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Université Joseph Ki Zerbo


Département d’informatique

English presentation

Text 4

Members of the group 5:

 YALAWEOGO Wendyam Eric Cheich Omar

 OUEDRAOGO Abdou Wahabou

Teacher: Mr DONDASSE

Software developers invent the technologies that you take for granted every day. For
instance, that app that rings, sings or buzzes you out of deep sleep in the morning? A
software developer helped design that. And when you roll into the office and turn on your
computer, clicking and scrolling through social media, music, your personal calendar? Yes,
software developers had a big hand in shaping those, too. You might spend your lunch
shopping, and before you make that big purchase you check your bank account balance using
your phone. Later, you’re cooking a new recipe from that great app your friend told you
about. As you look over the course of your day, you come to see that software developers are
the masterminds behind the technologies you now can’t imagine living without.

The best software developers are creative and have the technical expertise to carry out
innovative ideas. You might expect software developers to sit at their desks designing
programs all day – and they do, but their job involves many more responsibilities. They could
spend their days working on a client project from scratch and writing new code. But they
could also be tasked with maintaining or improving the code for programs that are already
up and running. Software developers also check for bugs in software. And although the job
does involve extreme concentration and chunks of uninterrupted time, software developers
have to collaborate with others, including fellow developers, management or clients.
Developers are often natural problem solvers who possess strong analytical skills and the
ability to think outside the box.

Software developers are in high demand right now. They’re employed in a range of
industries, including computer systems design, electronic product manufacturing and
finance. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a whopping 22.8 percent employment
growth for software developers between 2012 and 2022, which is much faster than average
for all occupations. In that period, an estimated 139,900 jobs will open up. The profession’s
superb job prospects, low unemployment rate and excellent median salary helped it grab a
top spot in our Best Jobs of 2015 rankings.
Software Developer


1) What does the text deal with?

2) Find a suitable title to the text. Justify the title according to the text.

3) What qualities does a good software developer have?

4) What is the situation of job for software developers,

5) How can software contribute to develop an educational system?

6) Translate the last but one paragraph into French.

7) Tell one important project you have for your country.

Good afternoon, sir and classmates

We are pleased to be in front of you to present our English work who is divided in two

The collective work and the individual work.

But before starting let’s introduce ourselves.

We have chosen the text 4 for our collective work:

Now let’s start reading

1) The text deals with the role of software developers and their impact on everyday life, as
well as their job responsibilities, demand in the job market, and qualities that make a good
software developer.

2) Suitable Title: "The role of Software Developers in Shaping Everyday Technology"

This title is justified because the text discusses how software developers are responsible for
designing and maintaining the technology, we use daily, and it highlights their importance in
our modern lives.

3) The text mentions that good software developers have qualities such as creativity,
technical expertise, problem-solving skills, strong analytical skills, the ability to collaborate
with others and think innovatively.

4) The text states that software developers are in high demand, with a projected 22.8
percent employment growth between 2012 and 2022. This growth rate is much faster than
the average for all occupations, and the profession offers superb job prospects, low
unemployment rates, and excellent median salaries.

5) The text does not provide information about how software can contribute to developing
an educational system. But from our own knowledge we can say that Software can
significantly contribute to the development and enhancement of an educational system in
various ways: we give 3 reasons
First for Digital Learning Platforms: Educational software provides a platform for delivering
digital learning materials, including interactive textbooks, multimedia content, and
educational games. These platforms offer a more engaging and dynamic learning experience
for students.

Second for Personalized Learning: Educational software can adapt to individual student's
needs, allowing for personalized learning paths. It can assess a student's strengths and
weaknesses and provide targeted exercises and content to address their specific needs.

Final for Administrative Efficiency: Educational institutions use software for administrative
tasks, such as managing student records, enrolment, and scheduling. This streamlines
operations and reduces administrative overhead.

In summary, software plays a crucial role in modernizing and improving educational systems
by offering flexible, adaptive, and interactive learning experiences. It helps bridge
educational gaps, support teachers, and prepare students for the digital age.

6) Translation of the last paragraph into French:

"Les développeurs de logiciels sont actuellement très demandés. Ils travaillent dans diverses
industries, notamment la conception de systèmes informatiques, la fabrication de produits
électroniques et la finance. Le Bureau des statistiques du travail prévoit une croissance de
l'emploi de 22,8 % pour les développeurs de logiciels entre 2012 et 2022, ce qui est bien plus
rapide que la moyenne de toutes les professions. Au cours de cette période, environ 139 900
emplois seront créés. Les perspectives professionnelles exceptionnelles, le faible taux de
chômage et le salaire médian excellent de la profession l'ont placée en tête de notre
classement des meilleurs emplois de 2015."
7)For our country, we have one important project which is put in place Public Safety
Management System: that means, developing a system for emergency monitoring and
response, improving public safety and emergency service coordination.

Dear teacher, dear classmates, we are at the end of our collective presentation and now we are going
to do the individual work. So we give the floor to mister Abdoul for starting his work.

Si abdoul fini: I finished my own work now I give the floor to miss Natchiele

Si Arlette fini: I am at the end of my work and I wive the floor to Cheich for his work

Theme personnel: computer science importance in security and defence

Computer science is very important in security and defence. I explain this with 3 goods ideas.

First of all, in Surveillance and reconnaissance: Computing powers advanced surveillance systems like
drones and security cameras, enabling continuous monitoring of borders and sensitive areas.

Then in Simulation and training: Computer simulations allow security and defence forces to train in
virtual environments, improving their preparedness and responsiveness in real-world situations.

Third in Resource management: Computer systems are used to efficiently manage resources such as
weapon stocks, ammunition, and supplies, crucial for maintaining operational effectiveness of the
armed forces.

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