to children under 5 General Applies to adolescents 9

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Management of acute asthma in adults

Criteria for admission

B Admit patients with any feature of a life-threatening or near-fatal asthma attack.

B Admit patients with any feature of a severe asthma attack persisting after initial treatment.

C Patients whose peak flow is greater than 75% best or predicted one hour after initial treatment
may be discharged from ED, unless there are other reasons why admission may be appropriate.

Treatment of acute asthma

Oxygen β₂ agonist bronchodilators

C • Give controlled supplementary oxygen A Use high-dose inhaled β₂ agonists as first-

to all hypoxaemic patients with acute line agents in patients with acute asthma
severe asthma titrated to maintain an and administer as early as possible. Reserve
SpO₂ level of 94–98%. Do not delay oxygen intravenous β₂ agonists for those patients in
administration in the absence of pulse whom inhaled therapy cannot be used reliably.
oximetry but commence monitoring of SpO₂
In patients with acute asthma with
as soon as it becomes available.  acute severe or life-threatening features
A • In hospital, ambulance and primary the nebulised route (oxygen-driven) is
care, nebulisers for giving β₂ agonist recommended.
bronchodilators should preferably be
driven by oxygen. A In patients with severe asthma that is poorly
responsive to an initial bolus dose of β₂
Steroid therapy agonist, consider continuous nebulisation with
an appropriate nebuliser.
A Give steroids in adequate doses to all patients
with an acute asthma attack. Ipratropium bromide

B Add nebulised ipratropium bromide (0.5 mg

 Continue prednisolone (40–50 mg daily) until
4–6 hourly) to β₂ agonist treatment for patients
recovery (minimum 5 days).
with acute severe or life-threatening asthma or
Other therapies those with a poor initial response to β₂ agonist
A Nebulised magnesium sulphate is not
recommended for treatment of adults with Referral to intensive care
acute asthma.
Refer any patient:
Consider giving a single dose of IV magnesium • requiring ventilatory support
B • with acute severe or life-threatening asthma,
sulphate to patients with acute severe asthma
(PEF <50% best or predicted) who have who is failing to respond to therapy,
not had a good initial response to inhaled as evidenced by:
bronchodilator therapy. - deteriorating PEF
- persisting or worsening hypoxia
 Magnesium sulphate (1.2–2 g IV infusion over
- hypercapnia
20 minutes) should only be used following
consultation with senior medical staff. - ABG analysis showing  pH or  H+
- exhaustion, feeble respiration
B Routine prescription of antibiotics is not - drowsiness, confusion, altered conscious state
indicated for patients with acute asthma. - respiratory arrest.

Follow up

 • It is essential that the patient’s primary care practice is informed within 24 hours of discharge from
the emergency department or hospital following an asthma attack.
• Keep patients who have had a near-fatal asthma attack under specialist supervision indefinitely.
• A respiratory specialist should follow up patients admitted with a severe asthma attack for at least
one year after the admission.

16 Applies only to adults Applies to children ≥1 Applies to children 5-12 Applies to children under 5 General Applies to adolescents

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Organisation and delivery of care

Educating clinicians

There is strong evidence that educating clinicians can improve health outcomes for patients.
Interventions need to be of sufficient intensity to engage with, and change, the way practices are

B Training for primary care clinicians should include educational outreach visits using multifaceted
programmes that include consultation training including goal setting.

Structured review

Proactive clinical review of people with asthma improves clinical outcomes. Evidence for benefit
is strongest when reviews include discussion and use of a written personalised asthma action plan

A In primary care, people with asthma should be reviewed regularly by a nurse or doctor with
appropriate training in asthma management. Review should incorporate a written action plan.

 It is good practice to audit the percentage of patients reviewed annually. Consider focusing on
particular groups such as those overusing bronchodilators, patients on higher dose therapies,
those with asthma attacks or from groups with more complex needs.

Asthma clinics

There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation about the provision of care through primary
care asthma clinics or specialist asthma clinics. Within primary care, structured reviews may be
delivered as appointments in routine surgeries, or within a dedicated asthma clinic.

Interventions involving specific groups

School-based interventions

B Consider a multifaceted approach to school-based asthma education programmes targeting

children’s healthcare professionals as well as the children themselves.

Ethnicity/culture-based interventions

C Establish intensive clinic-based programmes for people from ethnic minority groups who have
attended emergency care.

Lay-led interventions

A Lay-led self-management programmes for people with asthma are not recommended.

Pharmacist-led interventions

Evidence for pharmacist-led interventions is lacking and further high-quality randomised trials
testing pharmacist-led interventions to improve asthma outcomes are needed.


Telehealthcare to support self management, eg using automated reminders, computer-based games or

telemonitoring, can improve process outcomes such as knowledge and self-efficacy/self-management
skills. The effect of such approaches on clinical outcomes is, however, inconsistent and they generally
have no effect on unscheduled use of healthcare resources.

C Telehealthcare may be considered as an option for supporting self management.

