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Presented to the Faculty of the

Philippine Public Safety College
Camp Vicente Lim, Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for




JO1/T Fortusa, Kenneth L (Charile Coy)

JO1/T De Leon, Christian Dale D (Charile Coy)
JO1/T Dalisay, Guillermo A (Bravo Coy)
JO1/T Pagoyo, Gerald A (Bravo Coy)
JO1/T Pelaez, Paul John C (Echo Coy)

11 May 2021

Title Page


Table of Contents

Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------- 2

Jail Facility Situation Update ----------------------------------------- 3

Jail Observation and Learning ----------------------------------------- 4

1. Admin -------------------------------------------------- 4

2. Operations -------------------------------------------------- 5

2.1 . Escort Services

2.2 Custodial Services

2.3 Records

3. Inmates Welfare and Development -------------- 7

3.1 . Paralegal Services

3.2 . Mess Services

3.3 . Health Services

4. Intelligence Services ---------------------------------- 10

5. Investigation Services ---------------------------------- 10

Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Recommendation -------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Appendices ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

The jail officer 1 trainees wishses to convey our heartfelt gratitude and

appreciation to the Jail Warden J/SINSP DAVID M JAMBALOS and to

Deputy Jail Warden SJO3 ALFREDO N MAJABA and to all personnel of

Bansud District Jail for all their advices and for everything that they taught us

during our stay with them and very much thankful for guiding us for the

completion of this Jail Immersion Program.

We also want to give our big thanks to JCSUPT HILBERT M FLOR,


Commandant of Students, to PPSC and to all the ATS staff for molding us

and for giving us the knowledge and skills and for guiding us for the

preparation and completion of our Jail Immersion Program.

To our Family who always their to support us in our journey to become

a good Jail Officer and for giving us inspiration to continue and fight to reach

our dream and goals in life.

And most especially we want to thank God for answering our prayers

and for giving us the strength and wisdom to do what is needed to finish our

Jail Immersion Program.


Jail officer or correction officer is a uniformed official responsible for the custody, supervision,

safety and regulation of prisoners. They are responsible for the care, custodyand control of individuals

who have been convicted of a crime and sentenced of imprisonment. They are also responsible for

the security of the facility and its property.

Jail refers to small, temporary holding facility run by local governments. This is designed to

detain recently arrested people who have committed a minor offense or misdemeanor.

The Jail Immersion Program is conducted by every Jail Officer 1 Trainees before graduation to

become a full pledge Jail Officer 1. It aims to experience the real macoy, the real duties and

responsibilities of a Jail Officer. It is a part of training of a Jail Officer 1 Trainess to experience and

observed the different kinds of duties and responsibilities of Jail Officer when it comes to Admin

Matters, Operational Matters, Inmates Welfare and Development, Intelligence services and

Investigation services to become ready and prepared when we deployed to our respective and

permanent assignment

JIP is one of the best program of the Jail Basic Recruitment Course (JBRC) because it is

planned, organized, and conducted like it is in a real macoy. The trainees will stand at their own,

observing everything with or without the supervision of others. They are deploy to observed the things

they learned in their academic subject if it is really observed in a real jail situation. This is the time

that trainees get a chance to observed and experiences the reality and the nature of the work of a Jail

Officer and distinguish the real happening from theoritical teaching.


Jail is a correctional institution to used to detain person who are in the lawful custody of the

governmet. This include either accused person awaiting trial or those who have convicted of a

criminal offense.

From day to day jail activity and operations, a lot of problems arises and being encountered by

different jail facilities in the Philippines. As to update, the most common problem all jails experienced

is the congestion.

As we enter the jail facility of bansud district jail on April 25, 2021 the jail population is 90. We

observed the that the two building is under construction. At the gate post the armory, Admin office and

the cctv monitor is located and the quarantine building 1 and 2 a cell were the newly committed and

PDL undergone hearing were temporarily detained for 14 days quarantine.

Each dorm has comfort room, with dorm policies, sanitation, and cleanliness maintained

because of the sufficient water supply. Ventilation is also enough to make the PDL’s comfortable day

and night. The visiting area and multi-purpose hall are situated at the right side of and the kitchen

area is located at the back part inside jail facility. Basketball court and sunning area is located at the

front right corner of the jail facility. There is only one tower guard in Bansud District Jail that is located

at the back right corner of the facility and a under construction catwalk.

As to security we have observed that Bansud District Jail has perimeter fence with combat wire

in all fences. CCTV is placed there in 14 conspicuous areas.


All JIP Trainees undergone barracks quarantine for 14 days as the BJMP and LGU protocol to

make sure and prevent the threat of COVID-19 contagion.

10 April to 25 April 2021 JIP students observed barracks quarantine and undergone daily

health monitoring. JIP Students observed proper hygiene, took vitamins and conducted daily physical

conditioning inside their barracks.

