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Questions to be familiar with :

1. What is maximum x'wind landing for our plane

model ?
2. What is the METAR & TAF and what is the
difference between them ?

3. When do we have to file a flight plan ?

4. What is Vy for this aircraft? What is Vx? What

is final approach speed? What is Va?

5. Why aren't flaps just removed altogether,

quickly, during a go-around?

6. Where does the right hand go during takeoff?


7. What is the purpose of flaps?

8. When do you need to Radio communicate in

the controlled/uncontrolled environment?

9. What situations might prompt a go-around?

10. How do you use flight controls on final, in any

sort of crosswind?

11. Who has the right-of-way? Lower aircraft, or

aircraft on final.
12. What is Dangerous area ,restricted area and
Prohibited area.

13. What is your action incase of radio

communication failure in the CTR and out side of

14. What number do we squawk in case of radio

communication failure and emergency ?

15. What is the tower frequencies at EPPO (

Poznan airport), Poznan information and ATIS?

16. What is the max fuel capacity for the Tecnam

p2008 ?

17. What is the different between QNH and QFE?

18. What is H-A-S-E-L-L checks and when do we

neet to do them ?

19. What is your action in case of engine failure

before rotating speed ?

20. After rotating speed and you have enough

runway ?

21. How do you check the oil in Tecnam p2008 ?

22. How do you check the coolant ?

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