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9/7/22, 2:52 PM Australian Asthma Handbook


Managing asthma in children


Children aged 012 months

Wheezing infants aged less than 12 months old should not be treated for asthma. Wheezing in this age group
is most commonly due to acute viral bronchiolitis or to small and/or floppy airways.

Advice should be obtained from a paediatric respiratory physician or paediatrician before administering short-
acting beta2 agonists, systemic corticosteroids or inhaled corticosteroids to an infant under 12 months.

Children with clinically significant wheezing that necessitates hospitalisation or occurs frequently (e.g. more
than once per 6 weeks) should be referred to a paediatric respiratory physician or paediatrician.

Children aged 15 years

Many infants and preschoolers wheeze when they have viral respiratory infections, even if they do not have

As-needed salbutamol should be used to relieve symptoms during wheezing episodes in children with
wheezing that has been shown to be salbutamol-responsive in a treatment trial.

A small proportion of infants and preschoolers may also need regular preventer treatment for preschool
wheeze (e.g. those who have recurrent symptoms between viral respiratory infections.)

Children aged 6 years and over

The diagnosis of asthma can be made with more certainty in school-aged children. In this age group, the
presence of reversible expiratory airflow limitation on spirometry supports the diagnosis of asthma.

All school-aged children with asthma need a reliever to use when they have asthma symptoms.

Regular preventer treatment is indicated for those with frequent intermittent asthma (flare-ups every 6 weeks
or more often) or persistent asthma symptoms (daytime asthma symptoms more than once per week or night-
time symptoms more than twice per month) and those with severe flare-ups, irrespective of the frequency of
flare-ups or symptoms between flare-ups.

General principles of asthma treatment in children

Aim for good control of asthma symptoms
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9/7/22, 2:52 PM Australian Asthma Handbook

Try to identify what triggers asthma symptoms (e.g. allergens).

Manage comorbid conditions that affect asthma (e.g. allergic rhinitis).

Show parents and children (if old enough) when and how to take reliever medicine.

Monitor regularly and adjust the treatment regimen to maintain good control of symptoms and prevent flare-
ups, while minimising the dose of inhaled corticosteroids (if needed).

Provide parents/carers and children with information and skills to manage their asthma, including:

a written asthma action plan to follow when symptoms worsen

information about reducing exposure to triggers, where appropriate (e.g. all tobacco smoke, but allergens
only when likely to be helpful and cost-effective)
training in correct use of medicines, including inhaler technique
information and support to maximise adherence.
advice about avoidance of tobacco smoke, healthy eating, physical activity, healthy weight and

LINK: Asthma Triggers

LINK: Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative PREDICT Australasian

bronchiolitis guideline

Classification of preschool wheeze and indications for preventer treatment in children aged

Severity of Frequency of symptoms


Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms

every 6 every 34 every 46 at least once
months or months weeks per week

Mild flare-ups Not Not Consider Indicated

indicated indicated

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9/7/22, 2:52 PM Australian Asthma Handbook

(managed with
salbutamol in

Moderate– Indicated Indicated Indicated Indicated

severe flare-

(require ED

Life- Indicated Indicated Indicated Indicated


or PICU

PICU paediatric intensive care unit; ED: emergency department


Prescribe preventer and monitor as a treatment trial. Discontinue if ineffective.

Not indicated:

Preventer is unlikely to be beneficial

Consider prescribing preventer according to overall risk for severe flare-ups


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9/7/22, 2:52 PM Australian Asthma Handbook

wheeze, cough or breathlessness. May be triggered by viral infection, exercise or inhaled



increase in symptoms from usual day-to-day symptoms (ranging from worsening asthma over a
few days to an acute asthma episode)

Preventer options: an inhaled corticosteroid (low dose) or montelukast

⚠ Advise parents/carers about potential adverse behavioural and/or neuropsychiatric effects of



Preventer medication is unlikely to be beneficial in a child whose symptoms do not generally

respond to salbutamol

In children taking preventer, symptoms should be managed with a short-acting inhaled beta2
agonist reliever (e.g. when child shows difficulty breathing).

Last reviewed version 2.0

Asset ID 20

FIGURE: Stepped approach to adjusting asthma medication in children aged 15 years

Classification of asthma and indications for initiating preventer treatment in children aged

Severity of flare- Average frequency of flare-ups and symptoms between flare-ups


Infrequent Frequent Persistent

intermittent intermittent Between flare-ups
Flare-ups every 6 Flare-ups more (any of):
weeks or less and than once every 6
no symptoms weeks and no › Daytime
between flare-ups symptoms‡
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9/7/22, 2:52 PM Australian Asthma Handbook

symptoms more than once

between flare-ups
per week

› Night-time
more than twice
per month

› Symptoms
restrict activity
or sleep

Mild flare-ups Not indicated Consider Indicated

(almost always
managed with
salbutamol in

Moderate–severe Consider Indicated Indicated


2 in past year

requiring ED or

Life-threatening Indicated Indicated Indicated


hospitalisation or

Preventer should be started as a treatment trial. Assess response after 46 weeks and review
before prescribing long term.