On 25 April 2021 JIP Students has been allowed to enter the jail facility as we completed the

14 days quarantine. Pre – orientation was conducted and gave instructions to the JIP students

regarding their duties and responsibilities and also discussed the house rules they have to obey in

their stay at Bansud DJ as JIP students. All students have their meeting with the jail warden

discussing different concerns like the new normal duty details Job functions and Jail Organization.

JIP Trainees also conducted Greyhound Operation every day in different Dorms of Bansud DJ

interfering the Contrabands. JIP Trainees attended and observed Therapeutic Community Modality

Program (TCMP)- Morning Meeting, Weekly Wrap up and how to conducted by the PDL.


Admin is responsible for the tasking of the personnel and assigning their respective area of

responsibilities. They create schedule of activities, programs and events for the jail and even

coordinate with other agencies events. Admin also implemented trainings and seminars to support

and continuous skill enhancement of the personnel.

From this section we observed that it is more on paper works. The administration office of Bansud

District Jail is small in terms of area but is duly organized with complete materials that are

essential in jail services such as a separate computer, Four (4) units with specific functions; One

for National Inmates Monitoring System (NIMS), a computer for documentary purposes and for
other reportorial preparations. Drawers for the safekeeping of records were present too for PDL

(PDL Health Records) as well as personnel files (201 files). The building is also provided with

internet connection, one unit air-condition, landline service, and own comfort room. It is also

observed to have the phone directories of friendly forces and other contacts important in effective

communication. Bulletin of information were present with easy access of personnel, it was

observed that it is regularly updated; birthday celebration dates were given importance too, lastly

duty detail was prepared ahead of time. Also, indication whether it is in normal, red or blue alert is

placed in the wall as a reminder.

Despite of the limited area of the office, admin personnel manages their duties with efficiency

and flexibility that lacking of personnel is never an issue. Filings of records were neat and in order,

they follow alphabetical arrangement. Present also is the jails armory, properly safe keep.


Operation Division is responsible for the planning and implementation of all operations related to

the jail operations.This section is more in the preparation and application of OPLAN. They also assist

in conducting Greyhound Operations.


Because of the pandemic we are facing this year, all jails are in lockdown status wherein the

BJMP for the sake of preventing the covid-19 contagion and spreading implemented the policy of not

allowing physical visitation activities and any other activities which may bring virus inside the jail. In

this regard, Bansud District Jail started the e-visitation program or the “virtual visitation of the PDL.

As we observed, during court hearing schedule, personnel likely inform the PDL to prepare ahead of

time. Still the documents of the PDL are properly checked by the admin personnel and the desk

officer. It was observe that the escorting personnel conduct body search to PDL and proper hand
cuffing before they proceed to court .PDL must wear their facemask and faceshield as they are

going to court. They were accompanied by the escorting team going to the court. After court hearing,

the escorting personnel conduct again body search and spray disinfectant to PDL. After that PDL

was placed in quaratine area for 14 days.


We observed the following during our fifthteen (15) days Jail Immersion;

 Personnel conduct physical headcount before and after assumption of duty.

 Accounting of PDL is done 5-6 times a day, regularly every 7am, 12pm,4pm,7pm and 10pm

and every after recreational activities.

 Custodians has different strategies and policies in handling the PDL like in conducting

headcount and instruct the PDL to remain in their line while the accounting in all dorms is not

yet done.

 Custodian is responsible for the key control of padlocks and other cabinets.

 The custodial personnel make sure that PDL are visible within the vicinity to observed proper

order and control of movement of PDL.

 During activities, custodial allowed PDL to attend only to numbers they can control. As per

warden, allow only those that duty custodian can supervised.

 There are CCTV cameras in front of dorm strategically placed to supervise the activities of PDL

to prevent any untoward incident.

 in commitment procedure there is a health protocol that is strictly observe before commitment,

like the PDL must undergone 14 days quarantine or must have a rapid antigen test.

 In release of a PDL, the Desk Officer reviewed and checked to make sure that the papers of

the PDL is complete and correct to avoid further problems.


The Carpeta of the PDL were arranged alphabetically and sorted according to the date of

release. Carpeta is prepared as soon as the PDL is committed with the complete and original

documents needed. PDL’s are duly interviewed to have a reliable records filed.

There was also a suitable cabinet or drawer where the carpetas’ are being placed. The

profiles of the PDL were updated through the National Inmates Monitoring System or NIMS to

monitor their status and records. It is important that the admin personnel always checked the

records of PDL in the NIMS. During the release, the personnel checked and verified the pertinent

documents of the PDL if everything is attached to the Carpeta.


IWD implements the Therapeutic Community Modality Program (TCMP) which focuses on

the rehabilitation of PDL. They have activities like morning meeting, educational

services/literacy development, sports and recreation activities and religious activities. TCMP in

BDJ is very effective because we have observed the peace and order in the jail facility.

