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Mayana, Jagna, Bohol

Member: Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP)

Bohol Association of Catholic Schools (BACS)
Diocese of Tagbilaran

NAME: _____________________________________________ DATE:____________________
Grade & Section: _________________________________ SCORE: __________________

I. Identification: Identify the following statements. Write your answers on the space provided.(10pts.)

__________________ 1. the purpose of this type of listening is to provide understanding and support
__________________ a kind of speech in which the speaker is given with little or no preparation for he/she
knows so well about the topic
_____________ the act of trying to bring about a certain change in the addressee
_____________ _____4. when two people get together to talk is called what?
_____________ _____5. is defined as communicating with the self
__________________ is the interference and interruption that caused during the process of communication
__________________ 7.type of listening that evaluates the messages
__________________ 8.process of listening in which the brain of listener decodes the series of nerve impulses it
receives and translate it into meaningful language symbols and then into thought
_____________ sent by the sender
_____________ ____10. is a type of speech which can also sound “canned” and lacking in spontaneity

II. Enumeration: Enumerate the following (10 pts.)

1. Different speech acts (3)
2. Give at least 4 preparations in having an oral delivery
3. Speech tensions at least 3

III. Essay Type: Explain the following( 10 pts.each)

1. What is communication?
2. What is the difference between listening and hearing?
3. What is speech act?

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
~Nelson Mandela

Good luck and God Bless!!! Happy vacation..enjoy your sembreak

~Teacher Nadath

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