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For instance: Celebrities (Amir Khan), Leaders (Imran Khan) etc The process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of change to achieve the required business outcome(s) OR Change management can be defined as a set of processes that is employed to ensure that significant changes are implemented in an orderly, controlled, and systematic fashion to effect organizational change. One of the goals of change management is with regards to the human aspects of overcoming resistance to change in order for organizational members to buy into change and achieve the organizations goal of an orderly and effective Change management is a systematic approach to dealing with change, both from the perspective of an organization and on the individual level. A somewhat ambiguous term, change management has at least three different aspects, including: adapting to change, controlling change, and effecting change. A proactive approach to dealing with change is at the core of all three aspects. For an organization, change management means defining and implementing procedures and/or technologies to deal with changes in the business environment and to profit from changing opportunities. Successful adaptation to change is as crucial within an organization as it is in the natural world. Just like plants and animals, organizations and the individuals in them inevitably encounter changing conditions that they are powerless to control. The more effectively you deal with change, the more likely you are to thrive. Adaptation might involve establishing a structured methodology for responding to changes in the business environment (such as a fluctuation in the economy, or a threat from a competitor) or establishing coping mechanisms for responding to changes in the workplace (such as new policies, or technologies). Terry Paulson, the author of Paulson on Change, quotes an uncle's advice: "It's easiest to ride a horse in the direction it is going." In other words, don't struggle against change; learn to use it to your advantage.

Why change management?

What can happen if change is NOT managed?

What can happen if change is EFFECTIVELY managed?

Productivity declines as people become more consumed with the change being introduced. Passive resistance festers. Active resistance emerges and sabotages the change. Valued employees leave the organization, a very costly proposition in terms of the lost contribution and the cost to replace them. Employees become disinterested in the current state and the future state. Employees begin arguing about change and the direction of the company. People are left to wonder why the change is happening. More people begin taking sick days or not showing up for work. People find work-arounds to avoid implementing the new way of doing things. Employees revert back to the old way of doing things. Changes are not fully implemented. Changes are scrapped and cancelled due to the lack of support throughout the organization. Divides are created in the organization between 'us' and 'them'. The organization builds a history of failed and painful changes. Many types of risk are created risk to the project, to the organization, to the employees

Employees have a solid understanding of why change is happening. Employees engage in both the solution and the change. Training is used to build knowledge after employees have made the personal decision to support the change. Resistance is identified and dealt with early in the process. Senior leaders demonstrate their own and the organization's commitment to the change. Communications are segmented and customized for different audiences, answering the questions that they care about. Momentum is built throughout different areas and levels within the organization. Changes are less painful to the organization and to the employees. A coalition of support among senior leaders and managers creates momentum throughout the organization. Probability of meeting project objectives is increased. The organization begins to build a history of successful change, creating a better 'backdrop' for the next change initiative.

involved and to the individuals supporting or chartering the change.

What can happen if change is NOT managed?

What can happen if change is EFFECTIVELY managed?

"Failure to meet financial objectives of the project and to failure to realize nonfinancial business benefits (e.g. best practice processes, full utilization of IT capability being delivered, internal operational excellence)." - Gail "A context is created for future change failure. People may stop believing in the success of change projects." - Koen "The change results fail to be sustainable in the absence of change management." Debasis "It will become very difficult for anyone to sign up for the next process improvement project." - Stephen "Sensitivity is created to change which results in a cycle of increased resistance to smaller and smaller changes." - Amy "Failure to understand the 'purpose' will definitely cause resistance and lack of commitment." - Ashiru "If change is not well managed an organisation will loose its goodwill, because as production decline due to

"I think something about the positive aspect of a process being used would be a plus." - Frank "Subject matter experts and those with the ability to influence are better able to execute and not be consumed with concerns about resistance." - Michelle "As the process of change progresses and the anticipated results start showing up, the employees' interest and the level of motivation rises, which further speeds up the process of change." - Shyam "Increases the odds of successfully developing the continuous improvement component of the various quality certifications. Lurkers on the sidelines will be more inclined to get on the next working team. Sponsors will be more than happy to lend their support to an initiative that is likely to succeed. Resources are more apt to feel appreciated. People will want to come to work." - Stephen "Once change is properly managed, productivity will boom and organization's culture standard will also boom up." -

employee poor performance customers' need may not be met. Thus dissatisfied customers will move to the competitors." - Lawrence "Employees are 'dug in' and accustomed to their way." - Joe "Cut off teams or "cliques" are formed between employees thus creating divisions within the organization." - Joe "There will be a lack of confidence in management's capabilities and decisions that may lead non-compliance and disloyalty among employees." - Ahmed "When people do not understand why a change is required, they may accept it, but they do not make a personal decision to support it. As a result, some change may be realized, however the full potential of the change, including feedback on how to leverage the change for further positive changes is not likely to be realized." - Fern "If change is not properly managed and sponsored well by the senior management level; then a lot of resources waste is a resulting in a forced change at a latter stage which would be too costly then." Anwar