Morning Meeting is religiously observed in each dorm and pdl are participating well and Its

helps a lot in their development.



The Paralegal unit verifies the authenticities of the court and monitors the PDL’s cases and

take appropriate actions to qualify their clients for any possible early release.

Upon receipt of court order for trial, the personnel check the carpeta and update the concerned

PDL. The paralegal officer entertains the questions of the PDL especially before going to court for trial

about their cases and also answers the queries of their families on what legal papers they need to

submit. The paralegal officer will inform the immediate family of the PDL ahead of time when the

release papers of PDL is already complete and ready for release. This is done so that the family can

fetch the PDL and serve as a witness to transfer the liability of the PDL to their families.


The kitchen area of Bansud District Jail is big enough to accompany the food preparation of

current jail population. It is clean and organized that equipment can be easily located even without

supervision. Raw foods are properly stored like the sacks of rice are piled up. It was also observed

that there is a separate box with lock for safe keeping of sharp objects such as knives and scissors.

The food they served was nutritious and adequate to the needs, health, and religion or beliefs

of the PDL. The distribution of food is always ahead of time so that the Jail Aids/Expediter can

distribute the food in all 8 dorms evenly and fair. After the distribution, every dorm has a kitchen crew

whose task is to serve and secure the food in an orderly manner.


At the time of our Jail Immersion no special cases for treatment is present as they consciously

observed COVID-19 protocol to preserve and protect Personnel and PDL from the virus to spread and

get in contact. All personnel and PDL practice the proper wearing of Personal Protective Equipment

(PPE) as they go on and off their duties. Bansud District Jail devotedly and giving their best to keep

the facility free from COVID-19 pandemic.

During our Jail Immersion, the jail nurse provides health education to those PDLs with

health concerns such as High Blood Pressure and Diabetes for them to be aware of their health and

food intake. They were also advice to observe proper hygiene, observe physical distancing and

instructed to wear their face mask inside and out of their dormitories same as the personnel.

To lessen their boredom, recreational activities such as film showing, games, outdoor

sports, Zumba dancing and livelihood activities are being offered by the management to maintain their

good mental and emotional health status.


The Intelligence Officer gather information from the informant from each dorm to get the latest

updates on the activities of other PDL especially if they are forming groups that can lead to jail

disturbances and plans of escape. Intelligence officers have decoded cryptic messages, read

numerous letters and listened to hours of monitored/recorded PDL telephone conversation as a

means of uncovering information critical to solving crimes committed both in the community

and inside Jail facilities. As observed due to the pandemic, functions of intelligence officer are

presumed by a duty desk officer.


Jail investigation personnel are responsible for information gathering and facility inspection

after the conduct of greyhound Operations to ensure that the items confiscated were not returned

inside the facility. There are no major disturbances or incidents happened in Bansud District Jail as

well as escape that is why the work of the Investigation Officer is less. The Investigation Officer is not

only investigating the root cause of a problem but also assisting the Deputy Warden and the Warden

in the decision making. They investigate any violations of policies, rules and regulations implemented

by the jail administration.


The JIP experience is worth the time, effort and hardwork. The short period of time that we

have spent in Bansud District Jail teach us how hard and dangerous our duty. The experience we

have gained open our minds about the nature of our work

We learned how to interact with the PDL and how to interact with our colleagues and our

superiors. This is an important and fruitful experience for us for we gained the knowledge on how to

manage the different behavior of PDL.

JIP experience boosted our confidence specially in handling PDL. We observed that a jail

officer must not show any weaknesses because it is an oppurtunity for a PDL to attack you physically

and emotionally. It developed our own discretion/timely decision making. Jail Immersion Program is a

very big help to us as a young Jail Officers who are just starting to enter in the real world of

safekeeping and development.


We the Trainees humbly recommend the following improvement for the Jail’s Operations as


 Higher perimeter fence and a secondary fence.

 Additional personnel and/or manpower.

 Additional combat/barbed wires in all fences and spotlight.

 Fully operational and complete CCTV monitor

 Intensification of PDL’s livelihood products as well as development of marketing strategies

such as active participation to local exhibits, online promotion and word of mouth.

 BJMP Manual

 Course Hero – Homework Help

 Wikipedia


Rear Post

PDL Headcount and Banging of Grills

Greyhound Operation
Weekend Wrap Up
TCMP Morning Meeting

JIP trainees assist the PDL’s Morning Zumba


JIP Trainees Assists The PDL’s Sunday Mass


Body Frisking and Handcuffing of PDL’s Before Going to Court


JIP Trainess Joined The Program Mother’s Day Special And Feeding Program
Admin Office

Visiting Area / Activity Area

Gate post/Desk

Sally Port
Rear Post

Kitchen Area
Quarantine Dorm for PDL


Hand washing Area

Response Team Post

Quarantine Area For Incoming Lockdown Personnel

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