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Source: Bulgarian Historical Review / Revue Bulgare d'Histoire

Bulgarian Historical Review

Location: Bulgaria
Author(s): Daniel Vatchkov
Title: Илияна Марчева. Политиката за стопанска модернизация в България по време на
Студената война. Пловдив, изд. Летера, 2016, 640 с.
Iliana Marcheva. The Policy of Economic Modernization in Bulgaria During the Cold War.
Plovdiv, Letera, 2016, 640 p.
Issue: 3-4/2016
Citation Daniel Vatchkov. "Илияна Марчева. Политиката за стопанска модернизация в България
style: по време на Студената война. Пловдив, изд. Летера, 2016, 640 с.". Bulgarian Historical
Review / Revue Bulgare d'Histoire 3-4:256-260.
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Илияна Марчева. Политиката за стопанска модернизация в България

по време на Студената война. Пловдив, изд. Летера, 2016, 640 с.
(Iliana Marcheva. The Policy of Economic Modernization in Bulgaria
During the Cold War. Plovdiv, Letera, 2016, 640 p.)
From the second half of the 1940s, the two political ideological blocs affect
radical changes started to take place its implementation? Who and how took
in the Bulgarian economy, first in the part in the modernization processes?
ownership of the production capaci- What stages and obstacles did it pass
ties and later in the structure of the na- through? What were the public conflicts
tional economy. For a relatively short and changes that have arisen from it?
historical period, due to the purpose- What successes and deformations did it
fully pursued policy by the communist cause in the Bulgarian economy? What
regime, the essence of the Bulgarian were the reasons for its failure? These
economy was changed – according to are just a few of the many questions to
official statistics, if in the 1930s 60% which Iliana Marcheva’s research has
of the GDP in the country was formed managed to give a convincing answer.
by agriculture, twenty years later the It should be noted at the outset that
ratio was just the opposite – over two- the monograph is a fundamental study
thirds of the GDP belonged to industry. on the economic history of Bulgaria in
Undoubtedly these transformations can the period of socialism. In the introduc-
be defined as processes of intensive tion, the author makes a precise theo-
modernization. They took place under retical and historiographical analysis of
extraordinary economic and political the term modernization, thus clearly de-
conditions, both within the country and fining the main subject of her research.
in the sphere of international relations, The excellent knowledge and correct
and left their mark on the characteris- interpretation of the main theses on the
tics and results of the communist mod- topic, both in the world, and in the Bul-
ernization of Bulgaria. garian scientific literature is revealed
How was the policy of economic from the very beginning of the text.
modernization formulated and imple- The author accurately outlines the main
mented? What was the role of the ex- features of the era that have entered the
ternal factor in setting this policy and history of international relations in the
how did the global opposition between twentieth century with the name Cold

256 Bulgarian Historical Review, 2016, 3–4

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War. Thus Assoc. Prof. Marcheva con- Bulgarian economy since 1944. With
vincingly justifies the timeframe of her good reason Assoc. Prof. Marcheva as-
research and at the same time singles out sociates the ongoing transformations
the factors that have influenced most the with the political events taking place
development of the economic processes in the country, which in their turn were
in Bulgaria during that period. The ob- strongly influenced by the development
jectives and tasks of the monograph are of the relations between the great victo-
clearly stated. The research approach is rious powers. Quite convincing are her
very well chosen – to examine the mod- assessments of the agrarian reform car-
ernization processes in Bulgaria in the ried out by the Fatherland Front, the role
light of the development of the interna- of free labor, the nationalization of the
tional situation and its direct impact on economy, which had started even before
Bulgarian-Soviet relations. Particularly the adoption of a special law in Decem-
this approach can explain the peculi- ber 1947. The role of the Cominform
arities and the results of the economic in laying down the economic policy in
modernization carried out by the com- Bulgaria after 1947 is well presented.
munist government. It becomes clear that in the conditions
The structure of the book chosen of full control of the government by the
by the author follows precisely the main Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP), it
stages in the development of the East- is no surprise that despite the complete
West opposition, each of them leaving lack of economic logic the Soviet Sta-
its own imprint on the pursued policy linist model of autocratic development
and the resulting consequences. of the economy was introduced in Bul-
The first chapter is devoted to the garia without any discussion.
economic transformations in Bulgaria in In this chapter, Assoc. Prof. Mar­
the height of the Cold War period, from cheva starts exploring a very important
the second half of the 1940s to the end of element of the development of the eco-
the 1950s. It starts with a review of the nomic processes in the country, namely
policy of protectionism conducted by the training of the business cadres, who
the Bulgarian governments until 1944. were called upon to ensure and carry
The author makes the well-grounded out the modernization in purely techni-
conclusion that it was not effective and cal terms. The reasons and consequenc-
points to the main problem facing the es of the profound changes in the status
Bulgarian industry, namely that it could of the economic elite and its subsequent
not develop only within the internal replacement also well presented. The
market, which was extremely limited, author examines and explains the ideo-
but had to seek for an outside realiza- logical and political motives in the re-
tion of its output. The main text of the moval of the old and the construction
first chapter is devoted to the profound of the new scientific and engineering
changes that have taken place in the staff.