Ahmed "The practice of change management brings the certainty that the enterprise cares about its personnel, building better perception of company's initiatives. Communication strategy is a key issue to achieve this." - Enrique "A change that achieved quick wins and sustained results is more likely to enjoy continued executive sponsorship and fresh investment of resources from senior management" - Ho Pui Chan "Leadership commitment, participation and interaction to the change process will motivate employees to support the process. There won't be 'us' and 'them' situation." - Kele "The earlier business calls on its valuable resources to participate in the change process; the higher the probability of success in change management." - Anwar

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Benefits of change management to the organization:

Change is a planned and managed process. The benefits of the change are known before implementation and serve as motivators and assessment of progress The organization can respond faster to customer demands Helps to align existing resources within the organization Change management allows the organization to assess the overall impact of a change Change can be implemented without negatively effecting the day to day running of business Organizational effectiveness and efficiency is maintained or even improved by acknowledging the concerns of staff The time needed to implement change is reduced The possibility of unsuccessful change is reduced Employee performance increases when staff feel supported and understand the change process Increased customer service and effective service to clients from confident and knowledgeable employees Change management provides a way to anticipate challenges and respond to these efficiently An effective change management process lowers the risk associated with change Managed costs of change: change management helps to contain costs associated with the change Increased return on investment (ROI) Creates an opportunity for the development of "best practices", leadership development, and team development

Benefits of change management for individuals / staff:

Effective change management supports a smooth transition from the old to the new while maintaining morale, productivity, and even company image Provides management and staff support for concerns regarding changes An efficient change management process creates the correct perception of the change for staff and public Helps to plan efficient communication strategies Minimizes resistance to change Improves morale, productivity and quality of work Improves cooperation, collaboration and communication A carefully planned approach to change reduces stress and anxiety and encourages people to stay loyal to the organization Increased employee acceptance of the change Personal loss/gain to individuals is acknowledged and addressed

Change management reduces disruptive aspects and emphasises positive opportunities in the change process

Further benefits of change management:

Careful planning helps to ensure that the change process is started and managed by the right people at the right time Planned change management allows you to include specific tasks and events that are appropriate for each stage in the change process Change management ensures that customers, suppliers and other stakeholders understand and support the change

The ADKAR Model

Change management has been developed over a period of time and one of the models that has played an influence in change management is the ADKAR model. Procsi developed the ADKAR model. In this model, there are five specific stages that must be realized in order for an organization or an individual to successfully change. They include:

Awareness An individual or organization must know why a specific change or series of changes are needed. Desire Either the individual or organizational members must have the motivation and desire to participate in the call for change or changes. Knowledge Knowing why one must change is not enough. An individual or organization must know how to change. Ability Every individual and organization that truly wants to change must implement new skills and behaviors to make the necessary changes happen. Reinforcement Individuals and organizations must be reinforced to sustain any changes. If not, an individual or organization will probably revert to their old behavior.

Organizational Change Management

Organizational change management takes into consideration both the processes and tools that managers use to make changes at an organizational level. Most organizations want change implemented with the least resistance and with the most buy-in as possible. For this to occur, change must be applied with a structured approach so that transition from one type of behavior to another will be smooth.

Managements Role in the Organizational Change

In most cases, managements first responsibility is to identify processes or behaviors that are not proficient and come up with new behaviors, processes, etc. that are more effective. Once changes are identified, it is important for managers to estimate the impact that they will have on the organization and individual employee on many levels including technology, employee behavior, work processes, etc. At this point management should assess the employees reaction to an implemented change and try to understand the reaction to it. In many cases, change can be extremely beneficial. However, certain changes sometimes produce a tremendous amount of resistance. It is managements job to help support workers through the process, which is at times very difficult. The end result is that management must help employees accept change and help them become well adjusted and effective once these changes have been implemented.

The Importance of Buy In

For an individual or organization to achieve change effectively, it is important that individuals in the organization who need to make modifications to their behavior exhibit buy in. Buy in means that the organization as a whole understands that the changes that need to be made are ultimately beneficial to both the individual and the organization. In addition, each individual and the organization as a whole have to work hard to make the necessary behavior modifications. If an organization tries to make changes that are inherently bad or that the organization does not receive positively, it will be much more difficult or close to impossible to implement these changes without significant resistance. Organizations can enhance buy in by first explaining the changes to be made, citing issues with current procedures and then communicating the benefits for both the individual and organization.

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