ED: emergency department

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9/7/22, 2:52 PM Australian Asthma Handbook

Indicated: Prescribe preventer and monitor as a treatment trial. At follow-up, discontinue if


Not indicated: Preventer is unlikely to be beneficial

Consider prescribing preventer according to overall risk for severe flare-ups

‡ Symptoms between flare-ups. A flare-up is defined as a period of worsening asthma symptoms,

from mild (e.g. symptoms that are just outside the normal range of variation for the child,
documented when well) to severe (e.g. events that require urgent action by parents/carers and
health professionals to prevent a serious outcome such as hospitalisation or death from asthma).

Last reviewed version 2.0

Asset ID 16

FIGURE: Stepped approach to adjusting asthma medication in children aged 611 years

Definition of levels of recent asthma symptom control in children (regardless of current

treatment regimen)

Good control Partial control Poor control

All of: Any of: Either of:

› Daytime symptoms† 2 › Daytime symptoms† 2 › Daytime symptoms† 2

days per week (lasting days per week (lasting days per week (lasting

only a few minutes and only a few minutes and from minutes to hours or
rapidly relieved by rapidly relieved by recurring, and partially
rapid-acting rapid-acting or fully relieved by SABA
bronchodilator) bronchodilator) reliever)

› No limitation of › Any limitation of › 3 features of partial

activities‡ activities* control within the same

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9/7/22, 2:52 PM Australian Asthma Handbook

› No symptoms§ during › Any symptoms during

night or when wakes up night or when wakes

› Need for SABA reliever# up††

2 days per week › Need for SABA reliever#
2 days per week

SABA short-acting beta2 agonist

† e.g. wheezing or breathing problems

‡ child is fully active; runs and plays without symptoms

§ including no coughing during sleep

# not including doses taken prophylactically before exercise. Record this separately and take into
account when assessing management.)

* e.g. wheeze or breathlessness during exercise, vigorous play or laughing

†† e.g. waking with symptoms of wheezing or breathing problems


Recent asthma control is based on symptoms over the previous 4 weeks. Each child’s risk factors
for future asthma outcomes should also be assessed and taken into account in management.

Validated questionnaires can be used for assessing recent symptom control:

Test for Respiratory and Asthma Control in Kids TRACK for children < 5 years
Childhood Asthma Control Test CACT for children aged 411 years

Last reviewed version 2.0

Asset ID 23

Definitions of ICS dose levels in children

Inhaled corticosteroid Daily dose (microg)

https://www.asthmahandbook.org.au/management/children 7/10

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) Emerg Med J

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) Emerg Med J

9/7/22, 2:52 PM Australian Asthma Handbook

Management: ages 1–5

Managing wheezing and asthma in children aged 15 years, including use of relievers and preventers,
reviewing and adjusting initial treatment, managing flare-ups and managing severe asthma


Management: age 6 and over

Managing asthma in children aged 6 years and over, including use of relievers and preventers, reviewing
and adjusting initial treatment, managing flare-ups and managing severe asthma


Administering medicines

Administering inhaled medicines correctly in children, including the use of inhalers, spacers and masks


Routine asthma reviews

Planning and conducting routine asthma review for children with asthma or preschool wheeze



Managing triggers in children with asthma or preschool wheeze


https://www.asthmahandbook.org.au/management/children 9/10

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) Emerg Med J

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) Emerg Med J

9/7/22, 2:52 PM Australian Asthma Handbook


Diagnosing asthma in children


A clinical definition of asthma in children

Asthma is defined clinically as the combination of variable respiratory symptoms (e.g. wheeze,
shortness of breath, cough and chest tightness) and excessive variation in lung function, i.e.
variation in expiratory airflow that is greater than that seen in healthy children (‘variable airflow

See: A working definition of asthma

There is no single reliable test (‘gold standard’) and there are no standardised diagnostic criteria for asthma.

The diagnosis of asthma is based on:

physical examination
considering other diagnoses
clinical response to a treatment trial with an inhaled short-acting beta2 agonist reliever or preventer

Infants (age 012 months)

Asthma should not be diagnosed in infants aged less than 12 months old. Wheezing in this age group is most
commonly due to acute viral bronchiolitis or to small and/or floppy airways. Infants with clinically significant
wheezing should be referred to a paediatric respiratory physician or paediatrician.

Preschool wheeze (age 15 years)

Although many individuals later diagnosed with asthma first show respiratory symptoms by the age of 5
years, it is difficult to make the diagnosis of asthma with a high degree of certainty in children aged 15 years,

episodic respiratory symptoms such as wheezing and cough are very common in children, particularly in
children under 3 years
https://www.asthmahandbook.org.au/diagnosis/children 1/3

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) Emerg Med J

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) Emerg Med J

Simone L, et al. Emerg Med J 2023; 40:200–201. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212642

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