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This part of the book presents in far from the real potential of the coun-
detail the problems of the total nation- try was the economic policy conducted
alization, the forced industrialization, by the Communist Party and its leader.
the forced co-operation of the land The second chapter is devoted to
and the basic defects of the economic the problems of modernization in the
modernization carried out following the 1960s. This period is characterized by
Soviet model. As a significant charac- important changes in international re-
teristic of the state of the economy in lations in terms of mitigating the con-
these years two very important facts are frontation between the two superpow-
singled out: first, that the investments ers and, at the same time, by enhancing
were too ineffective – 1 BGN invested the economic integration both in the
yielded a national income of 1.33 BGN, West and in the East. This was also a
and second, the fact that the realiza- time when the ruling Communist Par-
tion of the export goods was far below ty undertook a number of actions to
their production cost. This is the ma- increase the efficiency of the Bulgar-
jor part of the economic problems that ian economy. With good reason in this
have become the cause the population part of the book Assoc. Prof. Marcheva
to continue living in the conditions of puts the main emphasis on the elabo-
a serious shortage years after the end ration and implementation of a large
of the war, even though it was declared scale (in view of the socialist ideologi-
that the pre-war level of production was cal framework) reform policy, trying to
exceeded. Naturally, all these profound bring some market correctives to the
changes in the economy are presented administrative-planning economy. The
in the relatively broad context of the reasons for the start of the economic
emerging conflicts in the midst of the reforms – subsidizing exports, increas-
Cold War and their impact on the Bul- ing the external indebtedness of the
garian-Soviet political and economic state, trying to improve the standard
relations. of living of the population in order to
Precisely and exhaustively the strengthen the regime’s public support
author describes the sharp twists in are well presented and analyzed. The
the economic concepts of the develop- author accurately presents the debate
ment of Bulgaria after Stalin’s death. among the party and business leaders
They continued to copy the change of regarding the issue for/against the re-
the policy line coming from Moscow, forms, as well as the decisive role of T.
and mostly reflected the political strug- Zhivkov, who had the final say in mak-
gles for supremacy in the party and ing the decision. Extremely important
state leadership. With regard to the idea is Assoc. Prof. Marcheva’s research on
adopted from the outside, mainly from the problems related to the development
China, of the big leap in the industrial of the personal economy in agriculture
development, it can be seen again how and livestock breeding, the activity of


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the foreign trade organizations and in that were developing under the sign of
particular of the “Texim” overseas com- détente, which found its most striking
pany. The author rightly shows that it expres­ sion in the so-called Helsinki
was the political, and not the economic process. It is well illustrated how the
expediency that was decisive for the improvement of the political contacts
outcome of the reform policy of the sec- between the East and the West was re-
ond half of the 1960s. The surfacing of flected in their economic relationship.
some social problems, such as the emer- The author proves convincingly that de-
gence of unemployment and the break- spite the greater opening of the social-
down of important ideological concepts ist community to the world markets, for
of socialism, such as the levelling and Bulgaria the relations with the Soviet
the seeming social equality, have led to Union continued to be entirely domi-
the gradual abandonment of the reform nant. The expanding Bulgarian industry
projects. was becoming ever more dependent on
In this chapter is well presented the import of Soviet raw materials and
the process of building a personality it relied almost entirely on realization of
cult of T. Zhivkov and the related to it its production in the Council for Mutual
way of defining and implementing the Economic Assistance (CMEA) coun-
economic policy in Bulgaria. Here, too, tries and especially in the USSR
the economic changes are very well In this part of the book Assoc.
examined in close connection with the Prof. Marcheva traces well the expan-
relations with the Soviet Union, which sion of the country’s industrial base, the
throughout the whole period under modernization and the organizational
scrutiny remained the main factor in consolidation in agriculture, the wider
the planning and realization of all major application of the achievements of the
economic initiatives. A major scientific scientific and technological progress,
contribution of the author is the text de- the formation of a significant number
voted to the ideas of expanding the eco- of scientific and engineering staff. She
nomic integration between the USSR, also shows that behind the impressively
Bulgaria and Romania, to which the sounding figures, there were actually
regime in Bucharest was quite strongly serious problems and defects in the sys-
opposed. tem of the planned economy. The argu-
The third chapter explores the pro­ ments about the growing energy inten-
cesses of building a „developed“ so- sity of the Bulgarian industry, which
cialist society in the 1970s, as it was prevented it from increasing its effi-
defined in the new communist phra- ciency and its competitiveness on the
seology. Before going into a detailed markets outside the CMEA sound con-
presentation of the topic, Assoc. Prof. vincing. It is noted that industrialization
Marcheva makes an accurate charac- was increasingly starting to become an
terization of the international relations


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end in itself, which is inevitable in the of the CMEA system but also of the ad-
conditions of a non-market economy. ministrative-planning economy, which
The major figures that set the needed a serious market corrective. The
guidelines for the economic policy of new political situation in Moscow after
the state and the struggles among them Mikhail Gorbachev’s coming to power
for supremacy and gaining positions turned to be crucial for the survival of
before the Secretary General othe Bul- T. Zhivkov’s regime in Bulgaria. In the
garian Communist Party T. Zhiv­kov are second half of the 1980s serious com-
well presented. plications emerged in the internal po-
In this chapter attention is paid also litical situation in Bulgaria. They were
to two other very important topics – the marked mostly by the so-called revival
consequences of the accelerated urbani- process and the deepening debt crisis.
zation and the development of a seri- All these important political and eco-
ous debt crisis in the second half of the nomic events of external and internal
1970s. Here too, Assoc. Prof. Marcheva nature are analyzed in detail by As-
expresses precise opinions and makes soc. Prof. Marcheva, while singling out
convincing and well-grounded conclu- those which give a well-grounded ex-
sions. planation for the failure of the overall
The last, fourth, chapter of the policy conducted until then.
book is devoted to the collapse of the The conclusion presents in a syn-
socialist model of economic moderni- thesized way the main cha­rac­teristics of
zation. From a foreign policy point of the different sta­ges in the realization of
view, the 1980s are characterized by the eco­nomic modernization with their
worsening of the opposition between achieve­ments and problems and draws
the two blocs. This found expression out the major conclusions of the author
in the acceleration of armaments and about the results of the policy of social-
industrial technology – a race in which ist industrialization and modernization,
the socialist community was show- which has been carried out for more
ing an ever-increasing lag. Against the than 40 years. One cannot but accept
background of these major changes in the conclusion made at the end of the
international relations, there were also book that the Soviet style moderniza-
profound changes in the existing ap- tion conducted in Bulgaria was not able
proaches and methods in conducting the to answer neither the external, nor the
socialist integration. The desire of more internal challenges of the contemporary
and more community members to intro- high technological model.
duce payment in convertible currency
affected the fundamental basis not only Daniel Vachkov*

* Daniel Vachkov is Assoc. Professor, Ph.D. at the Institute for Historical Studies, Bul-
garian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:


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